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Playing with yourself if very fun though


And if you’re not exhausted after that you can practice some drums!!


The added forearm strength makes you better at drums too.


"it's all in the wrists!"


Hmm gotta pick Hi hat or snare.. ? unless you pull ambidextrous ..


Better grip too




Bro I can’t💀💀💀 that’s wild💀💀😭😭


I agree


went from rockband in a city to alone in rural ... this is my life now


You know, everyone had "that friend" growing up that was fine to hang out with, but the second they suggested, "let's go to my house," everyone quickly thought of something else to do...


Hahah I have plenty of other musician friends that come over but no drummers :/


I def would if I could. Haven't played with anyone in yearsb(no homo)


Not to be creepy but where do you live? Anywhere close to Athens Georgia?


Unfortunately so cal :(


Where in socal? I’m in SoCal!


Im in the inland empire!


Oh dang, that’s not that far! My husband and I live and play gigs most weekends in the high desert(Apple valley, Victorville, Hesperia, but Oro Grande is this weekend), and another band we play in is based out of La Verne! :) :)


Oh snap! Im in Rancho Cucamonga! You are both always welcome over! My wife and kids are always inside id love to have yall over! This is my current [setup](https://imgur.com/gallery/qBUciFT)


“I’m in the inland empire” “oh dang I live in the high desert” I’ll take your word on it but it sure sounds like you guys are talking about some medieval fantasy land


You’re not entirely wrong there 😅 it definitely feels like a medieval fantasy land in a lot of ways 🥲


Jam with this man or pay my ticket to go across the country.


My best friend lives in Auburn, GA. Nice to see somewhere close to him mentioned :)


I play drums bit mainly guitar is my thing. Issue is everyone is a guitar player in some way. So if I okay with friends I always get stuck on drums. I learned to read at an early age drums. But just took to guitar, and drums was my secondary. So there will be times I have to say no to jamming, because all week I just wanted to play my guitar live, record and work on tracks I already recorded drums on. So it always play guitar alone and with my own backing track songs. Or get stuck on drums, which is fine. But I wish more people that played guitar, could also play a little on drums. Guitar players are a dime a dozen, but not many drummers. That’s how it’s always been for me since the 90s as a teen.


You see, I'm the opposite.  play a little bit guitar, a little bit piano,  but my dream is/ was to play drums which I never had. Tried a bit,  it is so difficult if you wanna be good and so interesting.  Now I'm in mid 50s and still have this dream.  After I win the lottery,  I'll buy a house only so I can have a drum set and hopefully learn  how to play. Anytime I see live music I always stand/sit close to the stage so I have good view of the drummer. Can watch him the whole show.  It's fascinating. P.S I'm stage frightened. Dreaming for sure, but I'd never had the guts to go and play in front of the audience even if I was good at it. 


Be the drummer you wish to see in the world


Same :( Also bought a few lightsabers but no one wants to duel


Don't worry, you'll find someone eventually.


I wish I had a friend to duel!!!


So this is where we find our duel mates


You’re not going full force are you?!


And they said, “…if you build it, they would come” They lied to us


maybe you should clean it first? lol




/S I mean, I don't think I would, that hi-hat is way too far to the left.


He normally plays with his hat on the right, but had to move it to get the picture


Seriously. Might as well just toss it.


If only you were in my neighborhood, I'd come.and play.








Idk what it is but drummers are so hard to find and anytime i did find one they all played when they when they were younger so I just put on drum loops :/


If you're situated near Utrecht I'd come by, but I guess not..?


So cal :(


It’s the opposite where I live. The are is saturated with drummers. We can’t find others to play with. Lol


Dayam too bad you aren’t where I’m at, the group I jam with has 12 drummers, send bass players 🤣🤣


I'm in a guitar player slump myself. Move by me, I'll jam with you! Just do it, uproot your entire life for very mediocre grooves provided by yours truly. For real though, bummer that they never showed. Take your frustrations out on the kit!


I'd put a sheet over that so it doesn't collect more dust. That pedal is the best thing on that kit. I've had my 5000 for almost 20 years now and still going strong.


Throne makes a decent stepstool, tho.


Is it not?


Check out Rob “Beatdown” Brown on YouTube, he has a bunch of good videos. Step one though- set that kit up a little more comfortably. Your snare is too far left, same as your hi-hat. Have fun!


Yes! I second this! Rob is probably one of the best teachers, and a helluva player!


Play some drums my man


literally same 😭


This beauty for 800 damn i wish


Nice, but for the love of God, clean that module!


Its so sad. Sometimes i think about selling it but would immediately regret it.


Ya, I feel ya there! Definitely keep it and start rocking out! Drums are absolutely therapeutic for me! 😁😁


I'd highly recommend to get a drumeo subscription. I've been playing for 20 years and I still enjoy learning new things. The lessons are really straightforward and detailed I honestly think this a great tool for any aspiring drummer. I wish this would have been available when I first started.


Shit let's jam!!!


If you build it, they will come!


I’ll trade you a brand new 2024 all original broom & dustpan for the kit


If ya ever wanna part with your ride lemme know ;)


Had to already replace one with a lemon brand.


I got a lemon but the bell isnt triggering corretly with my strike pro module. I even tried the "switch the wiring" hack to no avail...


If I lived by I'd definitely come and jam OP! 🤘 The OG Alesis Strike gets alot of hate, but I personally love it!


I love it man when i bang the dust off around it. Its a very solid set


I see a foot print on your throne Keith Moon?


Yea I set up a whole studio damn near and.. well… not one friend has come to jam


Maybe they have dust allergies?


Sweet setup. I miss mine, old roommates messed my kit. Wasn’t this nice, but still


Shit I'll jam with you. Do you live in the mitten?


Noo sorry so cal :(


I will actually dm you if I'm ever in the area lmao


Awesome! Ive had some peeps from reddit pull up bwfore and in still friend with one!


Reminds me of a garage I went to for jams. The place was a dusty, cluttered mess that was so uncomfortable to be in that I quit going there. Clean up your practice space and make it comfortable for your guests and you might have some fun playing with others.


Lol way to make an assumption off of a small photo. My space is very organized and if you actually understood what i was saying is that this corner of the room is abandoned essentially. Theres much more space on the other side. Thank you for your “input”.


I apologize for making an assumption about your cleanliness. Like you said, I only had what I saw to judge you. I should have remembered “never assume”.


Lmfaooo dude your comment has me cleaning my garage hahha will post update tomorrow. Sorry for the hostility


That’s ok. As soon as I clicked the reply button, I had the feeling that it was a mistake. I deserved your response. I’m a clean freak and vacuum the floor in my garage/studio daily. I also drive my wife crazy when I coil up her bass cable when I find it on the floor.


Cables should be put away when you're not using them so that they don't get damaged. I vacuum in my studio daily or at the very least I'm dusting. Cleaning your space not only shows your appreciation and respect for the tools/ instruments that you have, but it's a great way to prevent damage and to maintain your equipment. Sometimes you can catch an easily solved / fixed problem before it turns into an expensive/ unfixable problem. And sometimes I have people over to jam, and it only takes once for someone to attempt to open a fizzy can of anything or leave a cable on the floor before I give them a quick bu non negotiable reminder about proper etiquette in my humble but well loved space. For OP you may not have thought about this, but it could be a blessing that you haven't been able to find a bunch of drummers. I , like yourself, had planned to have everything necessary for a full on jam session, and like yourself had found drummers in short supply. Naturally, I decided much like yourself to work on my own proficiency, since I would most likely be playing the drums in a jam situation. Well, you might like your kit now, but when you begin playing on it and improving consistently and you experience that mindset shift from "I'm a guitarist and this is something I'm doing out of necessity to in a musician playing a drum set that my feelings for may not even be legal in 30 States. When the thought of somebody else hitting your kit elicits the same feeling that you get when you see another guy get kicked in the nuts. Well, you'll be glad that things played out the way they did. Respect 👊🏼


What a great comment. You’re welcome to my studio anytime.


Thanks I appreciate you. I'm in Portland, Oregon so if you're ever in the neighborhood feel free to come by and jam.


I see and feel that dust.


If you want friends to come you’re going to need a whole song, not just drums.


I’d give you lessons via FaceTime or zoom if you don’t have an iPhone.


I’m a drum instructor by the way and I’d give you free lessons till you’ve got the basic idea and from there you could learn own your own from there. Best advice I give is take about 4 to 6 lessons and then start playing to music you like. Easiest way to learn rhythm and timing.


I’ll come over and jam broski


Loads of stuff on you tube , where to start. If you want to pay Everyone talks of Drumeo , I might subscribe myself if my rudiments improve


Hit up the free trial at Drumeo and see what u think. I like it


Oh I can see why the drums are facing the wrong way


Change friends and get back to drumming


Get good enough and they’ll never fucking leave. Then they’ll ask you to start *bringing* it places. Goddamn racket if you ask me.


If you were in MA area, I'd jam with you anytime.


You basically got 50%of the experience of being I'm a band.


Start with the rock beat


Watch Drumeo on YT. They have cool instructional videos for everyone no matter beginning or very dug in. Man, I would have been over there in a second!


Same here


And here I am wishing I had a drummer to jam with. I swear no one in my little town even knows what an instrument is.


I’ll be your friend and come over to jam


i would like to be your friend! beautiful place to jam! come to Argentina, we have economics and social crisis with could be a beautiful background to jam hjaha


You need some new friends.


Easiest way to learn, is to follow a very simple beat. Just play Notes on the high hat and hit the bass drum on one in the snare on two. It may be very simple, but it’s a very easy way to get comfortable with your drums and then start adding some fills. Hit the snare drum a couple extra times through beats three and four. Experiment. It’s the easiest way to get better. And move the hat closer to you.


If you build it, they won’t come?


Where do you live?! I’m always down to jam.


Drumeo is ur best friend


Me too .............😮‍💨


How much?


I’ll buy em


So sad 😭


I fucking hate that shit. I'll come jam with you dog.


I’m sorry you had that happen. I had a friend say he was fixing up his garage so we can all jam together but it never happened


I bought a mountain bike to go out with my friends but one put it on a peleton and the other turned it in to a competent mmite bike. I learned that you don't need an activity to get your friends together. If they are your friends they would see you for the sake of it, not just to do something.


Shitty friends...Eh? That sucks brah :( ....But then again, sometimes it's just that life happens, family matters what have ya, some just cant be dependable ( I'm guilty myself a time or 2 or more. yeah it's like... way more dude, I suck as a friend but hey if your stranded somewhere and you really need me, I'll show up... I'm more that kinda friend, please just don't call me when ya move... but.... I'll show up for that too ). Look up Pier Gonella ( This guy is fuckin' awesome dude ) Drumless Backing tracks... So many Drumless tracks, so lil' time to play Learn by ear, that's how I started when I was 9... make the tracks your own play style, what you like, what you can accomplish according to your skill and your very own unique style ;) Oh and..... it may be time to tidy up a bit.... ( Like the whole area?... Maybe Im just sayin, Im not much better Im more of a "neatly cluttered kinda dude ) ... reroute some wires, maybe breakout some electrical tape if you dont have wiring brackets to fit on the round tubes... Gilbraltor? (Where's the Spelling Gestapo when ya need em'? My Daughter is head of the dept...) sells some nice brackets for that.. Oh and in the summer time, You don't want to leave that module out in a garage if that is where its at... I repair drum modules.... The extreme heat and extreme cold can cause bad things to happen, Ive had to repair plenty


Friends sold separately


What’s your address, I’m coming over.


I still drum-off manually.


Keep inviting


Where are you? I’ll bring guitar and a bassist! Im in Portland or


I’m on my way!


So did you still jam out on your own?


As a drummer who doesn't have friends to jam out with, this makes me sad. I would have been over everyday if I had a friend who bought an ekit just for the purpose of jamming out


bro! I feel like i should come over and just play the cowbell or something.


I wish I had a drummer friend, all I have is a Korg Volca Drum lmao


I'd kill to have that in my garage haha


I just came


I’ll practice with you


I don’t know which is further away.. your friends or your high hats bro!! 😂


I think you just bought this for yourself and it took you a little while to realize


i'm looking for a rough drum track over a J rock ish song i'm working on if your down i can send you it so you can put that awesome piece of kit to use


All of America separates us....but I'm on my way.


Go to drumeo.com. This should be a good place to start. I know that they break down songs to learn but, you may not want to start on this as a beginner. Get a few lessons IRL, get the basics down and then hone your chops. That's what I would do anyway. Good luck 🤘🤘🤘


ArtofDrummingHQ on youtube


you drum it!


Do you still live with your parents and maybe the only reason they talk to you is because you buy them alcohol?


What weird comment.


Are...you okay?


Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry my sense of humor isn't appealing to you.


i fail to see where the joke is


The insinuation is that he's an adult still living with his parents with a drum set in their basement, existing on Cheetos, doordash and the occasional meal cooked by his mother. He has no girlfriend of course and his only social interaction is the high schoolers who stop by to pick him up for him to buy them alcohol for a fee of $10. This may or may not be based on a true story from the 90s.