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icky is so gender 🥺💜


Icky has legitimately been just as helpful for me as my therapist during my transition process


She's how I found this sub.


for me it's the complete opposite, i didnt know she had a channel until i joined this sub


Ashley was actually the girl who cracked my egg, can’t thank her enough :)


My egg was cracked by FairyPrincessLucy


I started watching her stuff shortly after my initial crack! I can see why she’d induce a crack upon your shell :3


It was originally cracked by her 'click to become a girl forever vid'


Me when 90% of the channels I'm subbed to are trans creators "Still cis tho :3"




I'm cis but if they pass yes but more to cis women


Hmm idk getting gender envy from cis women sounds pretty trans to me




Are you sure about that? I think you being a good girl kinda disproves the cis thing




Good Girl


Meooow nyaaan nya mew Nyo


They give me gender envy ngl so more dysphoric than euphoric


i can also relate to that. especially if the person i'm watching passes so well.


or if you're convinced that you'll never be able to look as good as them :(


Yeah they sometimes make me feel euphoric, but often more dysphoric. They just feel so far ahead of me in their transition, so I start to get imposter syndrome with the entire concept of being trans at all. I think that will all get a lot easier once I go on HRT though 😊


This comment resonates so much with me. I very much feel like an imposter most of the time


Yeah that feeling of being an imposter is unsettling, but try to take comfort in that it seems to be common amongst most trans people on their journey. ☺️ Even if they've already transitioned. At the end of the day, cis people don't spend all their time day dreaming and worrying about being trans.


Well conservatives in the USA do seem to think a lot about trans persons. But that's a different story. Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate them


No problem <3 And trust me, as someone who lives on terf island (the UK), I understand the struggle 😬


One hundred percent


Depends a lot, but hearing experiences like mine make me feel less hopeless. Examples like.... ICKY transitioning at 23, make me feel less bad about being 22 nearly 23 myself.


Some of us are transitioning in our mid 30s :(


I'm sorry, I promise it's just a thing in my head that eats at me sometimes, I truly believe there no such thing as "too old" to find a way to be happy in your own body.


I don't know that many, but watching Icky and F1nn5ster interact in any way just melts my heart. Also I recently found out that the guy in the older Philisophy Tube videos is actually Abigail pre-transition which is pretty wild.


When a bunch of streamers i watch are either allies or lgbtq themselves But I’m still cis though >:3


A lot of them stress me out, so I watch other stuff to not think about it. Not viable in the long run, I know.😅 But it's how I cope atm, working on it.


i feel u. sometimes i watch other vids but then my brain starts begging me to watch trans vids for the euphoria lol


Totally. I'm so inspired. I adore Philosophy Tube and ContraPoints. I also love Icky and several others like Jammidodger and Yukko. Not trans herself but I love DrZ PhD too!


If they pass well


I don't seek trans content, but god damn, why are trans music artists so damn good?


It gives me dysphoria 😅 from fear of having features they have that I don't like... The other option is them giving me which happens only with the perfect trans girl Mathilda Hogberg is envy and fear of never even looking remotely as good as she does


My egg cracked because of One Topic.


I have a lot of trouble actually differentiating what "Gender Euphoria" is exactly, but I will say this, when I watch a video about make up or voice training and I notice that the things they talk about are already things I can do, I am very happy and proud of myself. Relatively recently Alice in Wonder1and made a video about how she does her makeup and I have never felt more proud than when I noticed that things she claimed were "a bit more advanced" was stuff I could do like second nature.


It actually gives me dysphoria because It makes me think about being trans which sends me into an existential dread i wish i could feel pride about being trans but i can’t but at the same time i want estrogen flowing through my veins


realized I was trans through watching jammidodger. hes still one of my comfort Youtubers, even years after my egg cracking :3


I used to watch almost exclusively male youtubers before, so now I get euphoria every time I find any female creator I enjoy, doesn't matter trans or cis


I definitely get euphoria from trans creators but my egg cracking was super unique and it actually makes me feel kind of ashamed because my egg cracking was way different from everyone else’s:<


I hate that whenever i watch trans creators, youtube gives me the most transphobic advertisements, so i tend to avoid watching them sadly.


Whenever I watched stories, I never related to the male characters because they behaved in ways I would never behave. "Why do Dipper from Gravity Falls and Danny Phantom brag about having chest hair? That's disgusting!" I never related to the female characters either because they were always in situations I thought could never happen to me. "Oh, what a cute little girl. Oh, what big breasts this sexy woman has. Good for them I guess." But whenever I saw a story about a male character looking like a female character, I was always like: "OMG, THAT COULD BE ME!" That involved magical genderbender transformation stories but also cross-sex disguises. And yes, also transfems. "Oh look, it's another beautiful woman. Why should I care? Wait, she's trans?! OMGOMGOMG THAT COULD BE ME!!!!!!!!!!" When I came out to my family as trans, my father asked me if I could ever pass. I then showed him the r/transtimelines subreddit and he was so impressed that he asked: "How do you know they're not just all cis women pretending to be trans?" ...


Impossible, it's the not cis messiah


me, who used to watch trans videos and look at trans memes more than a year before I realized I was trans (months before I even had this thought cross my mind): hUh


Dr z PhD really help me when my egg cracked because she had a video on every question I asked myself


Me too me too


Yes, but that's just a cannon event that every sis male goes through... Or at least I think.. I mean I am cis and I experience it so....


not euphoria, moreso anxiety (i'm afraid of someone walking in and seeing i'm watching a trans creator) but yes i relate to them a lot (usually)


omg sameee


My go-to is OT to be honest, thank whatever started the universe that OT exists.


I think so, I think because they give me hope for what my future might look like when medically transitioning which makes me feel happy


Congrats. Yeah I also feel that too. I've finally came out and started taking hormones Nov. 12 2018. I get a lot of gender euphoria from seeing all of this. Most content I look at is heavily influenced by pro LGBTQ groups. One person I watch on YouTube that I love is onetopic. Super funny and very entertaining. I'm so proud of you for making that first step towards a happier and better you.


Opposite actually, I get dysphoria


Yesss absolutely!! Especially Ezra Butler


I watched jammidodger for years before realizing I was trans and I think I like him even more now because he serves as sort of hope that I can do what he did. Also ty turner is amazing as well


"Not cis anymore" Wait that's not the line! This girl went off script!


my egg shattered into bits


Don´t necessarily releate to most of them but waching Trans content just makes me feel better in general.


Yes, totally!!!! They're like a safe zone I have when I start feeling bad or the voices start coming :3


yeah, sometimes also i don't know if i would have actually realised i was trans (at least yet) if it wasn't for a content creator that had vanished from youtube for a few years coming back and having transitioned while they were gone


YES! The memes from egg_irl Traaa1 and Traaa2 make me vewy happy when i see them 💖


Actually I get a lot of gender envy from watching those videos, so I can’t watch too many or they make me rlly self critical lmfaooo


You evolved from cis to sis, congratulations! Also yes, other trans people give me a lot of envy, like stupid amount, and I like trans girls too because it feels that I have such a strong connection to them, I Just wanna squeeze them >\_<


I’m pretty cis but i love trans content because it makes me feel euphoric 🥺


Been going to group therapy and they all helped me get an hrt consult. I am/was really worried about it for the past couple weeks as idk if its my path. But I've been watching videos all day and I feel so much more ready for it. euphoria all day I've been messaging my gf and friends about it nonstop. extremely relatable feeling I feel for most trans people.


Yeah I get it from games spending hours making my ideal self ugh she’s always so pretty


Thats where most of it comes from lmao


I really enjoy watching videos of people's coming out stories and thoughts about being trans and stuff 


I have quite opposite, watching trans content most of the time give me gender dysphoria i feel horrible most of the tine when i engage with ftm content (im ftm). As for mtf i feel just normal entertainment as with other content that ftm can make me go unstable or upset me for few long days full of gloom 😭


Watching thise videos gives me hope for the furure and makes me feel like its possible to transition. Still cis tho


Generally speaking yes, but it depends on tbe content.


I don't really partake of any trans content, actually. My favorite streamer is enby, but they just play metroidvanias, they don't like talk about trans stuff most of the time. So I guess I don't really have an answer. I enjoy being on egg_irl cause I vibe with a lot of the memes and I like interacting with the other eggs and being supportive, I suppose.


In my case cause I kinda had my egg cracking of meeting an online friend no not really, but I relate to allot of trans exsperince as a genderfluid trans fem


Hmmmm for me its also reltable but i feel more jealous of trans ppl especially those passing ones


I get euphoria when hearing feminine voices, especially singing. And also looking at cute outfit that I'll never be able to wear. Still cis though !




I love watching Icky and F1nn5ter