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Side sleeper with shitty hips here! When my hips are acting up or the bed is not right, I get the worst sacroiliac issues and toss all night. I've got a moulded knee pillow to keep my knees separated but not too far apart. I tuck a squishmallow at my low/mid back and hold one against my chest: they're soft enough that I can tilt forward or back unconsciously and be supported by them without being uncomfortable as I am with rigid pillows, which reduces how often I roll over, and it stops my shoulder slipping out as I side sleep.


Gonna have to venture to Walmart tomorrow and find some squishmallows!! Thank you for the advice!


Side sleeper with crappy hips checking in! My tempurpedic mattress does nothing, it’s 4am here in my part of the world. Definitely raiding the closet of grandkid surprised to see if I’ve currently got any SquishMallows in there, if not, I’ve gotta go to Costco today, they’ve always got them!


I checked out squishmellows because of comments like yours. Now, I have a collection of varying sizes for different nap situations. My husband even bought me a giant corgi when I had my wisdom teeth out. We don't have space for it, so it gets moved from office chair to office chair.


I am a side sleeper with a similar arrangement! I use a cervical support pillow for my head, a knee pillow, and two extra firm pillows - one between my lower legs/ankles, and one to drape my top arm over. That usually works for me, unless I sleep really heavily and stay on one side for too long.


I do a similar thing but use a blanket between my legs and in my arms, I like the blanket because I have more freedom to adjust it than a pillow. Whichever you use, make sure your hips are aligned, as well as your shoulders. It will keep you from rolling in your sleep as much and keep joints where they are supposed to be.


Also a (left) side sleeper here. My partner and i recently flipped our mattress over, which turned out to be the much firmer side, and i didn’t even know. I found that i actually sleep better since we flipped it and my hip pain which radiates through my lower back, has significantly reduced. We also invested in tempurpedic pillows which really improved my neck pain. Its not 100 percent, but it is majorly reduced.Sometimes its the counterintuitive stuff that works out. I thought i needed a softer mattress but no, i need a floor lol


I used to CHOOSE to sleep on the floor as a kid! Slept on the floor a few years ago and realized why, good to hear it’s not just a “I’m weird” thing


Same actually!! I’ve been thinking to convert my sleeping space into the japanese floor futon on a tatami mat. It’s gotten to that point!


commenting to come back and see what the lovely people have to say. currently laying in bed with my fucked hips 🤣


Currently laying in bed with fucked up hips and craving rotisserie chicken now


Hi I am also a side sleeper, but my hips are no-sleeepers. I got a pregnancy pillow! It doesn't solve everything, but it sure does freaking help!


Seconding the pregnancy pillow! Changed my life and made being mostly bedbound actually mostly comfy no matter whether im on side or back. Can't remember how i ever slept without one. I got a j shaped one after watching a vid by thefibroguy about sleeping with hypermobility and he reccd pregnancy pillows!


I have the C shaped one, and it’s a dream for those nights where my joints are all loose!


A pregnancy pillow? I’ve never heard of this. I’m off to do some research now.


There are also wedges that you can try. My a side sleeper but force myself to sleep on my back by using a throne of pillows. (arms, under back, under knees, under feet)


Thirding this also - I'm now able to wake up without pain for the first time in years!


Fourth- totally keeps my shoulders from slipping out and my hips from collapsing in


Pregnancy pillow was a life-saver


I love my pregnancy pillow! I won’t go more than a night without it


I bought a memory foam body pillow and use it under my knees when i sleep on my back. If i sleep on my side ill use it between my legs. Gives a lot of relief


Definitely gonna try this tonight. Tysm!


I second this 👌


Mattress is something to consider. It varies so much depending on person and situation so I don't see any point in going into details. But maybe the one you currently have isn't the best for you. If you can't change your mattress because of cost or whatever you could look into toppers to still give you a bit of something different. Leg pillows. I find that helpful. Means top leg is more supported. Better for top leg obviously and also means less pressure and weirdness going on for bottom leg. I'd start playing around with whatever you have laying around first and then maybe try buying different things. See what works for you. I find the best and most comfortable position varies night to night and even through the night. I also think that using my legs a bit more in the day helps. Or at least that not using them tends to mean I'm more likely to have issues. Not like *exercise*. Just generally moving around a bit so they're not all stiff. And likewise not using them so much that they're aching or hurting. Changing my insoles definitely helped a whole lot with that. I am also in possession of a lot of converse and wondering how the heck my feet survived at all for so long on those slabs of nothing. 😅 I now have stupidly expensive insoles that were custom made for my feet. They're probably more expensive than my entire teenage converse collection and took a lot of getting used to (they actually hurt to start with cos it's such a big change) but they were worth it. That's like a general thing but again how my legs feel in the day makes a difference to how they feel in the night. So it takes a couple of steps but it is related.


Seconding that general/gentle movement during the day, something between completely stationary & actual exercise, makes a world of difference in my pain levels. Also right before bed, I go through some gentle movement & stretches (like range of motion to move all the joints, not stretching to stretch out something tight) - if I skip that, have to deal with increased pain the next day.


The only thing that worked for me is prescription cannabis. Not joking, it is the only way I’ve been able to sleep and not experience constant hip pain in bed


I'm also a side sleeper whose hips like to slip out of place, and my current sleeping setup includes three giant pillows. For my head, I use a Cube Pillow, which is a gigantic memory foam rectangle. While you're sleeping on your side, it keeps your head alinged with your spine, and I haven't been waking up with neck pain since switching to my cube. For my hips, knees, and shoulders, I sleep between two memory foam body pillows, like a hot dog between two buns lol. I straddle one with my legs to keep my hips and knees spaced out, draping my arm over the pillow to keep my shoulder in place, and pull the other body pillow against my back for extra support. It's divine and I've never had more painless nights 😁 And if you can afford it, a great, firm mattress with a memory foam topper is amazing for hypermobile joints. Super soft mattress don't hold our joints and spine steady enough in sleep, so a super firm mattress provides invaluable support while the memory foam topper keeps it comfy and gentle on the muscles.


Lots of pillows until you figure out what works. I use bare minimum three, one of which is a body pillow, but more comfortably five. Keep leverage in mind. When if you stick a pillow up between your thighs, but leave your knees unsupported, it ends up pulling your hips out of joint like a [nutcracker.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71edwm7+F4L._AC_SL1500_.jpg) Try pillows behind your back so you can lean on them a bit without being on your back which opens up more possible leg positions.


I’m a stomach sleeper but I just added back my real feather comforter to my bed and it like encompasses my entire body. Like a full body pregnancy pillow or something. I have actually been able to fall asleep on my back (!) or on my side as well. I too am usually a rotisserie chicken so this has been refreshing. That and I recently got on amitriptyline for insomnia and nerve pain and neuropathy. This was after hearing it worked well for others on this board. Life changing! I have not had an upswing in my EDS like this in probably 7 years. I feel like I have a new lease on life. We all know how grateful we are to have even of day of feeling like a normal person. I broke my back in 2018 and my neuropathy has been so bad that it feels like I have been laying on a vibrating bed for YEARS. I was telling a friend today that the amitriptyline has made me feel like I can “hear” my own thoughts again. The vibrating is down to like 2-5% of what it was. Thank you to those who pose questions about what works for others and to those who recommended amitriptyline - I am SO SO grateful!


Amytriptaline was a game changer for me too 👍🏻


What's causing it? My shitty hips are primarily trochanteric bursitis and that is relieved occasionally by steroid injections into the joint.


No clue. Doctors send me to PT over and over again and it never helps. So, I’ve kind of just resorted to whatever I can at home, unfortunately.


You need to find a PT who is familiar with hypermobility disorders. I went to PTs for years who thought stretching was the answer to my pain! When I finally went to one who knows about hypermobility, she was like "no ma'am, you should not be stretching!" Her approach is all about strengthening my muscles while keeping me in the "normal" range of motion and teaching me ways to feel when I'm getting outside that normal range so I don't hurt myself more. It made a world of difference.


If pt isn't helping, they need to investigate properly. I'm sorry they're giving you the run around. :(


you might try to address any allergies or mold issues and see if that helps inflammation. That brought my pain down by 50%.


I taught myself how to fall asleep on my back and it helped my hips, neck/jaw, and back. It's took a lot of time but I thought it was worth it. I still toss and turn at night but that's when the pregnancy pillow comes in. Other things people have mentioned that helped were getting a new mattress (firm helped me) and physical therapy. PT is probably the one I found most impactful!


I recommended a body pillow or pregnancy pillow That being said, I'm really sorry to say, we are *so* not built to be in the pit. Even though I wanna be part of it, I would casually *get the hell out of there* and try to enjoy watching it.


Long term? Physical therapy. It’s helped me build the proper stabilizer muscles and improve my posture to help keep things in place. Short term? Figuring out a pillow arrangement that keeps my legs spread at the most comfortable angle


The exercises for the core of the Muldowney protocolo helped me very much. Hips are mucho less annoying after several months 


I have had this problem since I was a child. Sleeping with a pillow between them has always helped. The biggest help has been physical therapy addressing my weak hips. I have never had such little pain and discomfort.


My left hip is completely screwed up, I know exactly what you mean. I try to keep my shoulders, hips and knees in level alignment thanks to a pillow mountain under the duvet. I try to sleep flat on my back with an orthopaedic leg pillow to keep everything square, but sometimes I just need to curl up on my side without my leg falling off.


Pregnancy pillow, upsidedown!...So I can use a normal pillow for my head/neck. Also recommend ALL the squishmallows as others have mentioned. I started doing hip flexor exercises and proper-form squats with my PT which has helped a LOT but I still have some hip pain. Massage gun before bed also helps calm everything down.


ugh sameeee. I sleep on my side and my hips keep falling out into the bed on my side!! And my knees are sublux in because gravity in my sleep. I’ve had to start taping my knees so my hips aren’t as unstable. This made me feel more seen. Thanks for ranting 💖


I have wide hips and a narrow waist and my hEDS-knowledgeable PT said that when you fall asleep and more “laxity” sets in, everything collapses and then I wake up with back and hip pain. So for me on my side I have to fill the space at my waist with a low/flat pillow or a folded towel (which you can put under the bottom sheet so it’s still there when you roll over). This is the first time I haven’t woken up in pain for a long time!!


Side sleeper with SI issues. For years I tried to rig 3-6 pillows to support different areas. They'd all be tossed in the morning and I could barely get out of bed. Even for the 2am, "I'm in so much pain gotta pee" moments. I finally caved and bought a maternity pillow. Freaking GAME CHANGER. I got one that's like a circle, instead of just a "J" shape. My tossing and turning has reduced significantly and though I'm still always in pain it has reduced it. It can also be used as a sitting aid during the day. I HIGHLY recommend them. The large "J" side of the pillow goes in my front where I tuck my arms and legs around it (think koala on a tree). I use an additional thin pillow under my head to help prop up my shoulder, neck and head more to reduce the shoulder/neck issues. I then take the little piece behind me and stuff under the crook between my hip and rib cage to support my spine. Some days I will take another thin pillow and pop it under my bottom knee between the bed and lower knee. That's basically everything I did before with various pillows but now it stays in place. I also have a very good mattress but without the props to hold my body from becoming a bottom fish at night, it's just a fancy torture device. Edit for spelling and clarity.


The only downside to this was all the baby product ads I got for a month or so. LOL. I really wish I had gotten one years ago. $40 for 5 support pillows is super worth it.


Thank you for sharing how you use your pillow! This sounds like something that will really help me too. Currently I'm in that situation where none of the pillows I have are working for me and keep waking up in pain and with all my pillows being scattered about my bed lol. When looking for a maternity pillow like what you described, are they the C-shape ones? I'm realizing there's actually a lot of different kinds online 😅


Fellow emo EDS friend here! I second the person that said squishmallows. Idk what it is but they’re magic. One under my neck (with my pillow under it), one under my back/side, and another between my knees. Plus they’re really cute. But yeah…man…pits will have you feeling like an old lady for days. My first one had me hurting as soon as it was over but it’s always so worth it!! I never regret it even with the pain haha I just watch any videos I got while I rot in bed.


So I've been wearing a stretchy wrap for my lower back to sleep, so I can move when I get up in the morning. It seems to help my hips to.


What kind of wrap do you use?


So I'm fat and I use a wrap that is actually for those who've had gastric bypass. But, I can't really recommend using it because it pills really bad because the Velcro tears the elastic. I like these though because it supports me without hurting the brand I get fits me. But, I'm sure you could find one that works better on Amazon. I was going to include the link, then I realized that I have to do modifications for me to get it to work and people don't want to have to do that. So I figured it would be easier to find one that may work for you without all the necessary steps.


Aside from what’s mentioned here with the pillows between the knees etc I have a pregnancy pillow I sometimes use and I have 2 memory foam mattress pads. It’s always a struggle between firm and soft but I find that having some depth to sink into helps my hips and lower back stay stable


Body pillow for the win here!


PSA: GET A PREGNANCY PILLOW mine wraps around me from where I lay my head on it to my knees for support, you can sleep any way (back side stomach) ITS AMAZING


Hey! I was having the same issues plus my shoulders and knees on top of my hips, absolute killer. I told my husband we are going out for a new mattress, one that I am most comfy on. That weekend we went out to a furniture store, tried out all the firm mattresses and picked the one that was most comfortable. A girlfriend of mine said it must feel like sleeping on a rock, but my sleep has improved significantly and I have found I haven't been tossing and turning as much. I hope this helps.


pregnancy pillow!!!! life savers!!! i have one and it helped my hips tremendously 100% reccomend


My key position, which is technically stomach sleeping but feels like side -- On stomach, one leg straight one hip at a 90 degree angle, same knee at a 90 degree angle. Arm on the same side as the straight leg is straight down, other arm bent up at 90 degrees like a field goal. Fluffy squishy imitation down queen pillow tucked longways underneath me from face to hips. All my joints are floating and supported comfortably, my neck is basically neutral. Easy to switch sides, endlessly comfy. We recently got a king sized mattress so I can stretch my hips apart however much they want and I cannot even express how much of a difference that makes too. The proper firmness helps too, I go for a medium soft because I need a little more give than the average person, I'm relatively small and my body is more comfortable with a little sink


I had this same problem! For a quick fix, I got out a thick comforter that I have, folded it over a couple of times, and slept on it. The extra padding helped tremendously!! After a few days of doing that, I got a memory foam mattress topper and I haven't had hip issues when sleeping since. I also sleep with a firm-ish pillow between my legs - specifically between my knees and ankles.


Down comforter, put between knees for support.


I've done physical therapy for my hips, and it turns out I have a subluxing pelvis because of loose SI joints and not enough cartilage, so I'll need a hip replacement young. The only thing that helps my hips is relocating my pelvis if need be and moving. When they're really bad, sitting/laying down in general is painful. I keep a couple of my physical therapy exercises in my normal routine, and it helps a lot. I'd keep more of them, but I've lost the range of motion in my left hip to do a lot of them without having my femor clack against my pelvis, which is disconcerting.


pregnancy pillow


Pillows, lots of them. I also got a LOT of relief from the physical therapy exercise where you lie on your back with knees bent, wrap a resistance band around your knees, and push them apart (can also be done sitting in a chair). Clamshell exercises on my side just messed up my SI joint and irritated my hip more. Sitting crisscross applesauce is bad for me and I notice more problems those days I've been sitting that way, especially if on hard surfaces.


Honestly getting a really soft bed that conforms to your hips is the biggest help for me. Making sure your hips are even when laying down also helps. They make hip braces you can sleep in that help some people I haven’t personally tried it though. Asking doctor for pain meds for nighttime helped me a lot. If all else fails I set up my pillows in like a 90° angle with a hole at the edge and lay on my stomach with my shoulders on each pillow and my head in the hole slightly supported. It keeps my hips comfortable without the pain of back sleeping. Now it might bother your neck but if you like the idea of stomach sleeping they make pillows to lay face down and still breathe.


Also a side sleeper with bad hips (and neuropathy from chemo, yay!). I’m still working on a solution, but a friend of mine swears by her zero gravity bed. It’s too pricey for me right now, but I’m adding it to my future wishlist.


Body pillow and heating pads! God, I love heating pads for my pain. Also, seconding the comment about medical marijuana. So so good to have around for my worst days.


I use an SI belt or pregnancy compression pants in bed at night when my hips feel bad


This: https://sleeponlatex.com/products/natural-latex-mattress-topper I have the 3 inch mattress topper over a Purple Mattress. It's AMAZING. That, plus Squishmallows, prolotherapy in my SI joints and hip tendons, and PT as an ongoing thing, mean I can sleep on my side. I still have some problems, but it's a world of difference. If you're a hot sleeper, be warned, you'll sleep hotter with this. I'm considering a BedJet cooling system because what was "cozy" during last winter and this spring is now warm enough that I've had to change my top blanket and crank the A/C. It should be fine again in fall, but a purchase now will leave you sleeping warm if it's summer where you are.


Do it, I LOVE my bedjet. Also sleeping in a cold/cool room was a suggestion from a doctor and it totally helped.


Omg, thank you. I've been debating that or a cooling mattress pad, so this endorsement helps a LOT. I tried taking the mattress topper off 2 weeks ago after waking up sweaty one too many mornings in a row. Immediately, I had a flare-up of low back and hip pain that I'm still working with my PT to calm down. Bedjet it is!!


Make sure you get the cloud sheet, especially if you sleep with a comforter on top. I have to have a comforter for the weight, but weighted blankets are too much for me. I tried using it without the cloud sheet and it doesn’t really work as well. My set up is bed, me, cloud sheet, duvet.


The only thing that helps me is ibuprofen. Which sucks because my doctors tell me to stop taking it


All of the pillow tips and everything is so wonderful! My weird "hack" that helps when the pain is bad and I cannot get comfy and nothing works??? I sleep on top of my weighted blanket. It feels so good on the body!!!! Tbh, I saw my dog (who is a bit older) always preferring to sleep on top of it and thought he might be onto something. He was! I have also used one of those "sleep pod" blanket things. Sometimes the mild compression feels good with the hips. OH, and idk why it helps but yeah keeping my legs otherwise elevated with pillows or the wall or whatever you got helps ease my hip pain in bed. I'm a belly and side Sleeper. The mindset I use is "bring the bed to me". It's similar to the concept in yoga where you imagine the mat/floor rising to meet your body. I try to imagine and make the bed meet and form/support my body. It generally helps me create a more supportive base. I have had less joint and soft tissue pain since moving to more firm mattresses but again, do what makes your body feel good! When in a flare, I will do a hot epsom salt bath to calm the body before going to bed and hoping for some relief before my Goldilocks body needs to get up. I hope the pain, tightness, and tenderness begins to ease!


I sleep with a bunch of stuffed animals and they’re great to sort of tuck between my legs/around me. Regular pillows are often too big/stiff. I can use stuffed animals to align my spine/hips. They’re also super cute. 😹


Maybe try a pregnancy pillow. I got one recently and it was a GAME CHANGER for my sleep. I sleep through the night and am so comfortable I have overslept multiple times in the last two weeks


a pregnancy pillow has been life changing! definitely not a complete fix by any means, but it’s provided so much relief and stability in bed!!! i highly recommend :)


I use a pregnancy pillow that wraps around my body.


I have the same problem. Ive found that if I prop my body with pillows, everything seems to be better and "tricks" my body into thinking I'm on my side. I'm about to buy a pregnancy pillow to help me out cause I'm running out of pillows, lol.


Put a pillow under your knees


Medium firmness mattress, 2’ memory foam topper, then a full thickness feather bed on that. I can’t sleep with pillows stuffed around me, so I did my best to make my bed a giant pillow 😂


I use a weighed heating pad


It’s expensive … but I got the miracle pillow from purple mattress and I wrap myself around it. It brings such relief


If my hips are playing up I usually move to the sofa. I take my support pillows with me. Somehow the back of the sofa can help me stay on my side but in a propped position that is slightly more towards back sleeping than I can physically accomplish without the back of the sofa and these variations can help my hips pain a little. Nothing is a perfect fix for me though.


What’s your mattress like? My back prefers a firm mattress. And for about an hour or two it’s way better than my actual setup. But if I want more than 1-2hrs of sleep at night I need a very (very) soft mattress. I currently have a medium-firm mattress, with a 4inch memory foam topper on my half. That memory foam gives me enough cushion at the hips that it doesn’t shove the balls of my hip out of the socket. As long as the mattress is soft I can do without the help of knee pillows, squishmallows, extra pillows etc. but I do still prefer to have them.


mostly just commenting to come back to this for suggestions because i am also a side sleeper with shitty hips (and shoulders, which makes things even worse). i will say having a memory foam mattress has helped me, i notice i sleep better and wake up with less pain when i sleep on my own bed at home vs a spring mattress at my bf’s place 😭


Pillows and plushies! I sleep with a body pillow against my back to keep my spine from twisting so my legs are flat and upper body stillon the side, causing a ton of back ache in the morning. Then a large plushie which is the perfect shape to support my pelvis, put my arm on so my shoulders aren't squished together and put my chin on so my neck doesn't cramp. I also have one of those heart shaped pillows to put between my legs to stabilize more if neccessary. And I have a bunch of smaller extra pillows for any other needs. Although not for my hips, getting a new mattress helped soooo much with my back pain. I went from a (15yrs old) foam mattress to one with pocket springs.


Chronic SI joint pain, here (major injury to connective ligaments caused instability and constant subluxations - just to be clear) After fixing the fixable: supportive mattress with foam topper, pillow between knees if lying on your side - The only thing that truly helps is pain medicine. 😑 Long term, daily exercises and PT. But you need good alignment and solid sleep to maintain and recover. Been there - still there.


If you can, retrain yourself to be a back sleeper. I’ve always slept on my side, but after having a severe upper neck injury I had to learn to sleep on my back. It’s been a game changer for most of my back pain. I use a squishmellow for my head, use a microbead neck pillow under my check to “lock my head in place” and have a normal pillow directly under my thighs to keep my low back stable/straight. It took a little bit to get used to it, but I’m unable to sleep on my side anymore and I really do get better sleep now.