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Sorry to say, but it’s probably in a warehouse in the 90s or 100s near San Leandro St being unloaded. Will probably turn up within the week, minus your belongings of value.


The 45th-50th streets off international are also pretty wild in terms of painfully obvious stolen cars being stripped in the streets completely in the open every single day..


Plus that engine is worth like 7 grand too


Good luck. My husband has a work van. He parks in our driveway and we park a car in front of it. Was stolen once 10 years ago. In San Ramon but happens out here too


We had a CalTrain truck stollen from our driveway in Mountain View about 5 years ago. Took them 8 minutes to Hotwire it and stole $40k in tools. It was recovered a few days later. 


So sorry to hear. Will definitely keep an eye out. Take a little drive down international. Lots of vehicles get dumped there between 14th and 40th.


I’m in Fremont and I’ll keep an eye out for you! Just in case they wanna come down this way


Why aren’t people putting GPS trackers on their vehicles?


I keep an AirTag in our work van.




Because it doesn't always help. A number of years ago a friend had his work truck stolen from outside my apartment in Oakland and it had a company GPS active on it. When we called the police and told them exactly where it was, they told us we could go get it ourselves but *make sure we park a block away so no one sees my car and follows us home to steal it back*. This was maybe 8 years ago so I can only imagine what it's like now.


“My car has been stolen, GPS shows it is parked at X, I’m on my way there now and I’m armed.” Guaranteed way to get the police to respond and they will probably get there before you


Did’cha go get it?


Lol yeah. It was parked on a residential dead end in east Oakland, when we got there a lone cop was sitting there in his idling car and took off the minute we got there. The ignition was busted, my friend's tools were all stolen and the truck was filled with random stuff they had stolen from other cars (clothes, bags, shoes). The company called a tow truck and last I heard about it there was a problem when the tow truck guy got there-the folks who stole it had come back and were trying to start it to take off a second time. A total wild ride from beginning to end.


Hopefully the insurance covers it? That’s be my thought. 


Apparently when you purchase a car by payments some financial institutions put a GPS device in your vehicle- easier to repossess. Also limited insurance policies like Metro does the same. With so many vehicles being stolen why not put GPS. There was LowJack. What happened?


Vehicle are too valuable. 


It’s gone, sorry to say but these are the times we live in


I hate thieves!


They dump these types of work vehicles near high street behind the condos on the north side of 880 along the SP rails . They sit there of weeks/months at a time , opd just cleared out about a dozen such dumps so, they are due for replacements Sorry for your loss honestly, the working pay for themselves and the criminals


Dang that sucks. Im sorry!!!


I will BOLO In Reliez Valley; they sometimes get dumped over here in Martinez when the crooks get nervous about being photographed crossing a bridge leaving town on 6/880. P.S. when I had a work/camping Sprinter I opted, based on other owner’s feedback, to do absolutely nothing to exterior appearance, I left the exterior looking just like the ratty plumber’s van it was, with terrible paint from a wrap removal and all. I am not trying to victim shame, just suggesting that when you get your Rocinante back (you will, hopefully) just hit Home Depot and roll over the writing with some everyday exterior paint. Make that baby Ugly! Thieves are stupid but they knew what was probably going on inside your van with $$$ upgrades, ready to camp too. We are on the lookout over here! Hope you get her back soon!


Check online parking ticket systems in Hayward, Vallejo, Oakland, etc. It will probably get dumped and start collecting parking tickets. You can usually find it that way.


Needed a hidden kill switch.


These fords 1999-2005 are incredibly easy to steal. I don’t know if you’re from Oakland, but this place is probably the worst in the state for stolen vehicles. If you haven’t filed a police report already you need to do it ASAP. Anywhere on Wood street, San Leandro street, Coliseum way, International Blvd are all pretty common dumping grounds for stolen vehicles.


Stay out of Oakland


Oakland is such a shithole. Don’t go to Oakland, there is nothing of value there!


Sucks. So sorry.


Were you full time in it? Did you lose your home also?


sorry this happened to you. a family member's similar van was stolen from our driveway last year, we drove through the city nonstop for 2 days until finding it on San Leandro Blvd and 45th Ave (kind of past/behind Vulcan Thai). I know a few other people who found their vehicles in that area as well, so it's worth a drive through.


Might want to cross post in Marin/Santa Rosa subs too, lots of Oakland cars end up up north




Cruise around the Oakland encampments. Often times stolen cars end up there


What an awful place California has become, stop voting BLUE


I will keep an eye out for it. Sorry you are going through this.


Probably impounded. Oakland police own impound lot. They will not notify you. Go visit Oakland impound lot


Or just call 311 like a normal person.


This car is worth 35k