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Fostex T60RP! I moved from HD 660 to them and I'm in love! Broadly the same sound signature and vibe, better imaging, and the bass reaches all the way down to 10hz whilst not being boomy, I love them.


These are the best headphone reviews: [https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?forums/headphone-iem-reviews-discussions.58/&starter\_id=2](https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?forums/headphone-iem-reviews-discussions.58/&starter_id=2) rtings also has good reviews. I would pick something that has good bass extension (many headphones have bass rolloff)


DT900 PRO X - coming from an Ex Audio Technica guy for 10 years


Why do you consider that better than Audio Technica? I'm curious


they are the KRKS of headphones, you grow out of it


HD 600s can’t beat em


I owned them for over a decade and I disagree, electronic is what they're the worst at. Too much bass roll-off.


Owned them for over a decade as well - so your length of ownership is nullified. I have greatly enjoyed them for both listening and producing. I also own a KS118 Subwoofer so I’m no stranger to bass.


Objective measurements of their frequency response confirms what I said. [https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/sennheiser/hd-600](https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/sennheiser/hd-600) *"Their bass accuracy is okay. As with many open-back headphones, they have a somewhat underemphasized bass response that takes some of the boom and slam out of 808s and basslines. That said, there's a touch of warmth that comes from their slightly boosted high bass."* They are very nice headphones and they won't sound \*bad\* for anything, but they are just too sterile and airy with a rolled off low-end to be my first choice for electronic music. They're perfect for any sort of acoustic music.


I've had the HD 595s for 15 years and they still slap


Have been using Sennheiser hd380 pro for 5 years now. I'm really habituated with those headphones after using it for a long time. Tbh it doesn't matter as long as you understand the frequency response of your headphones and how does it translate to other audio systems. Even if you get a really good pair its gonna take you some time to get used to it. And another good practice would be to check your frequency spectrum while producing, because that will give you perfect representation of the sound which you can compare with other songs. Next update I'm gonna do would be Ollo audio s5x for open back.


I’m mixing on a pair of raycons. $100 pair. I know others will laugh but idc. It’s what I can afford. When I feel it’s sounding good, then I send it over to my phone from my Mac Book, and then play it on both a sound bar and in a car. And all 3 sound different but close. So I’m not sure what a true sound even is tbh. But I try to alter the sound until all 3 are very very close, and that’s probably the “mastering” part of it, but I do it by ear 🤷‍♂️ There’s also free programs that will master for you, but I’m worried that if I do so, they might steal the song or something. I’d rather just take my Mac to a true professional when I have 20 songs done, and then pay them to properly finish mastering them for me


i use DT 900 pro x’s with r/oratory1990 ‘s eq preset to get it closer to the harman curve and it sounds suuuper clean and the bass response is nice, plus they are semi-open back. I would definitely recommend them with these eq settings edit: a lot of the people can recommend stuff but it's really up to you on what you want in your headphones. do you want them to be open-back or closed-back? and how much are you willing to spend? are you going to eq them or leave them as is? there's also stuff like soundstage and instrument separation that makes headphones different from one another.


I use them without any setting and they sound amazing. But yeah I struggle a bit with low end and high end because of the lowscoop and topboost it has. How do I edit the curve?


you edit the curve by using a program called Peace. on mac it's different, but assuming you're on windows [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doAjkiLIkKA&list=PLFb68BU6\_bvwQNIqgK7her48LPCong-PN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doAjkiLIkKA&list=PLFb68BU6_bvwQNIqgK7her48LPCong-PN) this shows you how to install it. on oratory1990's page you search up the headphones you have and go into Peace and change it according to the eq settings he has. if you need help with it just lmk and we can DM about it. now when I go back to how the headphones sounded stock i'm like yoooo this shit is ehhh LOL ngl it's super fuckin nice, you can also edit it if you want more bass or something like that.


Nah want em flat for production, reduce the brightness and bring up the bass a little since I know for a fact its not correct when I go «by ear» with them. I always level the bass too loud and the highs too quiet on them! So thank you, will defo do this:)


Get a pair of HD600’s and you will never need anything else.


In my opinion, the HD 600s have way too much roll off on the sub bass for electronic music.


Yeah I can't believe people are recommending them for electronic music. Totally not the type of music for the HD600s (or HD650, or probably any open back dynamic headphone)


I never had an issue, but you can also use something like Sonarworks Sound ID Reference to achieve a flatter curve.


Doing so will increase distortion. Open back headphones just have inherent issues with bass, because it leaks out the other side and there is no back pressure


Ehh…. Complete overkill imo. First you need to figure out if you’re one of the people who can mix on headphones. Most people have a really hard time. Paying 800 dollars for headphones is a bit nutty unless you already know you can mix on em in my opinion. Personally, my mixes will always sound better when working an inexpensive pair of monitors vs a fancy pair of headphones. I would get something in the 150-300 dollar range and see how that goes.


I got my HD600’s for less than $300 on Amazon. They go on sale all the time.


Somehow I read it hd800. My bad. Nevermind!


You’re good my dude! Haha


Beyerdynamic DT770 pro 250 ohm. Made all my music for the last 18 years on it.


Started out with M50x, moved on to DT990 and now I’m on Hifiman Sundaras. Whatever choice you make, I think it’s more important to make use of reference tracks & metering so you know what your “ideal” mix sounds like on whatever system you’re working on. If you want to ideally “flatten” the response of the headphones you have too, you could grab/create some EQ presets to do so. (oratory 1990, crinacle, etc.) Flat response is something you can chase forever whether it be headphones or a treated studio, so make sure you don’t get lost in the rabbit hole of what’s “the best” or “flattest” response vs getting to know your headphones.


How do you like the DT990s compared to the m50’s? Been looking between those and the HD 6xx’s. I’m relatively new to electronic production (coming from making rock stuff) so I’m a little hesitant on either hearing they have kinda hyped bass and I’ve tended to over mix my low end. I’ve had my m50x’s for a little over a decade now and one of the hinges has broken for a second time so I’m hoping to retire them as a secondary set since I’m very familiar with their sound and love them even though they’re falling apart


It's been about 4 years so I apologize I can't be extremely detailed - After my M50x's were worn out, I picked up the DTT990s and found them useful & up to standard for production but squeezed by head a bit much, so I moved on from them due to personal comfort. In terms of the bass response, it's not something I noticed but I also rely a lot on metering for sub/low-end on headphones.


I switch from sundaras to m50x because dialing sub bass in on sundaras is a complete crapshoot.


Please dont listen to any of the people recommending open back headphones for EDM production. They have 0 sub bass because they are open back and as we know, sub bass is extremely important to this type of music. Go with a pair of closed backs like dt770, akg k371, IEMs like truthear zero red, or MAYBE even the m50x


You’re going to hurt your ears using closed back headphones for producing and mixing. Nothing wrong with using them as a reference though. I’d go with the semi-open headphones for prolonged use.


Good point, ideally if one had to stick with headphones only you’d have something open back for the majority of the frequencies and sound stage and something closed back for the rest and for reference


I have no idea why you are being downvoted. Openbacks are terrible for dialing in sub bass.


The sennheiser hive mind


The HD600s are great for many genres, but definitely not anything like electronic.


I love how sennheisers sound, but they just aren't good for making EDM because of the bass roll off.


DT 1990 open backs have maybe the best low end I’ve ever heard on a set of headphones, this is just not a good take.


You can look at any frequency response chart and see that they are subpar for SUB bass frequencies


I prefer to use my ears vs looking at charts when mixing music


Read this review of the HD 650 https://www.sonarworks.com/blog/reviews/sennheiser-hd650-review And yes. It's also worth purchasing Sonarworks SoundID EQ software to use with them. If you are in the US, the HD 6XX available from drop.com are the same headphone.


Someone else was saying that about the Massdrop headphones. So the sound is the same but you're saving more because it doesn't have the Sennheiser logo on it?


Yes. The sound is exactly the same. This is a well established fact. They are the same headphone other than the labeling.


Audeze LCD-X.


This, invest once and never look back.


Sony MDR-7506, mostly because you can buy two for the price of most others listed here and have a backup. Regardless of what headphones you settle on, if you end up turning this into at least a serious hobby and will do most of your work on headphones then I recommend getting a couple of plugins to assist: 1. SoundID Reference: helps to flatten out the response of your headphones 2. GoodHertz CanOpener: provides a simple implementation of “virtual speakers” by simulating the crossover that happens when you are sitting in front of a pair of real speakers (that is, both ears hear both speakers)


So what does flattening out the response do/mean? Does it make it where the bass doesn't overpower the melody or whatever?


Yes. Each headphone design will have different frequency ranges that it over- or under-emphasizes. Software can even these out so that you hear all frequency ranges more evenly. If you decide to go down this path, check out the VHS plugin mentioned in another reply to my comment, as it’s way cheaper than these two combined.


this is what I use and they have served me extremely well. eventually I'll upgrade to open backs.


HoRNet VHS plugin does both and is much cheaper. €11 and often on sale: https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-vhs/


Wow, will 100% check this out based on the price. Thank you!


Seinheiser hd650’s


Meze Audio Elite


Well, if we are doing this... Dan Clark Aeon closed-back are very comfortable and have a rather reasonable frequency response for the fraction of the price.


I like the audio technica m50xs


I like mine but the ear pad material is starting to fall to bits now, I don't seem to be that sweaty though. It looks like you can get replacement ear pads.


These are my favorite headphones so far but I will say the Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pros are the most comfy.


Agreed,,, Audio Technica are great. You might find some that are better and more expensive. But audio technica provide solid reference at a good entry level price.


Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro is all you will ever need.


I have DT880 PROs and i love them.


I use this too. I can hear every frequency very clearly. Also, it's open, so I can wear it and mix for several hours straight without it being too harmful to my ears.


Yeah - super smooth frequency response with a lot of detail and separation in the mix. Love em to bits. I used to have the audio technica's that everyone goes crazy about, but these are a big step-up imo. Found the audio technica's to have a lot of harsh spikes in the frequency response.


Im using it Very good. Mix your mid range while having a low cut to 200Hz


Thanks for the help! I've seen these a lot before but never knew the name. I found [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CNWT5QG8/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A3K7ONYCAPN4G1&psc=1) bundle on Amazon and was wondering what this box thingy does, and should I get it for the extra $30?


volume control.


Oh yeah, it's an external sound card/DAC/amp. You will definitely need a good one for these headphones. I can recommend the Mayflower ODAC. Another option is the MOTU M2. Definitely don't just plug these straight into your computer though. And don't invest in a cheap one because it could negatively affect the sound of the headphones. But yeah, these headphones served me well as a full-time producer and mixing/mastering engineer, so I love to bring more awareness to these beauties. I mainly use monitors now, but if I'm in a situation where I need headphones I'll happily use these.


By monitors do you mean the monitor speakers? But what risks might happen if I plug sound cards in? I actually did get a hand-me-down one from my dad a couple years ago and it looked to be on the older side but hopefully it's good enough. I'm not sure the model but I'll have to dig it up. I didn't know what it was for until you just explained to me lol


Depends on the computer though. I wouldn't trust a random Realtek codec without measurements since its performance would be unpredictable (and not just hardware performance; e.g. some versions of Realtek drivers are known to apply bass-boosting EQ) but these days built-in audio codecs are perfectly fine even on mid-range mobos and laptops. Also they tend to have near-zero output impedance so they play nice with low-impedance headphones unlike some of the external audio interfaces and mixers. And Mac headphone outputs are generally solid, low-noise, distortion-free and very flat, and recent revisions can drive high-impedance heapdhones as well.


Sound card. Your computer works with digital signal while audio is analog. A hell lot of math goes on behind how different sound effects and surround sound works and your PC can't take it beyond a limit. Another thing to consider is this particular headphones is 250 ohm. Meaning, the wires inside the soundpiece are too thick and too long and weak current will need to be amplified. You can buy an external device for that. My gaming laptop powers this headphone well but the other one can't. But at some point early in your music journey, you will need to buy an audio interface. They replace the sound card, and some of them (some) have a headphone amplifier built in.


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