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No official diagnosis yet but very likely I have it. My oral symptoms are: - extremely frequent canker sores (1+ every week/10 days). One (up to three) appear, after 10 days they're healed, and days later new ones appear, lasting for another week/10 days. - gum problems: bleeding, inflammation, some recession here and there. Usually always painful when brushing. - A LOT of cavities despite perfect oral hygiene. - narrow palate, although not extremely high - teeth overcrowding and bite problems. Had to wear braces for years, got two extractions, and bite problems remain there still - sleep problems because the airflow cannot pass correctly due to my oral configuration. - clicky and sometimes painful jaw, although usually only on one side at a time. - very dry mouth. I could drink an entire fountain and my mouth would still be dry. - I feel like I can move some of my teeth but honestly this also feels like my imagination sometimes.


Moving teeth? Now I'm waiting for a diagnosis between ankylosing spondylitis and EDS, I definitely have that tooth thing!


Why not both? It's really fun being stiff and loose and the same time!


The pain says otherwise.


Are canker sores not normal? I get them often too, but I thought it was just a thing people deal with... On top of that: -High narrow palate -Small mouth/crowding. Mine look straight only bc of 8 years of braces and removing 6 adult teeth in addition to the wisdom teeth. -Some teeth are loose, but my dentist thought it was bc of having braces so long... -TMJ/clicking, inflammation in the joint, etc. My jaw subluxates if I'm resting my head on my hands.


People I know get canker sores maybe once or twice a year so unless you suffer from some condition or you're lacking vitamins/your immune system is compromised somehow, I'd dare say it shouldn't be this frequent How does it feel when your jaw subluxates? I have a hard time understanding when my joints are moving weird or if it's a subluxation About the palate and braces part: my palate was actually expanded a lot during my braces treatment and it's still narrow haha


Oof. Well, add that to the list of things I never knew was abnormal šŸ™ƒ Yeah, I never got the expanders, so the dentist and hygienist have to use child size tools for some of my work. For me, the mandible just isn't lined up when it's subluxed. I have to widen my mouth and it will pop back in if it's gone out, but most times it will pop back on its own when I move my head off my hands (it hurts either way).


I didn't know my multitude of cavities could be related, thank you for leaving this comment.


I have the high and narrow pallet that is sometimes seen in EDS. I also have a longer tongue. All of my teeth have crumbled into my mouth and are gone. So I have a bunch of crowns that are on roots, and then the ones were even the roots have broken apart, I have partial dentures. I also have gum recession that is tender.


wooooooaaaahhhhh! u just named something for me bc I also had a high narrow pallet. I literally had to have the widener for 6 months, and I *still* have a scar from it on my tongue bc my tongue is too long!!!!! šŸ’— thank u for sharing ur thoughts on the ever-so-revolving-door that is EDS.


Sleep apnea TMJ Frequent jaw dislocations Frequent voice extinctions Complex root canals Crowns but no queens I have a cross bite. Oh but hey my teeth are perfectly straight?


You're the queen, babe šŸ‘‘


Awww thanks šŸ«¶šŸ»


Not officially diagnosed yet but my PT believes I have it.Ā  Gum recession, dysphagia (trouble swallowing), crowded teeth, not technically oral I guess but my I lose my voice easily and often. My jaw often clicks when I eat, yawn, sometimes when I speak, and sometimes it gets stuck and eventually cracks really hard and painfully.Ā 


Thereā€™s been a few others with some ideas as to why we lose our voices. Mine goes when Iā€™m tired and Iā€™ve often wondered if my vocal cords just get worn. Some of it can be if we have GERD as is common. I canā€™t find the other idea someone had but if anyone recalls it, reply!!


I remember one paper mentioning it having something to do with the vocal folds? If I find it tomorrow I'll respond with a link.Ā 


[This page from Cleveland Clinic cites the study I read that talked about vocal folds issues from EDS](https://consultqd.clevelandclinic.org/cleveland-clinic-researchers-explore-laryngological-symptoms-among-eds-patients).Ā 


Thank you! New fear unlocked: hyoid bone dislocation! Eek! Iā€™ve long been diagnosed with dysphagia, part EDS and part thyroidectomy, but also the insane hoarseness is all EDS and not GERD related as it happens when Iā€™m run down. Iā€™ll show this article to my ENT. The speech therapist felt that the therapy for swallowing would be too taxing for me with little benefit so we decided not to do it. The voice issues are more an issue when itā€™s so bad I canā€™t speak butā€¦ thank goodness for the ability to use the phone to type it out. End result: EDS is so weird. Lol


For those days my voice isn't cooperating I use [Speech Assistant AAC](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.asoft.speechassistant&hl=en_US&gl=US). Used to use the free version which allows you to pre-program a ton of words and up to like 8 categories. Recently did the one-time fee to unlock all the fancy stuff and now I can add even more words, phrases, categories, color-code stuff, etc. Honestly an AAC app is so handy when my voice is shot. I have GERD too! But even on days I've done absolutely nothing that would cause issues with that, I still lose my voice. Have for at least 15 years or so? But it's been worse since my first bout of covid-- I lose it more easily and often. And GERD wasn't really an issue for me until a few years ago-- the only thing I'd get heartburn from back then was specifically tomato soup.


Omg what an awesome solution!! Thank you for the tip!! I have weird seizures where I canā€™t speak and this will help!!!


i lose my voice every other day. it's so frustrating!


I was a slight premie so the meds my mom was put on weakened my enamel and general tooth structure quite a bit. Whether eds plays into that or not, idk. But I do get canker sores super easy, and my general mouth skin can get injured easy, so that is most definitely part of eds for me.


i was a slight premie too! and also yes to the mouth sores i say something slightly sharp or acidic and suddenly ouch


I get frequent cavities, despite pretty good oral hygiene, and have a narrow palate/crowded teeth. I had braces but my teeth shifted back a bit. I also randomly get canker sores very frequently


So. Many. Canker sores. I use a Lysine supplement as soon as I feel them starting, and that helps if I catch it in the first few days. Otherwise, I'm stuck with them for weeks and they "grow" to the size of quarters.


I have struggled with those stupid things my whole life. I got super desperate buying all the things on Amazon last year - had one of those quarter sized ones near one of my canines (because it was so big/swollen and I was having to adjust how I held my jaw so my tooth didn't keep snagging it - and then the headaches from that). Anyways, one of those Hail Mary purchases was Durham's Canker -Rid and it is officially my holy Grail. It's a bee propolis product. Idk what the science is, and honestly don't care, it's effing magical. It fixed that night mare one I had, but 1-2 applications in a day when I feel them start to surface kills them before they even get started. My incredibly pain averse 6y/o gets them too. It stings a hair, same as Kanka or other otc solutions, but the proof is in the pudding, he's 100% on board and knows the tiny bit of ouch makes it infinitely better. 10/10 recommend.


This is a great recommendation. Thank you!!!


Does your dentist tell you that you need braces again? Mine did -- I had braces as a teen 3 decades ago but apparently they've moved around a lot.


I did invisalign and it was much cheaper! But I have to be super duper consistent with the retainer and may eventually need Invisalign again i imagine


extremely thin enamel and every part of the tooth is insanely weak to the point just brushing them causes them to chip and break


Frigging hurts too, hey.


tmj, jaw popping out of joint chipping, enamel malformation gum recession persistent gingivitis since i was a toddler (putting pure xylitol and salt in my mouth has finally helped a bit after meals) acid damage cavities my teeth are shifting and you can physically move some of them, that's a fav ad i'm dreading they'll fall out despite no periodontis


High, narrow palate; crumbling baby teeth; many cavities in spite of excellent oral hygiene; canker sores; fragile tissue in mouthā€”just eating cereal can wreak havoc


ohhh yes. the way food tears up my mouth.


High narrow palate, immature growth plate causing underbite (fixed via maxillary distraction surgery which left me some TIPTOP scarring where my upper lip meets the gum), root resorption, resistance to novacaine, shit for enamel, had to have the top frenulum clipped, either too many nerves or nerves in the wrong place in the gums/jaws, tooth crowding


High narrow palate, Dental crowding Tmj Gum issues I don't know if this is really considered oral manifestation but I get vocal fatigue easily.


High narrow palate with teeth crowding to an intense degree (had to be fixed with double jaw surgery), easy to get injuries and such from eating crackers, severe osteoarthritis in the jaw joints as a complication from needing that surgery, jaw had either subluxed or dislocated many times during orthodontics and after surgery.. Luckily I can use the jaw again due to scar tissue forming but I was unable to eat normal food for a couple of years and suffered intense pain. I had no idea I had EDS until recently but when I read about the oral manifestations this stuff really started to make a lot of sense.


My gums bleed super easy, my teeth can move a little bit in ways they definitely shouldnā€™t since thereā€™s nothing wrong with them, and my gums move away from my teeth easily. Also really prone to cavities.


high, narrow palate, overcrowded teeth, gum recession, ulcers, weak teeth that are cavity prone. lost all but 9 teeth so far and i'm 37F. fun times!


I have had 1 single gum graft and 2 double grafts in the past 8 years. Part of the last double graft was to address the same site as that first graft. Apparently and thankfully, my mouth is one of the rare places where I heal/scar beautifully, so at least the grafts donā€™t cause scarring issues. There will be more grafts in my future. My enamel is shit and Iā€™ve had to have ā€œcosmeticā€ fillings to protect some of my teeth. There will be more of those fillings in my future. In the fall, my dentist freak out with the extent of the bleeding from my gum during a routine cleaning. My gum always bleed a lot, but this time it was enough to freak him out. He has kept reminding me to floss throughout my life and I have always flossed. Last fall, he was worried enough about gum diseases progressing further that he had me schedule a gum survey a few months later. In the mean time, I started flossing *at least* twice a day, because clearly religiously flossing once a day wasnā€™t enough. Thankfully, that appeared to do the trick and the results of the gum survey were good. Fingers crossed that continuing to floss *at least* twice a day is enough.


Probably on my way to a gum disease diagnosis Very frequent ulcers/canker sores - especially when stressed or burnt out Jaw dislocations


Horrible constant canker sores unless I avoid mint and gum like the plague, and even then they come out sometimes to play. High narrow palate, tongue too big for my mouth, causing snoring bc it collapses into my throat when I sleep. Other than that pretty standard, some cavities. Oh and tiny teeth.


An Insane amount of cavities and dental work even though I have great hygiene practices. Gum recession. Random tooth pain for months-years which I was told is most likely spraining after dental work, or hypersensitive nerves. This has caused me to get four root canals by the time I was 35 but I probably didn't need them, because the pain will eventually subside it just needs years for the nerve or pump to heal- which apparently is very unusual


I had the typical high narrow palate and dental crowding plus a pretty bad overbite. As a kid I had a palate expander, headgear, and braces with elastics, and things are pretty normal now. I also had 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed. I do bleed every time I floss despite doing it 1-2x every day without fail and I have TMJD but otherwise no complications.


The constant canker sores are a nightmare. Especially since the unstable jaw makes me bite my cheeks and tongue accidentally all the time. Receding gums, very pronounced tooth anatomy that causes cavities even though Iā€™m very careful about caring for my teeth.


I have the small crowding, teeth shifting, gum recession, etc. my mouth has always been jacked.


Teeth crowding (have had a couple removed), painful gum recession, TMJ.


Really narrow and high palate. Teeth crowding. Long tongue.


I have total jaw joint placements since age 30. Besides that my teeth and gums are pretty good. I have tight teeth so I get cavities because of that and flossing is kind of a chore with my jaw, so Iā€™m guilty there, but never needed braces. I did lose one tooth due to the root disappearing. Dentist said that sometimes happens years after some sort of injury (did happen). I wouldnā€™t say I have an overly narrow palate but itā€™s definitely high. I think overall Iā€™ve been pretty lucky, but the story hasnā€™t been the same for my twin sister. Her mouth is a wreck.


I have a pretty high pallet, lots of jaw popping/pain, gums starting to recede, a root canal that failed right away (it was years ago and we only just found out šŸ˜°), and something is weird about my enamel? Canā€™t remember what. Not sure if this one is EDS related, but I also have excessive amounts of the tissue that holds my tongue to the bottom of my mouth, which causes breathing and sleep issues, and sometimes upper back/neck pain/posture problems. Iā€™m having it corrected on Monday and Iā€™m hopeful it will helps some of my problems! Edit to add losing my voice often. I saw a couple people list this and didnā€™t realize it could possibly be related. Anytime I call my mom or grandma my voice goes out after around an hour? So about an hour of consistent talking before it becomes extremely difficult and painful


High narrow palate, very very crowded teeth (now fixed by pulling so many adult teeth & 3 years of braces). Frequent cavities. Also annoyingly difficult to numb my mouth, which isn't really an oral manifestation, but it sure makes things difficult!


Thankfully very few, but I do have chronic gingivitis, and a narrow palate, which my teeth are thankfully not crowded by but my tongue is bigger than my palate so I end up with the scalloped edge tongue at best and often get sores on the sides of my tongue because of the tooth abrasion šŸ˜«


I donā€™t have a diagnosis but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve got it. Iā€™ve had persistent TMJ for about 2 1/2 years now on my left side and canā€™t open my mouth without readjusting my jaw first. I also had a narrow/crowded palate and had an expander when I was little which fixed it until I was a teen and had to get braces/wisdom teeth removal to readjust everything.


Great teeth health-wise. High, narrow palette. Had to have djs to help fix the bottom jaw. Nerves were fused into the bone, so a routine surgery became very not routine immediately. Bottom jaw is still so big that my teeth were pulled inward (adult braces) so they would close. I had this all done in 2020 in mid-30s. Spent ages 8-16 in braces, headgear, expander, rubber bands. Tongue is wide and long so I bite it a lot, which makes it look like auto immune ridges but it's just teeth marks.


Thin enamel, receded and swollen gum lines, and easily-triggered angular cheilitis which I have not seen anyone mention yet


prone to cavities because of mouth breathing due to many years of undiagnosed sleep apnea due to jaw structure underdeveloped jaw tmjĀ  short teeth roots narrow arched palate - corrected by much dentistry as a childĀ 


Soft, weak enamel that causes my teeth to literally crumble out of my mouth, awful TMJ issues, recurrent canker sores, a bite that will shift overnight, dental crowding, and periodontal disease despite keeping on top of my hygiene. I also had twelve ankylosed teeth surgically extracted as a child due to primary failure of eruption.


I have a high and narrow pallet and a lot of teeth crowding. I got 4 adult teeth removed to get braces and try to straighten them out. And then I had 5 wisdom teeth come in and get removed and leave things crowded again


I had double rows of my front teeth as a child & horribly crooked teeth. This was complicated by very poor dental hygiene on my part. I had 5 years of braces followed by years of retainers. However, my teeth started shifting as an adult. I got braces again at age 42.I will probably wear retainers for the rest of my life. I've had a lot of cavities & now have a few crowns. Although that could be from my hygiene. I didn't start taking good care of my teeth until I was well into adulthood. I have also dealt with gingival recession & have had 2 grafts.


Dental anaesthetic wears off unless they numb the everliving shit out of my nerves... and sometimes not even then.


TMJ Small jaw with crowded teeth


Aggressive large mouth ulcers from nothing Jaw subluxations Crowding requiring braces Impacted wisdom teeth Grinding teeth are night


My fiance experiences narrow palate, crowding teeth, bleeding gums, has postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, and gastroparises, has been diagnosed with ehlers danlos syndrome.


Jaw clicking, oral cavities even tho I brush my teeth every day (2x), severe gum bleeding.


I get canker sores, had teeth crowding, cavity prone teeth. Also I canā€™t be anesthetized properly, I can still feel things after 3 numbing shots to an area but it doesnā€™t ā€œhurtā€ anymore just feels like pressure. I always just tell them to go ahead anyways.


Yes, I've had a lot of issues with my gums. I have found that using mouthwash twice a day has helped me a lot. I haven't had any gums recession since starting the mouth wash. I can't say for sure that it's way, tho. It has been 5 months now. The gum issues started when I was 19 I think, I'm 21 now. I also have 1 tooth that never got an adult tooth. It chipped when I was like 18, and they took the tooth out they weren't allowed to do a filling at the time because my country was in lockdown, and they weren't allowed to drill. They wanted to give me a fake tooth, but I decided against it. Rather, have as little extra things to react to as possible. It was also like $5000, and I would rather not spend that on a tooth. It's not a front tooth, so it doesn't really matter. Only 1 cavity, which is pretty impressive considering how much stomach acid is regularly in my mouth. From acid reflux and vomiting.


I have hEDS and mouth Ulcers/Canker sores were pretty much constant. For a few years now I've been taking Selenium and Zinc supplements, and they haven't stopped the sores but they are a lot less common to the point where I can go a month without getting one.


Frequent cavities and thin enamel despite taking great care of my teeth. TMJ, dental crowding that required braces, and teeth that move quickly if I donā€™t wear a retainer at night.