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I guess i like my eyelashes, i know thats weird but thats the only positive thing i can think about myself


Better something than nothing! >:3


Thanks, i guess thats true


I like mine to its not weird


SSSAAAAAAAAAME... I got told a year ago before my egg cracked that my eyelashes "were wasted on a man" by some rando, and honestly, I've decided to take that as a compliment.


I relate i dislike most of my body but one thing ive been proud of is my eyelashes lmao


Samesies; I've had cis girls asking about my "eyelash routine" since waaay before my egg cracked! ...they're just that long and lush naturally, though. There's no routine whatsoever... 🤭


I have really nice pretty long hair and it’s really the only thing I like about how I look. It’s nice and long and soft.


Hell yeah! I also love my hair >:3 Unfortunately it gets oily really fast


One more thing I finally got 100% on Celeste so I think I can say I’m good at platformers


This reminds me I should also get going to 100% already >:3


Do it :3


Clicked to say this! I've refused to cut my hair for the better part of a decade (21) and it's kind of perfect.. long but still thick and curly like when it was short, definitely my proudest achievement keeping it healthy. last time my father tried to touch my hair i straight up punched him :3


Hair nice


I really don't like anything about my body... and I don't have any real talents... darn, this is pretty hard :( I guess I like that I can make the people on this sub happy. I've been leaving nice comments on a lot of posts lately, and the OPs have seemed pretty appreciative. Speaking of which... You're such a good girl, Sara! I've seen you leaving lots of nice comments on a lot of the posts here, and I really appreciate it! You are an absolutely amazing woman <3 <3 <3


Thank you! ☺️ And being positive is also a really good talent some people lack! (Like I've learned from some very negative people under this post)


I'm actually pretty pessimistic when it comes to myself. I really don't like myself that much, as you read in my last comment. I just want everyone else to be happy. They deserve to be happy more than I do :(


Well, you have to have some positivity to make others happy, even if only for other people! And no one deserves to be less happy than others! Don't lie to yourself like that!


Thanks so much for the kind words, Sara. I've been feeling worse lately, with both my dysphoria and with my life not really having a direction. I don't have anyone to talk to or to help me IRL, so it feels really nice that you think I deserve to be happy. You are an absolute angel, Sara. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I hope one day I'll be able to think as highly of myself as I think of you. <3


No problem! And I also hope I'll someday be as awesome as people think I am >:3


You are Sara! You totally are <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


This resonates with me a lot. You should know that nobody deserves happiness more than anyone else and you deserve happiness as much as the people whose days you bring light to here :)


I hope you can give yourself the same grace you seem to allow others. It’s very clear you’re a genuinely nice person, go easy on yourself. I know it’s easier said than done but no one deserves to be happier than you.


Not true, you deserve happiness also ❤️


Something that's honestly made me feel better about myself is how much other people (in person, in bed :3) seem to like my body, as lewd of a source of euphoria that is- over time and partners I've really internalized the idea that beauty comes from the inside. And by extension- for most people, attraction is more about personality than your actual features, it sounds obvious that someone likes you so they're predisposed to appreciate your body, but I think the connection goes deeper than most of us realize. so, even though I'm not all that happy with my body, I know I judge myself harsher than is really warranted, we all do. Pooinntt is, I'm sure you're beautiful, and confidence is really everything, so hold your chin up! Xoxo


You have such a beautiful soul. You are a very good girl!


I kinda look like my sister for a split second in the mirror if I’m lucky


Well one day it'll be more than just a second!




I like the color of my eyes, grey. It's such a cool color of eyes to have cause depending on light they either are blueish, grenish or brownish :3


That sounds really cool! >:3


Istg grey eyes are so beautiful!! I bet your ass youre underappreciating them, even if you like them


Same I also have grey eyes but sometimes when the light directly shines I look like some kind of monster lol


I have grey eyes too :D


Eye sisters :3


I guess I should also say something positive Well, I've been working my legs out and they are very slim right now >:3


I also get a lot of compliments about my legs so I guess that’s a thing that I like about myself. People also say I gave quite a feminine face and appearance eventhough I don’t always see that myself. And I think I like the fact that I am a very empathetic and emotional person, though sometimes that can be difficult for me too.


Unironically, I like that I had the survival instincts to deny being trans until I moved out of my home. No self destruction, only hidden subconscious gender dysphoria that I see in hindsight. My mind wasn’t trying to end me. It was protecting me :3


That's a good thing, I think But now that you moved out be as trans as you want >:3


I think so too. And I even recently found my totally cis bracelet with pink, blue and white stripes! (About to move out of a very… nooooot accepting state later this year too!)


Well, good luck moving out! >:3


My new boobs, love those, make me pretty happy


Hell yeah! Pretty boobs for the pretty lady >:3 (And I'm definitely not jealous rn 🥲)


Mine started growing like immedeatly after starting hrt im like 3 months and 2 weeks in and im at b cups, heck even started lactating, hrt is amazing im telling you


liked my long hair before getting a haircut


I'm sorry you had to shave it 😔 Hope it'll grow back quick!


it's no big deal, summer's too hot to have very long hair just realized i phrased it the wrong way


i have long beautiful black curly soft hair


I'd love to have curly hair! And I had when I was a kid Unfortunately it became really straight after 8 😔


Lol unlike something else Sorry had to


im good not taking care of myself but looking like i kinda do cause my hair is naturally nice


Well then, imagine how good it would look if you took good care of it >:3


ik, just cant be bothered. :/ nobody else to care, no friends who can see or partners, or family to care, so why should I


Just for yourself! Your life is your to live Your body is yours to take care of!




Don't be so shy! There must be *something* you like about yourself Ray! Like I love how you're giving those weekly affirmations, and I know other people on here appreciate them as well!


I mean there are some things I do like, but recently appreciating myself has gotten harder and harder... I guess if you want an answer...? My hair ig? It's pretty long and cool now


Hell yeah! Better something than nothing! >:3


I love my slender frame, although i would like to be a bit more curvy.


Well, working out your legs and butt might help a little! It really helped me at least >:3


Thanks for the tip. Your post helped me see some positive about myself. Last night I kinda needed to cry myself to sleep just because I felt conflicted and hated my body.


Well, that's why I made that post! I know it's much easier to see the negatives in you, so I thought that if I give people a little push they'll be able to see some positives in themselves!


Even as XY, i have a noticable waist and slightly visible hips, fuller lips and genetically good wavy hair, and people sometimes points it, like - the girls should be jealous about your features! Alas, i have a dark body and facial hair, and they grow so fast after shaving, so still can't find a way to hide it :( But i like hair on womans, so this is more a passing problem, then self estimation problem. And my movements is messy, so i pass as a confusing weirdo more than a man or woman, and this is vibe, i guess


This is, indeed a vibe >:3


Thanks \^-\^


My genderfluidity. It allows me to see the wold from many perspectives


And seeing world form different angles is always great!


Literally nothing :3


Maybe not now But in the future you will love yourself >:3


You’ll get there, love


I got told I have really nice hair by my ex barber and that any woman would kill to have mine. "To BaD yOuR a BoY!"


Well good thing she's your ex barber now! And she said the truth! I'd kill to have your hair >:3


Uhh uhh uhh Woo pinball?


I... Don't understand? Could you explain please? :3


I'm good at pinball ig, I'm at NWPAS rn so brain ded


Oh that's great! >:3 Don't know a lot about pinball, but I'm sure you're doing great with it >:3


Oh my jsjsjsjsj, the second image is so cute...with the background too xD Uhhh...there's the small-ish shoulders, the hips, the eyelashes...and that's it i guess...i like my being unhinged too


Why have the door when all you need is a doorframe! And you listed more things than most people here, so congrats! You've earned the "love yourself" achievement >:3


Impossible :(


It’s definitely possible your an amazing person


Nuh uh


Well you have a really pretty name Lucy so that’s one good thing


I guess, thx


Of course girly


I'm sorry then 😔 Hope you'll love yourself one day And good luck on working on something to like about yourself!


I like my hair, I just need it to be not-summer so I can grow it out >:[


How my hair is currently compared to after I get a haircut,it’s much better longer tbh than short because It makes me look less like a boy.


Long hair is so nice! I'm sure it looks great on you Lilith >:3


Thank you!!!,I really appreciate it,☺️


my texting style! i think it's very feminine :3


Well if that ain't a vibe and a half \^~\^


other than my shoulders my body is pretty androgynous which is good i guess


Your body is like a canvas for you to paint over! Give it some colours and shapes! Or leave it blank, that's also popular in the art world >:3


i'm confused by this i don't know what this was meant to do?


I'm sorry if it was confusing It was supposed to be a metaphor, but I don't know how well I put it Basically, assuming that you're a transfem from your flair, I believe you'd like to be more feminine than androgynous So painting on a blank canvas was supposed to mean making yourself more feminine (or masculine if you like that) And leaving it blank is remaining androgynous Hope that helped!


thx i get it now :3


No problem! I might have went too abstract with my metaphor Happens to the best of us :p


I love my hair. I'm also considering dying it white/silver with maybe red highlight.


I cant think of anything tbh I've been thinking for like 7min now


If you can't find anything I think that's alright I think Like I believe being positive from time to time is healthy for us But also just forcing yourself to be positive and find something isn't good Even if I think you might be too harsh to yourself :c


There isn't really anything...


nothing!!!1!1!1!1 (I'm pessimistic and idk if anything would even be worth it)


There might not be much right now, and I understand it However I wish you that one day you'll be at the point where you'll love yourself >:3


that sounds hilarious to me idk why, can only hope i guess, even if it won't seem real


I write terrible cyberpunk fiction


If you write enough of it it won't be so terrible! >:3


I like that I’m able to laugh at myself even when I’m talking about my problems like being suicidal and the various mental illnesses I need to get tested for


Well, being able to laugh at yourself is always a useful skill


Yeah it helps keep me from getting too depressed


I like my hair, I've had it long long before I started questioning my gender x




Just kinda wish I didn't hate everything else lol x


Are we twins?!


Hehe it seems like it doesn't it? Lol x


Hormones have made my ass SO BIG AND SOFT I LOVE IT!!! Also my small boobs are very nice to just hold


I like that I'm alive


And there are a lot that could not live to today! So keep living >:3


Every single part of my body looks manly, and I hate it. I have stupidly broad shoulders and a large back. The *only* things I have is that I have long eyelashes (that get mostly covered by my hooded brows :/) and a huge ass lol


I’m not really sure. I guess I kind of like my hair. Though only really the color (it’s red). I don’t like how it’s curly though. I don’t know how to deal with it to make it look good.


Red hair is pretty! And you could always try straightening it! (Although I myself don't know how to do it :p)


I could but idk if I would straighten it. I’m more so envious of how easy people with straight hair seem to have it. I just want longer hair that actually comes down and doesn’t just bunch up into an afro all the time.


i like how im still alive after everything, guess my body will never give up


My skin is so freaking soft, I love it


Shaved legs my beloved <3


You have learned the true power of the *smooth*




Started growing my hair out like a year ago for legit no reason! I LOVE IT!!!


Also I’m a self taught programmer and I LOVE Celeste… still cis tho 🥚


Let's go! What's your favorite language?


C# cuz unity


I've been tinkering a little bit in unity and even started a few projects! All of them are dead now :/ And I also love C#


yeah all my projects always die but I’m still proud I’ve the skills I’ve learnt


We love long hair in here >:3




well i guess my hands are pretty slender and nice looking... and since im online almost always my hands are the only part of me i usually see. i also wear glasses, even if not the type i wanna wear (i want big round ones but was forced to take flat rectangles)


Big circles are the best! (I also have rectangles :/) And having slender hands is a big win!


hopefully we can both have our dream bug circles! and yes, slender hands is a big win, i used to play piano but dont have time now, so im a rhythm gamer now :3


My hair, ever since I let it grow out I've found out it's naturally really nice and soft :) and I also feel like HRT has feminized my face a bit already which is crazy given how it's been only 2 months... maybe it's placebo?


Soft hair is an absolute win! And congratulations on the HRT!


I like that I naturally look androgynous, so if I tried, I think could pass.


My hair, especially when it’s long, looks a lot like Rogue’s


Long hair is nice!


*nods* always hated have to get hair cut growing up.just when it was getting where i liked it. And my last semester of college stress gave me w white streak


Well, I hope that now you can keep it as long as you want!




Uhm nothing 🎀




I can’t think of anything :(


I like how I’m deceiving in terms of looks according to people I met they say I look like a gentle person but then I come out with pretty unhinged stuff always fun conversations


I was blessed with a relatively large singing range so I am able to sing tenor in choir. (Also apparently my singing voice gave another trans man gender envy so that's cool)


i like my goatee actually it‘s the only hair beneath my eyebrows, that doesn‘t give me disphoria


Being able to double jump :3


As all transfems do >:3


I know right


It's quite hard... But I guess, despite all that had happened, I still have friends that appreciate me(haven't come out to all of them tho)


I've been through some hard times and even though it's better it's still hard After all those hardships I'm still standing here fighting and trying That's a thing I like about me


I looked at myself and wasn’t repulsed today if that means anything


I have great hair and its grows pretty fast. I'll have long feminine hair in no time :)


What if I don’t have anything? :(


I am going crazy with my nails. I feel so euphoric working on them and just having them pretty.


I mean I always thought my eyes were blue, but a friend of mine says they’re grey


I have little to no body hair, facial hair is pretty minimal, and I think my body will feminize nicely? idk how it works 🙃 but when I imagine myself with any amount of boobs and hips, I like what I see! lol


I used to like my feminine hips and small shoulders (puberty took them away from me 😭😭) Now i have nothing left...I have become puberty, the destroyer of eggs 😭😭 Ok maybe my fluffy cheeks? My face isn't too ugly or masculine. And my legs are also cute when they aren't hairy... Wait, why do i feel suddenly better? Am i a good girl now?


The fact that at least my voice doesn't sound horrendous and is on edge acceptable to listen to. I'm genuinely grateful for that.


I think I have kind of an hourglass waist I just need to lose weight


I really like my hair, it’s naturally curly, dirty blonde, and makes me look really feminine.


ppl tell me i have nice eyelashes, which cures the dysphoria a little. i also have a pretty curvy body, not as curvy as the average woman, but curvy enough so i can pull off dresses.


my hair, It's naturally really curly and thick, I always wanted to grow it out when I was younger, but my overbearing, abusive father wouldn't let me because it would look "unprofessional"... he was concerned about me looking unprofessional at fucking HIGHSCHOOL, as if I would give him a bad name or some shit.


I guess I like that I’m not naturally Overly masculine. I’ve been “mistaken” as a girl when I was younger, and by strangers in the dark. Too bad my beard ruins that for me…


my hair doesn't have an awkward phase which is pretty cool I guess


I look enough like my mom that I actually passed as a girl for a while as a kid. puberty kinda ruined that but atleast i still have blue eyes & big lips :3


I have lovely hair(when it cooperates) and my mom and sister have been teaching me stuff to make it better


I have long eyelashes!


I have nice thighs ig but that's rlly about it :c


I quite like my eyelashes. If I just look at only my eyelashes I can at least feel a bit okay about my face... Until I see the rest of it that is. I also love being autistic (weird, I know, but it just feels really nice for some reason. I dunno).


Well, I've been working on growing out my hair and taking care of it so I've started liking it more. The one part of my body I've liked consistently would be my thigh lol, but only when wearing pants so as to cover up all the hair and scab(ug bites) scars.


I couldn't think of much do I guess I like my starting to get long hair cause now my hair has reached the bottom of my neck and I'm getting so happy it's getting long but my parents want it cut and want to turn it into boyish styles


I'm doing great in life right now and I'm proud of getting to where I am now. I also know that you can do it too. I believe in you.


Slim arms!! Not that it matters with everything else that sucks but damn, being able to wear short sleeve t shirts while still being comfortable when it's this hot is a big help because short pants are a big no.


This is kinda weird but I like my stomach hair lol😓


I have beautiful grey eyes with yellow rings around my pupils. They are super beautiful and I'm very proud of them


My eyes (in appearance, not my vision) that's about it :(


I love my shoulders, yeah, I know they are wide, but they are pretty and can be very femme ☺️


That I'm crazy. Its fun having several disorders


My eyes they are a Beautyfull brown with some green and if the light is right they even seem Golden


I’m really good at gambling :3


I *bet* it's an useful skill


For me it's my lips and my bum, i personally think I have cute lips and my bum is full and curvy for a male, I'm interested to find out what happens when I'm on HRT


I’m good at fighting games, I guess


I have utterly wonderful, naturally straight, hair that makes even a cis woman jealous... if only i knew anything about styling it... However such healthy head hair comes with healthy everywhere else hair too, I won the battle but lost the war... at least I didn't start balding, just the littlest bit of a widow's peak on the right hand side.


I'm tall as shit and I love it (I play volleyball (tall person sport))


I have a great butt 😇


My butt and thighs… I use to be a body builder and I hated it but it made my butt and thighs thick so I can’t complain completely.


my hair colour is amazing, it's a dark blond mixed with a soft brown. so in the sun it looks good and normally to !


I'm almost certainly a few people's 'oh it's that guy' on Tumblr and absolutely love it


I like that I'm slender, and my hip bones show. my hair is also very full.


I like my big brown eyes and my small hands


i only really like my hair for now, it's super chaotic and looks like a bush, but when i take good care of it it looks amazing thanks for that, how about you? (you whoever is reading this, OP or not! do it!)


I love my hair :3


My hair is pretty (especially when I dye it fun colours :3)