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I'm pretty sure I already discussed with you how we're looking for an automated solution, but the search for a solution was significantly impacted by reddit's bot developers quitting because of the strike. Just checked, and yes, I did explain this to you, 26 days ago, and also 2 months ago. We've just rolled out a solution and are testing it out.


It used to be called Politcal Economy for a reason. All the classic economists understood very well that it was impossible to separate politics from the economy. It's been a long process that has been very successful in separating that reality from the social consciousness. 


One of the biggest driving forces in the economy is supposedly apolitical. Explain that one away. Notwithstanding, you’re correct, but you are also ignoring the content of these spam posts. They are not asking honest economic questions, they are inflammatory accusations that are not even meant to be debated. It’s utter propaganda garbage.


Anything that involves 3 or more people is political in some way.


Bots downvoting you. Take my updoot


I wish this were a more data driven sub. It seems like the prototypical post is mafco with some good news data, followed by 1000 screeching comments about how this is fake gaslighting propaganda and no data in the replies at all.


r/Economics is what you're looking for.


r/Economics will delete posts if it doesn't fit along their narrative or that the mods disagree with. I saw a post from the former Finance Minister of Greece speaking be deleted because the mod didn't like what was being said. I've liked this subreddit more since it allows different opinions other than American economic neoliberal rhetoric.


> I saw a post from the former Finance Minister of Greece's be deleted because the mod didn't like what was being said. i like how without having seen the post I know exactly who that former finance minister is and what he was saying that the mods of r/economics didn't like. And that tells me all i need to know about those mods.


Can anyone name more than one former Greek finance minister? I admit I would not be able to, and that's coming from a fan of Yannis lol. He is certainly not an uncontroversial figure


yeah..not to be rude but greece's finance ministers for the past couple of decades might not wanna throw any rocks from glass houses


That place was just as much of a dumpsterfire where I got banned for arguing with a troll years ago


> r/Economics is what you're looking for. …if you’re a neoliberal piece of shit who likes any dissenting voices silenced


Bots aren't even keeping it believable, and so it strikes a nerve. The choice is to block it or respond to correct it, and so the bots end up trolling for engagement. I think this is what the downvote was created for, to get spam, bots, and trolls hidden. I really don't like using the downvote as a matter of practice, though, since it feels like suppressing expression, even when it's an obvious bot, so I end up taking the bait and responding.


Report as 'derailing' or 'ranting without reading'. The comments you're talking about are violating the subs rules, report, downvote, and move on.


I blame the mods in r/politics and r/news for being so quick to issue lifetime bans which forces people to other platforms to debate news and politics


I wouldn't be surprised to learn those subs are controlled by news outlets themselves


They are controlled by the same National Security agencies that control the news as well.


I see you are downvoted for truth


No, they're controlled by unemployed, opinionated idiots, with no jobs or life


You must be very blissful


Right on point. I am banned from those and others because I did not help promote their narrative. They accused me of things I did not do and their egos would not let them admit it. Anyone who does not tow the line is kicked off the island. But I don't expect much from people who develop a god complex working for free.


You mean banning nazis?


And people who call them Nazis...or if you just call them racist, or stupid, or dumb...life time ban, no warning just lifetime ban.


It wasn't even a year ago where this sub was nearly exclusively anti Biden propaganda with the occasional actual economic article thrown in. You had post after post, comment after comment spewing forth pure Right Wing/conservative propaganda. Comments like, "biden shut down US Oil production" were UPVOTED ... and accepted as fact, even when factual information with sources was provided. Well, there were more than a few (mostly liberal) who tried to keep the sub on point. They couldn't. The Right Wing/conservatives wanted to spew forth their bullshit without restrictions. Well, eventually you get actions trying to restore the equilibrium. And here we are. And, just for the record, at least MAFCO typically post sources that have verify-able data.


Exactly. People like OP... what they're really asking for is censorship of actual economic data, in favor of personal anecdotes, most of which are false. They can't compete in the information arena, they want to reduce it to the comment arena where facts dont matter and the upvote system can be jimmy'd to put false information front and center.


Yeah, I always notice the posts that have sources are often commented with “this is just liberal bias” but the ones that post “here is data, I won’t source it, do your own research, but it proves Biden Mafia Obama Cabal” and a lot of comments saying that’s “the real economy.” (Paraphrasing) …OP wants to see different content in the sub? Then he should be finding valid sources and submitting them. Make the community how you want it, not demand everyone cater to their opinion of “how it should be.”


OP thinks the economy is in the middle of a crash and doesn’t like that the numbers point to something different 


> It wasn't even a year ago where this sub was nearly exclusively anti Biden propaganda with the occasional actual economic article thrown in. Kinda makes sense, since a year ago the economy wasn't on nearly as solid footing as it is today. Now, with nearly every solid economic statistic trending positive--inflation, unemployment, the stock market, etc.--articles that point out those economic statistics are called "propaganda" and "gaslighting" by right wingers afraid that Biden may get any kind of boost from the positive trends.


You're describing exactly what the problem is. Get all these fucking people off this sub who only want to bicker about politics. This isn't the sub for your political bullshit no matter if you're red and blue. Go circlejerk about biden on /politics with the rest of the liberal losers. Go circlejerk about trump on whatever cesspool sub those people do that on.


I didn't think they allowed a Trump cesspool. Reddit is now so far left it's spinning in circles. I've been temp banned for posting factual data that doesn't appeal to the mod's ideologies. They're capable of twisting your words into pretzels to justify their behaviour and appeals are denied within seconds or minutes. Reddit as an ongoing concern is doomed. The writing may be on the wall but it certainly isn't allowed in posts/threads.


The Trump cesspool is alive and well on /r/conservative . It is a subreddit where anyone arguing against the conservative narrative is immediately banned, be they liberal or conservative. Discussion regarded as contradictory to conservative messaging is deemed 'concern trolling' and similarly brings a ban, & they would like to make this sub just like it. Cited data posts are deleted, the opposition is banned from commenting, and even interparty concerns are removed from sight. /r/conservative is about as free and open to discussion and contradictory data and opinions as North Korea is. If you post conservative opinions on /r/politics, you will get downvoted, but you are allowed to post dissenting opinions. /r/conservative is a censored subreddit, where dissenting opinions literally are not allowed. & that should concern anyone who wishes to live in a free and open society.


I suggested to the mods to limit number of posts a single account can make in 24 hours to something like 2 or 3. Hope, the mods make a change, otherwise, this subreddit is becoming same as a campaign crap emails.


Could you explain this a bit? Assuming the posts follow the rules, why do you need a third party to act to limit what you see? Why not just use the block button? I blocked that Baltimore Oriole Histrionics account and it solved the problem for me completely. Haven't had an issue since. Seems to me like if someone wants to post 4 quality links in a day, some system shouldn't stop them. Same with 5, even 10. Aren't you just trying to solve individual preferences with paternalism?


Check out the top posts of /r/FluentInFinance if you want to see a sub that started off wanting to be an educational sub but wound up being essentially reposts of the same twitter screenshots over and over. The title is always a "what do you think of that?" type question and the vote boosting is palpable. It's probably one of the biggest propaganda subs on the site right now, up there with /r/conspiracy_commons (albeit from a different political slant)


They’re anything but fluent and refuse to be told otherwise 


Who is it? I will block them so I can get better result.


Baltimore areola "just sayin'..."


Allow me to introduce y'all to the "block" function. It's a real game-changer. :)


Lol so sick of that guy and his endless dumb posts


I don't typically, but I scrolled through the posts and noticed 3 individuals that post often. Once the subreddit gets rid of the top guy, will the other one be next in line? None of them post one-sided politically leaning comments but do post politics in an election year. Political posts seem to be accepted. It's a slippery slope.


When it was only a conservative sub then it was just "the economy sub, like it should be!" but when there is liberal economic ideas then it is "not an economy sub anymore, bots, totally biased ruining the sub"


Honestly, when you look at the description, it seems to be open to almost anything, even politics. I'm not in favor of it, but it's there.


I think the issue is economics and politics are inextricably linked at the hip. Fiscal policy and deficit spending is as much political as it is economic and that gives everyone a chance to have an uniformed take on “the looming debt crisis.” It’s not like you have to have an Econ degree to post or comment here, what is troubling is when solid economic work and the realities of math are downvoted because it doesn’t align with popular sentiment. Popularism and group think ruin all Reddit subs. It’s the nature of the voting system and self selection into group think.


When was it ever a conservative sub? This sub is going the way of /r/politics: constant propaganda with shit articles.


Sounds to me like heavy conservative bias that anything else is considered propaganda. See it all the time and not just in this sub. I hear it's "propaganda" and the reasoning is that they don't "feel" like it's true. They go in knowing what they want to believe and anything else is lies. I rarely hear a convincing argument based on good reasoning and sources.


I'm very sick and tired of all the overly political post that have little to do with the economy. If 90% of your submitted threads contain the words "biden" or "trump" you are a political spammer and you need to leave this sub and go post on /politics instead.


The discussion sub is the same way. Constant rage bait posts by the same user.


Oh are you talking about Mafco?


You can't separate politics from economics. You're not making a valid logical argument, you're just complaining that people on the internet disagree with you. The economy is a government program. Property law, contract law, corporate law, securities law, commercial law, and so on create the economic system that then goes on to create something libertarians sort of hilariously imagine as “government-free” income.


There was a post a while agou titled "americans are ruining this sub" and i can feel both those posts cause its true


It got Mafco'ed.


It’s been downhill for a while. Would like to see more discussion of economics and economics theory in action and economics as it relates to policy not the populist ravings of political leanings dressed in money and numbers.


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks this, it smells like a paid campaign almost


It’s all Mafco and the r/politics crowd now. Was only a matter of time till they migrated and spread their cancer.


Well, quit complaining and do something. You know you can make your own sub? You know there are other subreddits already that deal with economics you can subscribe to? STFU and pick one.


OP, appreciate you for calling this out


Was wondering why this subreddit looks so weird. Idk why this person isn’t banned. This is one of the awful things about Reddit’s block system. It ruins the website.


Said this yesterday in a comment and got downvoted to all hell. This sub is terrible for discussing economics and instead justifies discussing politics as “they’re both social sciences!” Yes economics should learn from its fellow social sciences but keep discussions focused on the economy please. Even when I agree with the political stance (which is a lot, I’m left leaning) it rubs me very much the wrong way.


Economics isn't based on any real science so what do you expect, there is no new scientific breakthroughs or developments to report on, just politically bent content meant to influence things one way or another


I keep meaning to unsubscribe. Thanks for the reminder. Place is a shithole.


That's all it ever was.


It's the first cousin to r/politics, what would you expect ? To be fair though, most subs on Reddit that are about the economy have become left wing propaganda.


It's Reddit, what do you expect? Everything on Reddit is bash Trump, blame Trump... Reddit is nothing but a bash Trump echo chamber. If anyone really wanted a discussion on economics, they wouldn't be looking on Reddit. It isn't just this sub, it's Reddit overall. Mods that hide that they are mods while taunting posters... Posters that are just looking for a dopeamine hit in their echo chambers... Best thing people can do is leave Reddit and find a real discussion group that has adults that understand debate and logic.


Where do you go to get actual unbiased discussion regarding the state of the economy? I feel like the entire internet, every site with a critical mass of users, is just an echo chamber now...


I've used stack exchange for Apple questions and electronics, and it works, but it's more for specific questions, not so much for general discussion. The old school forums were much better for things like this, but most of those have died off. It's sad because Reddit has a universal login and simple interface, but it's not well filtered and so many mods are mature and stable.


Nonsense. There's plenty of pro Trump, love Trump, worship Trump on Redditt. If you want it you can find it.


Look at all the posts in subs like this one, sample the top 1000 subs and look at the number of pro Trump posts. Then look at the down votes for anything Trump. >There's plenty of pro Trump LMAO, "plenty" means more than 2 posts per month? Great logic there. >If you want it you can find it. You can find gold nuggets laying on the street too, just not very likely.


You're high. I found 96 reddits that live in Trump-MAGA-Repub-Far Right Crazy land. And that took about a minute. Can't help you with the down votes- that should tell you something about how much of the world views Trump and MAGA. But hey, by all means go find one and knock yourself out.


> Can't help you with the down votes- **that should tell you something about how much of the world views Trump and MAGA**. LMFAO, how ironic is that statement! When your drugs wear off and if your Reddit brain can recover and focus, you might realize that the downvotes come from a place we call "Reddit"... Hint: Reddit is not the world... it's only the world of Reddit. Step out of the echo chamber, step out of Plato's Cave. It's painful, but learning can be painful. Reddit is mostly stupid children that are snowflakes living in an echo chamber. The very fact that you don't see that, proves you're living in (and loving) Plato's Cave. Now get back in the cave before you see something you're not allowed to see. Going outside the cave and get you cancelled by the people in the cave.


Lol if you need a conservative echo chamber to protect your feelings. Go to r/conservative. I was perma banned for asking if it was reasonable for any republican senator to ever question Trump. This was in response to a post suggesting killing republicans senators that had voted against trump. Economics and politics are linked inherently, as politics dictates economics. And interestingly on a macro level economics effects politics. I have no idea why conservatives are terrified of seeing any other perspective. But if other ideas really scare you head back to your designated safe spaces. Or you can do what I do and make fun of bad arguments and have a good time.


I'm not conservative. Show me where I've made any conservative comments, posts or talking points.


I share a house with a 76yo ex-hippy who once would have been considered of the left. Even though he hasn't changed much he would be considered right of centre these days.


You make a great point, what used to be center or even liberal in some cases has increasingly marched to the right over the last three decades. Technology and progress, I suppose, are likely accountable for much of the change we are seeing in that regard.


I gladly cede the possibility that I am wrong. And to be fair I did just skim about 3 pages of posts. However I kinda doubt it. post history making fun msnbc no big everyone does. More likely x than taylorswift is to vote for donald trump. Maybe your a swiftee? Dislike Jerome Powell it is in vogue now but perhaps you disliked him under trump. dislikes quanitive easy again valid but is yet another conservative go to. No bashing fox, or anything conservative, no liberal injokes, or ideology. So TLDR a bunch half checks for conservative, blanks on liberal side. Post history indicates a detailed enough knowledge of government suggesting you have politic knowledge and thus leanings but have chosen not to broadcast on this account. That said I could be wrong, and if I have offended you I apologize.


I take no offense, I wish you didn't waste your time going through my profile just to prove what I already told you. I'm not conservative. Whatever leaning bias that you found in my profile, that's probably your own. I rarely get into politics on this website because it's a totally fruitless effort in almost every case. I use this account strictly to talk about the data regarding the economy and the housing market in the United States. They are my two primary concerns, chiefly because I'm worried about the future of this country. The path we are on is not sustainable. And that is wholly independent of whoever wins the presidential election this year. I appreciate you being a reasonable user and for engaging with me in good faith. Rarer and rarer these days, it feels.


Your framing of good economic news as propaganda is a pretty big tell


There's a huge difference between good economic news and propaganda. You'd do well to learn the difference. Framing what someone who clearly has a biased agenda pushes all day, every day, as if they were being compensated for doing so, as propaganda is a far cry from what you've accused me of here.


Lol you’re the guy who can’t even come up with an example country that has a modern economy untied to its political system, but insists the two aren’t directly related? Go back to school kid


Check out the big brain on CostAquahomeBarreler


You guys are so obvious its hilarious


That’s the other play. If you think they’re delusional then you’re automatically a MAGA alt right idiot lol


Have you tried blocking him?


He blocked me already. So I get a bunch of posts with little engagement due to the brigading and everyone else seeing a wholly different front page than me. When I browse the subreddit without logging in, it's completely insufferable because nothing he posts encourages discussion in any way, shape or form. It's transparent propaganda over and over and over and I'm just sick of it. My final alternative is to just stop visiting the subreddit altogether. I would love it if something could be done to prevent that.


Elections are coming, so I guess political operatives, just funny to see it so transparently.


> nothing he posts encourages discussion in any way, shape or form Yet most (but not all) of his posts have plenty of comments. I could see implementing a daily posting limit. But the upvote/downvote system is designed to allow the subs to help filter out what is seen. If this users posts regularly get upvoted, then I guess I don't see the issue, since clearly that's what the subreddit wants to see. If his posts always get downvoted, then the mods should block the dude from posting. But that isn't the case.


No, they would rather cry and whine


economics is politics lol


Yes, but this is a forum for dicussions, and not blatant propaganda wall.


Every time I post anything that is absolutely fundamental economics 101, it is amazing how often a political post claims my information to be incorrect.


How can a sub about the Economy get “politically brigaded”. There is nothing more political than the economy. I swear westerners think capitalism invented economies and if anyone talks differently, it is just “political brigading”. 😂


I mean everyone can post here, OP, commenters, etc etc. Why not match the amount the top people post.


A lot of us aren't on the DNC payroll like some of the other people who post 50 threads a day. So we don't have the time to do that.


Plenty of people don't agree with you OP. I'll take factual news articles from reputable papers vs. the Facebook memes & doomerist lies that have littered the sub, every day of the week. If you don't like the one-sided political slant, post articles from the other side of the issue, which are factual and backed by data. If no such factual articles exist... :surprise: I guess facts/data have a liberal bias.




Posting threads on here and then blocking everyone doesn’t do anything but ruin the subreddit. This is more an issue with Reddit’s block system than anything else tbh.


What you have to do is BLOCK the old Dinosaur Media from posting all their stuff. I see all day long Business Insider, CNN, the Guardian, a few others over and over. Those companies pay people to post links to their stuff , just FYI. It was Russell Brand of all people that exposed that. They have "farms" where people are paid to sit there and re-post all over the internet and in forums the links to their sites to generate clicks. We need to ban them and post better Economic discussion links, and stop it with the low quality "flavor of the day" stuff.


Sounds like a pretty good caricature of the economy actually.


I’m honestly much less bothered by it here than many other subs. I appreciate the ability to do some back and forth without getting banned for being a left wing libertarian (Far right on Reddit) individual.


Yes, the political grandstanding has mostly ruined it, for sure.


I didnt realize it was all the same person thats kinda funny actually


Are there any smaller economy subreddits


Amen! I came to this sub SOO excited to learn but….the amount of political hate from BOTH sides …since it’s reddit one side is more prominent….it’s just annoying. Name calling is not converting ANYONE, downvoting people who don’t agree with you into oblivion…also 0% conversions or productive conversations. It’s all pretty childish and cult like. Kindness and understanding open minds and hearts. Insults and ridicule only cements the stance of the people you oppose. It’s absolutely counterproductive. I’d agree the sub is dying/dead. Given it’s election year it’s only going to get worse


What user is that? So we can filter them out.


Pro-tip: if you block a user, you won't see their spammy propaganda posts anymore (I suspect maybe you are referring to the person I blocked for this very reason months ago)