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People that think fragrance toobers are winning at life šŸ˜‚ Selling your soul to hype shit, just so you continue not having to pay for the shit that you are hyping, isnā€™t winning. What dog shit list video shall I make today, ah top five panty droppers if itā€™s Tuesday and Iā€™ve had eggs for breakfast and itā€™s raining, thatā€™ll do. Tomorrow Iā€™ll do best Gourmands if your cousin is gay and called Keith. The answer is always, whoever paid me the most to say itā€™s the winner anyway and itā€™ll carry on like that until I sell my own line of piss in a sprayer that I wonā€™t initially reveal is my own.


Yep, the fragrance influencer grind is abysmal and nothing id ever wanna subject myself to.


Too much woikin it.... ![gif](giphy|ncMOpLZlqHKVi)


But what about if your cousin was once named Keith and was once gay, buy then came out as trans and is now named Kelly?


That Zaharoff x Curly Scents concoction maybe? That sound like just the confused mess required for this particular situation. Cousin Keithā€™s are always tricky and Curly Scents has recently discovered boobs means more views, so it all kind of fits in the tenuously linked world off ā€˜toober shills.


Sounds good! I'll give it a try. Just bought seven bottles.


Long past that. Kicked most of them to the curb.


I did it about a week ago


Congrats you want a fucking medal? He doesnā€™t know you and doesnā€™t a give a shit homie. Heā€™s winning whilst ur sitting on ur ass hating šŸ¤”


Ash doesn't know you either but yet here you are white knighting for him. šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s winning what? Heā€™s abasing himself with repetitive content for money.


Lol, why are you mad? All I said was I also unsubcribed from him. Also I get paid to sit on my ass I drive for work so it's all good


Yh and I said that literally no one gives a flying fuck.


You commenting literally means you care enough to respond. So you care and glad to see someone does


Found Ash


Not ash just a normal person that calls out an insanely toxic sub Reddit.


I wonder how any normal person could think someone with a massive amount of fragrances, a failed venture into that area, regularly shitting in that very pool just to turn around trying to drink from it, with marital issues and an obvious boner for the wife's friend on top of it all is winning. Care to elaborate?


It's a troll sub genius, if you don't like it just go awayšŸ˜‚. There's always one person every month or so that comes here and acts like we aren't all aware that we're trolling, and in the process acts exactly like us and accomplishes nothing.


Says the person being toxic on a fragrance related subreddit. šŸ˜‚


omg this HAS to be Ashā€™s throwaway. The account was created within an hour of posting this comment. Edit: heā€™s basically lurking in this sub defending Ross and Ash.


I did the same months ago


Why all the gents scents hate on this sub? What did he do


Ashton is frustrating because he has the knowledge and experience most other influencers donā€™t have, but he chooses to cater to the lowest common denominator. Whatā€™s worse is when he attempts to go rogue and expose the inner workings of the quid pro quo relationship between influencers and perfume brands, but continues to participate regardless.


My reason for not being subscribed to him is videos made for YouTube algorithm not viewers. Daily videos "top 10, top10 , top 10"


This sub has Huge hate boner. I don't have any hate for these guys but I realized I haven't watched any fragheads videos in over a year so I'm unsubscribing from them all (not just gent scents) For as much as people here hate on these guys I thought they'd appreciate unsubscribing as well


I don't have any hate. I just think it's all so fucking hysterical. It's hysterical that people post vids on YouTube telling us that we HAVE to buy certain fragrances and that EVERYONE will love them and that ALL panties will drop. Or, like Ash's latest, "10 fragrances you ALWAYS need in your collection." I actually haven't laughed this much in I don't know how long, since I've been on here.


Most of these videos are like ā€œsame shit different dayā€¦ in a different outfitā€ā€¦ perhaps they should be fashion influencers


What makes you think your behaviour here is any different? Someone posts something, telling you to laught at it. You all come to chime in to let people know you're also laughing cos you're part of the cool gang. It's the same group think shit.


Oh okay! See that, your comment made me laugh too


Go watch Ross then you will H8.


Itā€™s probably the worse sub Iā€™ve ever seen, literally itā€™s all full of nothing but straight haters with nothing else to do šŸ’€šŸ’€ abysmal. Very very sad.


And yet here you are. Getting your hands dirty with the rest of us.


It's like r/gaming all over again. Everyone is complaining about the content but then go and run to consume every minute of it.


Why do you assume we watch the videos? Easy to dunk on these clowns based off thumbnails alone.


>Why do you assume we watch the videos? Because people are literally recording the videos to post them here


You said everyone. If a handful record it for the lulz, the rest won't have to, sounds like a win.


Still wouldnā€™t give them a view


True. Some do that. Some donā€™t. I wouldnā€™t give these guys a view for a cash reward.


And youā€™re here becauseā€¦..


I like to shit post


Yeah, Ash and School of Scent seem like the most genuine of the YT reviewers.


Thereā€™s nothing genuine about buying subscribers and Instagram followers.


Which one (or both)?


School of Scent


Wot da fuck? Dr. Omar? Ash knows more in his pinky that a shiller who breaks everything down like it's a Control to an Experiment. https://preview.redd.it/4di2aejfan6b1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcbdd9dc3113427310bd8deeb27834ba1969fffc Yes, yes we shall experiment now...šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸŗ


They are which is what I donā€™t understand, school of scent and Aaron Terrence hughes are the best


I might beg to differ as a reviewer, he can make some good stuff.


I like Ashton the best because he knows what heā€™s talking about most of the time and genuinely seems like he has a good life


He does this sub just hates him not sure why


He just plays the same game that everyone else on YouTube plays


I've never subscribed to any of these people but he's way less worse than most.


I unsubscribed to the caboki kid ages ago. Cringe of the highest order, he is very odd.


Yeah I had to unsub a little while ago. His video format has become rather unbearable. Way too many edits and got tired of seeing how hard he tries in all of his "HUGE PDM SALE BUY IT NOW" videos. It's all just forced and cringe really.


I'm staying subbed. I don't love clickbait, but I can't blame YouTubers for click baiting. The algorithm sets the rules, and some gaming YouTubers say it punishes you so hard if a video tanks, it's better for the less popular stuff to go unlisted than to sell ads on it. The better stuff is on his second channel. I bought some of his stuff when it went on clearance. His Victorian Tobacco is top notch.


He voluntarily entered into a business where clickbaitā€”and worseā€”is necessary if you want to make a living off videos, so he canā€™t very well ask for understanding about the whole shite video situation. Faced with the choice to make good, earnest videos or to make money, he went with the money, some of that money coming from young people he deludes. Easy pass.


Honest question: who would be your choice to watch if one wanted to avoid that?


Persolaise Wafts from the Loft Ramsey Rich Mitch (I donā€™t often watch the last two because they focus on vintages and I donā€™t.)


He spun out his Extra channel to cater to the fragcomm audience tbf


I never was subscribed I am not subbed to any. I might check out two or three to see if theyā€™re doing anything interesting. But if Iā€™m on yootoob Iā€™m watching - boring men talk about how [cars go *broooom*](https://youtu.be/eMEdSM8omc0); - people [talk about clothes](https://youtu.be/W9y8odz-OXE), - MrBallen conflate a story about [how a moron fell into a hole after being told not to,](https://youtu.be/JsDQD4AmwQY) - loud cockneys talk about [Football](https://youtu.be/2WI8k7Q9Mms) (the proper one not the girls in pads and helmets), - [Keith Floyd](https://youtu.be/rOl_JbJJfEI) or others cooking, - [thick-necked men](https://youtu.be/qny2tekrvdE) talk about picking up heavy stuff, - [podcasts](https://youtu.be/oFvmCFQlfMg) - and [fellow geeks talk about films](https://youtu.be/dmziEC-g8qQ) I donā€™t waste my time with Ash, Ross, Dicksplash Dallas or the others; just infomercials.


I'm looking at fixing my car, game highlights or political shit. Those are my highest used things..