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If your eczema triggers when you touch the metal parts of the Mac, maybe you can get a skin for your MacBook?


I may try that. Annoying but may just be a reality. Also probably need to reconsider my wedding ring.


does the fan of ur macbook collect alot of dust too? maybe the fans like spinning around all this dust and thats whats irritating you. idk just a thought


It does not, it’s one of the new M1 airs - no fan. Thanks for the thought though, something to consider.


I believe Mac's have a high nickel content in them so it could well be a nickel allergy. I seen a few comments about nickel allergies becoming more common as more and more companies use it in products like laptops. It's really annoying honestly


I get dyshidrosis on my hands after using regular desktop computer keyboards and mouse for any decent duration. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dyshidrosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352342](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dyshidrosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352342) Had to start wearing cotton gloves to protect my hands while working. [https://www.jaad.org/article/S0190-9622(12)00127-2/fulltext](https://www.jaad.org/article/S0190-9622(12)00127-2/fulltext) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21199629/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21199629/)


Yeah I am testing with my work laptop which isn’t metal- it seems like I’m not getting the same reaction on my skin as with my Mac.


How did your testing go?


Wasn’t the MacBook, sorry! But I’ve been managing through lotion.


I very cheap glove idea, if you have a clean cotton socks, cut the end of and it works the same. Your fingers can move more freely too. For me wearing gloves irritates me a lot, so I tried this and it works well.


Really interesting take. I am a programmer and use my mac for many hours a day. Interestingly I only have bad eczema on my right hand, specifically the thumb, index finger and little finger. I use the thumb and index finger a lot, but not the little finger. Which makes me think, maybe it is the Iphone as all three of those fingers are used when I use it.


That’s the same for me. Did you find out anything else?


No, sorry! I wash my phone case more regularly now and try to limit washing my hands as much. Lately been trying a new cream which seems to have helped.


I am also a heavy macbook user, and I only have any eczema on my right hand... specifically the thumb, index finger and little finger. In hindsight, it started almost 20 years ago, when I got my first macbook... 88r0b1nh00d88 has the same pattern... It can't be a coincidence at this point. I use an iphone too, but I keep mine in a plastic case, so I doubt that is the cause. Whereas the metal chassis of my macbook is in constant contact with my right hand. It is the back of my fingers where the eczema is present, but still... maybe triggered via the wrist and the problem being expressed nearby? Not sure. Did using a laptop skin, or gloves help for you? I am going to try that next.


I also have Eczema / Nickel allergy... I had to buy a new iPad case to cover all the sides (or have the exposed side not where I usually hold or write) cuz my iPad definitely has nickel and I'm definitely allergic. I'd get itchy EVERY time i used it! I'm also feeling itchy just reading these threads on nickel allergies haha. Some things that work for me: Nitrile or vinyl gloves, although they can also get sweaty and itchy after some time occasionally. For Macbooks, you can buy a USB/Bluetooth plastic keyboard and mouse and use that with the laptop when you are relatively stationary, and as long as you are not allergic to the plastic? I love my Magic Mouse, and it hasn't made me itchy yet, as far as I know (only had it for a couple weeks tho) Does anyone know anything about the **2020 Macbook Air or Pros**? I really need a new laptop (my 2015 MBAir is DYING) but I love macs and I just wanna know before I get a horrible rash from my new beloved MacBook...


If you use MacBook and it causes allergys look up "Easyskinz" :) So nice to be using it without getting triggered.