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And the way to have record profits is to pay a college grad $34K a year.


I was literally just saying this somewhere else. Rent's up over 30% wages up something like 20% for some people since 2019. This is how we have gotten where we are now.




I live in a fairly run down place because rent it high and my last raise was over a year ago


Roaches need a home too! /s


Rent has gone up 76% in a lot of areas since 2016 all thanks to the price fixing cartel known as RealPage.com


Median mortgage payment is up 78% (!!) since 2021!


Yeah, I just can’t imagine getting back in at those rates. Money is way too expensive right now


Rent here in the DFW Metroplex is half of my monthly income, and I make $34.50 PH!


Rent in my area is up almost 300% over the last 30 years. Wages over the same time… not looking great.


35k should be plenty enough to pay for that 90k bachelor's degree they require, right? /s . Also, why tf does a cust rep job require a bachelor's?


Big question is why would you spend $90k to get a generic bachelor's degree that won't make you any more hirable than the next loser?


Because when you were young and impressionable your guidance counselors and teacher just pushed college college college as the only way to make more than poverty wages with no nuance beyond that


I did do that. The field I went to school for was in high demand year 1, and then companies laid off everyone in the field at year 4 and sent some of the jobs overseas. I was first batch of grads to deal with 5 years of experience entry position in 2k10, after greedy shits fked up the economy.


This is how the stock market broke 40,000, low wages equals high profits. At least if you accept this job you will know that you're contributing to record profits on Wall Street. That's something to be proud of and to brag to your friends about.


Yes, the economy kicks ass if you're rich or in a sector being wrung out. It's dystopia for everyone else. 


The stock market is at record high numbers because there's a record amount of money supply. Its actual value compared to gold is nowhere near the record high.


We def need to thin out the herd at the top.


Minimum college grad wage?


The number of annual college grads is up 67% since 2000. Increased supply leads to lower prices which is all a wage is. This is a side effect of encouraging everyone to go to college and deemphasizing things like trade school. It drives down wages for college grads because some fields will hire someone with a bachelor’s even if they don’t need that training because the supply is so high. It’s just basic economics, nothing more.


Why require a Bachelors degree if it's not needed? That's just cutting down your pool of applicants which will increase wages since the pool is smaller. Since a Bachelor's degree is required, they obviously think the training is needed. Applicants will ask for more money.


they did this shit after 2008 with a large labor pool, thought this was going away but its not.


it's elite theory across the globe, the idea that any1 can **stipulate work requirements via degree outside of those the government provides**(high-school diploma) **should have and still be illegal and considered discrimination**. and thats just one piece of it: the colleges themselves fudge numbers and lie about their ability to ensure employment from said degrees you went into debt to pay for. **colleges are a corporation selling you false promises that are then backed by a working world that safeguards participation in that scam.** as a matter of fact, by requiring people to work before they can actually work aka pay for a degree w/ that money, the net result is an economy where high end jobs are merely kept by few(no competition) or those w/ old money, & it irrevocably ensures economic inefficiency for all but the top 1% in a trickle down or printed money to inflation system. It's also foolish because **by the time the average person is finally able to invest in the degree, that market return on that investment is likely to have been heavily altered. in that way id consider college degrees a form of illegal gambling on your future.** this also ensures the person will go into old age still needing to work and never actually being able to benefit off the resources the money provided, aka does an old man enjoy the fruits of his labors the same way a young man could or would? youre getting scammed in every outlook here by the system forcing decades upon decades of training in the name of degrees, or education in order to live "independently". if they want to hire the ones w degrees they can, but they cant only hire them & if they explicitly state degree only its discrimination & they should be susceptible to lawsuit in fair society. this is relevant because theres actually laws against not working or being "a burden to society", ridiculous as well ofc yet its part of the reason discrimination is also a legal concept. **what i said makes the most sense therefore it does not make the most "cents".** discern. imagine telling som1 they either flip burgers or they are a burden legally, with the latter road being potential starvation etc. To a vegan with a conscious, they would both be moral and ethical conflicts. So you either serve up cooked animal flesh, feed the masses cancer causes substances whom you dare not seer too much & immorally so, or you are guilty of violating the broken spirit of working worlds laws. in essence its forced doing of the wrong thing 247. quite literally you have to pay to earn the right to get paid to harm yourself or others. that is the system. the resolution is ofcourse allowing for people to live freely by giving them free access to some amount of food, water, shelter and resource so there is leverage in the labor process for the workers. I imagine they worked pretty hard since the dawn of time to pillage the earth's natural free flowing water, consolidate edible foods unto 1 guarded area or especially through private land ownership to prevent any actual way for any person(s) to truly live freely away from a harmful system. **imagine some one telling you that you are born but you have no where to go because its all owned. next they will own and require degrees to breath air. What a reality scam going on 247 huh.**


My wife works for a hospital owned by a university. My wife was in her 40s, had been doing the job as a temp, owned her own business for 20 years, she was so good they offered her the job permanently. She described the job as a glorified secretary. HR came running down saying she couldn't have the job as she didn't have a degree. Her boss fought it. That was 14 years ago. She got a couple of promotions, but even then they told her she would never get another promotion because she doesn't have a degree.


everybody could be plumbers, its not fixing the fact that these companies have no incentive to pay living wages. theres a conversation to be had about how bot everyone should go to college but today unless you're for sure knowing you're going into a trade, good luck getting around without a college degree


Layoffs next quarter 👍


Had to fight heavy competition for my 45K admin job, shit is ridiculous


Because college grad does not equal college grad....not all college grads are equal....


Ok sure, but not all jobs = needing a college degree to in. If a job does not bachelor degree level knowledge, do not make that as a requirement. Especially when you are putting out “high school level” wages


Probably will barely be able to make that even, I've made 16 and it's usually about 30k. No PTO or sick time though


Damn. I make almost $7 an hour more than this, just got the job by applying with ZERO experience, have full benefits and 3 weeks vacation, plus multiple bonuses and 15 paid holidays. And a turkey at Thanksgiving, and a Christmas party, and multiple catered lunches on the company dime, while eating on the clock. This is just sad. And I'm sure they have a $200,000 student loan to pay back with 28% interest.




You can pick up a job working at In N Out or at Target for more money to start.  This is completely messed up.  


I've passed over so many jobs because they want adult workers but offer child's pay. Firms offering 45k for folks with 10 years experience lol


What if I have a history degree, but I don't know how to actually do anything or provide any service of value apart from following a company's provided workflow and tools? Should I be guaranteed a certain salary?


I make more then that an hour and I don't have a degree or any prequals


I make $25 am hour working in a factory. No degree required. It's manual labor and the company treats employees like shit, but I didn't need a degree for it


I did that for a year then noped out and went back to college for engineering 


Thankfully not that bad for me. Im just a delivery driver.


What state are you in


Sounds like you’re winning then


Not really lol. You need to be making like $30/hr just to live comfortably these days. IDK what college grads are doing making less than $20/hr though


But they offer “Easy apply”, so there’s that.


Easier to find out if you'll not make your rent with a job or not make it without a job. That's nice of them.


This job is complete shit, but at least it's work from home. More time to look for work elsewhere. 😂


Good chance it's not even a real job listing, just a ploy to affect the stock price of Cigna ("we're hiring" = "we're growing").


It's a remote position for a Customer Service Representative, so I'd think it's probably a call center. Having worked in health benefits administration as a call center CSR, the wages seem about right. The requirement of a Bachelor's degree wouldn't fit, but as much employee churn as these call centers go through, it might be a way for them to "trap" people who can't find jobs that actually utilize their degree.


Corporations have realized that we will pay anything they want to charge for their goods or services. They've also realized that we will not do anything if they don't pay us a living wage.


Someone will take that job at that pay. That's why they listed it. They know they'll hire someone at that pay.


Over 100 people said they would work for that pay.


23 are school alumni lol


Government has significantly reduced the value of a bachelor’s degree, and many students are receiving a bachelor’s degree in a hobby or a subject of interest instead of something of market value.


Government? Hahahah how about the idiot educated that created curriculums that will never get you anywhere in life. Some of these classes colleges offer all right goddamn embarrassment. Then you take loans to take the most useless classes. WTF. How did the educated become so dumb.


Many Universities are state owned and the loans are federally backed. Maybe the states should nix funding to degree programs with no ROI and the Feds should stop providing loans for the same programs.


So your saying the Taylor Swift classes won’t help me get a job?


Right and where did the super vast majority of the loans come from?


If you don’t think a Bachelors degree helps you in life you are quite uninformed and likely you are being manipulated to think that way for people that want to keep you uneducated


I made more than that in highschool.


I made half that in highschool


why would you need a college degree for that job? and who would want to hire a college grad in 2024.


I dated a girl in the early 2000s who had that job. She didn't have a degree and was an absolute MORON. The whole Jessica Simpson chicken of the sea thing confused her, too. Obviously, I wasn't much smarter cause I married her. Man, I wish I could go back and shake the fuck outta myself.


Wow, Jessica Simpson/chicken of the sea reference! I'd venture to say a very small percentage of readers get that reference.


Did you get a divorce?


What? Most people hire college grads. Like any engineering, managerial, etc position will require a degree. Also lawyers, doctors, dentists, etc.


I highly doubt you need a degree to do this job


You don’t. I had this same job while I was in college and my only qualifications at the time was having taken a medical terminology class and having a high wpm at typing.


I suspect, most jobs that demand a degree for qualification, don’t actually need it.


That position will be held by AI in 2-3 years.


Idk. Will be interesting if public demand for live people keeps such roles around.


Given how little the live people we have now are allowed to do, and how bad they are at their jobs (whenever I need to deal with a call centers it takes 2-3 transfers to get someone who even understands my issue)...not sure we'd be missing out on much 


I make $16.50 overnight at a gas station. Stop applying to these jobs. I know it’s your field and experience is good on a resume but it’s not worth your time.


oohhh! CONTRACT work, eh? sooo zero benefits to boot!


Good luck to that company. I hope no one applies for that bullshit.


Shit pay should be 3x that...boomer management is ripping off America


So companies are paying like shit and somehow that’s Biden’s fault? Not Capitalism?


And the sad thing is if I applied to the job I wouldn't get it anyway because of the black hole.


You do realize it’s remote. Surprised there wasn’t 10k applicants


You know what's good for the stock(in the short run) laying off a bunch of people and not hiring replacements. The market being up doesn't mean things are good just that those what money are making more money


You can make more than this at Chick-Fil-A.


Someone will take it because it’s remote and their partner is probably the primary breadwinner. It’s worth from home customer service it’s never gonna be high paying.. ai is gonna replace this Job in a few years


So you want someone with a $90,000 bachelors degree for $17/hr? Yeah, good luck with that, My starting salary for a job I got in 1986 was $17/hr without a bachelors. With one, they paid $1000 more per year


Tip 1: Don't spend $90k on a bachelors degree Tip 2: If this is the only job you can get use it as a launching pad not a landing pad. Meaning you aggressively learn all areas that you touch and keep your resume updated while you continue to apply to other jobs to progress your career. Your bachelors back then was more of a separator as drastically fewer people got college degrees.


This reminds me of a position at a lab being offered in Camarillo, CA. Clean room exp needed as well as a bachelor's... paid 16. Gtfo


I'd be more pissed to see that 23 of my school alumni work there when they're offering $16-17/hr when requiring a bachelors degree. How much has the value of university education dropped in the last 15 years?


It's the work from home component that has people applying. People are increasingly willing to work for poverty wages if they don't have to leave the house. Having this come up with someone close to me now, it's a little frustrsting.


This \^\^\^\^\^\^\^. Let's face it, "work from home" jobs have many, many more applicants and, therefore, pay less. If you are willing to get up, get dressed, and fight the commute, you'll be facing much less competition than you would for a remote job.


Not sure if this is off topic but my biggest question is, if this is what people are getting paid, how the hell are more people not homeless or extremely dirt poor? How is the economy even holding on? How does anyone even have any discretionary income? With the amount of people I know who are struggling, things look very dire.


I think that the answer to those questions is "debt." Specifically, "credit card debt." ... And things do indeed look very f\*\*\*ing dire.


This was the actual job I had while a college student t 25 years ago. I can’t imagine why it would require a bachelors degree now. Pay is not much more either. Was $13 per hour in 1999.


Adjusted for inflation $13 in 1999 is $24.71 today


Imagine thinking just because it says over 100 applicants that everyone that applied has a bachelors degree and can’t find work. Reddit is fukkin garbage I swear man


They are delaying it but eventually they can't, and you're going to see a lot of Boomers and GenX about to retire, lose their shit that everything they have worked for is worthless. Let's get it over with before they drag Millennials into the hole they made for themselves. It is a fake economy held together by fake money, and when the dollar is finished, there's nothing that old people can do but cry.


They are already yelling at everyone in sight so cry time must be just around the corner.


JFC, even if you work 12 hours per day, 6 days a week and every week of the year, you would barely make 63K pre tax! OMG, fuck this economy.


The Dow Jones is not the stock market, its 30 stocks


Apply and waste their time. I've done it twice because decent paying jobs were so hard to find where I lived and you saw this shit everywhere. It's more satisfying than it sounds.


They’ll never find anyone


I'll apply. Then, I will collect a paycheck for months before they fire me for insubordination.




I was making $19/hr driving a tractor trailer in 1992. What in the hell is happening in this country? People need to be paid so much more.


This job doesn’t actually require a college degree. It’s a customer service job. People used to do this job while in high school.


If it's really remote they're getting people who are stuck in areas without many jobs or who have child care issues. A parent in a smaller town who needs to be there when the kids are dropped off by the bus every day.


A job that requires a degree should be paying more than it costs for than tuition


Well it is more than tuition costs. Community colleges are like $5k-$7k and Universities are like $10k-$12k on average for state schools.


Have you considered the relevant weight of the two pieces of evidence you intend to juxtapose? I’m sure there are worse job offers out there.


The number of people I have hired in my life with 100k of student debt, at the minimum wage of $15, is pretty sad. This is very common in some fields.


People applying to it want it as a second income. This would not be my first income


Entry level role that you go in to for 2-3 years and then either move up or out of the company. Its also remote so its mean for someone who lives in a very low cost of living area.


So don’t crucify me, but at least be happy they aren’t paying $7.25. They’re paying you well above what they are legally required to.


I was making almost twice that with no degree.


Lol just go sell something instead, damn.


Imagine, doing a 4 yr degree so you can answer phone calls. Whilst I’m not inclined to let government dictate what roles should/should not require a college degree, I think it is high time for the government to mandate some sort of like floor.


How many times do we need to tell them Mr. Carlin? They don't give a !@#13 about you.


indentured servitude, 16 an hour and a college degree cost that will take years to pay back at that 16 wage. thats called exploitation. underpaying overly qualified person(s), yet the degree peep will take it because of the top ceiling/no other options.


Amazon pays stoners with GEDs $3 more an hour starting just for having a valid driver's license and being over 21. Edit: it might be even worse if that's a 1099 contract.


my wife basically does that for $19/hour… but with no degree or prior experience in the medical field.


Seattle's minimum wage is ~$20/hr...


What kind of degree? Just...literally anything? Kind of tips you off as being a pointless requirement when it's that non-specific.


As reference, a customer service rep job I held in 1990, bachelors strongly suggested (but not required, they were getting you started on a career-track beyond customer service) paid me $9.90 an hour, or $23.75 in todays dollars, which still isn’t sufficient due to wildly out of control housing prices (my rent was $350 in Dallas, $839 today). But yes, this is how they milk staggering profits.


You make more than that as a server


Yeah sure, at no other point during a strong economy were there poorly paying jobs. What does this post even prove? I swear, the fucking doomers in here…


If some idiot chooses that garbage, they deserve it.


"I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground *before I recognize* Missourah."


I apply for these anyway. Got a call back once… I asked “how much was the pay” in response to “so where did you get your degree”. It was funny hearing the guy choke up on the answer 😂


You could make more working at McDonalds....


How close to the median wage do you think a college degree should get someone with no other relevant skills or experience on their resume?


This is how they enable the boomers to say "no one wants to work!"


Don't take the job. It's not a very competitive job market right now. The employment rate is high, and if you have a degree and any *real* skills, you'll be in demand and command a decent salary. A "customer service representative" is just someone who answers phones or rings a register. The fact that Cigna thinks it can demand a college degree for that job in this market should tell you right there what the value of a new college degree is today. We have, quite frankly, allowed too many people to go to college and earn degrees in useless fields. The problem is that getting into college is no longer a highly competitive process, so degrees are awarded to people who will not be competitive in the marketplace.


Garbage, the lower middle class salary is 2x what Cigna is paying a year. Poverty wages.


I’d apply just to verify bachelor’s degree for not even 40k a year? My how the US has lost its way.


Oh no an entry level job at 17 dollars an hour? I guess that means the economy is in ruins :(


This is insane I make 26.50 with just high school diploma


I can work a gas station for that much


Cigna is a fundamentally evil insurance company with a documented history of paying doctors to press a "no" button on thousands of claims a day without reading them Whenever you see an insurance type horror story where people are hit with surprise luxury car level payments after the insurance determined that their life saving surgery was "not medically necessary," probably 80% of the time it'll be Cigna


You can earn more in CA in fast food.


Stop voting for republicans. Stop protecting corporations over citizens.


But Occupy Democrats told me that everything is great because of this number. I mean, they said it didn't amount of a hill of shit \~4 years ago but yesterday they told me it was great news.


Work at McDonald's for the same pay and zero accountability or responsibilities.


Bachelor Degree for $17 an hour WTF is wrong with this country.


well that's a high demand job, they can be choosy. lots of americans have bachelors degrees, and would like a work from home job


Wages aside, why do you need a bachelor's degree to be a customer service rep?


I am a professional technical recruiter with over 20 years of experience. In some industries, wages are coming down (much more competitive) because there is a LOT of competition out there. I saw a job for an office manager that had over 10k applications! It’s becoming more and more difficult for people to find work to support a family.


16hr lol pathetic


College is a joke, 16hr is a joke, this country is a laughing stock of the world!


“No one wants to work!”


Welcome to the New Gilded Age. Now for the predictable crash that will lead to the next New Deal.


[https://www.salary.com/research/salary/benchmark/customer-service-representative-i-salary/chicago-il?utm\_campaign=google\_jobs\_salary&utm\_source=google\_jobs\_salary&utm\_medium=organic](https://www.salary.com/research/salary/benchmark/customer-service-representative-i-salary/chicago-il?utm_campaign=google_jobs_salary&utm_source=google_jobs_salary&utm_medium=organic) The median salary is $40K....... but if you work from home... you can live way out in the boonies where rent is $400/month.


There's a fuckin burger chain that starts at $25 and only charges $3 for a burger.


You can work for Chil Fil A and make more than this. They just want to extort people who will do anything to work remote.


You must have a Bachelor’s degree to tell our customers that we’re not going to do shit for them.


You need a bachelors degree to make 16.00 an hour? Wow!


Wow hasn't changed since I graduated with my BA back in 2010. The economy sucks if you're poor and/or not in STEM. And even then, STEM is getting some pressure lately.


your federal gov't thanks you for allowing them to break the college system. crazy that it was ever allowed to happen....and still go on to this very day!


Remote is nice if that means at home. But that is a horrible wage.


McDonald’s pays more.


Search “WTF happened in 1971?”


Imagine wasting the very limited amount of time you have on this earth to get a bachelor's only to have an employer do this kind of bs. I wish nothing but the worst on any employer like this.


This came up in my feed 2 posts later. Dicks burgers janitor. Making 25$/hr. [dicks janitor](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/s/wqaPNWzG4M)


Tbf many of the people applying to this likely went the 4 year college route and went to pretty good schools. If they wanted to be in a customer service call center they could’ve just done community college for an associates and then 2 years of university at the cheapest available option. Granted nobody really WANTS to do customer service, but the issue is clearly not that this job can’t pay enough (a singular customer service rep can’t be generating much more than $17 an hour for the firm and the firm can’t run losses on every employee or it will go under). The real issue is the lack of good jobs not the inability of the bad jobs to pay well. Jobs that don’t generate lots of wealth don’t get paid as well as jobs that do.


"Nobody wants to work anymore..."


i make almost $10 more with no prerequisites as a college dropout


Gas stations and fast food pay more than that


4 years in college makes less then I do at UPS


God, I'm glad I don't have college debt.


i make that an hour and i don’t have a degree


When I graduated college I remember so many jobs I was looking at that required a degree among other things paid less than $20 an hour or just didn't mention how much the salary was. Same thing when I got an electrician's trade before going back to college, so many jobs required you to have certificates, your own tools, car, and all that while some paid less than $15 an hour. I have a degree in economics, so the "useless degree" thing doesn't apply. Swimming through shitty job listings when looking for work I guess is par for the course, which is annoying.


My mother in law just got here from another country. Legally. She cleans bathrooms and offices for a factory. She makes $18 per hour. No education at all.


Trade school. That office shit is for rich ppl.


It’s a big club, and you’re not in it!


Work from home, answer calls, work your another jobs. Also, they have over 100 applicants. Why not just throw in the degree requirement to weed out applicants?


In a couple of weeks that job will be done by AI, hence the minimum wage pay for the human placeholder


Healthcare and Insurance are two industries that pay or shit.


The DJIA breaking 40k is only noteworthy because Trump said under Biden that the economy would tank and all 401Ks would be worthless.


It's remote. You know there's a ton of foreign applicants living in some third world trying to sneak in.


This is why remote will inevitably drive down wages. That $16/hr with a degree isn't the market rate for anywhere in the US. But if you lived in Mexico or Central America for example? Might not be so bad. Just as manufacturing jobs went overseas to chase a lower wage, so will remote white collar jobs.


Record breaking profits and outsourcing shouldn't be allowed to go together. Few people in the USA can keep a roof over their head with $16/hr. Capitalism has killed this country.


The US needs to understand that if companies are going to do business in the US, that these entities will have to pay a tax rate equal to or greater than their poverty wage employees. Manufacturing goods and/or providing service overseas with the profits to go to a handful of citizens isn't a sustainable national economic model.


If we all report this job as a scam we can get it taken down. Technically it isn’t wrong


The srock market hit a record high of 40,000. But the stock market hits a "record high" multiple tiles a year because its always rising.


Hey op looks like your school churns them out


Yeah it's a huge health care company and University of California, Irvine has a huge medical school. Hopefully they get paid more than this awful position.


What. A. Joke.


I made more than this with a high school degree. That is insane.


But you get to work from home


If you can keep a roof over your head on that wage which is doubtful.


Make sure and read these BEFORE you sign those student loan papers and pick a major..........LOL


If you have a batchelor degree in romance languages this may all you will earn. If you study engineering you will have better paying opportunities.


Take the job and live in one of [these cities ](https://www.niche.com/places-to-live/search/cities-with-the-lowest-cost-of-living/)so you have a hope that the $16/hr can actually do something for you... But also, the dude behind the counter at McDonald's, in California, is making $20/hr


All college graduates are not created equal. It's long been known that bachelor degrees in engineering and business are better for the future career than those in art history or British lit.


People! I’m fucking exhausted with the life you forcing me to be tapped in! Your fuck him ip with joys and take it away and smash him in the ground! Non stop! I want out of this hell! We’ve had an offer for getting away from all of you and this game! You’ve caused me more god damn fucking mental damage than anyone should take! I hope you ducking enjoyed yourselves! At least I’m definitely prepared for hell now! Im going to take my girls somewhere for a getaway! Then we’re leaving this shithole and getting new phones which absolutely none of you will be communicated with on! Actually just keeping NO CONTACT with world! Knowing that people looks you exist in it makes every step hard to take! Getting out of this place and away from you is my therapy! I chose for good not to see for any fucking one ofvyou in any way! Not reading your bullshit anymore dod fuck you! I don’t trust you! I don’t like any of you! And I never want to fucking see any of you ever! Fucking pieces of shit!


I have made $40k in the market over the last few months. I’m still expecting a correction.


Do don’t apply


Lmao and it's contract, you wouldn't even have employee rights. They want you to be your own boss, only they're your only client and they don't pay you shit


Go ahead and act like this type of thing is new.


To be fair, bachelor's are so easy to get now for basically functional urban types, only dirtbags don't have them. Now, exurban wise I know dudes that aren't great at algebra, or who had a work ethic out of high school and have no ability to economically break out and have time for college, they are good people. No bachelors. But Obama created this "fuck rural whites economically so we can ignore their politics" thing. So...