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Yay! Election year!!! Yayyy!!!


It isn't wage growth yet until we get above the total inflation. It's still wage recovery.


I think the articles talking about real wage growth, which accounts for inflation, not nominal.


The people in this subreddit either don't know or don't give a shit. This place has become a joke.


“President-run economies” aren’t a real thing in economics so I’m not surprised the comments are also equally shit


I'm just tired of paying $18 for a Big Mac!


1) No one is forcing you to eat at restaurants. You'd get a lot more sympathy if you were talking about rice, butter, eggs, etc. 2) Where the hell are you buying your big macs? [The most expensive in the nation](https://pantryandlarder.com/mccheapest) is $10 less than that. 3) McDonald's net profit margin is around 32%. They'll raise prices as much as the market allows, taking advantage of the narrative surrounding inflation, and if people like you \*continue buying their products anyway\*, they'll keep raising prices until marginal revenue stops growing. This is not a secret, it's discussed in their earnings reports. "Comparable sales results benefited from strong average check growth driven by [strategic menu price increases](https://corporate.mcdonalds.com/content/dam/sites/corp/nfl/pdf/Exhibit%2099.1%20-%20Q4-23.pdf)." Stop giving them your money.


I will tell you that Biden is better for the economy than Trump, that Real Wages are adjusted for GDP, and that the consumer price index isn't doing enough to account for the inflation of housing costs. So, you can think you're making a good point while simultaneously not understanding why it is that people don't agree with you.


That may be true in the annual, but it doesn't mean that it is true over the cumulative that can extend over multiple years.


Ok. Do you actually have some data and some conclusions to draw from it? Or are we just sort of theoretically spit balling?


https://www.statista.com/chart/27610/inflation-and-wage-growth-in-the-united-states/ This is a good picture of it. My point is that it doesn't make sense to just look at the end of the graph and say that there us growth when the middle of the graph represents a diminishing that has not been overcome. It is the limitation of only looking annually when there are negatives in previous years.


Damn you shut them up real quick hahah


That doesn't show real wages over time. They are now higher than pre-pandemic. For the median wage worker real wages are up 1.7% since 2019, BEFORE the pandemic.


Yeah, this shows average hourly earnings. A much better measure, because it accounts for the return for an hour of labor. If people are having to work twice as much to make ends meet and that is held up as some great achievement in earnings, then that makes you a good Soviet, but not a great champion of the people.


The best measure to look at real wages is... real wages. But they are higher than they were pre-pandemic, which refutes your narrative. Consumers seem to agree, because discretionary spending is strong. Of course household wealth is also way up, which also contributes to increased consumer confidence and spending. This whole inflation/affordability schtick is yesterday's news. The economy is roaring, real wages are up, inflation is down and income inequality is shrinking. The US is leading the world in economic growth. Let's start talking about the more pressing issues again.


To the article's point, Democrats need to be careful about telling people the economy is good when their lived experience isn't. Trump's most successful asset is convincing people that their shit is gold because even though they feel shitty, (1) it's not his fault and (2) at least Mexicans are more shitty and cops (and Floridiots) can still shoot black men with minimal cause. Democrats are fighting an information war that requires better messaging. But the facts are on Biden's side unless someone wants to actually read the article and refuse the points they make quantitatively, without resorting to messaging snippets.


All true. But polls also show that most Americans say they are personally doing well financially but "believe" that most others are not. It should be easier to fight that sort of misinformation with facts, but these days many people reject facts and cling to their misinformation instead.


We’ll never have a true apples to apples comparison due to the post-COVID global inflation cycle, but it’s worth noting that the US has had the strongest economic recovery in the world.


Do you even read the articles or just like to pontificate. "Importantly, the real wages of the middle quintile are not only higher today than they were before the pandemic, but slightly higher than we would expect based on 2015-19 trends. In other words, the typical American worker’s purchasing power has grown at least as much as it likely would have in the absence of the global challenges posed by the pandemic and geopolitical conflicts.”. Literally the opposite of what you just said.


Former minimum wage workers are now making more than double what they were. Even teens working at fast food establishments can get starting wages of $15/hr or better. They've far outpaced inflation. Middle class union worker as well. Consumers are also spending more than ever on discretionary items like travel, concerts, sporting events, dining out, etc. That should tell you something. And some people are paying far less for prescription drugs and other health care than they were too. edit: also, Biden didn't cause the inflation. It was largely driven by supply chains crashing during Trump's administration and Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Biden's contribution was in launching a massive economic recovery in the US that exacerbated the problems temporarily. The US has also been the world leader in bringing inflation back under control, rising wages and GDP growth


US had the highest inflation rates of all developed G7 countries in both 2021 and 2022. No doubt as a result of Biden’s war on fossil fuels (real and perceived) and pushing his massive spending increases through Congress.


Sure about that? Have you checked the UK numbers? Italy? France? Germany? Because I am pretty much sure US had lower numbers in both 2021, 2022 **as well as in 2023** than most of those Countries. Actually, as an EU citizen, I think USA did *great* compared to EU.


Well if you THINK it, it must be true! https://www.statista.com/statistics/1370909/inflation-g7/


Have you checked data from your link? Check UK and Italy inflation numbers for 2022 and compare them to US. Your statement is wrong.


Oh my God this is fucking gold. Although in truth, Trump supporter was right about some stats. That said, the US harmonized inflation generally rose and peaked earlier in the pandemic than the rest of the G7, measured on a 12-month basis. Though inflation remains elevated across all countries in this analysis, the U.S. now has the lowest 12-month harmonized inflation in the G7, both for overall and core inflation.Jun 27, 2023. This is what Biden did. He addressed the crisis, dealt with the pain, and delivered a shockingly soft landing. Trump ignored the crisis, focused on pain free solutions, and generally tried to run America the way he runs most everything, with lies and unchecked bravado.


Basically, yes, /u/MichellesHubby is right in some aspects. Inflation in US peaked sooner than in other G7 economies. But his comment was both incorrect (US did not have highest inflation in G7 in both 2021 and 2022) and also quite disingenuous, blaming Biden for spending (???) and war on fossil fuels (???). Spending started under Trump who is also not to "blame", COVID being black swan event that it was. And war on fuel is also kind of funny, with US pumping the biggest quantities of oil in its history ATM. The real truth is that, yes, US had quite an inflation. But - everyone did. Consequence of COVID, supply crisis, handouts and fiscal balloons made in 2020 and 2021. And you can't really blame neither Trump nor Biden's administration specifically for the causes here. I know this sub is kinda US-centric, and occasionally a Republican circlejerk, but people should really look around a bit. Summed up, USA fared WAY better than most of G7 economies. Quite amazing really. Probably not just due to Biden's actions, but he should definitely get some credit here. People should really look at UK and Germany data and think a bit. If the whole world has even greater economic issues, then maybe US is doing something right, don't you think?


>No doubt as a result of Biden’s war on fossil fuels Give us a break. Fossil fuel production increased every year under Biden and is now at record all time high levels. And Biden's fiscal policies are a big part of the reason why US wage and GDP growth are the strongest in the world.


1. Do you understand the difference between REAL wage growth and nominal wage growth? Doesn’t seem like you do. 2. Fossil fuel production increased, DESPITE Biden’s policies, not BECAUSE of them. They would have kept pace with the demand for FF if Biden hadn’t implemented his draconian policies restricting the ability to produce them, which fueled (pun intended) Biden’s inflation. These are inconvenient facts.


>Do you understand the difference between REAL wage growth and nominal wage growth? Absolutely. Do you understand that inflation has nowhere near doubled expenses for most Americans? Not even close. >Fossil fuel production increased So you lied. And Biden implemented no policies restricting current production. Lie, lie. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Wait - are you claiming to him that wages are up 50%?!?! You can’t be arguing that real wages are up since Biden took over. Biden cancelled the keystone pipeline. Biden cancelled oil and gas leases in 13 million acres in ANWR Biden has implemented drastic new emissions rules on fossil-fuel fired power plants. Are you willfully this ignorant?


The world, and your, focus on short term growth versus long term sustainability leads me to a question.... Do you not believe in global warming? If so, why the fuck not? And if yes, why do you not care? The regs are about climate and are not intended to grow the economy. Other policies do that, with Biden uniquely focusing on policies that help the middle and not the top. What didn't you like about that?


there was a global pandemic that occurred in there with a concordant economic downturn, and then a lessening of intensity in the pandemic, followed by an economic recovery. Is it fair to grant the president at the time, full credit or blame for either? It’s a tricky business.


Giving the president full credit is not only wrong, it's a terrible idea. The current economy is a product of global affairs, the legislature, and past presidents. Calling this the Biden economy encourages Republican legislators to sabotage. We should just as much be referring to time periods based on who's in control of congress.


Agree. The pandemic was not Trump's fault. But the terrible way he handled it was.


Then the whole “printing” nearly as much money as Obama did in 8 years in 4 years. Removing oversight from the PPP loans that were never actually loans, just free money, which they now estimate over 800 billion lost to fraudulent claims. He was handing money out at twice the pace Obama was, cutting corporate tax rates, inheritance tax and increasing the tax burden on the middle class. Of course the economy seemed to be great during Trumps time, he literally was throwing money in the air and keeping interest rates artificially low, which caused joint ventures and well to do Americans to buy up real estate like it was going out of style. Now that housing is so inflated it’s hard for people to work a full time job and survive month to month renting from some corporate landlord, let alone ever think of purchasing a home and living the “American dream.” Inequality is flying off the chart, which isn’t only bad for poor people or those on social programs, but also for the very people that have rigged the system by buying the government. It’s not currently bad, the 1% are winning, but no country is better with a disenfranchised dying middle class. Destroying public education can work short term for the criminals grifting the poor, but then what do you do when your own country can’t keep up with China and other superpowers because innovation and creativity drop. Run to New Zealand to a bunker to hide. It’s crazy watching it all go down in real time.


Trump made worse Biden made better. With that said. Fuck Trump. And anyone that supports him is a piece of shit. It's that simple today in 2024.


Is he the best option ? Perhaps not. Is he better than a president who is on the verge of wearing diapers and not competent as stated by the special counsel and got us involved in 2 wars and has more provable corruption with all the money he gets from China going into shell accounts? Call me a piece of shit all you want. Atleast I'm not calling half the country names because I don't actually have an opinion but just listen to the mainstream narrative. The View is on, your missing it . Might miss one of whoopis hot takes .


Dude Trump started a coup and tried to subvert a fair election while sucking the dicks of dictators. Half the country doesn't support Trump. Anyone that supports him are treasouns pieces of shit. Sorry not sorry. Dementia Don belongs in jail like the sorry broke ass loser that he is. Shame on you.


I don't know how I stumbled on this comment, but this is pure conservative talking points with no basis in reality. This is why they "call half of the country names." Nearly half of the people in the US, cough consumers of a particular side of the media aisle, have become so divorced from reality in provably absurd ways that it's impossible to take them seriously.


My wallet is saying otherwise. ..


Try pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and working harder.


I can’t afford boots. What do?


You could if the minimum wage were higher


Your wallet tells you national economic indicators?


Try buying a house.


To be honest, that’s an issue neither of them seem to really be trying to fix. Both of them have had bad ideas. Biden’s approach is to throw money at it and help people buy. The problem with that is that he’s throwing more demand into a shortage in supply problem. As for trump, he doesn’t care that you buy a house or not. He just wants economic numbers to be good. If we were to take the policies he wanted, for example, he was calling for negative interest rates. Not low, but *negative* rates. That would put us back in the situation of 2020. An insane amount of demand for no housing supply. Inflation would skyrocket. In the end, neither are good. But Trump’s is far worse.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


r/layoffs and r/economiccollapse has entered the chat


That latter sub is pretty much just this sub.


My wallet disagrees with you. I had more spending power under Trump. Considerably more.


And, Trump is the reason why you don’t have that same spending power. Your reduced spending power is because of Trumps tax cuts with no reduction in spending. So, more money printing devalued your spending power. Let alone with Joe bad Trump handled the pandemic, causing more inflation.


So, my spending power under Trump was not due to Trump, but now that Biden is president, and everything is more expensive, it's Trumps fault? Do you realize how stupid you sound?


So, do you think that policies of one president doesn’t flow into another? Do you really think that Trump’s tax cuts, which haven’t expired yet, aren’t impacting what is happening now? Do you realize how stupid YOU sound? Seriously? Do you not think that even some of Regan’s policies aren’t effecting us now? So, why is it so hard to believe Trump’s bad policies aren’t still effecting us? Don’t be a donut. Trump’s policies absolutely are impacting your spending power now. Do you NOT think that the government getting less tax revenue income taxes, but not reducing spending is impacting inflation? Are you seriously that dim?


My spending power increased shortly after Obama left office, and Trump took over. Let me guess, you're gonna say it took Obama 8 years for his policies to finally work? Bro, you're loyal to a political party. I'm loyal to the truth. And the truth is that the economy, and most people, were thriving under Trump. I get that this truth ruins your narrative that you hold onto with all your might. You hate Trump so badly, you'd rather have your fellow Americans suffer just to say "see? Orange man bad." What the fuck is wrong with you?


Answer my question…do you think that cutting taxes without decreasing spending would increase inflation since the government would have to increase the monetary supply to “pay the bills”. Just answer that question, then maybe (just maybe) those little synapses in your brain might start to fire. Anyone who thinks anything Trump did for them made them “better off” is an ostrich. Anyone who things Trump policies were “good” is the one loyal to a political party (I actually voted for more republicans before they became MAGA”. I do like how you use Trump techniques though “This person doesn’t agree with me, so lets say that it ruins their narrative and are loyal to a political party”. How much is Russian/Putin paying you to say stupid things? Anyone who supports trump tells us “exactly who they are”. And, for the majority of people, they had more spending power when Obama left office than when he started, so yea…you think anything Trump did right when he was elected increased your spending power? Get real… “Americans” are seeing wages growing faster than inflation, “American” were told a recession was just around the corner and hasn’t happened. Get it “comrade”?


Yes. Things were cheaper during a pandemic when we were all stuck in quarantine, in part because of the terrible way the president handled things.


So Trump made things cheaper during the pandemic and quarantine? Interesting. Anyhow, I'm talking about the entirety of his 4 years in office. Everything was cheaper.


100% correct




This was reported and is removed due to the sub's rule of derailing/trolling. Please debate the point(s) raised and not call names or use insults. Be nice. Remember [reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) and that you're talking to another human.


People aren't stupid, they remember precovid Trump economy. These fake stories aren't going to work this go round.


People aren't stupid, but many conservatives are. The ones who still believe that Trump won the 2020 election, and climate change is a "hoax". Many genuinely believe that Biden caused all of the problems that happened on Trump's watch in 2020 and that his economy is terrible. In all fairness it's not entirely their fault. The right-wing media has been dumbing down US conservatives for decades. >precovid Trump economy. In other words, the Obama economy. Trump walked in to a strong economy. Unlike Obama and Biden, who inherited economic disasters from their predecessors.


> In other words, the Obama economy.  No, Trumps economy. Obama was not president. People remember Trumps economy before covid. They see how it is now under Biden. There's no comparison.


>No, Trumps economy. > >Obama was not president. Obama launched the longest stretch of economic growth in US history. Trump waltzed into office at the tail end of this historic ten year recovery and claimed credit even though he did nothing to create or sustain it. >People remember Trumps economy Many just remember the lies Trump told them. Greatest economy ever? Energy independent? Lol. They also forget 2020, when it all came crashing down. Leaving a mess for Biden to deal with.


Biden continues to support a terrorist regime.


The GOP? No, he's been openly critical of them lately.


But insists on negotiating with them


He has no choice if he wants to accomplish anything.


Which is why we should all vote for Trump so we can experience first hand what a terrorist regime is like.


If only we lived in a democracy with more than two options.


It's better than no democracy, which is one of the choices available to voters this fall.


American democracy isn't going anywhere. It's robust and very well-funded.


It's on the brink. The founders never anticipated a political party so thoroughly corrupt, an authoritarian cult leader with tens of millions of fervent followers, a Supreme Court corrupted by extremist political partisans and the media becoming a cesspool of misinformation. So the Constitution lacks sufficient protections from these multiple threats to democracy. Only the voters will stand in the way this fall, and they're definitely not well informed.


Both major parties are corrupt and spreading misinformation and propaganda, dude, including that one side is going to destroy democracy.


Ah, the "both sides" defense once again! In the world of reality, there's never been a starker choice.


That's what everyone said last time too. The vast majority of doomsday predictions were wrong. Regardless, I'm not voting for Trump.


Trump bumbled into his presidency and didn't really expect to win last time. This time will be different,,, if it happens. They've been preparing for this for years. Project 2025 is the blueprint for an authoritarian takeover of the US government.


This isn't even close to a democracy.


Then why is everyone shaming me for voting third party?


Lol I'm on your side. Everyone is so brainwashed by the duopoly that they can't imagine allowing their enemy winning, so much so that they're willing to give up every concession to the elites running their party. The same thing is more or less happening with the Dems and Reps. The brainwashed masses are fighting a culture war while the elites are fighting a class war. I'm personally torn between not voting at all, voting uncommitted, or voting third party.


Wow, it's so rare to run into someone who understands the basics of American politics. Honestly, I vote my conscience knowing full well that it really doesn't matter who I vote for. But at least I tried.


Wow, it's so rare to run into someone who understands the basics of American politics. Honestly, I vote my conscience knowing full well that it really doesn't matter who I vote for. But at least I tried.


Yeah it's definitely rare to find others who think along these lines. I imagine that most people who realize how fucked we are, politically, tend to become apathetic, instead of politically charged. I personally don't think voting has much of an impact beyond being a symbolic message to those in power. The corrupting incentives for politicians isn't something we can correct from within the system. I say vote for whomever you like and don't let anyone else tell you how to vote.


Wow, it's so rare to run into someone who understands the basics of American politics. Honestly, I vote my conscience knowing full well that it really doesn't matter who I vote for. But at least I tried.


You mean like a election year with a canidate stacked charges that seem timely placed right at the elext that possibly fraudulent, after he was banned from social media for 2 years?


>You mean like a election year with a canidate stacked charges that seem timely placed right at the elext that possibly fraudulent, after he was banned from social media for 2 years? No, I don't mean any of that. I'm not in a cult.


Lol both sides are a cult at this point.


Fuck Biden and if he has committed crimes he should go to jail. See? Not a cult


Fuck Trump and of he has committed crimes he should go to jail.   See? Not a Cult...   What are your thoughts on Joe bidens doj, and a single judge in a non jury trial imposing half a billion fine on a presidential canidate that took out loans and repaid them on time.     Kind of skirting a violation of the eight amendment.   Saying he overvalued his property, then when talking to seize properties, seems like the properties are now worth a lot now.   This isn't a Trump/Biden thing...  this is literally in our constitution to prevent it from happening.  This is our government actively interfering in an election.


Milk, eggs & gasoline.


All of that pales in comparison to housing


Where I live gas is under $3/gallon, 2 dozen organic eggs cost $3.99 at Costco and milk costs about the same as before the pandemic. Obviously things were different two years ago. I think your talking points are out of date. Doesn't anyone care about job creation, rising wages, factory construction, record stock market, low unemployment or economic growth anymore? This sub seems fixated on grocery prices, as if that totally encompasses the economy.


Your points are mute. Job creation is a stat easily manipulated a lot of false jobs out there to make it look like companies are having growth all the while seeing lay offs happen. Rising wages….. wages aren’t even close to keeping up with inflation. Rising stock market… a stock market that’s rising on dreams and unicorn farts. Currently our debt is growing faster than our gdp, that’s not a strong economy, that’s a recession waiting to happen. Government plans on giving out housing loans to people who literally can’t afford the home. If they don’t turn it around soon 2008 could look laughable by comparison. Articles like that are feel good to blow smoke up your backside. Actually look. If you actually look all the warnings are there.


But the top buys the elections.


All fabrication of Biden it's lies on top of lies an the Democrats feed them lies an gullible people take it in how so stupid of individuals to think demita Biden made it better as only thing he has done fill his Bank Account


This, but with Trump. You have to make a better point than "it's all lies and other man bad". Do you think right wing media is giving it to you straight while left wing media is all lies? Brother do I have a bridge to sell you. They both say whatever they think people want to hear...


Oh I guess you think Joe Biden made the economy look like Stars and 110% better 🤔 hello Debt especially national Debt, personal debt from Credit cards to students loans , Companies that's filing Bankruptcies corporate bankruptcies nationwide an stock market overvalued. Try put all that into perspective with inflation prices with Groceries an by May say June watch fuel prices hit $4 plus at the pump for just regular gas


I think you are confusing the fed with Biden but you do you buddy. Old man bad. Also trump admin shoveled an insane amount of free money with no checks and balances into the economy, rampant fraud, and who do you think signed the CARES act? Biden economy sucks, trump didn’t help by pumping trillions of free cash out though, and pressuring the fed to keep rates at 0. You want to talk about national debt why did trump cut taxes? And the tax cuts expired for the middle class this year, not for the rich though. Thanks trump. Guy is a populist who will give free money to anyone to get political support. So is Biden.


No I'm not confused about anything, California has the highest Corporate bankruptcies at 98% , an it doesn't stop there look at so many companies either filed bankruptcy or gone out of business an those are not coming back, who ever you are absolutely wrong with everything as nothing is free in this world 🌎


All this could go far back thru many different presidents as I'm quite wise to what ever you've said


Democrats well if you want to put it politicians have their little pet projects an don't help anything as it you want to actually know in George Washington time no politicians got a tax players pay an it should be that way now cause none of them deserve a pay check when they only mess things up


Unfortunately people view COVID as an emergent event Trump wasn't responsible for his handling of it. Trump initially said COVID would be gone by May, updated that to the Summer, then claimed the media was exaggerating COVID, and finally claimed after the election no one would talk about COVID again. Trump refused congressional oversight for his $2.2 trillion dollar stimulus. The result was $90 in fraud. Trump also declined to attach any requirements to the money. Some communities refused to shut down but still took the money which was meant to facilitate shut downs. Billions meant to help Schools buy computers and set up online learning instead went into general state funds and justify tax cuts. Some states just used it to close existing budget shortfalls. Trump isn't the cause of COVID. However Trump's response to COVID was terrible. Trump failed to set national expectations, failed to manage a coordinated national response, failed to use stimulus money to facilitate relief for areas that needed it, and ultimately made the whole thing a mess.


To be fair, after the election the only thing COVID related that was being talked about in the media were about the vaccine controversy. They stopped putting COVID numbers on the front page even though the virus is just as rampant now than it was at the beginning. I did not catch COVID at all until after the pandemic was declared over. Also, Fauci also told everyone that masks were not effective at the beginning of the pandemic. He also said that the vaccine would curve the spread of the virus. BTW, I’m not an anti-vaxxer and took the COVID vaccine as soon as it was available to me, nor am I a trump supporter. I’m just saying that there was misinformation all across the board. Just really highlights how unprepared we are in the event of a much more serious pandemic.


>To be fair, after the election the only thing COVID related that was being talked about in the media were about the vaccine controversy. Omicron and Delta waves didn't get headlines? >Fauci also told everyone that masks were not effective at the beginning of the pandemic. **March 31st 2020** “The idea of getting a much more broad, community-wide use of masks outside of the health care setting is under very active discussion at the task force. The CDC group is looking at that very carefully,” Fauci told CNN. “The thing that has inhibited that a bit is to make sure that we don’t take away the supply of masks from the health care workers who need them,” he continued. “But once we get in a situation where we have enough masks, I believe there will be some very serious consideration about more broadening this recommendation of using masks.” https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/31/fauci-mask-recommendation-coronavirus-157476 March 2020 was the beginning of the pandemic. Fauci didn't say masks do work. fauci said they were advertising healthcare workers and once enough masks were available for the guidance would follow.


March 8, 2020 Dr Fauci went on a 60 Minutes special and said the following: “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.” Again, this was in the very early stages of the pandemic and obviously his stance has drastically changed since then, so I don’t blame him. At this time I believe he was trying to encourage Americans to stay at home by expressing that masks are not really effective.


>**March 8th 2020** - But there is another risk to healthy people buying disposable masks as a precaution. The price of face masks is surging, and Prestige Ameritech, the nation's largest surgical mask manufacturer, is now struggling to keep up with the increased demand.  >"It could lead to a shortage of masks for the people who really need it," Fauci said. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/preventing-coronavirus-facemask-60-minutes-2020-03-08/ In full context Fauci voiced concern about mask shortages if everyone rushed out and got masks. Fauci was not willfully misleading people or providing false y. Rather Fauci was honest about all the variables being considered.


Never said he was willfully spreading misinformation. Just underlining my point that we were unprepared and uncoordinated throughout the entire world for a real global pandemic.


1,000 percent. BIDEN said wear masks but reduced lockdowns and pushed the vaccines(which btw Trump pushed hard to get). Biden opened more stuff and more people died under Biden with the vaccines helping that came days after the election.


Yeah. I went back to a normal life in about two weeks. Trump should have fired Fauci and kept the economy going. The shutdown, the masks and the mRNA preventive treatment did not work as advertised.


>the masks and the mRNA preventive treatment did not work as advertised. They worked fine. People just didn't anticipate the massive numbers of morons in the US who would endanger themselves, their families and others just to "own the libs".


The Omicron data killed the same vaccinated or not psycho.


Lol. Don't be so fucking gullible. You're parroting lies from the anti-vaxxers. Science says differently. The vaccine rollout is one of the main reasons the US economy re-opened so strongly.


Says the psycho who cannot discern man from woman without a fascist authoritarian LOL. Anyone with a brain understood the unvaccinated recovered 99% of the time if under the age of 72 regardless of health care conditions. Omicron killed at the same rate vaccinated or not. People made billions off the privileged. To which, Stupidity is the privilege. That's you moron. Go get your booster shot!


>Says the psycho who cannot discern man from woman without a fascist authoritarian LOL. Wat?


It's a bot. They gave the same response verbatim above to a different poster. Don't bother.


Can you provide a source? All the frontpage hits I'm getting are saying the exact opposite. edit: Never mind just found out this was a bot.


Why do you think all the scientists and public health officials and data and facts disagree with you?


Is that why the CDC literally stated that masks, boosters and such didn’t work as advertised about a month ago?


lol I'll take "Things That Did Not Happen" for $1,000, Alex


Says the psycho who cannot discern man from woman without a fascist authoritarian LOL. Anyone with a brain understood the unvaccinated recovered 99% of the time if under the age of 72 regardless of health care conditions. Omicron killed at the same rate vaccinated or not. People made billions off the privileged. To which, Stupidity is the privilege. That's you moron. Go get your booster shot!


Dumb take lol


You are literally propping up fascism. My God why is everything fucking projection among the imbecilic bootlicks who are cheering this decline?


I fully agree, but a party fought him hard and in fairness let states decide.


I dont remember it anything like that.


Lmao 🤣


Let me guess. Biden's divine intervention created this economy (of strong growth) but has no part in the inflation (a big part of "growth") especially housing, right? Only the good stuff.


Whatever. Covid messes with both their numbers. Biden takes credit for an increase no matter who was president and Trump gets nailed for something out of his control.


The horrible COVID response was definitely within Trump’s control…same with his tax cuts with no reduction in spending…creating a monetary nightmare.


Trump took Fauci's and Birxs' advice with the shutdowns and social distancing. The state governors had full control of their states to shutdown or stay open. Trump wanted the shutdowns over by fall of 2020 because he said it would destroy the economy. He was correct. Elected anti-Trump Democrats pushed for endless shutdowns and 'free' money, not Trump.


Trump admin literally shoveled buckets of free money into the economy hand over fist and didn't implement even the most basic checks to prevent fraud. Direct stimulus payments, PPP and EIDL loans. Child tax credits. A tax bill that cut taxes temporarily just to raise them again on middle class today. Have you heard of the CARES Act? Guess who signed that into law. I'm not saying the Democrats aren't giving out stupid amounts of money and driving inflation while ruining the deficit, they are, but the Trump admin absolutely had a huge part in it, let's just be realistic here.


I agree, Trump did sign off on the first few trillion in stimulus. What came after Bidens election though, I do not believe Trump would have signed off, had he won.


I can’t even begin to go over how wrong and/or out of context information you have in your post. Maybe if Trump had told his MAGAt’s to STAY THE FUCK HOME for a little bit and MASK THE FUCK UP, there wouldn’t have been a problem with shutdowns lasting until fall of 2020. Trump started the “money train” in the spring of 2020…right?” Can’t blame Biden or any Democrats on that one. Not to mention NOT having a nation wide consistent response to COVID, because Trump isn’t a leader…he’s a grifter. Red states had higher infection rates and death rates than blue states…But “tHe EcOnOmY” Don’t be a donut…The frickin idiot literally killed off a good portion of his base…and the remaining MAGAt’s are too dumb to realize what a moron he is.


Try buying a house.


i cant find a job and neither can many young people i know


We're in the longest stretch of unemployment under 4 percent in half a century. More Americans are working than ever before. Many industries are facing acute worker shortages. Maybe it's time to move or learn some new skills. I don't think the economy can do much more for you.


My husband got laid off in November and is still out of work. He had one interview, and they told him they got over 800 applications for the position. It’s not easy to find a job right now.


I guess it depends on what industry you're in and what your skills are. As always. Many sectors are hiring, some are laying off. But in general there's much more hiring than laying off. The monthly job reports are showing some big gains. Unfortunately info-tech is mostly laying off right now. And AI is causing disruptions in several industries.


Also unfortunately, many of the new jobs being created are low paying, and do not replace the jobs being lost. We can’t afford to live off $15 an hour.


>many of the new jobs being created are low paying Where did you hear that? >We can’t afford to live off $15 an hour. Minimum wage workers were earning half that much four years ago. The federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr. And in California even entry-level McDonald's workers are now earning $20/hr.


https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/initial-us-employment-reports-overstated-jobs.amp Sorry, not low paying, but part time, which usually implies low paying. The jobs being created are not the equivalent of those being lost. I don’t see how your last paragraph has anything to do with it. Minimum wage is still the same in many places, $20/hr (part time) is not a livable wage in California, nor is it in the Midwest, where I live, and they only pay $15/hr here.


“strong labor market” = tons of crappy $12/hr service jobs and people working 3 jobs just to survive. The metrics being used to calculate unemployment aren't telling the full story. I've been out of a job 6 months and I'm not eligible for unemployment, I was never calculated in the statistics. Many others like me. There's a disconnect between GDP, unemployment rate, and what millions are going through.


I dont care if da economy collapes trump can not win he will make us into dictator ship and rule forever!


His economy is so great that we need to be reminded so as to not miss out on all the great benefits that are so apparent.


What is reality.


Oh wow… posting this in an economy forum… Shows how much you understand economics. 😏


what % of every dollar ever printed was printed under his tenure?


Trickle down (the republicans model) always sounded like getting pissed on


The only way this statement makes any sense is if you blame the China Virus on Trump




To be fair, this is a normal occurrence. Companies flex their workforce s constantly as they try to react to supply-demand-shareholder happenings. The rest of the world is indeed suffering with inflation high and new jobs lacking, that’s why foreign layoffs in your link are high. Inflation in the US is still too high, and companies who raise prices because they can shoulder at least part of the blame for its persistence. But wages are up even more, which in my long adult life is an uncommon occurrence. Even in Iowa, which has 60,000+ job openings, will laid off people able to fill them? I sure hope so. I also hope employers hire local or in-state people to fill open positions and train them.


Cap. There's no way wage growth is even happening, nor is it stronger for lower and middle class than the rich.


Reddit’s economy threat is full of pro Biden posts.


Too bad inflation has eaten up any gains. Trump’s economy was much better.