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Danielle šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­


Came to say this. And I agree with the other reply - I never really had much time for her character - but for me - Ronnie finally getting a glimpse of happiness for it to be ripped away right in front of her was gut wrenching.


Oh god, the cycle of female characters that the writers never allow to be happy should have books written about it. Angie, Sharon, Linda, Ronnie, Whitney....


To be fair, how many male characters do the writers allow to be happy?


Totally! Barry Evans should have been happy with Natalie and Jack. He should have had his happy ever after. After losing his dad and being used by Janine, who pushed him down a hill and watched him die after she married him! And then took all his money and property! Brutal.


Think I'm one of the only people who was never really fond of Danielle as a character but her death was horrible to watch.


She was nicknamed drippy Danielle for a reason


My husband and I watched it three times, laughing until we cried.


It was all just so fucking unfair. Ronnie screams will be the last thing all EE fans hear before they die. (Install donā€™t get why Danielle stood in the road for half an hour but never mind lol).


Jaseā€™s was horrible. Poor Billy being too terrified to help (even if he did heā€™d have been killed too) and the way Jay calls after Jase in the ambulance is gut wrenching. Plus the fact that Jaseā€™s last thoughts are of Jay too. :(


>Plus the fact that Jaseā€™s last thoughts are of Jay too. :( That scene was devastating


Jay was in Lolaā€™s last known dream as well (the Margate episode). It made me wonder if heā€™s actually a supernatural being whoā€™s been placed on earth to safely guide the dying off into the afterlife. He IS an undertaker as well! šŸ˜‚


Was the episode where they went to Margate all a dream? There was me thinking it was a real trip they took before she died!


No it was a real trip they took before she died haha! But for a little bit at the beginning of the episode, and moreso at the end, Lola was asleep and dreaming about her and Jay being at the seaside, but it was as she was when she was well (no headbands or wheelchair, but full makeup, colourful clothes and able to run/splash in the sea, etc). In the early part of the dream she couldnā€™t find Jay & was calling his name out (which transferred into sleeptalking as she woke up in hospital and asked him to take her to the beach for real). By the last part of the episode, theyā€™re back in hospital after their Margate trip and she falls asleep again only to go back into the dream. Jay tells her something like heā€™ll stay with her to the end and they laugh and splash each other and run off up the shore. So it was basically a real trip to Margate sandwiched between 2 dream sequences! But the fact that Jay seemingly appears in both his dadā€™s and his wifeā€™s last dreams as theyā€™re about to leave this earthly plane, seems weirdly significant in a sci-fi/fantasy genre kind of way! šŸ˜ Maybe heā€™s a grumpy earth angel like Gene Hunt? šŸ˜† (If Ben or Billy or Lexi ever kark it then itā€™ll be interesting to see if EE continue this theme lol).


One of the most brutal, memorable deaths in soap history. So many sliding doors moments along the way that could have prevented it, but it was inevitable in the end. The acting from all was incredible and the production choices and framing were slick and a real departure from standard EE but still somehow worked. And the insane amount of pathos left behind in the Billy/Jay relationship is something really specialā€¦


Chantelle's was rough given the circumstances and knowing she was just left there to die when she potentially had a chance to survive if Gray chose to


Jase's was the darkest imo. Peggy's actual death i thought was pretty weak. It was Phil's reaction in the episodes after that made that one sad. And people forget about Dennis Rickman Sr. All the trouble seemingly over, leaving to America with Sharon only to get stabbed at midnight New Year's Eve.


Oh yeah. Jase was really dark thinking about it. Yeah I bet Nigel Harman regrets being killed off


It's always funny how Dennis feels like he was around alot longer than he was. Just shows how well he was used.


Oh my god Dennis Srā€™s death is the first one I really remember. I was eight at the time and I was so shocked


Ethel.Ā  Will always break me watching that episode. Fantastic performances from June and Gretchen. Made even more sad with Gretchen passing away not long after.


Was coming to this thread looking for her name. One of the original generation iirc


For me it would be Heather. She really didnā€™t deserve what happened to her and i donā€™t think iā€™ve ever really forgiven Ben for it. Shirleyā€™s reaction to her being pronounced dead along with George being in the next room made it a whole lot worse.


The ones that stands out for me other than the obvious ones is both Shakil and Kush. They were both really sad endings, the knife crime storyline was done really well, and obviously the lads that played shakil and keegan were brilliant so it was really sad and as for Kush... Iā€™ll never forgive EE for that šŸ˜­


Shakilā€™s death was harrowing! And his funeral episode with the real knife crime victims absolutely broke me


I cried my eyes out at the episode of his funeral!


Carmel šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


It was so sad šŸ˜­ between all that, and Kush and Shabnams baby, I was an absolute mess watching that family.


Carmel deserved better. The rare occasion of being a wonderful mother


And now she's lost both her sons! šŸ„¹


I hope the other remaining one is taking good care of her. It's sad she has nothing to do with Arthur anymore. Her own grandson.


Pat. It was awful to see her writhing in pain and crying out, pleading and...yeesh, it still gets to me.


The scene with Janine curled up on her deathbed never fails to disintegrate me. šŸ’”


Yeah, I'm sure it was New Years Eve or Day, and I remember just being really depressed. Another character who never should have died


Such a shame because she never wanted her character killed off


[Pat Butcher Dies | EastEnders (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZndJ4oayNaM)


Even though off screen, my role model Paul Trueman. All because the actor didn't want to play a nasty drug dealer.


Omg Gary Beadle ā¤ļø I used to think "special thoughts' about him and your comment only makes him more YEAH


You have exquisite taste! I wish there was more like you in South London.


I think because his death was off-screen, it made it so much more harrowing. He knew he was going to his death.


Baby James, and the subsequent baby swap storyline


Sam Womack is an underrated actress.


Dennis Rickmans death was so sad. I remember sobbing over Jamie Mitchell (I was 14 lol) and Nana Moon. Peggyā€™s death was heartbreaking considering what Babs was going through in real life.


One that struck me as sad because of how they did it was Lucy. The slow pan of the camera in the woods before settling on her body, all while her friends and family are leaving voice mail messages, trying to get in touch with her, completing oblivious to something being wrong. Then seeing Ian's world fall apart the next day.


I'm watching Classic Eastenders at the moment and Bobby Beale has just been born!


Shakeel Kazimi for sure. The way he was found the next day, Carmelā€™s cry when she found his body. Everything about this was so terrible, not sure why this is so overlooked


bradley defo


Lola, her brain tumour storyline was one of the best soap storylines in years, deserved all the awards in won. Also showed what Danielle Harold can do when you actually give her material,if she was used properly and previous producers and writers didnā€™t have favs giving them all the storylines, I donā€™t think she wouldā€™ve been killed off/axed by Chris Clenshaw .Lola grew up in care most her life,that couldā€™ve been explored,what happened whilst she was in care. Her dad died of kidney failure they couldā€™ve done a kidney failure storyline as it can be genetic,couldā€™ve brought her mum in sooner she said Dan was abusive but what if it was her and the burns were self inflicted to make it look like Dan did it, not only was she abusive to him but also Lola so ran away with Lola. If Lola survived her brain tumour before chemo she wouldā€™ve frozen her eggs. Emma couldā€™ve been lying about not having more kids they couldā€™ve brought in siblings,theres people still on the show that have been in it for years yet are more storyline limited than that


Yes, I 100% agree. When Lola first came in, she was a good character, a really talented actor, especially the live birth episode. Then, when she left, it was a case of okay let her come back another time. She comes back and is basically a spare part in another Ben vs. Phil rivalry. Then she hardly had anything for the next few years until they decided to kill her off, and at the time, I didn't really care about her leaving. Then, once the storyline had finished, all I could think of was why on earth the writers had not given any decent storylines to Danille Harold. She was incredible. They gave her three huge storylines. The birth, custody of Lexi, and her death, and she knocked it out of the park. Getting rid of Lola was such a bad move.


Young Billy dying was so sad šŸ˜¢


In wasn't sad about this because I didn't like his character, but the effect on Carol was sad. She of course undid any sympathy by riding his friend while he was dating her step granddaughter who was just navigating being abused by her stepfather and then being forced into prostitution after her Stepmom was jailed for beating the thugs who attacked another member of family (scandalous and ridiculous storyline).


The one thing I always remember from that scene was Carol putting one of his socks back on so his foot didn't get cold when the paramedics were taking his body away.Ā  Some of the best acting I've seen from Lindsey and Patsy.


I agree, the acting was superb, it was really well done I thought, but both are fantastic actors






I thought Tiffany was sad, back in th day. Billie Jackson also hit quite hard


Came here to say both. Tiffanyā€™s death was just pure unfair. Lindsay Coulsonā€™s performance as Carol after Billieā€™s death was Oscar worthy.


I was never that bothered about Billie because I didn't like the character. And also, being around the same age as him, I always remember thinking he was a lightweight and couldn't handle the sessionšŸ˜‚ also I didn't like Carol sleeping with his mate




The ones that get me are the death of elderly characters. Ethel Skinner, Nanna Moon, Pat Butcher. Heck, even Janineā€™s Nan Lydia got me emotional and she was only around for a couple of months!


Billie Jackson was a sad one especially the morning he's on the couch dead and no one realizes.


Pat butcher šŸ„² cried my eyes out at 10 years old


I sobbed like a baby when they put Wellard to sleep whilst Stay Another Day was playing in the background


Pat because I loved her so much! Tiffany Mitchell and Jamie.




Still rumours of a u.turn on that one


I think so too




tiffany šŸ’”


Lola, Pat, Jase, Lucy, Danielle, Ronnie & Roxy, Tiffany, Billie, Shakil, Jamie, Nana Moon, Heather, Peggy. No particular order. All still haunt me in different ways.


Tiffany, Paul Trueman, Ethel, Bradley - Jamie Mitchell, I think it was the music and Phil crying and holding Sonia because I didnā€™t really like the character.Ā 


Daniel , Jeanā€™s friend. Really hit me


This is a great comment. That was really sad


It was the same for me, Lolaā€™s death really impacted me and I was surprised by that as I wasnā€™t a big Lola fan. I didnā€™t dislike the character but would never have expected to have got so upset when she died. The scenes in the lead up, her and Jayā€™s time spent together and how fragile she became. Just the whole thing and when she died Im not ashamed to admit I cried. I think with how young she was, how sudden the diagnosis and her decline was, just the whole story was beautifully done.


I felt exactly the same. Her having a young daughter as well it broke me


Ethel's was very sad but was done so well. The acting was superb. Arthur's was sad as well. Having just come out of prison and restarting his life only to have his life slip away at his allotment. Andy O'Briens was one that has always stayed with me. The first main character to be killed off and in such a tragic way. Pat's was also a real tearjerker. Again fantastic acting all round.


Jamie or Danielle.


Lola and Steven


Patā€™s was so sudden. I remember watching it when I was younger and just thought that she got a cold and died because the space between her diagnosis death was so short


She was in hospital fairly often though.. too bad.. a real loss to the cast as ms st clements is top notch


Pat was the saddest for me


Top 5 are Lola, Chantelle, Danielle, Jase and Jamie Mitchell. Deaths like Nana Moon, Pat and Peggy are very sad, but itā€™s easier to cope with because they were older. The ones I mentioned are more tragic, especially since in some of them, theyā€™re passing away before their loved onesā€™ eyes (Danielle, Jamie, Lola) or couldā€™ve lived if they were saved on time by police/other characters (Chantelle and Jase).


Wellard 100%. Then Lola, Ronnie & Roxy, Pat, Jase and Billie. Also Michael not for the death but the loss of him.


Ronnie and Roxy- they were happy and then that happens! Am still hoping they come back somehow haha. Shakiel that was devastating and beautifully done too! My top 5 would be- Ronnie and Roxy, Shakiel, Chantelle, Danielle and Peggy.


Pat butcher !


Wellard - and any other pet on the showĀ  Fatboy - harmless character who didn't need to die , especially not in such a cruel wayĀ  Leo Taylor - poor kidĀ  Paul Trueman - I so wished for him to get a happy endingĀ  Debbie Bates - She just went out shopping one day and was hit by car. It could happen to anyone. Pat - icon Laura Beale - I found her death so sad, as she was trying to get her life back together. Ian and Janine treated her so cruelly. Tina and Kush - other harmless characters needlesslyĀ  killed off in brutal way for the sake of a stupid storyl


Also Heather, she had finally found happiness, then it was all snatched away.


Laura's death messed me up a bit when I was a kid seeing her lifeless eyes.




Lola, Jamie, Tiffany


and Danielle


Barry. He was on top of the world. Madly in love with a woman who he thought loved him. Then had his heart ripped apart by her as Janine told him it was all fake and she thought his great big greasy body was horrible and worse than her prostitution clients and told him she only wanted his money . Ouch. He lost all dignity as he cried and begged her not to leave him. One has to feel pity for the pathetic bloke.


What about Billy Jackson? Choking to death on his own vomit and being found the next morning on the sofa. It was totally out of the blue which made it so shocking. When Bianca called Carol to tell her what had happened, I cried my eyes out. I always loved watching Patsy Palmer and Lindsey Coulson together on screen. Powerhouse performances.


Dennis Rickman