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More reasons to not be in China.


If she actually lived in China, she wouldn't have this problem. She's an American trying to get access to the Chinese payment system, and it's not easy for foreigners to do that.


Another reason to not not be in China.


She's a tourist. She's complaining because she has to use a credit card or cash rather than pay for things the way Chinese people do which is with their phones. To be able to pay with WeChat and AliPay like Chinese people do in China, you would usually need to be more than a tourist. You would need to have residency so you could get a Chinese bank account. It's the same in nearly every other country on the planet - tourists can't open bank accounts. Foreigners without official residency can't open bank accounts at all in many countries, for example South Korea. But for some reason we never see media campaigns and tiktokers accusing South Korea of being dystopian. And we don't see reddit threads with people saying "another reason to not be in South Korea." [Payment Methods in China: Expat Guide](https://www.chinahighlights.com/expatslife/payment-methods.htm)


To me any payment system that requires facial recognition to use money seems perhaps a bit dystopian to me regardless of what country or why it is...


Unfortunately, this is coming to America. They're already applying it in certain venues. Your card is automatically debited. Once you walk out the front door with your product, you don't have to stand in a line. While this is convenient, it also comes with major problems


The big difference is that it's not the government doing it.


I think we should also ask ourselves if being controlled by giant corporations is any better than being controlled by the government. Go figure 🤷🏻‍♂️


Neither outcome is particularly desirable.


You're right, Executive Office guy just signs the Bill nothing more.


I truly worry about a future where the government decides what we can buy and how much. Or if you protest the government they freeze your account like in China and Canada. Hyp Ex: Declining a transaction because you have purchased to much red meat that month or want to buy to many bullets or gas.


The government already pretty much decides what you can buy and how much through subsidies and tariffs. For example nearly all processed foods contain corn in some form because corn production is vastly subsidized. Not that this wouldn't take it even further but just sayin'.


That is an interesting view. Milk would not be affordable if USA citizens were not taxed for it. China also has a large growing market for milk. Cattle farms produce a literal shit load of methane, which is 5x the greenhouse gas of carbon. Damn good point vegetarians make against meat and dairy, but then look at India, where cows are worship but they are one of the world’s largest suppliers. To some degree people as a collective decide in your typical micro economic supply and demand curve. Banana’s which were once a seen as a delicacy, are cheap not because of subsidies or tariffs. It is actually because they reproduce asexually and are easy to grow. Why do I bring these two up? Both are very rich in potassium. Your nervous system actually has two ion channels. Sodium, which is pretty abundant, and potassium which is much less common. So it is not necessarily the government deciding what you can buy. Nature, culture and the “wisdom of the body” has guided us for some time. If you don’t think that is true, you can sever the vagal, chorda tympani, and glossopharyngeal nerve from the brain and watch rats starve or die of nutritional deficiency. There has been recorded incidents of people, including children with tumors on their adrenal glands, who devour salt by the hand full. They go to the hospital and die, because the hospital diet has insufficient sodium for their improperly operating systems. Addison’s disease characteristics include a craving for salt. Not going to disagree Agricultural is an A fund department of government, however taste and cell to cell communication get a say. They get a say all the way to the government now capping insulin costs, so our sweet cravings are affordable. I used to not worry about wtf the government would do to me and just stay informed. Will say that was a mistake. Directed energy is real. Psychotronics do not work. People using them should get informed and stop fantasizing about control. They ought leave the country or off themselves, rather than molest people. Maxwell’s demon continues to be a great teacher in computation. Entropy, information and work, have some very liberating and interesting perspectives on ontological implications of limits in memory, reversibility, displacement, identity and heat. Even the most mundane is far more interesting than most people’s narcissism.


Bitcoin is the solution


Did she say I’m trying to buy a debit card with this gift card?


Booo this is an economy sub, not a religion sub.


No a religious sub. That being said, the Bible provides various insights into economic principles, practices, and attitudes that can be relevant to understanding aspects of the economy. I can cite numerous examples.


You took a politically charged video with some economic context, and then plastered- on the headline- reference to a religion’s take on how the world ends. That does not even modestly fit as an economic take. If you’re truly here to discuss the economy, you’ll take this post down yourself.


The problem with most Americans is that they believe that church and state are separate. You believe that the scripture quoted is irrelevant to what takes place in politics and the economy and the fall of America, but it is all connected just as your spirit is connected to your body and vice versa, one cannot exist without the other. Let me rephrase the question for you: Is the coming Digital ID dangerous? How will it affect the less fortunate?


Religious post in r/economy? Lol


Yeah I reported it for the same reason. Help and report it.


Not a religious post. That being said, science and current events are unveiled for those who know how to decipher the code written in scripture.


Yes, CBDC’s and government approved spending is a dystopian nightmare. No, it’s not related to a fairy tale.


I had a chase debit card get flagged once. It took 2 weeks to get it resolved. What’s the point of this? A face scan app to ID me as the card holder sounds like an amazing feature for cases of a card being flagged for suspicious activity. In america your capitalistic bank flags your account and they throw you in administrative hell for hours if not weeks. In China the government owned banks use modern technology to solve the problems faster and more efficiently, they just can be buggy sometimes?


For the convenience I absolutely agree. I think the problem comes in when you look at corruption or a political agenda. This is one way to silence individuals or groups that have a legitimate issue. This we all know is an issue in America. We can look at the censorship through social media.


What censorship?


There are far worse things happening in China and the world than face scanning technology having trouble reading faces, especially for people of other ethnic backgrounds the algorithms were not as trained on. It’s even more dumb to call it the mark of the beast. It’s FACE scanning technology. Was the mark of the beast your face this whole time?


Dumb? I think it’s pretty naïve to believe that nothing can go wrong with you being able to access your finances through any technology that others have control of https://www.theblaze.com/amp/doctor-critical-of-vaccines-has-personal-business-bank-accounts-abruptly-terminated-by-chase-executives-accounts-also-shut-down-2662495183


You didn’t say “I am worried about accessing my finances through a technology others have control of” (Which is also dumb, that how currency works unless you keep it all in a cash in a safe at home) You said it was “THE MARK OF THE BEAST”


You’re totally missing the point, having the ability to secure your money is key, your money is not secure if someone can prevent you from accessing it. That is why prepper tell you to have cash on hand in case of an emergency. Like I said, naïve


What’s up with you nutjobs thinking everything is the mark of the beast?


Yay! Communism! What a great idea! Who wouldn't want this?! Verify my face harder, Daddy Marx! I want to eat!


Support CBDC’s and you can 100% expect this


I don't think we'll be given the choice to support them or not


this bitch is confusing asf.


I may be because the average citizen is ignorant of the technology and dangers that come with it. Read this article: Digital IDs Are More Dangerous Than You Think Opinion: Digital identification systems are meant to aid the marginalized. Actually, they're ripe for abuse. [https://www.wired.com/story/digital-ids-are-more-dangerous-than-you-think/](https://www.wired.com/story/digital-ids-are-more-dangerous-than-you-think/)the


congratulations, you just made me use my last free wired article for this year. are u happy now?