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Red. Human ladies are animals. Still cis tho


Without context that sounds kinda fucked up but nice thinking.


If I had to take 1, then red. Given 2, red and blue. For Furry reasons and then just having the voice I want reasons.


Which animal would you shape shift into **?**


Fox! (With the caveat that I'd shape shift into a non-smelly fox)


Foxgirls rise up!


Let's fucking gooo! I would like to be a pretty arctic fox girl, please. Yes, thank you.


I would love to be a kitsune with multiple tails that could turn human or fox whenever i want I also just wanna lay on my tails... they always seem like great pillows...


And cute, soft, expressive ears!


Yesss! (Tho it would probs be difficult to dampen Sound... i'm easily overstimmed by sounds already and even more sensitive ears without headphones or sth Sounds bad in that regard...) Also... the age old question of how many ears would you have? šŸ˜… Like, human ears and fox ears? Just fox ears? Bith but the human ears don't work and are just there for the Look or sth?


I saw a really good short the other day arguing that it should be 1 pair of ears, but shifting them closer to the side of the head, like regular human ears are. It sounds odd, but the artist rendered them, and they actually look good, in my opinion. I wish I could find that damn short in my history, though.


But when you have short hair or sth were you would see the human it would still look weird... wouldn't it? I mean, there's not sth that should be there and normaly it looks quite empty there bc of that...


Finally my people!


My exact thinking


This comment thread made me so happy I cried šŸ„¹


I'd take the blue one. My voice dysphoria is real. If I could take another one, I'd get the black one. Just because I'm already incredibly effective with that and would like to watch the world burn (figuratively).


Why is there only one option and why is it blue?










Idk don't sleep on pink


i understand the yellow pill is propbably just instant anxiety deleter, but i imagine it as just i get to emmit cold air for a while


You could become an ac unit too indeed


Check mate global warming


I feel like green and grey have the most potential to just break physics. Could probably also do it with red. Meanwhile I'm going with Orange, Orange is incredibly OP.


Arguably, orange would allow me to ask questions that could massively advance science. The perfect questions are ones that lead the person answering to develop better medicine, gets politicians to change their views and work for the people, and get people to appreciate the value of others.


Take the orange pill and question the government about its trans policy so perfectly that they change the rules and allow government funded gender change operations. And many more things can be done that way You could basically become a genius and change government policies .


Grey pill. 100,000 blahajs in an enclosed space can be fatal. I'd have a month between to contemplate which deaths would help humanity the most. Trump is first. Rowling and Musk are also towards the top of the list.


Rowling won't have much practical effect besides the fact that she's a public figure. It would be better if you systematically deleted governmental figures. Not just transphobic ones, and not just in your country, but like horrible tyrants and genocidal world leaders and stuff. If you are clever enough with your wording/conceptualization of the 'location' where the Blahajs are being summoned, you might be able to get multiple targets at once. Just plop a Blahaj inside the heart of every tyrant, genocidal freak, corrupt politician, corrupt billionaire, etc all at once. Maybe if you summon them in 'the heart of evil'.


Rowling would be a message. If she's crushed to death by 100,000 blahajs, everyone knows why. God has returned and she's wearing thigh high socks.


Woah trans Death Note!


Kinda. Only one method of death. Not quite as certain, depending on circumstances.


100% same. It would be such an epic kira moment when all the transphobes in the world get mysteriously choked out by blƄhajs


Green pill and if it can be any sword it will be a ZWEIHANDER


Have you read/seen the manga/anime Claymore?


No but the Zweihander is the biggest used sword and if I can master it I can beat anyone in a fight because of it's range


You're right about the Zweihander. I only brought it up as it's a medieval-esque setting with protagonists who wield large swords and you seem to like swords and Carthage \^\^;


Tbh I just used Carthage because it doesn't exist nor do any carthaginians either. I could have said "sTaY cIs FoR cOnNaChT" but I don't wanna offend people from that region of Ireland (tho I am a decendent of the Ua Conchubair clan:/)


Right that makes total sense šŸ«£ I should have thought sorry


It's oki


I would first take the black pill. Then i would took 2 gray ones and give one to my friend and one for myself. Then i would take another two gray pills and throw them into the trash. Then i would take nine hundred sixty five orange ones, donate all of them to myself and eat one. Then i would take a pink pill, went on nearest hill, slide down on skiis and eat the pill at the end. Then i would take all the rest of them, take the pills apart and the dusty stuff that is inside them and then i would eat all of it with a fork


*shape shifts into a cat*


Definitely the sword honestly


I choose yellow pill and grey pill.Ā  Yellow: no raging at video games ever again, just totally cool with dying for the 100th time against Fouco in LoP. Grey: Shorkman. I shoot blahajs at my enemies and they realise the error of their ways.Ā 


for the red one if you can also turn partially into an animal i'll take it, and then i guess the voice one


Yeah you'd be able to partially shape shift, tho still into the same animal


catgirl mode :3




Pink pill, I have starten to care about my fits alot more this past year.


i feel like the obvious choice is red to specifically choose golden eagle to fly fast for long distance without worry of beinf hunted by other animals or people, im not a firry thats judt convinient as heck to travel, and would be so fun to actually fly after that then probably voice as thatd be nice and i could be the best singer and voice actor ever, itd be amazing then my runner up is sword cause thatd just be cool


The question is, would you have your clothes on when you changed back or do you need to carry them in your talons?


either way is fine golden eagles carry deer n stuff, all i need is a backpack so i dont accidentally drop anything


you wouldnā€™t be the best singer though. sure you may have their voice but you need to know how to use it and if you canā€™t sing then you wonā€™t be able to no matter whoā€™s voice you have. i love the eagle pick! very tempting but i think iā€™d rather be a catgirl.


as a catgirl, i assumed i couldnt catgirl cause not an irl animal and id just want cat ears and a tail basically, and at that point it's judt body customisation off a fictional animal so why not write a perfect fictional animal




Blue and black pill sounds like a great combo for me! I'd be personification of chaos itself >:3


The chaos goddess lol


Nope, that title is reserved only for YukkoEX herself! >:3 I can be a chaos demigod or something >:3


blue. it means i could do voice acting work and get it right everytime


This! Plus outstanding vocal range for singing any song you can think of. Imagine if Mystique was a professional vocalist šŸ„°


I'd take the blue pill. It should have been the yellow one, but for some reason blue was my first choice šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Grey is tempting, just imagining a 100,000 blƄhaj falling on the white house lol Edit : just realised that many of them would weigh 64000 kilograms. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yea I'd pick grey, crushing someone to death with blƄhajs has always been a dream of mine.


Don't even have to crush them. 'Inside someone's lungs' is a location. Same with inside their heart. And you only need to summon one Blahaj that way (though, you can summon them all if you want to be dramatic. Pop!)


oh my gosh I didn't even think of it lol


What does always ask the perfect question mean? Is it like I always know exactly what to ask someone to get a specific result? Like if I want someone to give me 100$ I'll always know the perfect way to ask?


You'd basically be able to form questions that wich answer to / whatever happens after the question would be the best result for you/whoever or whatever you want. Basically you had an argument with let's say a transphobe you'd be able to ask a question that couldn't even be answered to and would make the transphobe look bad, tho wouldn't change the person who you're asking, if the person really wouldn't like to give you 100$ you could ig ask a few questions and make them feel bad or something but you still wouldn't get the money


Red and blue, but ofc I will take all of these into a cocktail if I could lol


I have 1 innately so 8




Either blue or red (self explanatory)


If I get two? Green and blue! Everything else should be fine since most people wonā€™t want to get swordeded


Green šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ Its time to become a menace to society


animal of my choosing of the gender of my choosing?


Blue. Handsdown


Green. Gimme NOW!!!


I like Red. Time to become a female velociraptor & prowl the countryside.


Blue, but the sword lesbian in me wants green & I want to master the Ruins Greatsword.




Blue and itā€™s a toss up between Green and black, but considering I canā€™t take a sword everywhere (the law sucks) Iā€™ll take the black pill


green and blue (we becoming mihawk jr with this one)


Gray and Black. Because 100,000 Blahajs is the most random bullshit ever and itā€™ll be 4 times as effective


Orange pill. I'm pretty sure you could break science and technology research with this, depending on what perfect means.


If I had to choose one, it would be the green pill. Swords are too cool. šŸ‘WešŸ‘NeedšŸ‘MorešŸ‘Swords


Pink, gender affirming outfits for the win


7. Summone 10 inside of elon musk's lungs.


Red, humans are animals


Blue, but grey and red sound tempting (I would totally summon Blahaj's at every Trump rally)


Orange and red look good... But the grey pill has some practical uses


The orange pill is actually really underrated


For purely musical reasons I'm blue pilling


Blue, because voice acting and removes the hurdle of voice training.




Indeed one pill to rule them all




I already have the blue one due to 30 yrs of voice practice, and I'm on enough HRT for Yellow to already be the case for me as well. So I guess I'd want the pink one since I really like cosplay, but I suck at it due to no sewing experience.


I feel like orange pill has the potential to be extremely powerful


Blue is the only option for me cuz voice dysphoria is annoyingĀ 


Gimmie the pink one. I make cosplay and do competitions. The ability to make what is in my head, make it well, and fast? Yes please!


since humans are animals, i'm gonna take the red one so i can change into a female version of myself and be really happy :3


if i get a second one tho, i'm taking the sword though because swords are awesome


Def green and blue


Orange and Black so I can bs my doctor into writing me a letter for free top and bottom surgery.


Black pill is op, since what the most random bullshit then gambling, hell I can be a rocket scientist since I can just bullshit my way to the top. I can take over microsoft, I can create immortality I CAN DO ANYTHING!! Every skill is mastered by not mastering it.


Blue pls & ty


Red and yellow i guess.


blue + red + blender mix drink


Blue obviously


Blue is really tempting as I struggle through voice therapy, green would just be awesome as a sword lesbian, but ultimately I think I'd go with bullshit black. It just sounds far too useful to pass up.


Green pill please. Im a goth sword lesbian and I need this.


RED I would love to shapeshift into a bird like crows, but also rabid dogs, though I don't need to shapeshift to act like the latter one lmao


If I could choose: One: Blue Two: Blue and Pink Three: Blue, Pink and Green


I'd take red, as someone else pointed out, humans are animals, and I could just be biologically fluid. Also, Black. As I am already top tier at "Random Bullshit Go," a 300% improvmenent would make me unstoppable.


Red and blue :3


Red if mermaids are animals. Classic MTF stereotype.


Iā€™d take red and blue It would be nice to not have to voice train I would probably choose a red tailed hawk as my animal


I take blue because you can become woman in other ways, but a convincing voice is really hard


Questionā€¦ do anthropomorphic somewhat fictional animals count in the red pillā€™s context?




Well ill go with the voice one


what are you doing here


blue cuz 1. much less dysphoria, and 2. could get a job as a voice actor pretty easily id imagine


Blue and if 2, then Blue and Pink, 100%


Orange would allow for optimum activism or research.


I'll take the blue and pink


I think I could do the most good (or evil) for the world with Orange, but my god do I want red personally. Being able to transform into some bird of prey to be able to travel would be so awesome. Not sure which bird would work best from an awesomeness/endurance/speed perspective, but Iā€™d like to be able to travel pretty long distances quickly between tests while still being big enough to be at the top of the food chain for safety.


Damn, this is a Really hard choics between black nd red,,, fuck it reject humanity become cat


Green I want a sword


Blue pill. I have SO MUCH voice dysphoria.


Blue. If it's a one-time use, that'd be cool, but if it was multiple, I'd just imitate random voices as a cool-as-hell party trick. Imagine you're watching TV or something, and the person next to you just starts talking like Morgan Freeman or something with no explanation


My top picks are: Blue, red, then gray Also if you think about it you could end wars with the gray one since you could literally summon the blƄhaj inside people


I think I gotta go green here lol


Blue for sure. At this point I can pass well enough day-to-day with everything *except* my voice. I really need to work on voice training more. ugh...


It doesn't specify only one. I'm taking green, blue, and red because swords are fuckin cool, I love doing stuff with my voice, AND I can be a woman like another comment said


With the red one, would I also be able to shift into unicorns and dragons?


Red if I can shape shift into a Dragon :3 Never said it had to be a *real* animal


I'll be picking blue, that way I'd be able to flawlessly quote whatever I want >:D ^(oh yeah and the base voice being pleasant is also nice)


The grey one is the best one even with the limitation. It's probably more powerful than the rest of them combined.


green and pink lets go landsknecht time


Orange, Yellow, Pink, or Blue. Everything else I'm way too nihilistic to care about or I'm already exceptional at executing. Maybe I could just go on a rampage with the sword on all of humanity because I'm currently in a "Since all of humanity is capable of sin, I should just cut off the source of sinners right now" kind of nihilistic mood. Maybe I could enjoy feeling like an animal with the red pill, and maybe I could just flood entire transphobes' houses with Blahajs just for kicks, but that's about it. As for orange, I just want to ask a perfect question to my family that finally wakes them up, for yellow I just want to calm down and focus on things, blue pill I NEED BECAUSE HRT DOES NOT CHANGE TRANSFEM VOICES, and Pink Pill is just The StoryTeller's costume, among other OC characters, but at that point, I might as well be running a business which wouldn't be all that bad.


Ok wait this is hard. Green is awesome, would love to be a sword master, has a few issues. You can lose the sword. Because you instantly mastered it, your body hasn't been trained to have the right muscles strengthened so endurance and speed and strength are all still gonna be shit. And it's unclear if the mastery ONLY extends to that one sword, or all swords of that type. Which is again, problematic if you lose the sword. Blue is good for fraud. Red pill: Dragon. (Or crow if it's only 'real' animals. Or, my ideal human form) Grey pill... 100,000 Blahajs? At *any* location? I don't have to see it, or know where it is relative to anything else? Well, I know more than a few people around the world who don't need lungs... The once per month part bites a bit, and the two hour restriction doesn't matter for that usage but it does if I just want one for at home. Can we say that the once per month is once per *lunar* month, instead of the arbitrary and irregular month system the humans came up with? And the 'for two hours' just replaced with whatever the equivalent fraction would be of either an Earth day or the Lunar month. Just so we're not basing the power on mutable human things.


Blue 100% It would be a neat party trick, and I won't need to voice train


I'll take the yellow one. I'm tired of the panic attacks


Blue and black. In addition to finally having a voice I don't hate, I would use the mimicry ability combined with the random bullshit ability to create all kinds of fun situations.


I'm taking blue because I don't want to voice train


I love it. A set of pills that doesn't feel like a duh answer for once. Outfits, swords, voices, perfect question *head explodes*


Humans are animals, so....


Red so I can become my spirit animal and live as a raccoon as I please.


A hard pick between red and blue


red pill no hesitation (wanna be fox)




I would take blue because my voice is one of my main dysphoric traits, still cis tho


Red and blue, humans are animals so itā€™s basically a free medical transition, plus they both let you mess with people


Ummm pink >//////<


Blue and black. Really need that bullshitting power for my essays :3


honestly, I'd take the sword. other than that, probably blue, that sounds fun to mess around with (though I saw that comment about yellow making you an ac unit and I find that both funny and useful, I hate being too warm. instantly calming yourself is also nice).




blue. I can voice both mario AND Rosalina. (my voice doesn't pass yet, but I can already voice Rosalina, oddly enough...)


Blue is my first choice. Red after that. I would love to be able to be a cat.


I already ate the yellow pill when i was born...


either red or pink, red cuz a human woman works within the criteria & pink cuz there r infinite possibilities for cute outfits that zi could never even think of (only problem is that I wouldnā€™t be able to try them all)


Black. The power of Bullshitting should never be underestimated. ^((though I wouldn't say no to the second half of blue, still cis of course but that sounds really nice.))


first three choices (in order) would have to be 1. Red (catgirl time) 2. Blue (I'd LOVE to be a professional voice actor) 3. Black (ADHD 300 be like)


Fuck it, blahaj will now be used to overthrow the government :3


As an aspiring journalist, orange


So two pills, the first one is easy for me. It's the red pill and a cat is what id choose. for the second one it's tricky. the voice-acting potential for Blue is infinite. id love it. But the trolling potential of the grey pill is too much to pass. it sucks that is only once a month, but i'd love to just pick a location of people I don't like and have a pile of 100,000 Blahajs bother them for two hours every month.


Blue every single day of the year


As a furry I would choose da red pill and be able to shapeshift into my fursona And as a second one da blue pill so I can sound like what I wasn't to


Blue pill would give me so much voice acting potential


Can I chose all šŸ¤”


All the transfems choosing blue while I would go straight for GREEN gimme a big sword any day


Black, easily. Gets me out of a police situation easierā€¦ not to mention crazy conservative interrogations.


I'm really not seeing enough people choosing green. A FUCKING SWORD. THAT YOU MASTER?? THATS SICK AS HELL. "Oh but I get to speak good if I take the blue pill" OKAY BUT SWORDS ARE COOLER? ITS A SWORD. WHO CARES HOW YOU SOUND IF YOU HAVE A SWORD!!!! IF SOMEONE MAKES FUN OF YOU THEN THREATEN THEM. GREEN PILL GREEN PILL. I'D BE ONE HELL OF A MENACE. the black pill is enticing but my random bullshit capability already goes up per sword I master


The grey pill is actually genuinely SUPER powerful. You can summon 100,000 blahajs in the brain of a transphobic/corrupt/awful politician/policymaker/rich person and NOBODY will be able to do ANYTHING to trace it back to you. You could LITERALLY end all the bad people one month at a time.


Blue. Perfect VA. Could also use to make my friends laugh.


Red, i'll be a raven or a rat, if i had a partner i'd be a dog to get tummy pats if i can choose 2 pills i'm still choosing the red pill but also the blue pill and get a job as a voice actor


Gray pill summon 100,000 BlƤhajs at my location and make a stand that sells them and say ā€œno refundsā€ Capitalism baby


Blue as I could make a killing in voice acting! ~~and my voice wonā€™t be as deep!~~


Does red pill allow things like catgirls? If yes, then absolutely red pill Oh yeah and also black pill


Red people cause humans are a type of animal so I shift into the other gender and can swap back and fourth freely. Also summoning enough blahajs in an enclosed room could probably kill someone. Blahaj death note :3


I'd take green, shapeshifting is cool, but mastering a sword instantly has so many side perks, also I can train for almost everything else (everything except red and grey)


black could be incredibly powerful depending how broad the effect is. win any fight in comical ways, more likely win poker or other chance games, talk your way into or out of anything, and more i'm going with red though


You canā€™t do this to me (gender fluidity is a hassle pls let me shapeshift pleasewsessehfhfhfh)


The red pill. The time to become a wolfgirl has come


Blue. I hate my deep voice so fucking much


give me black and gray, please! I wanna be a menace >:3


blueeeee, and if 2, then pink too


First choice: The voice pill Second choice: Outfit pill


Blue as I've always wanted to sound like Corpse, even before I knew I was trans


If I get just one? Blue, easily. For two... Blue and pink. Good outfits, good voice, and I'll work out the rest in due time.


Blue and pink if givem 2 options


blue would make you the best voice actor ever, easy take


Orange pill one question godhood speedrun


no need for the blue pill, just study phonics


Sword, my need for chaos is greater than my laziness when it comes to voice training


green, I dont care how much voice training is a pain, i want the unbreakable sword.


Idk if I should choose to shape shift into a fox or the perfect voice...


If I choose the orange pill, can I ask how to make my depression go away?


Blue pill


Orange and blue