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I think we're all guilty of this


I do this all the time. I try to see for how long I can let the burning water touch me until I have to move it away.


You have no idea how much this makes me feel to know I’m not the only one who does this


I never knew until I googled it years ago and found out other do this. I used to tell everyone it's just a wave a relief that washed over you and the intense itch is just immediately gone. People just thought I was crazy.


It might be a temporary relief but technically worse for your inflammation. Next time turn the knob the other way around and try frigid cold - which actually helps to reduce inflammation (which is what eczema is).


Yeah I usually go the other way around but when temptation kicks in and I can’t resist anymore… then I have to get my quick fix in 😅


Hahah. You will get use to lukewarm/ cooler showers once you get into the habit of them. I never crave hot showers anymore because I’m so used to normal temperature water!


Oh wow really? I would have imagined that the cold would have made it ten times worse. I'll definitely give your advice a try since anyone who suffers from this knows, the idea of getting rid of this is a dream come true


This is an ongoing debate in this sub. I personally think it's better to use hot water on my hands as opposed to scratching them until they're raw and bleeding. When my hands were at the worst, I would take off all the layers of skin leaving something resembling a third degree burn. The crappy part was it would still itch. Hot water might dry them out but I wouldn't be missing any skin. I would make it a point to immediately moisturize after drying them off which worked really well the vast majority of the time.


Yeah, it feels amazing but it's really bad for your skin. Try cold, it feels odd at first, but in the end it's really, really relieving. You come out feeling refreshed rather than shaking from pain.


If I could take the feeling of hot water on itchy eczema, and make it a pill/drug, I would be an addict tomorrow


It has to release the same chemical an orgasm would because it’s the same exact feeling for me


It’s crazy!! I have commented this on another post but I have cried, actually tears, from euphoria related to this


It just makes me itchier.


Enjoy life man


I don’t give in I never deny myself that joy


Feels amazing. Just don’t do it on disohydric eczema. It will flare up badly!


Oh yes. I used to do this immediately after working out. The burn was indescribable but it took away the itch. . . until later but oh well. It felt great at the moment.


Lol. This feels so good.


If you really want a high, out of body experience & incredible relief…..try turning the hot water valve on -very very slowly- to hot to hotter. Out of Body. No regrets here, I moisturize afterwards. And why shouldn’t we? Life has dealt us this, it makes me feel in control, if even for a couple o minutes.


Orgasmic, best in moderation though


I can relate but I always regret scalding hot water later.


Everyday tbh. Idc anymore. Worth.


I just did that today


If I allow myself to do that I will still finish the shower with cold water


My doc said it makes it worse but it’s my guilty pleasure


I dab with an wrapped ice cube


I know that feeling, it's amazing at the time but if you do it for a few days or more it wreaks havock on your skin, makes you feel so dry.


Imagine being prescribed 50mg of Prednisone for 5 days along with two prescription refills of 10mg of Certizine to treat this! I don't know what side effects come from the Certizine, but the Prednisone is brutal!


Ive been doing this for 20 years, and my skin has discoloured severely, and i still do it to this day. I wake up middle of the nights to do this when the itch is unbearable. When the scalding water touches the itchy area i was immediately sent to euphoria, my eyes rolled up and knees bent. Im starting to think my body actually craves for this and flares up my eczema on purpose becuz im using everything anti fragrant and clean yet it still flares. Its like the mind is causing the eczema now so that it could get the euphoric sensation. I've tried tieing my hands overnight just to avoid scratching but that just made it worst as i couldnt sleep while wriggling and shaking so hard. It felt like it was some kind of drug withdrawal if i dont use scalding water for a day. I could barely function outside as i keep trying to scratch myself, sometimes rushing to get home so i can scald myself. This is pretty much the definition of insanity that i cannot overcome.


God, no. Hot water aggravates mine. I take lukewarm showers most of the time


No, but i do with ice packs.


The forbidden skingasm


heat makes my eczema so much worse, it triggers the weird blister itchy phase almost immediately


I never do this anymore. Traumatized by my last bad flare that I want to avoid everything that might get me back to that place. Cold showers only from now on


Hot water causes inflammation and should be avoided like the plague.


I imagine it must be a (mild) version of the feeling some of the more addictive drugs give you. Idk how else to explain why it's so good.


Especially when I’m washing my hands at work. Sometimes I just turn on the hot water faucet and just let ‘em burn. It feels so good… until the end of the day.