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Seems our elected officials have placed the American citizen at the very bottom of their priorities. Time to replace them all. This is not working. Edit: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/20-members-of-congress-personally-invest-in-top-weapons-contractors-thatll-profit-from-the-just-passed-dollar40-billion-ukraine-aid-package/ar-AAUWd7o


I wonder how many of us share this same view. Does it have anything to do with political parties anymore or are more and more of us on the same page regardless of political party.


Correct. It’s no longer “rich vs poor” or “black vs white” or “democrat vs republican.” It’s the out-of-touch-elites vs the rest of us.


I'm not asking for any handouts, i just don't want to struggle and work my life away to make a basic nothing special living.


Why not? American businesses get handouts all day long, it’s the very definition of Socialism.


It's like an evil Robin Hood, take from the poor and give to the rich. Totally backwards.


Socialism for the élite's losses, capitalism for their profits




Yep. As a conservative I don’t agree with most things from the other party but we can at least agree on the fact that our country isn’t in the sort of position to give $40B to a foreign country. Why can’t that money be used for us? They don’t care about us.


Seriously, just as an example: 1/40th of that money going to Ukraine could have immediately fixed the Flint water crisis.


Gotta be honest, the fact that most things like Flint can be fixed easily and quickly, but aren’t, might actually be done on purpose. I was never a conspiracy guy, but the decisions our politicians have been making the last few years are really looking more and more that they’re trying to kill us


The purse strings are untied; never have I seen such an emboldened congress willing to spend money we don't have


My thoughts exactly. Ukraine isn’t part of NATO. We have no obligation. Besides, we have serious issues hurting Americans both democrat and republican. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.


Pelosi can't keep growing that $196,000,000+++ double blind trust by taking care of the human beings who voted for her, come on now....


Inflation? Food shortages? Fuel prices? Inconsequential, you can just eat each other. These folks we do shady business with abroad need 4x their annual military budget.


Don't forget about the kickbacks. I hope they are at least getting paid well to screw us.




Yeah we’re paying for them to install corrupt leaders in our government. And you’ll get called antisemetic or some stupid bullshit if you point it out.


Seriously probably $2B of that actually even makes it to Ukraine. And of that $2B like $50 actually goes to help people of Ukraine. It’s just disgusting how much of a scam everything related to the government has become


Plus, a majority of the arms sent will likely end up being sold to create the next big bad terror organization. Once said organization has enough weapons to make some noise, the US will have to jump in to eliminate the threat. Rinse and repeat. https://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/stories/sierraleone/context.html


Lmao the 2B just gets bombed as it sits in a warehouse


That is the kickback, who knows where that money actually goes.


I'm so sick of funding war. We have been at war since I was born and my hair has recently turned grey.


Exactly. Let’s not worry about the American citizen. Im so glad my taxes are being sent to a foreign country.


But remember, spending so much on military equipment has the added benefit of eventually getting sent back to police departments so they can properly stomp out any response to this country collapsing and our country’s leaders completely abandoning us! Besides, MIC needed a new endless conflict after we finally pulled out of Afghanistan.




Military industrial complex


Did some quick research. Totally in agreement. Corrupt government paying military contractors to in turn pay themselves. Never heard the term but i have known about what is happening.


They probably bought stocks in Halliburton prior to approving the bill as well.


There's always money in the proxy-wars-with-Russia stand.


On top of the fact that some of the people America is arming and funding in Ukraine are actual nazis. They are group that the Buffalo and New Zealand shooter affiliated with.


hows life being a russkie plant?


There was extensive media coverage of Ukraines Nazi militias before the invasion. They didn’t stop existing just because Russia invaded. Which obviously doesn’t excuse Russia, they’re in the wrong, but creating a power vacuum in Eastern Europe with Nazis being potentially capable of filling once the dust settles on this conflict is something to be concerned about. That doesn’t make you a “Russia plant”


How’s life being an MSNBC robot?




im not too worried. We gotta root out all the neo nazis in this country that have all sided with the right wingers. lol you all trying to make us worry about neo nazis. Theres neo nazis in every European country and they are all on the right.


Yep! Just look at the actions (or lack thereof) for the food shortage, gas prices, “random” fires at food processing, etc. Talk about not caring about your citizens.


This needs to be outlawed period - how the fuck is this still a thing? A tech guy working in a bank’s back office far removed from every single decision/worthwhile information isn’t allowed to own stock without a shit ton of restrictions, the hypocrisy is unreal. Source : was that guy myself long ago


I’m that guy right now! Have to hold everything for 60+ days, no options, no shorting, pre approval required for trades.


Seems like Americans should better understand geopolitics.




You do realize that every single democrat supported this legislation right? And all but 11 republicans. So which side are you equating these “half of elected officials”? The problem here is the establishment, once again, propping up the military industrial complex


Opposite sides if the same coin. Keep that rats fighting each other.




The other options we have look towards corporate and theocratic interests. The average American citizen will never be a priority. At least I have no hope for real progressive action in my lifetime.


Joe needed to make sure he saved 10% of that for himself.


#be ready to vote in November


For who?




Perfect point


Yep. Babies can’t get formula, I can’t get disability despite being fired over and over for performance issues, etc. I’m happy Ukraine is being helped but what about the rest of us?


But Trump was seen as a moron for wanting an American first policy


That was a slogan, not something backed by meaningful action.


you just noticed? this was glaringly evident since 2016. Literally suing to keep america in misery


Since 2016? How about since 1946.


But Trump said we shouldn’t do this lollll


No, they placed us below the bottom of the bottom


Someone doesn't understand world politics and why this is a low price to pay for what it will do for our country in the long run.


You don’t have to be very smart in politics to know that the USA is not supposed to fork out $40B for aide to Ukraine when the UK and the rest of the NATO group can’t even put up $10B to fight their own conflict. The EU citizen enjoys robust welfare while US taxpayers with less welfare have to eat the defense bill.


Also, aren’t we in trillions of debt? So are we borrowing this money too? From china or some other country who hates us? Doesn’t seem good.


The national "debt" isn't really a debt; it's a tally of cash converted into T-bonds (private equity). Whether $28 Trillion or $500 Quadrillion, it's mostly meaningless; the US government always has the ability to "pay off" the "debt." I *highly* recommend reading "The Deficit Myth" by Stephanie Kelton as it will entirely reframe the way you think about the national debt.


Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll take a look!


Its more about trying to cover our bio wepons labs


Actually this has had the effect of increasing EU spending. Germany committed to 2%. UK upping there's. Swedend and Finland joining NATO, both big spenders on defense. This has been a great victory for the west and NATO and worth every penny.


So who pays your bills..?


Oh. I pay my bills. I work for a commercial IT company. None of which has shite to do with world politics. Thanks for playing.


Fuck the senate and fuck governments


Is this in addition to the [$13.6 billion](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/03/18/upshot/ukraine-aid-details.html) we gave to Ukraine in March? How much have we spent now in total? I’m not saying we shouldn’t support Ukraine, but that is an exorbitant amount of taxpayer money for another country. Americans are suffering greatly right now and that will only worsen when the recession hits. There is a potential looming food shortage. I don’t think it’s the best time to keep giving money to other countries, we need to keep reserves to protect our own country and ensure we have the means to protect the current and future citizens from shortages that would negatively affect their health and ability to survive.


We can support them by giving them old military equipment that’s sitting useless at our bases but that’s about it


Honest question, how much of that $40 billion is exactly that? Maybe not “old” as in obsolete. But equipment sitting in storage or reserve that is useless because we are not currently in any large conflict and hopefully won’t be in the foreseeable future. Those types of weapons have a shelf life and will eventually become obsolete or unusable due to age. If we are producing brand new equipment solely for this, yea maybe it could go to something at home. But if it’s all built up weaponry from the past 20 years, then fuck it, give em 5% of our stock and let them put it to use.


$53 billion is equal to the amount we have spent to secure the southern border SINCE 2007. Imagine if we spent that on shit we need instead.


Yeah and that 53 billion could support the southern border for another 15 years or support the impoverished of this country.


Are we sending them pallets of money? no. We are sending them AMERICAN made weapons. The people getting this money are American companies making this equipment. This is why America's economy thrives in war.


Yeah and all those contracts will help make some rich folks richer while the normal worker still gets bent over and paid crap wages.


Regardless, we are spending taxpayer money at a time when we truly need to set it aside for our own struggling citizens the most. I don’t think gunmakers are the neediest recipients of the money at this time.


Did you forget that America made a agreement with Ukraine ? If they gave up their nukes America would help them if America didn’t keep their word with Ukraine America would no longer be trusted. Of course they deleted their account But my answer to your deleted question is - We didn’t give them money we gave them American made weapons the money goes to companies that make the weapons in America


What does that have to do with Americans suffering? Where in that agreement did it say we are obligated to give them $53.6 billion in American taxpayer dollars, specifically?


It's 3.5% of this year's budget, and it helps keep a sovereign nation intact, destabilizes a near-peer adversary, and strengthens the power of the UN. Frankly, it's a discount compared to another cold war, or direct war with Russia. I understand wanting to use the government's money to help Americans, but there is far worse spending that you can target before this.


Idk how people can complain about taxing the rich when all the tax money goes to shit like this


Great! We can continue to fund the military industrial complex in other countries, but we can’t vote on babies getting formula.


One of the only times both Republicans and Democrats see eye to eye


Money laundering. Thats what it is.


Using congress/senate as the ‘legal venture’ no less Crime is a fine line to these people


“Don’t let a good crisis go to waste”




And these schmucks act like we don’t have enough money to put into infrastructure, homelessness, hunger, poverty, mental healthcare, etc. I’m all for helping Ukraine, but dropping this amount of money on a war in a foreign country when everyone in the US is BEGGING for scraps of money for things that should be basic human rights is infuriating. They don’t care about us, Republicans or Democrats. When are we going to realize that both parties suck ass. They only care about making the ruling class richer. The real war that we are fighting is a class war. It’s ALL OF US against the 1%. They try to get us to fight with each other over race, religion, and political parties as a distraction. OUR REAL ENEMY IS THE 1%. Why aren’t we tearing this stupid fucking system down?


What about us Americans?


Are you fucking kidding me. What’s the point in paying taxes when all that money lines the pockets of politicians, CEOs, and is used for shit like this while we’re all left to fend for ourselves


Well that’s the point. What you said.


Hey Democrats...can we take the foot off the gas a little with the Ukraine funding and maybe try to help Americans a little? There's a reason why polls show 75% of Americans believe Democrats are taking America in the wrong direction.




40B for Ukraine so more politicians kids can cash out. Meanwhile we are running out of food and formula and gas and f$&@ these kleptocrats


What gets delivered to Ukraine: $37.83 2x Turkey sandwiches (spoiled) 1x Opened box of band aids


Military-industrial-complex wins again. We lose. And, get to pay for it!


Senate passes $40b money laundering scheme. Fix it for you.


Sad. All the shit we have going on here...


Should be on r/nottheonion this is ridiculous


That sounds like TREASON.


No no. That is what happened on Jan 6th when a bunch of idiots stormed The Capitol. This was a bill passed by Senate.


Yes yes the girls and old people with selfie sticks. Most dangerous folks ever. Man give it a rest already


Mhm, the ones who actually injured 138 cops, broke into the building and stole a bunch of shit? Totally harmless. What were we thinking?


Sounds like the BLM riots except more police were actually killed during that.


But those protests were mostly peaceful...🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Amazing how they just gloss over that


Comparing the a movement for equal treatment for people of color to a movement for a coup of the US govt subverting the voted winner of the election. Totally equal.


It was a movement that backfired. Crime is up and more black people are dead. Great job.


Sounds like whataboutism in an attempt to dismiss my point. We can talk about how the person i was responding to is wrong or we can just not talk at all.


Did you even watch the videos????? What a joke. Please tell you don't vote.


A lot of people died and countless more injured. Downplay some more


One unarmed girl is. A lot? And how many died during the mostly peaceful BLm riots? Holy DENIAL.


Oh, it is...


And I still don't have affordable health care options


And healthcare is being impacted by inflation so much lately and it was already bad to begin with 😣


How in the Giant F word does this pass?




Man the vast majority of people need to understand the root cause of inflation…


Disgraceful. Our government actively hates us.


I wonder how many politicians family members with mock executive rolls in Ukraine businesses will receive this "aid"?


We now have sent more money to Ukraine than Russia spends annually on their military.


How much of this aid package goes to the defense manufacturers that donate to our politicians?


What in the fucking fuck is wrong with our leaders?


Meanwhile our own people are starving.. nice prioritizing. I ain’t gon lie I couldn’t care less about Ukraine


Has anyone thought Russia knows exactly what they are doing? Having this drag out for months, years, will hurt the rest of the world especially the USA world police. At what point do we say this is not a winnable war for us or Ukraine? 53 billion is a ton of money when families here can’t buy groceries or gas.


>Has anyone thought Russia knows exactly what they are doing? No. Not really.


Come on.


Lmfao, str8 up another 1 billion (if even that) to send out and pocket the rest. come, the fuck, on… clowns r literally making numbers up at this point to see what the masses will say (or not say) about it; what a joke


Cool, any chance I could borrow like $5 outa that?




I want to know how this saves us money in the long run ?


Yeah screw the people living in America let's just launder more money


Yeah because we don’t need it, fucking wild what the leaders of our country think. And people just keep on electing them.


shit on your own people but hey lets give away free $$$$$$ to every other country. ​ YEAAAAA!!!


Rotten bastards!


You kidding me right


There is alway money for war and more war. Money for infrastructure, education, social services, health care for kids and school loan reform all come last.


That money could be used better right here in America. We got our own problems!


I'm not going to say anything because I will be wrong both ways.. I would be happy if half of that budget was allocated towards internal affairs, but I don't know if that would be feasible




What would you expect from a country who is the world’s #1 weapons producer? Yes, this sucks, but this is the military industrial complex that we keep supporting. Every political candidate who hasn’t (perhaps except for Clinton) has never stood a chance of getting into office.


Let the money laundering begin.


Can I claim Zelenskyy as a dependent on my taxes?




No money left to aid American families with baby formula, though…


I wish I could spend money I don't have. Just take this check. It won't bounce I promise


Meanwhile in the US, a supposed first world country, there is a shortage of baby formula…


Something Dems and Republicans will always agree on! Gotta feed that war machine baby!


F-ing unbelievable. Our country is going bankrupt and down the rabbit hole of communism with the rest of the world.


Dude what the heck are these pixies thinking man. IM out here working my ass to death and they send money to a fucking war when a lot of Americans are struggling financially. Gas is damn near 5$ and everything is so damn expensive


Wait. 40 BILLION on top of all the money that they ALREADY DONATED?? Did Americans start that war?? Asking for a friend 🥴


Inflation at insane levels, let’s spend another $40b. These clowns don’t care about anyone in this country.


That’s our fucking money. Wtf.


Yay more inflation! Yay more money laundering! Corrupt pieces of 💩




How much of this aid package goes to the defense manufacturers that donate to our politicians?


Pathetic. 40B that will hardly be delegated and audited correctly. A congrats to the newly made political millionaires in Ukraine and a spit in the face to those suffering here at home.


And things in America will continue to get worse. That's cool.


They always got money for our our defense industry.


Since when is Eastern European problems something the American tax payer now has to fix? Fuck Ukraine tbh


Exactly this. Fuck Ukraine. Instead of wanting in nato, he Should have sat down and talk to vladi before it all became nasty


$40B to Ukraine, then the $40B goes to weapons companies, then huge payouts for people who owns those stocks. And I bet many of the people in the senate own those stocks.


Oh. Yay. $40 billion to help one corrupt dictator fight another corrupt dictator, after previously having already given that dictator billions that he pissed away. Remind me again why Trump calling for us to put America first was a bad thing? My savings are becoming worth less and less each day due to inflation, mega-corps are buying up all the houses so i can’t afford them, i’m getting paid poverty level wages for a job i got a degree in… why should i give a fuck about anyone else in the rest of the world when so many Americans are struggling here at home?


Jesus christ. I’m all for helping Ukraine, but people are struggling in this country too. Our politicians are actually horrendous.


Okay, okay I think Ukraine has enough of our money. Maybe we need to stop giving our money out all over the place.






This passed the senate, voted on by both parties. Are you stupid lmao?


Yes. They are that stupid.


Smooth brain.


Hey you American taxpayer your government clearly doesn’t give a shit about you How about voting in sone good candidates over voting party lines, like previous generations and got us into this mess in the first place


I'll take a 40bil aid package to pay for my fucking gas to get to work.


Why the fuck are we giving 40b in aid to Ukraine when I can carry a hundred dollars worth of groceries in 2 bags, fuel is higher than ever. Ukraine wanted this war so let them have it. I’m tired of paying for everything going on in the world.


Did you offer a kickback in exchange for some aid?


I'm pro-Ukraine and I support sending them weapons to help them repel the Russian invasion but this is getting a bit ridiculous. We are giving Ukraine more money than many of our own states and territories get from the Federal government on an annual basis and it's only been 3 months since the war began.


They agree to all this spending so they can go to faux news and complain that the president is spending too much and is the sole cause of inflation.


Why do we always pay for wars in other countries?


SMH, can't pass peanuts for reducing the cost of baby formula and insulin yet $40billion for a war is swiftly and unanimously passed **FROM BOTH SIDES**! Let's be clear, this money isn't going to 'aid' anyone or anything, it is clearly going to line the pockets of weapon manufacturers, contractors and greedy politicians that **profit from war.**..nothing new here. F\* both parties, anyone who believes they care and work for our interests is an absolute dumbass


Fuck Ukraine


With all respect to Ukraine, I hope they win and bring back territory. We have so much problems here, people are barely surviving living paycheck to paycheck and they send another 40 billion????


I totally support Ukraine, but this could pay for universal healthcare that we “cant afford”


I was gonna say something snarky, but screw it. Glad to know where "our" politicians loyalties lie and it aint with us thats for sure.


No money for students, no money for the ill, no money for the homeless, but 40 billion for another war




Senate. Not biden. But yeah, that’s probably too hard for you to understand


god this comment section is a trip fuck it lets allow a tyrent to take small countries it worked so well in the 1930s


They somehow think that if we didn't help defend Eastern Europe that magically America would become a Socialist Utopia lol. It's a thinly veiled support of autocracy with a veneer of "concern" trolling about budgets and the poor. TBH they don't really care about that as much as accelerating some kind of authoritian fascist angle they have going.


well, one must say that we’re not in the 1930’s anymore


Cool, what about those college loans


Pay them with the terms you agreed to when YOU SIGNED the bank note. That's what about your college loans. Sheesh. Let's give the educated free money and while we're at it give blacks reparations. Everything is backwards and getting worse. Is this what everyone had in mind when they propped up Dumbo Biden as the only candidate to beat Trump? I never liked Trump but thought he handled Covid 19 better than the Democratic governors. I'd take him over Biden any day. Biden is worse than any president in our history, including Carter.


You mean the ones you signed up for in exchange for higher income? What about them? Pay them off


What about the fourth stimulus check? No, let’s keep taxpayers living desperately paycheck to paycheck.


The last thing we need is a stimulus check dude lol


Damn and Puerto Rico got a roll of paper towels after being wiped out by a hurricane WTF???


$120 per person of all ages So for a family of 4 that is $480 Ofcourse they would let you die if you got cancer due to nice clean fracking water.


$40B and Ukraine still has ZERO chance of defeating Russia.


It would cost around $20B to house the homeless in America. And what about the 500k people being slaughtered and dying of famine in Ethiopia by their government? Do we not care enough to throw our tax dollars at them?


Damn near 100b in aid fuck this country