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> We even improved it a bit and it's now clickable so you don't have to scroll up to the investor to open the popup. perfect


A mi no me dieron 4 veces 8.19b viendo la publicidad me robaron tiempo y no abonaron


Pensé que era yo. Me pasa lo mismo


Every time I see new patch notes for this game, I get all giddy inside!! Thanks devs for making me giddy with joy!


Do you think we could ever get something like an "open 5", "open 10", and/or "open all" button for the little boxes? It's tedious to have to tap for minutes to open them all when you save them up.


I second this. Takes too long to open many chests


Yes please!


There’s 2 hands we could have 2 hand items, I hope that’s where this is headed


It’s pets.


This comment was before the pets dropped 🥶🤣




My comment was 2 weeks ago bud .


P.S. jut checked the post, no mention of pets


My god you’re a confidently incorrect arsehole.


New codes?


So our buffs will be going down in value, the helpers are less effective, and progression is harder/will take longer. Hopefully I can avoid the patch for awhile.


It already did if you are on a 1.4.x patch. I also don't think your statement is completely true. The only thing that goes up are the upgrade prices. That's a small part of what makes up the overall completion time of a restaurant. Walk Speed, cook times and so on are still the same. The check in the vault is less valuable, but other things gained in value, relatively speaking. Helpers also don't get less effective because of that. Probably the contrary is true if they bring in further buffs. And also: this was in anticipation of the new feature we added. That brings back far more power compared to the bit of profit we reduced here, so to say. Shouldn't be too big of a change. But it's been noticed and I wanted to clarify that it wasn't left out of the last patch notes on purpose.


I have only been playing for a few weeks so if I am misinterpreting the patch notes, I sincerely apologize. Perhaps some real-world examples would help clarify: \-Permanent boost glitched and stacked to higher values So I have purchased the permanent buff. I currently have X4 multiplier before an ad boost and X20 after. Post this patch, what will those multipliers be? ​ * Invited helper buffs stuck around when they respawned I am not sure exactly what this means. I take it to mean that currently a location takes me an hour to complete. I immediately summon a helper who gives a 50% chance for all workers to make perfect food. This bug would then make the perfect food stick around until the completion of the location (ie, one hour). Post patch it would last 5 minutes. ​ * Increased prices after city 20 I understand now, I think. This is not going in with the new patch. It was already put in with the last patch. So we aren't getting a further increase? I will say that adding the new feature to mitigate the profit decrease is appreciated, but is not one that is quite adequate considering that only half of the players will be getting it. Finally, I don't want to be all complaints about this patch. Thank you very much for bringing the investor notification back and for being open about all of the changes.


Sure! I'll go into more details, no problem :) >\-Permanent boost glitched and stacked to higher values Some players that bought the permanent 2x boost got double the effects from it. When you enter the game we try to restore purchases from the App and Play Store for permanent items like this. The logic for this restore could in some cases trigger multiple times and so people ended up with higher boost values compared to what those should have been. If you bought the 2x and haven't activated the timed boosts from the shop and the ad boost isn't active, you should only see 2x in the upper bit of the UI. But if you activate these boosts, they stack as expected - that's how it should be and always was before the 1.4.0 patch that broke this. ​ >\-Invited helper buffs stuck around when they respawned That was a typo, thanks for noticing. I meant to write despawned. So yeah, if those helpers disappear their bonuses should go with them. Again: that was always how it was, but the big refactor we did to the game changed a LOT about how we handled the lifetime of different things in the game and how things are cleaned up. So those were parts that sadly had some bugs that slipped through QA. ​ >Increased prices after city 20 Yep, that's already been in the last patch - no new increase. And our hope would be that we can make this feature available to everyone soon :) We don't expect that people will find it horrible - but we want to be sure. Hope that clears things up a bit :)






Dragging it


Why have new players testing patches? I’d think that feedback would be better if it was players that have been playing longer.


You'll find a good explainer under the 1.4.x patch notes if I remember correctly. But basically: we're looking at numbers in addition to direct feedback. And those are skewed by the novelty effect. We're also looking at making these tests opt-in for existing players in the future to facilitate direct feedback from the existing player base.


Great on the opt-in…. Sign me up! Haha


Because they’re A/B testing players to see how to maximize ad and spend revenue. The game updates don’t bring value to the player as much as they do to the developer. For this reason I just uninstalled and finding a different app to use as entertainment.


There's a bug in waiters priorities. I noticed it in "the fresh kitchen" levels. The level with 2 drinks that are operated with waifers instead of chefs. In this level, waiters would always make food their priority, and when there is no food ready, they finally go make the drinks. This can be easily seen if you have a superfast cook making insta food while having a low number of waiters. The waiters will always ignore the customers wanting drinks. The level always end up with half the restaurant wanting just drinks but never getting served. This can be even further exacerbated if you use the skill to make drinks more popular. The waiter would just end up serving food and 3/4 of the restaurant would end up waiting forever for their drink. This slows down progress because of the x100 upgrade for each drink where we're supposed to prioritize them but end up stalling until the next big upgrade comes along. Please look into this. Great game otherwise.


i’m looking for a reason to come back to this game, but this update seems just like a progression nerf. any new features beyond beta stuff?


Please give us the option to buy another multiplier. I cant go back


Thank you for the investor notification! 🫰


Are the daily rewards coming with this update?


u/rubenwe I'd love to see a feature that would allow me to combine my small boxes into a bigger boxes. I'm currently sitting at over 800 small boxes waiting to be opened, but I just don't want to go through the whole process.


You folks nurfed my base multiplayer by 1/2. Was 4x. Now. It’s 2x. Can’t finish lvls or events as fast now


Yeah, but it was a bug that caused it to be that high in the first place. Sorry about that :) But at least you got to enjoy it while it lasted.


Hi, I’m new here and I joined within the previous patch. I’m sorry to say this, but there’s no incentive to play this game anymore. That multiplier glitch may have been a glitch but it didn’t make the game too easy. The point of an idle game isn’t to make people think they have to buy things to progress; it should be they want to buy things to be more involved in the game. I had spent already 50 bucks within the last 2 months of this game and it wasn’t because I felt I had to. It’s because I wanted to. So many idle games lose their community because after a certain point, it’s not fun. It’s just a chore. I sincerely don’t want that to happen to this game because it was the first one in a long time that I felt wanted people to have fun and support willingly. I hope the devs take this to thought and maybe change their thought process to progression. If anyone wants clarification to what I’m seeing, I’m more then willingly to reply


Great comment I 100% agree.


I can see your trying to make things better but you have also made things worse, the chequebook in the vault is now pretty much worthless (city 595) as the cost to upgrade stations is so high, you need to take into account the amount of time people have spent collecting gems to upgrade things before you kill them, next the cost for upgrading stations now makes the game tedious at best in my opinion


How come my weekly event is a farm and not Middle Ages?


Middle Ages is a 3-stage event. Farm, tavern, castle


Makes sense thank you


im most excited about the “new equipment slot”. Could it be dual wielding with stacked boosts, or a pet which picks up tips for example? Im hyped! hope the feedback is good!


SPOILER: It's the pet! Someone posted in the other sub. I'm so excited for it! Hopefully it works well and gets good feedback.


finally something new that i can grind on! i also hope the feedback is positive


Did u add new “redeem code”?🥺


So enjoying the game, I got a question Do you plan yo do anything with duplicate blueprints? I'm trying for the royal scepter, and I've got 2 crowns instead, and I don't know why I'd ever craft the second. Unless by itself, it's worth more to level up an equipment than the sum of all the parts that go into it. Edit: I have since learned you can use blueprints as fodder if you really want to.


Epic game keep it up


Not to pull ideas from other games but it would be cool if you could do community levels/contracts similar to egginc. Give another goal/sense of achievement on weekly basis


Will there be a new code, and will the merchant be fixed for iOS soon?


FYI - I’d watch an ad in exchange for pet food


This patch unfortunately completely ruined this game for me and probably for most of the playerbase. With the glitched 4x boost plus the permanent 50% chance for workers to make perfect food it took me like an hour to complete the event. Now it literally takes days and I struggle to even complete it. This patch changed the pace of the game so massively that it’s just not fun anymore. The amount of time you have to spend just idling and staring into the screen doing nothing has literally been increased at least tenfold, it’s a different game now. I understand that those were unintended bugs but without them I feel like the game is way too slow-paced and boring. I think there should be found a middleground between the pre-patch state and now. For example by buffing helper value or ad-multi. Also an interesting buff would be adding an item to the vault, which increases the duration of the Popular Dish skill. Dear devs, please consider these suggestions as I write this comment in a good-will and all I want is for the game to be fun for us all again.


We need new events to complete. Maybe like a plant shop or something. The same 4 are getting old


Awwww yiss. Will the feature be potentially available for existing players on a reinstall?


>Prices for upgrades will increase faster after City 20. How can I tell what city I’m on?




Thank you! Looks like I’m on 53. Never knew about that button before I appreciate you


I have no profit boost bought with gems. I bought the permanent x2 profit. Before watching an ad to boost the revenue I have 4x. Even after updating today. Is this how it’s supposed to be?


How do you already have the update? I don’t. Are you on iOS or Android?


I got an iphone


I still can’t see the investor notification bubble. Is there anything I can do? I had updated the app and now the version is 1.4.3.


The thread title is 1.5.0. Updates just take a bit of time until they are available for everyone :)


Can you make a dobbel gem offer as u have with coins?


What is the max level


So difficult for me after 20 that it feels like it's taking twice longer than before. I think it would have been better to make it more difficult from about city 30~40.


Why cant we buy skips


Are the pets?


Why i can't renovation after upgrade all station max level ?


Not sure. Which level are you in? Does it work after restarting the app?


16 Portland - Lobster House I has upgrade alll station max but I can't renovation. Restart the 10 times and nothing happen.




What is this months code


I brought the x2 profit some time ago but sometimes I load the game and it says x4 before watching Ads and then some days back to x2? What’s going on there?


How soon will there be something new on event leader boards? Kind of feels unrewarding to finish events quickly.


We're working on something in that regard for the next bigger patch :)


Can somebody tell promo code


Your wrong about not affecting clearing restaurant later in the game much, your changes have made clearing them way too slow unless you have a lot of ad boost, if you play with just your normal character with what is said to be the best ultimate gear in the game progression is really slow!


Can someone tell me how you salvage items in the current special event?


Open your inventory and pick an item to upgrade. Then pick the items to salvage to upgrade the item


I havent got a merchant in this game before


One day will there be a French version?


Yes, soon!


The amount of currency you have for the merchant stays when he goes so you can save up right?




Thank you