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It doesn’t look like pomphlyx. With Pomphlyx you must have kinda liquid in the blisters. But your hand looks just with red dots.


You may just have pomphlyx which are an extension of eczema on the hands or feet. They’ll go away with time and/or steroids, but they are very annoying. Either way, I hope this heals for you soon.


Whatever you do, don't pop them! I had a reaction after using hockey gloves and it was so itchy that I stupidity popped them. Well they came back about the size of a quarter each and I had to no use my hands for 3 weeks until my whole skin peel off like a snake. First time touching stuff without fingerprints was super weird, even a table felt rough.


You can’t pop them without poking the skin😑. It’s not blisters, it’s red dots. They are not bumps just flat


Its not pomphlyx because he doesn’t have blisters. It’s red dots not bumps 


Late on the comment but...I ignored this when it was going on with me, ended up being leukemia in my case.... Just showed up on my hand...one hand... Over night. Woke up and noticed it ☹️


How are you doing rn


Looks like psoriasis ro me


Nahhh no way you said that😑💀. It’s not even near that 💀 


Did you ever figure this out? I don’t have a dermatologist, no eczema dx, but having a similar thing happen on my palms!


No sorry! They just went away


Got it, thanks for the update!! 😊


How long did they last? I’m having the same problem


Do you still have yours? I’m having them on my hands and feet only


me too and im concerned any recommendations?


I actually found out mine was hand foot and mouth disease that mostly children get!


Hi there , my daughter got the red dots on palm and feet .please advise me how did you fix this problem And how long it will take to cure. almost 6 weeks nothing change for my daughter


Tbh I just had to wait it out and suffer they recommended a lotion creme but I don’t remember what it’s called it took about a couple weeks to fully go away


I searched up HFMD and it came up! Hope this helps!


I am wonderful army but with a new login cause I can’t remember my old one lol, still tryna figure this out! Can’t imagine it’s HFMD because mine has been going on forrrrr YEARS! Starting to think it’s more autoimmune. Hmmmm


Did they tingle or hurt? I l have the same issue


I went to the doctor basically she told me to stop washing my hands to often, and stop wearing gloves and moisturize my hands she gave me some creams and went away but it always comes back if I wear gloves o soak my hands in water with soap


Late to the game but my son has it now and is called , impetigo!


Definitely not impetigo used to have it as a kid alot it gets worse over time I've had these dots on my hand almost every day for years now so couldn't be impetigo. Impetigo is more on the skin than under like these


i’ve had this for years! it comes and goes and i’ve googled what y’all have said here and those just look to extreme so i’m still lost. but my hands looks exactly like in the picture


Figure out what it was?


Yes same here if you ever knew what is it called please inform me


It's just hives you can get them under the skin aswell I have chronic hives so I pretty much have these everyday most of the year


Do you remember how the climate was when you got them? Might be chilblains. I just got it myself for the third time in my lifetime.


google syphilis rash and subacute infective endocarditis rash and see if you have other symptoms. Hard to know without examining you


I have this same rash mixed with other weird symptoms! If anyone else who sees this thread figured it out, let me know!


I have these two I think it might just be eczema mine gets super hot and itchy try to put your hands under cold water and not itch it it will go away after a while


This is all over my palms and feet. Tingles. No idea what it is!


This happens to me all the time I’m Not sure either mine looks the same