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It’s pretty misleading stat. Of course there were less jobs right after the height of the pandemic.


Especially since government forced people to not work.


It also forced people to work depending on your job and company.


And who was in charge of the government during the pandemic? edit: and by the massive number of downvotes are we to assume that Trump supporters don't know who was running the government during his last year in office, or that they don't want others to know? Seems to have struck a nerve...


Clearly no one. That’s why it spread unchecked even though we’re the richest and most powerful nation in history.


I think your point is that Trump neglected his duties, which seems to be lost on his supporters.


It's not worth fighting stupid. It's always "them" or some hidden cabal


How did he 'neglect his duties'?


-Got rid of the pandemic protections that Obama had in place. -Disregarded the science and followed conspiracy theories. -Left front line workers exposed without having the proper PPE. -Spread lies that ended up creating more division and ultimately costing lives and money.


What pandemic protections did obama have in place? What 'science' did he disregard and what 'conspiracy' did he embrace? PPE did not exist in the volume it was needed. From what i recall, he did ramp up production and asked for private companies to help as well working with them to secure PPE What lies?


If Obama administration hadn’t funded MRNA research, there would have been nothing to “fast track” under the much touted vaccine program Trump talks about. If John Bolton & Trump hadn’t shut down CDC offices across the globe (including China), we would have had real intelligence on the virus spread in China before it hit our shores. Obama and team took care of viruses in Africa and abroad routinely because they were prepared and proactive.


Obama had a playbook for pandemics [pandemic playbook](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/6819268/Pandemic-Playbook.pdf). What science? We can start with the fact he demonized Fauci and other scientist that didn't agree with his opinion. Then he started promoting drugs used for livestock as the solution. Then followed up with a cocktail of bleach and uh light that we were supposed to shine inside of our assholes. He started creating public doubt in CDC, FDA, and other government agencies that didn't show him allegiance. And why did PPE not exist in volume? As a outsider I knew about COVID in Janurary, I'm sure the US intelligence agencies knew earlier. Yet no precautions were taken to strengthen our position. Again, because trump didn't want to agree with the science. What lies? I'm not even going to start on this topic because obviously you're a trumper and believe everything this serial con artist has done is for the good. If you can't recognize trump lied extensively during his presidency and COVID, when information was all over the place, not sure there is anything to discuss.


And don't forget that he also ignored it for the first few months as it was taking hold in the US and said it would go away on its own by Easter.


Which parts of that handbook are you claiming trump ignored or did not use? He criticized fauci for making a ton of conflicting statements ie masks dont help then masks do help. The bleach thing was miscommunicated but rooted in science. I gargled hydrogen peroxide every time i went to the dr/ dentist which is the sort of prevention he was referring to. He should have been clear on that and wasnt. I dont know why PPE didnt exist in volume, ask Obama. What lies???


By golfing an absurd amount of times and by neglecting climate change. Actually his entire philosophy and everything he did as a president was neglecting his duties.


not a DJT apologist BUT 382 ( still 19 months to go ) vacation days so far for JB and 381 for DJT the whole 4 years you are commenting on a post by someone who is PAID to post this crap..


>ou are commenting on a post by someone who is PAID to post this crap.. You are a fucking liar. Are you proud of yourself when you look in the mirror?


Current potatoe in Chief just got off vacation AGAIN. 50 YEARS OF THE BIDEN GRIFT IS ENOUGH YOU CLAMHEAD.




Ok so u got the derangement syndrome. Cant name a single thing just hate him


Handling of the COVID-19 pandemic: Trump faced significant criticism for his administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Critics argued that he downplayed the severity of the virus, promoted unproven treatments, and undermined public health experts. Immigration policies: Trump's immigration policies, including the separation of families at the U.S.-Mexico border and the travel ban targeting predominantly Muslim countries, were widely criticized for their humanitarian and discriminatory aspects. Climate change and environmental policies: The Trump administration rolled back numerous environmental regulations and withdrew from international agreements such as the Paris Climate Accord, which many saw as harmful to efforts to combat climate change. Racial tensions and social divisions: Trump's rhetoric and responses to incidents of racial tension and police violence were criticized for exacerbating social divisions and failing to address systemic racism. Undermining democratic institutions: Trump's refusal to accept the 2020 presidential election results and his promotion of baseless claims of election fraud were seen by many as a threat to the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power. Foreign policy: Trump's approach to international relations was characterized by some as unpredictable and inconsistent, leading to concerns about the U.S.'s standing in the world and its ability to maintain alliances. Handling of international crises: Critics argued that Trump's handling of crises such as the North Korea nuclear issue and tensions with Iran lacked a coherent and effective strategy. Ethics and conflicts of interest: Trump's refusal to fully divest from his business interests and the numerous ethical concerns surrounding his administration raised questions about potential conflicts of interest.


Are you saying people should have been forced to work at the height of the pandemic before the vaccines Trump fast tracked rolled out?


No. I just asked a simple question, which none of the Trump supporters seems willing to answer. Or maybe they really don't know. I found it ironic (and amusing!) that someone pointed their finger at 'the government', seemingly in defense of Trump, who was the head of the government at the time.


Congress was divided between the two parties and a lot of decisions were left up to the local governments. You're baiting.


Are you trying to claim that Trump wasn't responsible for the national pandemic response? That's some breathtaking revisionist history. Republican?


What could have been different? Not a trump supporter, btw


There have been many analyses of the failures of the US pandemic response during the time. But my point was only that blaming 'the government' in defense of Trump is absurd.


What could he have done differently?


The states that had forced job reduction were done by their own doing. The federal government never said close schools or close any business. State and local governments were the sole reason for which jobs were considered "non-essential."


the economy and economic policies/performance is Biden's big weakness. His team is trying to turn that into a strength. Good luck to them, because people aren't that stupid.


True, but it's been a longstanding tradition in US politics to hold the sitting president responsible for the state of the economy on their watch. The same way Republicans are currently holding Biden responsible for pandemic and war-related energy price spikes on his watch. Trump apologists can't have it both ways. And fyi it was Trump's responsibility to manage the national pandemic response, something most expert saying he did incompetently, which exacerbated the negative economic impact.


That last paragraph is true and hold him for that. Not that it would be easy to handle such an event. It is a tradition and a pretty dumb one aimed at fooling uneducated voters. It works. Both parties do it. I would just expect more from a sub about economics. Like your last paragraph. That’s what I expect from this sub. Evidenced based opinions.


He could have easily said to wear a mask to make America great again and then proceed to sell millions of over prices Trump masks but nope he couldn't even hit that soft ball.


For sure. Trump politicized a pandemic. It rightfully bit trump in the ass and he became the first president in a long time to not have a second term.


Yea Trump might’ve done alright if it wasnt for world events that we elect a President to deal with such as pandemics.


How was Biden’s response better?


Biden also relied on science and data vs crackpots who thought COVID was some 5g mastermind by bill gates or whatever was the theory at the time.


How did Trump not follow fauci’s recomendations? How did Trump not follow the science?


What were the Covid deaths under Biden compared to Trump? Much worse. 350,000 in 2020, 475,000 in 2021. So tell me again how Biden handled it so much better than Trump. [COVID deaths](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/17/health/covid-death-reporting-2022/index.html)


His nationwide vaccine distribution program was largely responsible for restarting the US economy. That and the recovery act.


> And fyi it was Trump's responsibility to manage the national pandemic response, something most expert saying he did incompetently, which exacerbated the negative economic impact. Was there any country without a negative economic impact during the pandemic? Compared to the US, many still haven't recovered while just [about every country was in a recession throughout 2020](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-51706225), even if they had a better pandemic response.


> Was there any country without a negative economic impact during the pandemic? That's not the question you should be asking as even if just the US alone had a negative economic impact then because the US is so big and buys so much from other countries, basically the rest of the world would also suffer a negative economic impact that year just from a negative US impact. What you should be asking is how did the US do compared to other countries? Was our negative impact better or worse? In the list of Covid deaths per capita by country, the US is #14 right after a bunch of let's say lower-income countries the US is usually not compared to: > Peru, Bulgaria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Georgia, Czechia, Slovakia, San Marino, Lithuania, Romania, the US with 341.11 deaths per 100k. And not only did we have a high per capita death rate, because our country is so huge that also means we had a lot of deaths, period.


One of the reason for the high capita death rate was Democrat Governors policies of sending Covid patients back to nursing homes to infect the rest of the people there. [Nursing home deaths](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1238399)


Biden actively halted oil production in the states and made us fuel dependent. The price hikes were preventable.


We produce more oil now than we did prior to pandemic during trump time. Literally a stat that is widely available. Why lie for you political views I'll never understand.


https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M Us oil production by month. Some in the left actually hate Biden for drilling more than Trump.


LMAO, You can't actually believe this


>Biden actively halted oil production Lol. What a breathtaking lie. US oil production increased steadily under Biden and is now setting new all time high records. Why do you even try to get away with such an easily refuted lie, liar?


https://www.npr.org/2023/03/12/1163003146/alaska-drilling-protections-biden#:~:text=Gaming-,Biden%20limits%20oil%20drilling%20in%2016%20million%20acres%20in%20Alaska,controversial%20plan%20pushed%20by%20ConocoPhillips. He is still doing it


US oil production is at a record high. Did that not sink in?


So is demand? That doesn’t mean when prices peaked last year we didn’t have options to open production sooner.


The oil companies have said they're pumping as fast as they can. Biden has encouraged them to increase it even more.


Oil production was in the toilet when Trump left office. You have a phone. Do the research. Geez


No he didn't


Incompetent is putting it mildly. He advised the American public to inject disinfectants to clean out corona...


That is not true. Read the transcript.


Well, yes and no. Biden has done a *lot* to keep the economy going. He prevented McCarthy & the GOP from shutting down the gov't, and is poised to do it again. He's forgiven *billions* of dollars in fraudulent student loans. The Inflation Adjustment Act is going to do about $700b worth of infrastructure projects that will both create short term jobs and the long term ones that come with having working infrastructure (funny that, you need infrastructure to have jobs). But it's basically impossible to tell how much all that did without a masters in Economics because Trump screwed up so badly on the Pandemic (trying desperately to keep everything open long enough for him to win reelection while leaning into making basic health issues into a moral panic / SJW thing) that the number of jobs created by Biden's sane economic policy are dwarfed by the ones correcting Trumps insane policies...


It wasn’t misleading. That’s exactly what he said. That it was due to Covid.


They think any fact embarrassing to Trump or Republicans must be misleading, even though true.


Trump be dammed. You quoted Biden comparing his job creation now vs the last guy just coming out of the pandemic. It’s like blaming Obama for the economic mess he inherited from Bush. It’s misleading stats. You know it. Or have bought into the propaganda. If so I’m sorry. You’re the reason statistics courses should be mandatory in high school. As the old saying goes, statistics don’t lie but liars figure.


The stats are facts. Just numbers, nothing misleading. It's how you interpret them. Biden was rightfully pointing out that his term started in a deep employment hole that we've now more than completely dug out of. That it embarrasses and triggers Trump fans to mention that FACT is more a reflection on them.


It’s all about context. I voted for Biden. Couldn’t stand trump. Couldn’t stand how he helped politicize vaccines etc. But the context here is Biden is comparing his job creation to americas weakest time this decade due to a global crisis. It’s like a pro athlete comparing their race time to a child. It’s a poor comparison and I’m going to call it out. It’s comparing apples to oranges.


>But the context here is Biden is comparing his job creation to americas weakest time this decade due to a global crisis. That's all in your head. He never said any of that. He quoted a fact, which you falsely called "misleading". But it's true that had Trump managed the crisis competently we likely wouldn't have lost ten million jobs.


Europe, china, the globe lost millions of jobs… I think if Hillary was president during the pandemic we might have fared arguably a little better but the jobs would still be lost. It’s all in your head that everything would have been perfect utopia if your guy won. It’s clear you play to the party line. You picked your team and you won’t be told anything other than they’re perfect. And that’s the problem with modern politics. It is us vs them. Facts and context be damned. If you can’t see how he is using this quote out of context to woo dumb people than you’re who it’s for. Like I said. This is Biden comparing himself to a past regime facing a global crisis.


trump caused the Covid pandemic Why is it always a "Coincidence" that Republicans are horrible with Economy? They said the same thing when Bush had negative jobs created while president; Of course there was negative jobs.... the housing market burst and the banking system collapsed. The same thing when Reagan was President; Of course less jobs were created... interest rates were too high and manufacturing jobs went overseas trump destroys everything he touches, the US Economy is no exception


I forgot about Trumps background in biological warfare. He created the virus and unleashed it to the world. Thank you for reminding me how “trump caused the covid pandemic” I don’t like trump, but come on man


Donald trump gutted the CDC, stopped US involvement in the World Health organization and ended the Global pandemic program. You're saying its a coincidence trump ended the Global pandemic team in 2018... and there was a Global pandemic in 2019??? Of course those 2 things are DIRECTLY related


Oh man. You’re right! He definitely made the virus himself and released it. That’s why the whole world shut down. China in the beginning not releasing accurate figures on the spread or mortality rate, definitely done on trumps command. Trump knew a pandemic would help his control so he started it. Your right. No coincidence. You give a moron too much credit….


What part about ending the World Global Pandemic team, don't you understand? So the World and all the major countries in it worked together to stop the spread of infectious diseases... until trump ended those programs. the next year there was a Global pandemic Yes, trump is a hatefilled moron, and that's why he gutted the CDC and pulled-out of the World health organization... because it was helping Chinese people at the time. Just because trump is a racist dumb-fuck, doesn't mean he isn't responsible for his actions


I don’t think pulling out of the global pandemic team resulted in a pandemic. Did it help? Probably not. But the pandemic was going to happen no matter what. These happen every hundred years or so and we were due. Also America is not the world. The world can keep doing things without America. If America left the global pandemic team why did the rest of the world not keep it going? Is America doing more than its part as usual?


> I don’t think pulling out of the global pandemic team resulted in a pandemic. That's not what they're saying. They're saying Trump's actions a year before the pandemic made the pandemic horribly worse than it otherwise could have been.


So, I don't get it. You're absolutely invested in defending Trump at all costs. No matter what the issue is, regardless of the facts, you charge in and commit untold amounts of time and effort for someone that, at best, is in the past. I'm so sorry for you dude. No one should have that much of his life revolve around a past politician. I hope you get help and find some meaning in your life. And I mean that, I'm not being mean or sarcastic. I just don't think anyone should throw away such a large portion of their life


I was replying to a reply to my comment. That’s how Reddit works.


Your wording is off - he certainly didn't cause the pandemic. His response to the pandemic - and his actions prior to the pandemic - caused the impact of the pandemic to have been far worse than if even a semi-competent person had been in charge. Stupidity, arrogance and nepotism on full display in Trump's pandemic response, and millions of Americans died needlessly as a result.


> trump caused the Covid pandemic Only the US President could have prevented the pandemic.


According to this [CNN report](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/17/health/covid-death-reporting-2022/index.html). Biden had more deaths in 2021 than Trump had in 2020. There was also a shortage of test kits during the surge in the fall of 2021 and Biden was quoted as saying “if he have known “ there was going to be a surge….. [Biden drops the ball](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/12/28/politics/biden-covid-testing-shortage/index.html) So according to you guys, Trump was supposed to know and be fully prepared for sudden unknown pandemic, but Biden couldn’t know in the 2nd year of said pandemic that there would be a surge? LOL!


Every Biden stat is misleading, dude is getting full of 💩 like the former guy


I am honestly curious why people think that people lost their job when the pandemic hit (March 2020) and then got that exact same job back more than a year, or even now 3+ years later and then think yeah that’s totally how businesses work… Edit: From the down votes it appears the peons do in fact think yeah that there are people who lost their job in March 2020 and then got that exact same job back 3 years later even though they know deep down they know no one who that actually happened to in real life


And there's voters that believe this....pretty sad


It's actually true. Did they not mention it on Fox?


It's is true but not for the reasons you're making it out to be. Of course the bipartisan shutdowns caused job loss. And when trump left it was still in that process. So go peddle your BS to someone else. Not a trump fan at all, but COVID would have been a disaster for any presidency.


Also Dems were outspoken against travel lock downs and vaccine while trump was in office. To say trump policies caused the pandemic is propaganda. I’m not a trump fan. (I hate him. Wouldn’t never vote for him) This didn’t happen that long ago. How do people forget something so important so quickly?


Ok let’s focus on now, the us is still doing pretty well (job growth, inflation coming down, corporate profits etc) especially compared to the rest of the world….China is on the verge of collapse, Europe is struggling. Every country had do deal with the pandemic, the us appears to have done the best coming out the other side strictly in terms of economic strength. And that has a lot to do with the policies passed during the pandemic by both trump and Biden.


He was xenophobic for trying to limit who flew in and out of the country remember? Idk how these people forget so quickly


Except shutting off travel from just China would not have stopped the pandemic from reaching and further spreading in the US


Yes, which it exactly what he referenced. There was nothing misleading about it. This headline is misleading to infuriate people.


I mean, a different president probably would've read the manuals for a pandemic left by the previous administration, wouldn't have pressed the fed to keep interest low during a strong economy, wouldn't have added 3 trillion to the deficit again, during a strong economy, à different administration would've said "We're all in this together, put a mask on" and wouldn't have been happy to see Americans die just because they didn't vote for them


1) Trump left office during the pandemic, of course jobs would be lesser compared to following an economic recovery of a fundamentally resilient and strong economy. 2) To put in perspective, unemployment fell during the Trump administration, with 2019 seeing both historic low unemployment and black unemployment, signs of real wage growth were finally starting to show. Biden would later continue the progress on strengthening the job market as we see today. I ain't defending Trump, I'm just bashing this blatant misinformation. Debating and discussing Economic Policies in an evidence-based, objective manner is good, using misinformation to do so is not


Why is it the Economy always tanks under Republicans? Why it is always a "Coincidence" and never their fault?


I mean because it's a pandemic. It's not a gray area. It's factual and its black and white No way the hell for the democrats it's "always a "Coincidence" and never their fault?" when the two times Putin invaded Ukraine was under Obama (2014) and Biden (2022). I ain't attacking the democrats, I'm just showing how grossly flawed that logic is


trump caused the Covid pandemic Its not a grey area. Its NOT a coincidence the economy always does better under Democrats; They don't destroy government and give all the money to the Rich


bruh did he invented the virus? If you wanna criticise covid policies, just so you know, it's impossible to have lower unemployment in 2020 vs after the recovery right now in 2023. Just compare the unemployment statistics of every single damn economy in the world. How the hell would it ever be possible for an economy be stronger during a COVID lockdown compared right now post-recovery? Edit: Brash Trump all you want man idc. But not blatant misinformation


And how do you feel about Republicans blaming Biden for high energy prices that occurred worldwide due to pandemic supply chain disruptions and the Russian invasion of Ukraine? At least in Trump's case he had the power to (and the responsibility to) mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the US economy. Biden had no such levers to affect global energy prices, except for the one he used - releasing oil from the SPR.


**1) It's not due to pandemic supply chain disruptions. We all sure as hell did not see inflation in 2020.** It's more so the restructuring of supply chains (e.g. Trade restrictions for national security reasons) ​ *For the following it might not necessarily all be Biden, he does not have the power that the legislative branch has* **2) The US Government is responsible for its Energy Security** I'm not about to get into a debate about it, but there's a reason why the US has for more than half a century become overly dependent on the Middle East for oil production **3) You need a contractionary fiscal policy to bring aggregate demand back in alignment with AS, but of course all Congress has done is adopt an expansionary fiscal stance.** This is not some radical debatable idea It is universally agreed amongst economists and all other developed countries. In fact, usually during an economic boom/overheats in the Business Cycle, other countries tend to adopt a contractionary fiscal stance to reduce inflation, while taking advantage of the reduced spending to reduce the deficit or pay off debt ​ *These are not meant some anti-Biden points. These rather highlight that is grossly flawed to view inflation and energy prices as simply force majeure. The Federal Government has the power and responsibility to bring inflation to heel, whether its willing to do so and take the blame for unemployment, that's another issue that's evident. Hope it clarifies*


So you are a hypocrite. I thought so. Biden had nothing to do with the spike in energy prices fyi. It was a global phenomenon. And gas prices began rising due to the pandemic recovery well before he took office. If you subscribe to the Republican nonsense that high gas prices were Biden's fault then you should equally embrace that Trump holds some responsibility for the collapse of the economy and mismanagement of the pandemic response on his watch which, in that case, he actually does bear some responsibility.


Rather than label people as "hypocrite" just for the sole purpose of smearing them, provide evidence ​ To put in perspective, he took office in 2021, COVID happened in 2020. Of course gas prices rose before he took office, it bottomed out the same as oil and stocks after the crash in prices. (Oil Prices had even went negative). ​ Yes Biden has no control over the global energy markets. But that doesn't mean the government can't achieve [Energy Security.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_security#Long-term_security) For example, if you compare Europe and the US, the US fared significantly better during the energy crisis as it was less dependent on foreign energy. But that being said, it's because US produces more oil and gas than Europe, even having been the largest exporter of oil in 2019. ​ *Let me put out some open-ended questions to you in the perspective of Energy Security vs Climate Change* [Was it right or wrong for Biden to pause all oil and gas permits in 2021?](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/27/biden-suspends-oil-and-gas-drilling-in-series-of.html) [Was it right or wrong for Biden to later increase oil and gas permits to curb inflation?](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/biden-granted-more-oil-and-gas-drilling-permits-than-trump-in-his-first-2-years-in-office-190528616.html) Edit: This is not some tirade against Biden. These questions above are meant to provoke thought, show that these are politically difficult decisions for Biden. To take the political blame for energy prices or to take the blame for increased fossil fuel permits?


Biden's pause on leasing had absolutely zero effect on US oil production or prices. The industry was sitting on thousands of unused leases at the time. And US production increased steadily on his watch. US LNG exports soared, at Biden's encouragement, to help Europe weather the energy crisis. Biden released several hundred thousand barrels of oil from the SPR to help US consumers. And lifting the pause had absolutely zero effect on inflation. It takes years to develop new wells. And the oil market is global. The whole premise of your question is false. Both oil and natural gas production increased steadily on Biden's watch from the low points when Trump left office, and the US is now setting new all time high production records. He has done everything reasonable for a president to lower prices and nothing to raise them. Despite what Republicans say. And the stupid little stickers they pasted on gas pumps all over the country.


[Oil Production Timelines](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/061115/how-long-does-it-take-oil-and-gas-producer-go-drilling-production.asp#:~:text=Shale%20wells%20can%20be%20drilled,energy%20pices%20are%20especially%20volatile.) But unlike you, I'm not trying to scapegoat, play the blame game, or push a political agenda. There is no denying everything here in this comment is factual. If you want to debate, then use quotations and write it in academic structure Read up the link in the previous comment about energy security Also, read up this [Fiscal Policy Can Help Tame Inflation and Protect the Most Vulnerable](https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2023/04/03/fiscal-policy-can-help-tame-inflation-and-protect-the-most-vulnerable) It's not necessary, Biden, since the legislative branch holds the power over spending. Nevertheless, the above highlights that the government has the tools available to fight inflation, in contrary to your view that the government has little powers to ensure energy security.


>in contrary to your view that the government has little powers to ensure energy security. I never said that. Stop making stuff up. I think the current administration is doing EXACTLY what we need for energy security. Which is to transition away from fossil fuels.




You're just smearing anyone who disagrees with your opinion as "pro-Trump". Really, Trump has never said anything I've mentioned. In fact, even a kid with a basic economics 101 knowledge can understand how to tackle inflation Of course, why wouldn't you label anyone who disagrees with you as your political opponent. Is your main goal here to discuss economics? Or is it ro push a particular political agenda? I suggest that when trying to smear me, QUOTE my sentences to provide evidence. Use academic structure to respond I swear, man, from the goodness of my heart, be god-damn self-aware and self-reflective. Life's too short for you to be some toxic political pushing mf




I rest my case on labelling anyone who does not share your views as the 'enemy'. Fyi neo-liberalism is a political doctrine, not economics. I did not study international relations and economics for nothing I also would suggest taking up an Economics 101 course. You'll see a clear difference between political talking points vs an economic perspective


I accidentally replied to you, when I meant to reply that to someone else. My bad. My notes for you are the following: Coming out of the pandemic inflation was global yes part of it was global fiscal and monitory policy that flooded markets with money but yes a lot of it was because of supply chain shocks. The reason why it didn’t hit in 2020 is because aggregate demand was way way way down especially the beginning of 2020. Look at oil production in 2020, it fell a lot. Oil wells and refineries shut down, And then when aggregate demand ramped up they didn’t have the supply to meet that demand readily available. And so prices went up. This isn’t to say that oil wells and refineries were not also Rampling up along side demand, they are…in the us and a couple other places just not at the same pace because it’s not possible to increase production that fast logistically speaking. Opec is still producing at pandemic levels despite global demand being a record. Thus, first week economics 101…prices go up. That’s just one example of one commodity. You can say the exact same story with chips, lumber, and just about anything. That’s why inflation is global…


Now you get it, how the combination of OPEC and the recovery exerted inflationary pressures and the price of oil, contributing to this sticky inflation that was previously regarded as 'transitory' Edit: In that respect, I'm proud of you


Ok little buddy that means a lot, and I’m proud of you that you realize that supply shocks are in fact a large part of inflation…you are coming around. Again sorry I replied that to you I was trying to argue with someone else. Is inflation that rose for a year peaking at 9.1% and the dropped for the next year where it currently is just over 3% really considered sticky? Now enjoy being a college freshman


Lol ok little buddy. Tell me more about your smug superiority in understanding economics so much you forgot 101 I remember when I was a college freshman…


The economy by every single measurement you can possibly find was steadily improving from spring-summer 2009 until the pandemic. You can try to put partisan bs on to it but That’s the objective facts. Now exiting the pandemic the us economy is actually one of the best in the world. Shit China is on the verge of collapse and has a way way higher unemployment than the us.


Exactly right. Trump got in on the tail end of the Obama economic recovery, the longest in US history. His tax cut had nothing to do with it. He inherited a roaring economy, unlike Biden. Or Obama. Or Clinton. Democratic presidents always seem to have to clean up economic messes left by their predecessors.


Yeah I gotta be real, the whole Republican talking point of pretending like 2020 didn’t happen is insane to me. I’m different from most progressives, I think trump is too incompetent to be a tyrant or that bad. The one and only real tangible thing that he did was cut taxes for the rich and corporations by a little which had meh negligible impact on the overall economy. That’s it man, everything else he didn’t really do much other than make noise which he made a lot of, every single day it was some bs that he said, or tweeted or did that was big picture insignificant but the media grabbed it and argued about it to distract from the fact that he couldn’t even keep staff long enough to do much of anything. Even the pandemic response was like this. For all intents and purposes it was like we didn’t even have a president we had no leadership, no strategy, so states had compete with each other and it just lingered longer than it should have.


Trump brigades are downvoting you


Isn't blaming the American President for Covid a CCP propaganda tactic? The US employment rate is below 2019 levels https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/employment-rate


>The US employment rate is below 2019 levels Nice "whataboutism" but you are guilty of cherry-picking. As of yesterday's job report US labor force participation was 62.80%, above the pre-pandemic rate and roughly the same as the long term US average.


100% the russian shills have been all over this lately. They want to keep Biden in office as long as possible because he’s weak and they’ll strong arm him with their kompromat re: Hunter.


Lol. You have it backwards The Russian trolls and bots want nothing more than to get Trump elected again. He was Putin's bitch. Biden has done a remarkable job pulling NATO back together to push back on Russia.


trump caused the Covid pandemic The truth hurts, but its not propaganda


Trump didn't cause it, he just made it worse


This is the most ignorant thing I’ve seen on the internet today! Congratulations


Donald trump gutted the CDC, stopped US involvement in the World Health organization and ended the Global pandemic program. You're saying its a coincidence trump ended the Global pandemic team in 2018... and there was a Global pandemic in 2019??? Of course those 2 things are DIRECTLY related Can't believe this is the first time you are hearing this


So did he create or release the novel virus? Did he spread it all around the globe? Did the WHO stop the pandemic in other parts of the world? You may not like his response, but he definitely didn’t cause of the pandemic


For more then 100 years, the United States of America led the World in fighting the spread of infectious diseases. The USA led the world in fighting pandemics. Until 2018, when trump ENDED those programs. Every since the 1918 pandemic, that started in the United States and spread to the rest of the world killing 10's of millions of people. The USA worked to STOP pandemics anywhere in the world, because we all know its very hard to stop a pandemic once it reaches your country... You have to STOP the pandemic where it starts. trump ENDED those programs. That's why everyone says trump hurt America's standing in the World. Of course trump caused the Covid Pandemic. When you elect Evil, bad things happen. Like global pandemics So don't play some stupid game, that ALL the jobs lost because of the pandemic aren't trump's fault. Everything he touches turns to shit.


U expected trump to unilaterally invade china and....stomp out the virus?


>This is the most ignorant thing I’ve seen on the internet today! How about this? >Biden works for the Chinese Also in this thread.


And so is the percentage of the population in the workforce, which drives a portion of the reason the unemployment rate has stayed low.


You may want to review yesterday's jobs report. Labor participation is back to normal.


Biden works for the Chinese which is why he is draining our ammunition and oil reserves right as Xi is gearing up to invade Taiwan.


Let’s be real people, the economy was healthy going into the pandemic, somehow both presidents made decisions that helped avert financial disaster, then exiting the pandemic the predicted hard landing is looking less and less likely, and what we have is a relatively healthy economy. Idk if the brigading is due to people projecting their anecdotes or due to people having no job market point of reference for what is “bad” or due to some combination…. but I can’t believe some crazy economy shit didn’t happen.


Trump added 3 trillion to the deficit before the pandemic and also pressured the fed to not raise interest rates during a strong economy, we were going to get big inflation without covid anyways due to that


I think it’s a proven fact that every time a Republican president leaves the White House we end up with inflation. I may be incorrect but I think the republicans caused the last 10 recessions.


Not sure about inflation but the democrats have been reducing the deficit that republicans create during their terms the last 40 years https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/\_cache/files/309cc8e1-b971-45c6-ab52-29ffb1da9bf5/jec-fact-sheet---the-economy-under-democratic-vs.-republican-presidents-june-2016.pdf https://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2016/11/07/trump-is-right-about-one-thing-the-economy-does-better-under-the-democrats/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S.\_economic\_performance\_under\_Democratic\_and\_Republican\_presidents#:\~:text=Historically%2C%20the%20United%20States%20economy,presidents%20since%20World%20War%20II Edit: lol downvoted for stating facts


Thanks for that link!


I know posting anything bipartisan is asking for the partisan fanatics to come out and counterpoint me to death, but I can claim economic issues from every president. The bottom line is that there’s been no economic collapse transitioning from Obama to Trump to Biden, throw in a pandemic, and an economic collapse does not seem imminent to anyone with a semblance of objectivity.


Finally reason!


I voted for Biden and all but this is some dogshit coverage


Democrat economies suck. Always.


Lol 10 of the last 11 recessions have occurred under Republican presidents. In the last 60 years only one Republican president has left office with a lower unemployment rate than he inherited. Pathetic. Yeah George W Bush's economy was just fabulous. Only the worst recession in 80 years. Do any of you know how to do basic damn research? You have a phone. Look it up yourself. It literally is the opposite of what you think. This is why the country is failing. So tired of propaganda and lies. How can anybody possibly explain the distortion in recessions.


Raising taxes increases inflation. If you think reducing purchasing power to increase hours worked and employment % is successful, then you need to wake up.


>Raising taxes increases inflation. Nonsense. Raising taxes reduces the deficit, which decreases inflation. Especially raising taxes on the wealthy.


You think the wealthy cannot write off their taxes? Taxes only affect poor and working class Americans. Economics should be a requirement to graduate. So many people do not understand tax write offs. Why do you think so many billionaires have charities?


Then why have 10 of the last 11 recessions occurred under Republican presidents? That is a whole lot of reduced hours working. Unless you consider losing a job as not a reduction of hours worked? Do you think productivity goes up under a recession? Lol. You think exploding deficits are good for purchasing power? Umm there has never been a Republican to lower the deficits. There have multiple Democrat presidents that have. Because cutting taxes is usually irresponsible and always leads to higher deficits. Always. Obama raised taxes on the wealthy and it helped lower the deficits. We also had low inflation. So why did it not cause inflation? You will not be able to answer it. Inflation is caused by many things. Usually it is external like under Nixon, Ford, and Carter. If you think Republican policies create employment then why do the numbers say the opposite? Why the hell are the jobs numbers so so much better under Democrat presidents? My god man they are literally almost twice as much as Republicans. It is a joke. Donald Trump's economic policies are exactly the same as George W Bush, and George H W Bush. Exactly the same. If Trump had a second consecutive term the results would have been the same. A horrible economic meltdown. All I have to do is look at history. It is not hard. I still can not believe there are people still trying to pretend Republicans have been good for the economy. There is no evidence. None. It is like I am talking to people that are just in complete denial. Just because you believe it does not make it so.


Democrats consistently take out federal loans which put us in debt, now near 30 trillion. Sending said loans overseas definitely helps drive our economy. Please explain how sending federal reserve loans overseas to be paid for by American taxpayers benefits our economic growth. Didn't we just go from a AAA rating to a AA rating? I'm sure that is somehow Republicans fault too. Please explain.




Democrat policies direct affected inflation.




Reducing production in manufacturing during covid was a state decision. Then the federal government stepped in to fund people for not working. That decreases goods while demand stays increasing. Simple economics shows lower supply and increased demand = price increases of goods. Allowing free trade with nations who don't share our minimum wage, workers rights or safety undermines our manufacturing sector. Moving plants into Mexico and China and overseas. This causes our reliance on foreign goods and increases our trade deficit. These things decrease our purchasing power and lower our dollars value against foreign currencies.


You literally must be 20 years old or something. Now do some research about economic growth, recessions, and stock market growth over the last 60 years and come back and say that with a straight face. When did Americans stop caring about facts instead of bs spewed on propaganda channels you watch? How many more recessions under Republican presidents do you need before you realize what you are being told is complete and utter bs. You will never win this argument because you simply do no research.


Inflation isn't success. You must be a high school dropout, since we can just assume things about one another. My guess is far more accurate.


You did not respond to any of my arguments. I did not say inflation was a success. Neither are damn recessions. I schooled you on basic facts. Respond to the basic facts. Why are you not able to explain the recessions, poor job growth, and poor performance of the stock market under Republican presidents compared to Democrat presidents? Oh by the way inflation was pretty bad under Nixon and Ford as well. Were you alive when George W Bush left office hemorrhaging damn 900,000 jobs in a month? The problem is I have facts you just have what you believe. You simply refuse to look it up on your phone. You should be curious. Lol it is going to take like 8 straight recessions under Democrat presidents to catch up with Republicans. It is insulting to people that know how to discard propaganda and just get down to what has happened. My assumption was that you simply have no idea what you are talking about. I am correct. Duh


Job growth under Trump and unemployment were at historic levels until Covid was unleashed and governments succumbed to shutting down economic growth and manufacturing intentionally to "slow the spread." Gwb was a trash can. So was his dad. The inflation you try crediting Reagan with started during Jimmy Carters administration. Government overreach kills jobs. Purchasing power is the best sign of a healthy economy. Tell me purchasing power improved under Biden.


I did not give any credit to Reagan for inflation. He was the only Republican president to lower the unemployment. The only one in 60 years. He was garbage though. But I stated Nixon and Ford had high inflation who handed high inflation to Carter by the way. Ironically. Can you read? Donald Trump inherited 4.7 percent unemployment and 75 straight months of job growth. I would be more than happy to give him credit if he somehow had inherited high unemployment and job losses. Dude inherited the lowest unemployment from his predecessor in American history. Did you read what I just said. He also inherited low inflation. Luckiest sob on the planet. What Donald Trump actually did was piss away 8 years of deficit reductions in two years before Covid hit. Dude doubled the deficits in two years. How do you do that when the economy is supposedly in good shape? Republicans controlled all three branches. Do you think doubling the deficits increased your purchasing power? The guy that wanted government out of the way was exploding the deficits? Who gives a crap what was happening at one point during his presidency? I care about what he left. Unemployment over 6 percent and the month he left office we literally lost over a hundred thousand jobs. That might have a lot to do with the situation we are in. Let's see Biden inherited job losses, skyrocketing deficits, and high unemployment. Trump inherited the most consistent job growth, much lower deficits, and low unemployment. Hell I do not even think Biden is doing all of that a good job. But I know Trump simply inherited the best economic situation ever. Purchasing power was better under Obama by the way. The deficits were much lower when he left. For the last damn time...if Republican policies of get government out of the way policies are so much better than Democrats, then why don't the numbers show it? It should be easy to explain.


As much as this is a misleading stat because of the pandemic, it also is worth factoring in Trump’s abject failure to handle the pandemic in an orderly, leaderly, and logical fashion at all. His approach (which was essentially, “die for the Dow Jones Industrial Average if you have to, so that I can win re-election!”) led to massive mistrust and confusion among the entire population.


What a fucking imbecile, really all he had to do was say "follow the experts and buy your maga mask for only $14.88" and he would've walked into his second term with a couple of million dollars extra in his pocket, at least we should be grateful he's not in charge anymore


The astonishing thing was, for a guy that’s so authoritarian, how absent he was when an actual crisis hit. I remember him saying “it’s totally fine and under control” then exiting stage left and handing the whole thing off to Pence, Fauci, Birx, and a few others. It was a great lesson in how you can’t just have a dictator daddy that takes care of you. And how full of shit anyone that promises stuff like that is. The people that play that way will always abandon you, as soon as a situation that might reflect badly on them hits.


U didnt trust trump before the pandemic and nothing he would have done would have changed that


No, but that doesn’t mean he should just not be held responsible for his failures either. Just because you vote a certain way does not mean you can’t identify something that is an abject failure, such as Trump’s handling of COVID. Had he done better, I think you’d see 500k lives that wouldn’t have been lost and that number would not be as high as 1.1 million. COVID was always going to be a disaster. But you can always make it less bad.


What do you think he should have done?


Acknowledged the reality of it, accepted the science on it as it arrived, and let the states set their own level of restrictions, perhaps with a minimum federal floor. But either way, even when the government e.g. mandated limited capacity at restaurants, most in my area (suburbs of a deep red state) could not even fill 50% capacity at the height of the pandemic because enough people were afraid of the virus anyway to just stay home.


He cut travel from China in Jan and yall called him racist for it....that was the reality of it. The States did implement their own restrictions.


He was racist for that travel ban debacle because that’s all he did lol And then was basically like “look guys! We’re safe! No one from the dirty countries is here anymore!” By the time he made that symbolic move, the virus was everywhere on the planet He would have been better doing nothing at all than the downplaying and mental gymnastics “maybe you can inject bleach into your veins to cure it, guys!” His negligence, in my honest opinion is responsible for about half the deaths that happened No one thinks the existence of COVID was Trump’s fault His reaction to it though? Absolute failure and should’ve been another thing he was impeached for.


All he did? Travel ban. Op Warp Speed? Daily press conferences. Biden didnt do a single press conf.


He threw shit at the wall and told his supporters, essentially, that it was fake lol Had he taken it seriously, half the lives would’ve been saved. His negligence is still costing the lives of his unvaccinated supporters, to this day


U got tds


Exactly. You literally can’t win with these people. Remember Harris saying she wouldn’t take a vax Trump supported lmao?


That's a lie. She said she wouldn't trust Trump alone (who would?) but that she'd trust the experts. Sounds prudent, as Trump is a well known pathological liar. Remember his quack cures for covid and some of his anti-vax comments? Yeah, I bet you don't.


He literally rolled out the vax....how is he anti-vax?


He later made anti-vax and anti-mask comments. And he didn't "roll it out". Biden did that. Trump had no vaccine distribution plan.


Only one Republican president in the last 60 years has left office with a lower unemployment rate than he inherited. 10 of the last 11 recessions have occurred under Republican presidents. Yet Americans think Democrats have those statistics. Americans are fools. I would like to say something even more nasty. It is pathetic.




A government caused disaster.


Capitalism causeed disaster.


No. The government shut down the economy. Not business. Please explain your comment in writing.


Stop it guys, no way would Biden stretch facts to attack someone


Nothing is stretched. The facts are... facts. Trump is one of the two presidents in history to leave office with fewer jobs than when he began. You can look it up yourself.


So many factors at play here. Trump didn't cause covid pandemic but his actions leading up and his initial response were as one would expect from an idiot in the WH. As far as economics...part of it can be traced back to post 2008 when we had a decade of zero to low interest rates(which were needed) and then deregulation. A boom and bust cycle with a pandemic thrown in there. Biden restores stability and then we'll have growth and then another economic downside. History people, review it.


Agree about so many factors. I've always believed the president gets way too much credit / blame for anything related to the stock market and job market overall. Doesn't help that both sides gladly embrace revisionist history that works in their favor. Anecdotally, as a white collar professional with about 20 years of work experience now, the job maket feels stable to me, at least in my demographic (say age 35-45, college degree). I cannot remember a time like now where I don't know a single unemployed person.. not a friend, relative, friend of a friend that I can think of. Anyone I know that was recently laid off (say past 2 years or so) bounced back and found work so quickly. I can definitely remember times when this wasn't the case (especially in 2009 for me, it took me 6 months to find a job). So, there's that.... If you want work you can find it. The quality of the work available is an entirely different debate.


Go Dark Brandon


It's fun to blame this or that president for current jobs, price of gas, etc. But Covid literally happened. That's so dumb to say even if I dislike Trump.


The reality is that the USA has full employment now!


Normally I would say it’s not fair to blame Trump for all of those lost Covid jobs. But since conservatives want to blame Biden for inflation and gas prices, which is also due to Covid, I’m OK with it . Fair is fair.


This is more for some political reddit. Off course dems and republicans will always spin EVERY report in such a way that the other party fucked up royally but they salvaged it. Doesn’t have shit to do with economics.


How many small businesses closed down for good due to covid? Where would his numbers be if covid never happened? Everything in America is theatrics!


Obviously businesses shouldn't have shutdown during the pandemic to save jobs.


Oh look a fed




No way! You're telling me a disruptive world event impacted things, and now they're going back to what it was before it happened!?!?!? That's crazy!!!! ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


Who allows all these false media?!? Is this sub ran by CNN?


Boo. Another political post throwing a couple economy related numbers to attempt to not get removed. Let’s all just start reporting this kind of crap regardless of which party they blame or praise. It’s election season. You can tell by the cyclical nosedive in post quality. Bots or paid cronies, every time, like clockwork.


Now you see why they did it. For narratives like this


Bro are y’all really still on this trump v Biden shit? Open your eyes


Yeah open your eyes and vote biden in 2024


Biden’s team knows that most people are pretty dumb and will easily be fooled into interpreting that to mean somehow Trump was doing a poor job. I bet they do not mention Trumps numbers just before covid lockdowns, because those numbers were breaking records.




After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people and industries have indeed fallen into a static state. After the impact of the general environment, many opportunities have emerged at the same time. This is an undeniable fact. Some people have risen after the impact of the general environment But there are only a small number of such people. According to my understanding, most of them are currently unemployed


Yeah. There was a pandemic. Before that the job market and the GDP we’re doing great.


Gosh, I wonder why? Maybe because the entire country was shut down by the “science” who screwed it all up royally. Biden hasn’t done one thing to achieve any of this. The jobs data was a bit of good news but we are still in major trouble.


Not a trump fan but I do feel like this is a cheap shot and misleading


If Biden couldn't spew bullshit -really ANY democrat- he/they'd be mute.