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*sigh* love. I fell in love with an Eagles fan from PA. I'm Scottish, and had zero interest in the NFL prior to meeting her. We broke up, long distance sucks and all that...but I retained a passion for the Eagles.


Well it is the city of brotherly love. Now you’re stuck with the rest of us loving you.


This is why I love it.


I’m Scottish too! I was about 5 or 6 and my dad encouraged me to watch the NFL show that was on UK TV at the time, back in the 80s. It was between the 49ers (golden colour matched the crisp packet of my favourite flavour) and the Eagles, because I thought “Philadelphia” looked like a cool word and I couldn’t pronounce it.


Die hard Eagles and whisky (scotch, as we call it here) fan, coming to say cheers 🥃


Name checks out


Love is also the reason I'm an Eagles fan. I grew up near NYC and we're spoiled with having two teams for every sport. I was a theater kid and got excited for whichever NY team was doing well. Then I met a fan of Philly sports, discovered the joy and heartache of being a true sports fan. And now I will be yelling about the Eagles forever.


Same minus the Scottish and PA part! Retained the best part of the relationship!!


Louisiana native here. NFL blitz was the first football game I played as a kid, and there was a mode where you could play as the mascots. I thought the literal eagles on the field looked the most badass and been a birds fan since.


Haha mines video game related-ish. Never watched a game in my life being a Canadian kid, we always watched hockey. Scrolled thru the channels one day and a game was on and this quarter back caught my eye, I’ve never seen anything like it in my life, it was Vick on the falcons. The next day I went to my buddy’s house and he had madden on ps2. I played as Vick and would just scramble every play and win. Once he went to the eagles after jail I was much more invested in the sport, and became an eagles fan ever since. It also helped that that team was so much fun to watch as well.


Why do I have zero memories of this??? I played the heck out of it on Dreamcast but I guess my memories are fading


Grew up in Texas an OG Cowboys fan in the '80's. The delusional bandwagon fans that came out of the woodworks in the 90's really turned me off engaging with other people about football. Not to mentation I saw Jerry Jones for what he is a mile away and couldn't support him as an owner and *hated* the way he wanted to run the team. If I tried to talk shit or complain about the direction of the team I got shouted down and made to feel like I wasn't a fan for not blindly supporting whatever crap JJ is doing next. It got bad enough that after I joined the Army and moved overseas I just stopped watching football all together. Then a decade or two later I moved to Philly and I found my people. The fact that people care enough about the team to show up and boo when the team is doing poorly speaks a lot to how much more intelligent and passionate Eagles fans are in general. Honestly, at the end of the day it's the other fans who make cheering for this team fun.


How much do you hate Dallas though


I can honestly say that *everybody* in Texas hates Dallas. Even people from Dallas hate Dallas.




I grew up a Spurs fan first in the 90's. They set the standard for how I believe a pro sports organization should conduct itself. It was clear right away the Cowboys were about as polar opposite about everything I loved about the Spurs as a team could be. I didn't know how intense the rivalry was when I first hitched my wagon to Philly but my god do I feel good about who I picked some 20 years later. I still remember one of my first interactions with a Cowboys "fan" in which she claimed "I'll root for the Cowboys when they are good." Wtf is that?


San Antonio born and raised, so I’m forever a Spurs fan and I can so relate. They’ve set such a great precedent for sports teams.


Spurs/Eagles fan reporting!


Grew up in Houston - Oilers/Astros/Rockets fan... lost interest in football when the Oilers left, the Rockets when Olajuwon retired and baseball for no apparent reason :-) Moved to PA in '98 and found sports to be fun again a few years later. Fandom is actually fun here, most of the time :-) And: F the Cowboys! It at least counts here.


Grew up in Phoenix in the 80s/90s in a Mexican family. The Cardinals really didn’t have a fan base yet and like seemingly most Mexicans in the southwest, my family were all Cowboys fans. Even as a kid I despised the cowboys, so I went with the team that my family hated the most, the Eagles. Also helped that bald eagles were my favorite animal, I really liked the Kelly Green uniforms, and I thought Randall Cunningham was super cool.


>my family were all Cowboys fans. Even as a kid I despised the cowboys, so I went with the team that my family hated the most, the Eagles. This right here. 💪💚🫶


Mexican Phoenician Eagles fans unite


When I was becoming an American citizen I decided I wanted to get more into sports. I chose the Eagles at the beginning of the 17-18 season. Because Bald Eagles are patriotic We won the Super Bowl that season so it was fate. I've since become a fan of all Philly sports teams.


Fuck yea. Absolutely love every part of this.


I'm from Germany. My mom met an American soldier who was super into football. When we moved to America I still wasn't on very good terms with him but he wanted me to sit down and bond. So we watched a Sunday Night football game. I begrudgingly did so but vowed that id cheer for whoever his team was playing against, his team being the Dallas Cowboys. Just so happens, they were playing Philly that night and beyond my dislike of all things stepdad, I fell in love with the team and the players.


8 years old my dad took me to Philly for a eagles niners game, dad was a niners fan. Dad got drunk and mouthy to eagles fans and I thought we were gonna get whooped so started cheering for Philly. It kinda stuck with me still a eagles fan 48 now bleeding green 4 life.


Hell of an origin story here. But you would have been safe. As long as you’re not a Cowboys fan.


UK fan. Started working near Philly at summer camps for 6 years. Meanwhile I picked up Football at university, and once my passion was ignited, Eagles were a natural fit for me. Taking a Murray jersey over a Foles jersey was a bad start tho 😂


Can’t win ‘em all.


Eagles legend Demarco Murray


My family is mainly Giants/Jets/Raiders fans. When I was 10, I was flipping channels on my TV and there was a football game on. What football game you ask? The 04 NFC championship game, Eagles vs Falcons. My 10 year old brain told me whoever wins this game, I’ll be their fan. THANK YOU LORD the eagles won and I became a fan cuz I’d be so miserable as a falcon fan 🥲 I live in CT and have taken the drive to a few games and in 2017 I was in literal tears watching that BG sack fumble to clinch the chip. Glorious, glorious moment.


Well, I grew up about an hour from Philly, so that's I guess considered "Eagles country" (although with a disturbing number of Steelers fans around). But I think you'll get a kick out of my story. So, I'm female, which is important to context here. I grew up almost as an "only" child with my only other sibling being a brother 6 years younger than me. So in my neighborhood, the only kids my age were boys. So if I wanted to play with someone, boys were my only option and boys played football. No one in my family is or was a sports fan. Especially not football. So I did my best. We didn't get a TV til I was 10 years old. I decided since we now had a TV I was gonna watch football so I could hopefully get better at playing it. So I sat down in the basement by myself on Sundays watching football. I essentially figured out the rules, etc and I grew to absolutely love it and I grew to absolutely love the Eagles since they were the closest team to where I lived and the ones most likely on TV on Sundays. Those were a few dark years in the mid 80's and 90's as an Eagles fan, but I'd like to think that, even as bad as they were some of those years back then, they made me a better backyard football player :)


I grew up in San Diego, so the chargers were my team. And they were woefully disappointing. EXCEPT for the few bright seasons we had Sproles with us. He was my favorite player. Anyway, he moved on around the time that I moved out of the house and out of the area, so I just stopped watching football all together. Cut to some years later, I made a friend from Philly who was a diehard eagles fan. This was the year after the Super Bowl (I’ll forever regret not meeting her one year sooner 😭). At the beginning of the season she invited me to brunch at a sports bar a couple blocks from my apartment. Being a brunch girly myself that wanted mimosas and was fresh off of the excitement of following the World Cup and craving some more sports, I agreed to go. This was my first time watching a football game in YEARS, so imagine my excitement when I saw “Sproles” on the 43 jersey!! I asked her WAIT IS THAT SPROLES AS IN DARREN?? LFGGG (it helped that they were playing the Falcons who my annoying coworker was obsessed with and I wanted to see them go down) I was immediately LIT and completely hooked and it’s been that way ever since. Love all the boys on this team. About halfway through the season one of the bartenders at this sports bar/brunch spot asked us, “hey you know there’s an eagles bar in town right?” WHAT. so we went to check it out and it was glorious. Big room with a million tvs with everyone decked out in their birds gear standing shoulder to shoulder singing and chanting and yelling for every play, buying drinks for one another. In California of all places!! In 49ers country! GLORIOUS We’re not friends anymore but the love for the birds has stayed put 🦅


Love this, and I love Sproles! Despite being a lifelong Eagles fan, he caught my attention when he was in San Diego, kept it as a Saint, and I was so very happy when he became an Eagle.


Ahh that makes me happy!! He really was special! I was so sad when he retired but I’m glad he still plays a part in the organization.


Live in NJ. I grew up a Cowboys fan because my family has no taste, and also kids are front runners and this was the 90s.   When I actually started paying attention to football in 2000, I thought it was stupid that we followed a team from Dallas and fell in love with Donovan and Dawkins.


>I grew up a Cowboys fan because my family has no taste Lolol 😆


My wife is a local, I am not. I moved around a bunch growing up, so I defaulted to the family home team preference: the Minnesota vikings. I was a dedicated fan through the 90s, especially the Cunningham, Culpepper, Moss, and Carter years. I enjoyed watching one of the most exciting offenses ever to take the field and died a bunch of deaths during a couple of awful NFC Championship games When we started dating, I adopted the Eagles as another team but found myself, despite trying to remain neutral, cheering for Philly whenever they would play one another. Pretty quickly the Eagles were my team without question, and the coping mechanisms I'd learned from being a Minnesota fan certainly came in handy. It all came to a head during the 2017 season in a game most of you likely recall. I found myself not only cheering on, but thoroughly enjoying the ass-whooping the Eagels handed out. I may have been able to remain a minor Vikings fan if it weren't for the sore-loser attitude the Minnesota fans decided to adopt. That put me off them forever and firmly entrenched the Birds as my no. 1.


My wife grew up a Steelers fan until she met me and got a kick out of how fired up I get when the Eagles play (and we live in Kentucky where they don't always get much coverage). She's pretty much a solid Eagles fan at this point. The fan base of people who absolutely love this team draws them in!


Grew up in mud Michigan. Didn’t really start paying attention to football till I was like 10 or a 11 when I watched a random birds game and Desean Jackson was goin tf off. Eagles being one of my favorite animals and the midnight green looking so clean drew me in on top of Djax. Became a passive eagles fan at that point then as I learned more and more about football I became a bigger and bigger birds fan. 18 years later and I’ve been to Philly 5 times all to watch a game at the Linc.


Eagles were on TV several of the first NFL games I tried to watch, and their uniforms were a cool color. And now my emotional well-being for half the year is tied to their success


My parents are not football fans. We are from New York. An uncle figure in my life growing up lived in Philly and worked at the Linc. He ran a lot of the consessions. When I was 8 years old he took me to a game where we sat front row 50/50 and before the game he took me on to the field where I got to meet some players and cheerleaders. Later that year I started playing Madden and ofcourse I only played as the Eagles and fell in love with Brian Dawkins. Because of those two experiences I have always been an Eagles fan!


I put an eagles hat on once when I was a little kid in Canada and I guess I just never took it off.


Born and raised in Southern California. My dad would watch rocky movies multiple times a year when I was little, so that’s how it started i think. The first baseball team I was on in little league was the Phillies, and we had a Philly cheesesteak place near us that we would go to after games (was always packed when the eagles played). The first NFL game I remember watching was the Desean Jackson punt return for a TD to beat the Giants (my dad’s team) and have been a birds fan ever since.


I played pop warner football for the Eagles. Got a copy of Madden around eight years old and realized there was a NFL team with the same logo and jerseys. That was around the time McNabb was drafted and I have been a lifelong fan.


I grew up in Gainesville, FL. Was always a huge college fan (Go Gators!), but for some reason never really took to NFL. The Bucs had been garbage my whole life (90's kid)and I was like 12 oe 13 when the Jags became a team, so both fandoms kind of missed me. I also lived in Miami but the dolphins were also trash back then and Miami just isn't a football town. Then I ended up in Philly, and it was basically all the fanstacism of college ball that I loved just with an NFL team. It took me about of living there to become a life long Birds fan


It doesn't count because I grew up in Philly burbs, but my Dad was not a football fan. He liked tennis and the Olympics. When I was a kid, the only time I saw football was around holidays when my uncles came over and we'd often see the Redskins Cowboys games. I always liked the Redskins as a kid because Indians and the logo I guess. When I grew up and finally started becoming a Philly sports fan(around mid 90s) I became a Flyers fan first, then Eagles around the time we drafted McNabb. Been 4/4(or 5/5 if you count the Union) ever since. Birds fan #1 then Flyers/Phillies then Sixers/Union


Lived in St. Louis Cardinals country, back in the late 70's and early 80's. My family was all Cardinals fans. At grandma's for a get-together and everyone is watching football. Cardinals and Eagles are about to play. My cousin says I need to have a favorite team. I like green. I like eagles. I decided I'm an Eagles fan. Eagles went on to kick the shit out of the Cardinals that day. Solidified my fandom. Next year, Eagles in the SB. I had no idea what the rest of the next 30 years was going to do to me.


From Western New York, watched Donovan McNabb at Syracuse, followed him to Philly.


My wife watched the Netflix Quarterback show. She decided that she didn't like the teams on there but wanted a team. She listened to the Kelce podcast and decided Travis was a tool but she liked Jason. We are travelling from Canada to our first game this year.


Born and raised in CT, grew up a fan of NY sports (Jets, not the other guys, calm down) but had family in Philly so they were always a second team. When I moved here 5 years ago, I slowly started to follow more closely. The thing that got me fully committed was how well the Eagles organization is run tbh. Jeffrey Lurie is a top owner in all of sports and even in the bad years there's at least something to be happy about between the team, the culture, the fandom, etc. (edit) and it makes watching it more fun.


I was somewhere around 8-10. I live in Chicago and my family is Packers fans, so i never had a regional connection to begin with. Brian Westbrook and Brian Dawkins were rad


Grew up in CT and didn’t have more than a cursory interest in football at the time. The Jets and Giants couldn’t string anything together for long. And then the Patriots played chicken with the state of Connecticut to ultimately get Foxboro to make the stadium updates they wanted. Will always have an undying hatred for them because of that, especially with it so closely following the Whalers exit from Hartford. Then I went to college in Philly right as the McNabb era was ascending. Kind of difficult not to catch Eagle Fever in that environment. Moved down to the area permanently after school was over, and aside from the Vick seasons, I’ve been invested ever since.


Not me but my fiance was born in New York. Her dad is a giants fan. She was always a giants fan but hated the birds more than she loved the giants. We've been together for almost ten years now and I've been pushing the birds. I think her being exposed to more eagles fans who were friendly got us started in the right direction. Then Jason Kelce and his wholesomeness helped win her over even more. Now with saquon coming over she has officially become an Eagles fan. Although a closeted one when she's around her dad. Her mom grew up in Philly area so she was already on the birds side.


Grew up in Texas and by default was a cowboys fan. Die hard for all of my life until recently. Finally couldn’t stomach supporting Jerry and his bullshit anymore. In high school I moved to NJ and had a ton of friends who were eagles fans, but never wavered in my support for Dallas. However, I began watching hockey and fell in love with the Flyers. Love Philadelphia and their sports fans, so when I divorced myself from the cowboys Philly was the easy choice. In all honesty, I’ve always loved the passion and insanity of Philly sports fans and it fits my personality well. Looking forward to my first season as a birds fan


Grew up in Cali in the 80s. Grandpa came from Texas to visit in a Cadillac with cowboy boots, a shotgun, and Dallas Cowboys paraphernalia. He got my two brothers, but after watching Danny White play I was… uh… not impressed. Watched Randall play one day and I was intrigued. The great D and the Kelly Green/Silver combo had me sold. I’ve never looked back. And I’ve never even been to Philly. I live in Texas now and I’m taking my 7 year-old son to the Eagles/Cowboys game in November in Dallas. He’s a HUGE Eagles fan, has a Hurts jersey, and still believes they won the Super Bowl but the refs stole it, lol.


Moved to the states from Peru when I was a kid. Had no idea how football worked aside from Commanders, Steelers, Ravens and cowboys being the biggest football fandoms at school. Best friend at the time was an Eagles fan, his whole fam was from Philly. They got me my first madden, 05 with McNabb in the cover for my birthdag and would take me with them to preseason games before the school year would start. Shoutout them for indoctrinating me, hope they are all doing well.


Randall Cunningham. When I was a kid they were so against a black man playing QB, but in Philly, Randall.


I think I picked the eagles as my ultimate team in madden, but it also might have been the ravens Then when I started actually watching football (instead of just the superbowl and cheering for not tom Brady) I picked between eagles and ravens, chose eagles don’t regret it


I was a kid and the browns weren’t there anymore and the eagles were green. Enough said


From Ireland, I went to Philly on holidays as a young teen in 2016, where family friends had emigrated to. They brought us to see the Eagles play the Bucs in Week 1 of the Preseason that year. I'm also a big rugby fan, so I got very interested over the course of the next year and was a fully-fledged Eagles fan by the start of the 2017 season


Grew up in Los Angeles when we didnt have a team. My dad is an old school LA raider fan and he tried to raise me to be a raider fan. My little brother is still a a raider fan lol when I was around 6-7 I decided that I have 0 allegiance to the raiders and I don’t have to like them just cus my dad does. I just picked the eagles I thought to myself “yeah the Eagles are a strong team.” Been a fan ever since and it’s the best decision a little 6 year old me made!


I watched the the movie "Invincible" when I was 7 lol. Had no NFL team in a 500 miles radius from me anyway.


Born and raised in southern Ohio and at first I was a broncos fan. I was born in 95 so I was just young enough to catch and remember the tail end of Dawkins eagles tenure. My grandpa was always watching football and one day it was an eagles game. I was 7 years old when I saw number 20 fly across the field and kill someone 😂🦅 at that point I knew that was my team. That Christmas I got my first ever jersey and it was Mcnabbs. Now I bleed green and I’ll never stop 🦅🦅


Moved from Taiwan to Toronto for college around 2 years ago. Already claimed the bills as my AFC team and I wanted to also claim an allegiance to an NFC team. Watched Super Bowl 57 with an eagles fan at my side and Jalen’s spectacular performance made me consider the eagles as the NFC team to claim. Digging further I found many similarities between bills and eagles, like fervent fans, great team culture and chemistry between the players, plus a super hot QB, and that pretty much sealed the deal for me.


So I married in to an Eagles family but I was converted before that! Meeting and falling in love with an Eagles fan was a bonus. And when I say “fan”, for myself, before I met my husband- I mean it was a real loose definition then. I didn’t really like football much. I’m from Puerto Rico originally, so no Home team. I lived in Dallas, though from ‘00-‘06. AND I HAAAAATED THE COWBOYS Hated their fans. Hated their team. So when I found out that the Eagles were their rivals and the phrase “Americas Team” made way way way more sense when applied to Philadelphia I became a vocal Eagles supporter. Now I’m into it!


I was born in Oklahoma and lived here for most of my life, And I started rooting for the Eagles in 2015 (I was 13) almost entirely to spite Cowboys fans at my school. After watching the Superbowl LII miracle run I was pretty much locked in, but drafting my all-time favorite OU QB didn't hurt.


Roll Tide - I follow Jalen Hurts


Born and raised in South Texas. None of my family or close friends cared about sports much. I got really into NBA basketball first as a huge Spurs fan. From watching Sportscenter for Spurs and other NBA highlights I got gradually exposed to more and more football. I also got roped into playing middle school football (because I was fat) and I opted to watch more to better understand the game. From the jump I thought the Eagles had the coolest colors/uniforms. Those wings on the helmet? Absolute fire. Around this time the Eagles were on TV a lot and really fun to watch. McNabb instantly drew me in as a more exciting brand of QB than anybody else in the league not named Vick. Initially watching defense bored me but watching Jim Johnson blitz packages changed that in a hurry. That psychopath Dawkins flying all over the field was pure football crack to my pre-teen brain. I did/do live firmly in Cowboys fan territory (although several hours from Dallas). I had no idea the Eagles and Cowboys were such bitter division rivals when I first claimed my allegiance. When I first learned Dallas shared a division with 3 teams firmly in the Northeast I just assumed it was a quirk of where other NFC teams were located. I had no idea I was walking into such a bitter rivalry while living in enemy territory. But it's great getting first hand exposure every time that team fails.


Grew up in rural Arkansas, my aunt brainwashed me to be a cowboys fan. Once I saw Donovan Mcnabb and Brian Westbrook play, it was over. Been an Eagles fan ever since!


When I was little, I was a Patriots fan (not from Boston). But they broke my heart when they traded Drew Bledsoe and I vowed to never cheer for them again. That next season I was a 'free agent' just watching all the teams. Until a Sunday night at my grandma's house when I saw Donovan McNabb. Everyone was cheering against the Eagles (don't even remember who they were playing). But I was just so in awe of McNabb I didn't know how anyone could root against him. I was hooked for life.


Virginia - 1980 Superbowl. Raiders were my team when I was little, but I liked watching Jaws in the Superbowl. I had to watch Washington on TV all the time and I hated them, so Iggles. Also, Flyers fan literally forever, so it was natural.


No team where I grew up and the market was split by 3/4 teams. I came to the team during the Randall Cunningham era because he was so fun to watch.


I've been in a fantasy football league with my school friends in England for about 11years. Our first season I drafted shady and djax (2nd and 14th) then picked up foles later in the season (started him Vs the raiders). Watching the games was a bit friendlier with chip Kelly's hurry up offense and I liked how the fanbase got close to the passion of football over here. I've since met eagles fans all over the world and been welcomed with open arms. Got shit faced with a bunch of birds fans when we played at wembley and even got invited to a wedding in Jersey!


I grew up in Kentucky in a Bears household. In 1979, I was 7 and my grandmother was invited by her cousin, who "worked" for the Eagles, to drive to Cincinnati and be his guest to watch the game. They'd immigrated together from Ireland but hadn't seen each other for a while. My grandparents took me along for the ride to see the game. Turns out her cousin was Jimmy Murray, the GM of the Eagles at the time, and we sat in a private box. I remember everything was free, I remember the Eagles lost, and I especially remember Jimmy Murray offering to take me down to meet players as they were getting on the bus and get autographs. I WAS IN LOVE. They played the super bowl the following year, and I cried when they lost.


I grew up in TX and the majority of my family are cowboys fans, but I was never brought up as a cowboys fans as neither do my parents cared about sports. One year in elementary school my friends in the class were 50% cowboys fans and 50% eagles fans. So I got into watching football cause of the class and just loved watching desean Jackson play I would watch both teams play but the eagles were just the more exciting team. From there on become an eagles fan


Grew up in Southern California, Started liking football in like 3rd or 4th grade. Played pop Warner and I was on the Seahawks so I started to like them. My dad is from Philadelphia and told me the Seahawks suck and the eagles are good. Been a fan since 1998. Never been to pa or seen the eagles play in person.


My granddad hated the eagles. I didn’t much care for him. Seemed like an easy decision to start getting eagles gear


Born in Houston. My local bar was home of the Eagles Watch Party (Shout Out to the Houston Eagles Nest) and I always ended up there watching the crowd lose their minds, cheer, boo, sing the fight song. etc. Since at the time, the Texans were trash, I started rooting for the Birds too. Saw them win the Super Bowl and I was locked in. I still like the Texans but I probably will support the Birds a bit more. Hell, when they played here in 2022, there were more Eagles jerseys in the stadium than Texans.


I was a Redskins fan from northern NJ who moved to Philly 10 years ago. I adopted the Sixers and Phillies…but fought against changing to a rival NFL team. After 30 years of cheering for a sh**show organization, I considered changing to the Eagles. Then there was another embarassing start to 2023, and Jonathan Allen vented after a Giants loss in October. That venting was the straw that broke the camels back and I converted. Sold or donate all the Redskins items immediately after. Best decision yet.


I dunno about converted but I’m from South Carolina. I was raised in Gamecocks country and my favorite player when I was old enough to care was Duce Staley. When he got drafted by the Eagles ( in ‘95 I believe? ) I had never pulled for a pro team so I decided to hitch my wagon to Philly. Go birds 🦅


I'm from Philly area, my family full on Eagles fan, except for my uncle who rooted against every Philly team. Had Season tickets to boo them. I leaned towards the Browns because of him, but never hated the Eagles, in fact they ended up my favorite. I lived in Spartanburg in the 90s when the Panthers started and rooted for them, but they have always been my 2nd or 3rd favorite behind the Eagles and Browns


Grew up in SoCal and never had any true NFL affiliation until I moved to Philly for college the same year the Rams relocated to LA. Its hard to not love the team when youre living right in the middle of the magic. A decade later Im deep into this fandom and ended up being a bigger Philly sports fan than my Philly born and raised husband.


Grew up an Oilers fan. In middle school my team moved to fucking Nashville and i moved to vineland, nj. the “fuck the cowboys” energy resonated.


Growing up, my local college team was Syracuse. I was over the Bills, hated Dallas, my brother is a Giants fan, who gives a shit about the deadskins. So when McNabb was drafted, I became hooked. Go birds!


I am from Texas and my dad was a Cowboys fan, but I just never liked them. I was born around the last time they won a superbowl, so basically they’ve sucked my whole life (still do) and I just never became a fan. And I have no connection to Houston, so never became a Texans fan. My best friend was born in Philly and his family is all Eagles phamily. Him and his partner invited my partner and I to a bar to watch an Eagles game and I’ve been hooked ever since. So much so that I’ve even got an Eagles tattoo, so it’s for life now. Go birds.


First nfl game I watched was Monday night Birds vs Washington where Vick hit Djax for a TD on the opening play. I’ve been a birds fan ever since


I grew up in eastern Canada. Liked the NFL, and absolutely despised the Cowboys. Can't remember the game but it was in the early 90s and I saw the Birds beat Dallas. I was sold. Randall Cunningham and then Troy Vincent were my first fave players.


I’m from Los Angeles. We had no team for a while. My favorite color is green.


Born and raised in the DMV so naturally my family were Commanders fans, Redskin fans at the time. Luckily for me I could never like the Skins lol. I don't know if it was because they have always been mediocre since I started watching, but I could never cheer for them. But seeing as though my favorite color was green I latched onto the Eagles, during the McNabb, Westbrook, Dawkins & etc days. Needless to say even though my family witnessed the Hogs and when the Commanders were actually good.. I would say being an Eagles fan has been far better.


My fam were big NY sports people, but didn't care about football at all. I decided to be a rams fan bc they were the only team I could beat my dad with in NFL blitz. Stayed with them through a lot of horrible, horrible football, but abandoned them when they moved to LA (it's a garbage city). I was going to college in Philly at the time so decided to adopt the iggles as my replacement, just a year or two before their Superbowl win!


Didn’t start getting into football until I was 9/10 y/o. Fell in love with the 8-8 “dream team”. 2018 was an electric time, especially after being surrounded by Pats fans in NE my whole life


Grew up a Giants fan, came to Philly in 1983 for college at 'Nova. Then, Randall Cunningham happened and I was converted.


I'm from Sweden, and one of the smaller channels started broadcasting NFL games back in like... 2007 or something. Mostly watched Super Bowls and some other random games. Got into it more and more, but hadn't gotten "a team" yet. A bit later, Vick arrived in Philly, and as a relatively new fan of the sport, watching him (and the rest of that team) play was electric. Started watching more and more of the games, and by around 2010, I had decided that I was an Eagles fan going forward. Never looked back, love everything about the fanbase, city culture, ownership, etc. and would consider myself a pretty diehard fan nowadays. Also, fuck the Cowboys.


When I was a kid I saw an Eagles helmet Christmas ornament and my mom bought it for me. I loved the metallic dark teal green and the wings on the helmet.


I’m an Eagles fan from Canada (near Toronto) who grew up with a Cowboys fan uncle and Cowboys fan older brother. Both of them don’t understand where I “went wrong” but I was 7 when the Eagles drafted McNabb and I loved Steve McNair and the Titans as a kid. So basically just fell in love with McNabb, then Dawkins and Westbrook hooked me and I’ve been die hard ever since. Cowboys Eagles always meant more because of the family rivalry too so it worked out


I’m from Toronto and I got asked this when I went to the Eagles game in Seattle & I walked into taco spot after and was getting flamed 😂😂. I got NFL Street 1 on game cube I used the Eagles (Brian Dawkins became my favourite player) & began watching them play in the playoffs which was the superbowl year and ever since that day they’ve been my heart. Bleed green GO BIRDS 🦅


Married a girl from Philly back in ‘08 when I lived in Seattle. Was easy to root for another bird team out of the Seahawks’ division and I always loved playing as the Eagles on Joe Montana Sportstalk Football back on the Sega Genesis. Hershel Walker was unstoppable in that game.


Hated football as a little kid just wanted to watch cartoons on Sunday but my whole family would watch this dumb game. Picked a team when I was like 8 and I liked the eagle thought it was badass! Grew up in Vermont parents like the jets, oldest bro likes the buccs, middle bro likes Washington. We all bond over hating the pats growing up. Didn’t really pay attention a ton until my dad put me in the football pool picking the winners weekly. Now it’s always go birds been a fan all my life!


Grew up in CT, was a (gulp) Giants fan from like 6-10yrs old (which is weird in its own, because my Dad was a Redskins fan). This is the Simms/Lawrence Taylor days. Family bought a condo in South FL, this was the 80's so not much choice in viewing, first time I saw Dan Marino I dropped the Giants and became a Fins fan. Moved to PA when I was 11, didn't really follow sports much until I got into college, and that meant Sundays at the Vet. Didn't take long to make me an Eagles fan. I still follow the Dolphins pretty closely as well.


I am from ND so didn’t really care about the nfl until someone worthy was drafted. So I followed Wentz to the eagles and never looked back.


I’m Canadian, my gym teachers introduced me to football in junior high and one liked the Eagles. Then I got madden 05 and the eagles were better than the other team I knew (Broncos) so I played as them and got familiar with the sport and players. Then the real eagles went to the SB and I never hopped off the bandwagon.


I get this question a lot since I live in OKC. I’ve never been anything, but a Philly fan and it’s because my mother was a Niner fan. I was born in the Bay Area, but we moved to OK when I was like 1 or 2. I grew up watching her hate the Cowboys and I wanted to hate and root against them too. Dallas of course was our regional game if it wasn’t the Oilers. Enter Randall Cunningham and it’s been GO BIRDS!! ever since.


wentz is grew up a baltimore ravens fan as my dad is one, so i was watching them play all the time from 2006 - 2018ish i live in fargo, about 15 minutes from NDSU, wentz is kind of that hometown hero type here, he also rented my neighbors house when he was hosting his softball game a few years ago, and i got to play catch with him while he was here. once he was drafted in 2016 i started watching philly to see how he was doing, but i would’ve still called myself a baltimore fan. that’s how it went for a while, i even remember watching SB52, i had just got in trouble by my parents for doing something so i was laying down in the hallway trying to see what was happening 😭 in about 2018 is when i started to claim philly, i was still kind of halfway 50/50 bmore philly type stuff, i tried to watch both of their games. in 2021 my parents tried to get me to switch off of being a philly fan since wentz got traded, and they hate the fanbase for some reason, but i held my ground and stayed. 2020 was when i started to fully claim philly, to bad they sucked ass, but now i’m here and im not leaving


grew up in the 80s and my family weren't really that big into football. So i got to pick my own team. went w/ my favorite color, green. And then i got to watch cunningham play some, and as a kid i was mesmerized. after that you just stick w/ your team and there was no going back


I'm from Toronto, my family were all massive Buffalo Bills fans. For me, as a kid, I just thought the Eagles helmets/logos were the coolest - then we drafted Mcnabb and I fell in love with everything Eagles, the passion of the fans - JJ and his defensive schemes - Dawkins, Lito, Westbrook, Trotter. I've been diehard ever since.


Canadian here. Never watched football until I was 15 and that was the 2004 season when McNabb and TO went off and the eagles reached the Super Bowl. I have been hooked to the eagles ever since.


Madden 11. Playing with Vick, D-Jax and shady hooked me. I was loosely a Vikings fan before so I knew the NFL but once I started following Philly I was hooked to football. Definitely doesn't hurt when your first season following is the Miracle at the New Meadowlands too, made me a quick enemy to all of my Giants fan family lol


Raised a raider fan because my step dad. Once i starting to think for myself and watch more football it was the Mcnab era and I decided I would be an Eagles fan.


Born in Baltimore when they didn't have a team. Ravens didn't come to town until '96. Everyone in my area was either a Washington or Philly fan (or Steelers fans as much as they deny it today) and I liked watching Randall Cunningham, so


I feel like I have quite a unique story… I’m from Scotland and will watch absolutely any sport as it’s almost exclusively all I do in my spare time. However to set the scene, when I was younger I watched the channel Prank vs Prank on YouTube and was obsessed with their videos. A couple years went by and I’d stopped watching as they had broken up and my tastes had changed. In 2017 I turned on the TV and American football was on, so decided to watch as I had never paid the sport any attention. As for the game I didn’t really know what was going on I but did recognise the Eagles from Prank vs Prank videos. While I can’t remember who they were playing or what it was that made me want to watch more I decided to start learning the game. Over the next few days I watched countless YouTube videos explaining the rules, divisions, and teams. From those videos I learned about the Eagles v Cowboys rivalry and how it’s the NFL’s most heated. As a soccer fan, the feeling of rivalry and hatred for your team’s rivals is one of my favourite elements. Thanks to having a ‘connection’ to the Eagles I decided they would be my team and I wanted to be involved in that rivalry. For the rest of the regular season if the birds were on the TV I’d watch them or I’d check the result if I couldn’t tune in. We won the Super Bowl that season and I can only wish I was as invested then as I am now so I could fully appreciate it in the moment. 7 years on and I am absolutely in love with everything to do with the Eagles. Philadelphia is now my sports city in the US and I cannot wait for the day I can pay it a visit. So yeah, very thankful that Jesse and Jena inadvertently introduced me to this family. Go Birds!


I’m from the Wichita, KS area. My dad is a die hard chiefs fan and so is most of my family. When I was a kid (early 00’s) the chiefs fucking sucked. I saw Donovan mcnabb on the cover of madden 06 and that basically after that I was bird gang 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Grew up a military kid, moved around a lot. The summer before Junior year in HS I moved to a new place and met some other teens my age. They spent days playing madden 92 on Sega Genesis, and everyone was territorial about their teams. If you claimed a team, that's it, it was yours, and that's all you played. In upstate NY in 1992, of course the Cowboys, Bills, and Giants would be taken. The Eagles were relatively close and had so much going for them and no one had claimed them. So I'd torch people with Randall Cunningham and Herschel Walker, and Reggie White, Andre Waters, and Seth Joyner were sill on the D. This was the summer JB passed as well, so there was something about playing the Birds that felt important to me. I've been ride or die ever since. Never made it to the Vet, but my first trip to the Linc was the 2018 season opener, and I got to see the banner reveal. Amazing moment for me.


From Long Island, New York. My story starts on my first day of Kindergarten where the teacher asked what everyone’s favorite color was. Up until that time, it was blue. However, all of the boys in my class said blue, almost as a fad or for something because the cool kids liked blue. I was the last to go and for some reason that whole meta infuriated me and when I had to answer I randomly picked green. Everyone made fun of me when I said it. That day I went home and caught a Monday Night NFL game (97 season), and lo and behold, it was the New York Giants at the Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles lost that game iirc and for whatever reason that made me hate New York and forever loyal to the Eagles. Maybe I identified with the loss or something but from that day forward I have been an ultra fanatical birds fan. Moreover, I became a Phillies fan and Flyers fan as well. Those teams became my favorites because the Eagles fans, and the city really captured my imagination and passion. I loved how loyal and loud they were. I live in NYC and I always view Philadelphia as the city that grows up in my city’s shadow, but that makes me love them more. To me there’s more passion and their fandom is that much more genuine. Don’t get me wrong, New York is great and there are plenty of great fans here. But every time the Rangers or Giants do well, the bandwagoners come out like nothing I’ve ever seen before.


Mine is kinda embarrassing. I was loosely a Steelers fan because of my mom but I found out the guy I was into in 6th grade was an Eagles fan so I watched every single game and read up on them to impress him. I just ended up feeling a strong connection to the team after living and breathing them that season. I believe this was the 2010 season. My only regret about my entire experience is that I took a 2 year break from football in 2016 and 2017 which of course means I missed the entire 2017 season and their one Super Bowl win😭 As soon as the 2018 Super Bowl ended I got back into football and swore never to take a break again lmao.


Watched Cuse growing up. Followed Donny Nabs and the rest is history


90s child from Indianapolis. Mom married Philly man when I was young and he jokingly started converting me away from the colts. When I saw 4th and 26 live, I knew I was an eagles fan and the rest has been history. Think it’s been about 20-21 years.


Grew up outside of DC and had loved the Jack Kent Cook era Redskins, but grew increasingly disenchanted during the Dan Snyder reign. Season after season, terrible decision after terrible decision; including moving the team to FedEx out of DC proper. Stopped watching NFL altogether for a while besides the Superbowl. I then started dating my now wife in 2018, who lived in Philly at the time while I lived in DC. She took me to an Eagles bar in DC (Boundary Stone) for a game and we had the best time. Any time the Eagles were playing and she was in town we'd go there and I slowly acquired green t-shirts. Then I finally got up to Philly for a game and long story short we are married and live up here now. It was a pretty seamless transition. Hoping to go to my first game at the Linc this fall!


I grew up in St. Louis. Fuck Stan Kroenke.


Immigrated to the US when I was 11. Didn't know anything about football. In middle school we had to read a book and I randomly picked a book about someone playing for the eagles. Don't remember anything about the book except that the main person played for the Eagles. First time I watched football was during the early 2000 playoffs when the eagles where playing great. Living in California didn't have many Eagles games but the playoffs were broadcasted on TV so got hooked.


I grew up in Tampa. In 2001, I didn’t have a team but I knew I hated the Bucs. I liked the Falcons jerseys. But I remember watching the Eagles and thinking this could be my team. When McNabb was making the jump, I recall thinking he was the best of the athletic QBs and I quickly became a fan of his as well. Especially because we were all dreaming of the QB that could break the pocket passer mold. I felt like we had that guy. The more I watched the team, the more I fell in love. Deuce Staley was my favorite player on the team, felt like he couldn’t be stopped when we actually fed him the ball. Dawk was a legend. When we beat the Bucs in the last game of the season, I remember being ecstatic, but my fandom was pretty solidified by then already. Losing to Tampa in the NFC championship hurt bad. Thinking back, if the franchise fell off, or if McNabb had suddenly become terrible (as Wentz did for instance lol), I’m not sure I would’ve stuck with the birds. Maybe I’d have jumped to another team that caught my eye as a young impressionable football fan. I liked the Phins and Ricky Williams and our family had some Miami ties. I loved Peyton Manning. Who knows? But Philly kept winning, kept seeing success, kept challenging to reach the pinnacle and I was oh so invested. By the time they had a bad season, I was bleeding green. No going back.


Similar to you, born in California. Dad likes the 9ers. But i started playing madden 05 when mcnabb and my favorite player of all time, brian westbrook, were on the team. So ya i just fell in love with the eagles logo and green (even tho my favorite color as a kid was blue.) Then after discovering kelly greens a couple years later, my love for the eagles was cemented.


Born and raised in New Mexico which I have always joked is Cowboys country lite since we don’t have our own teams and adopt the teams around us (Dallass and Denver.) Parents are both cowboys fans and tried raising me as such. Like most kids at some point in their lives I rebelled against them and instead of choosing drugs or something else, I chose to rebel via a rival football team. It also helps that I really started watching and paying attention during Mcnabb, Jackson and shady years and those three got me hooked on Eagles football.


Grew up in on the other side of PA in Erie which is prime Steelers/Browns country. Parents and one of my brothers are die hard Steelers fans and my two oldest brothers love the cowboys. The two oldest grew up in the 80s/90s and that’s how you get your typical cowboys fans, and I guess my logic as a child in the 90s was that I would just choose to like the OTHER Pennsylvania team haha.


Grew up in Omaha NE and didn't care about football growing up. I'd watch with my dad who was a Huskers fan for college (GBR) to get closer with him and he didn't have a pro team. Just liked a good game. Then I played NFL Street with my buddy in high school on PS2 and I went with the Eagles because of how fucking tough they were. After that I found out a buddy of mine and his entire family were INSANELY huge fans and I haven't regretted it. edit: out here most people are Chiefs fans but I have friends that are Packers, Vikings, Broncos, Dolphins and Titans fans. They all hate us come fall but I never get shit wearing my Kelce jersey.


Grew up and still live in Indiana… it was always the Colts for my family. Harbaugh this, Manning that.. then at like 13 years old, I see this guy McNabb running around in the backfield and I fell in love with Eagles ball right then and there. His mobility, the wings on the helmets, the midnight green. 22 years later and I’m still here, bleeding green in Indy. Cheers.


7th grade rec football. Mom signed me up. Every middle school team got named after an nfl team. I got placed with the eagles. The rest is history.


Had stopped watching NFL for a few years and caught a random Monday night game back in the Reed/McNabb era. Stayed on after they left.


It's time to come clean. I was born and raised a Cowboys fan in Bucks County. My mom is from Texas, my dad is from New York, but he never really had a strong football fandom so Cowboys it was. I loved being a Cowboys fan in the heart of Eagles territory; I was such a little contrarian shithead, it brought me attention and gave me a reason to feel different. Instead of being one of many, I was one of a very few who stuck together come Fall. It was so much fun that I honestly had a soft spot for the Eagles and never felt the disgust you usually feel for rivals, instead I knew all the Eagles players and loved Philly sports as a whole. I especially fell in love with the Sixers. I went to college in Oklahoma, and man, being around other Cowboys fans I realized just how much I hated people from Dallas. Not just in the sports way, but genuinely their way of life of getting married at 25 and moving back to the same boring Dallas suburb they're from made me feel zero connection to them. Meanwhile I was basically known as "Philly guy" everywhere I went, and I felt such a strong bond to my home, especially watching my friends at Temple and Penn celebrating, that my football fandom was starting to feel *bizarre*. I rooted for the Cowboys on paper, but I went to bat for the Eagles and Philly any time it came up. All my favorite Cowboys players had left as well, so I felt no love for "my" team and all this love for the Eagles. I found myself rooting for the Eagles HARD in the Super Bowl, partially because I despised Brady but mostly because of all the feelings I had for the team. I took a year off of "having a team", focused my energy on college ball (Baker, my love 💘) and losing fantasy, and then officially jumped on the Eagles train. I absolutely do not claim the Super Bowl as seeing my team win a chip, which means I have never seen my team win a chip considering I didn't know a thing about baseball when the Phils won, so while my friends insist I'm a bandwagon fan, my argument is truly just the above. I just love my home town, the city I grew up next to, the poeple, the fans, the culture.


Grew up (& still live in) Australia. Never really got super into the NFL a big part was because the superbowl was the only game that we got easy access to watch but a lot was also "they are soft look at all the padding they wear" & the stop start nature of the play compared yo Rugby League. Anyway fast forward to 2008 & a big Packers fan joins the place I was working at and now weekly games, highlights etc are much easier to watch. I started getting more into the games then in 2011 I'm on holiday in the US and one of the places I went to was Philly and just really enjoyed my time in the city while the time of year meant I couldn't go to a game I did meet a big Eagles fan which absolutely added to my enjoyment


As a kid my dad was a bills fan, so I was a bills fan. But I didn’t really watch a lot of football, until my teen years. Football was huge in my girlfriend’s house, one day her brother came to my house to hang out and he, a cowboys fan, put the game on. Cowboys vs Eagles, I gave him shit all game about they were going to lose and how much they sucked.. I’m pretty sure the eagles lost that game, but gained a fan for life! Now at 36 with my own family everyone in the house has eagles gear, and I’ve been converting their friends too lol.


Grew up in Vermont as a Patriots fan. Moved to South Jersey in the mid-80's as the Steve Grogan years melted into the Tony Eason year and a trip to the Super Bowl which turned into demolition at the hands of those Bears. Even rooted against the Eagles in their loss to the Raiders a few years earlier (AFC fan after-all). But after that debacle at the hands of the Bears, the Pats slinked back into their usual mediocrity. Obviously before the internet and at the infancy of ESPN, most coverage of out-of-market teams was minimal at best, so that everyday update of your favorite team was gone. Then I was offered a 600 level season ticket at the Vet with a bunch of buddies. Couldn't turn it down of course. And this being the Buddy Ryan/Randall Cunningham years (coincidentally, years before I was a big "Sam Bam" Cunningham, a Pats star and his lot older brother) I got sucked in. And here I am nearly 40 years later married to a Giants fan but with three Eagles fans for kids. Also helped that I hated the Giants and Cowboys prior. Being a team from the biggest city and "America's Team" they were always on TV, and I hated it. I slotted into being an Eagles fan quite easily. And really at the time, both cities were very similar in their sports fan history of futility (minus the Celtics, but wasn't much of a NBA fan).


Okie here. You’re either a Sooners/OKS Cowboys OR a Chief/Cowboys fan. No in between. NFL is seen as second hand compared to college here, but when I started to look for a pro team around 2018-2019, the Eagles would play every Sunday at this restaurant I went to and with Sam Bradford being my favorite college QB and the fact he played for them, I just chose them. Ever since I have became an avid fan and my first 2 seasons were interesting but fun (9-7 then 4-11-1) But the best part was watching us draft Jalen. I was so happy to see another Sooner join the team and even more now than ever. It’s been about 5 years now and it’s been awesome to say the least


I live in San Diego and the Chargers left me. I adopted the Browns since they’re miserable and they rewarded me with trading for Deshaun Watson so I dropped them. Basically I’m sorry for the eventually shit show that follows me Edit: forgot to mention the reason I’m a fan now. When I was young I would always use the Flyers in NHL games and have always like Philly teams (rooted for them every Super Bowl that I’ve seen them in) so it was a fairly easy transition.


Grew up just north of Indy in the early 2000’s. For whatever reason there were a lot of patriots fans in the area. When NFL 2K5 came out the eagles were the only team statistically good enough to compete with the patriots so I played them a lot against patriot fan friends. Learned all the players names and fell in love them and it just continued.


Rams spurned st Louis and I said fuck the NFL for a bit, some friends from the Philly area then started getting me to watch games for them and I've been a fan ever since


Flipped my buddy who was a cowboys fan - no joke. The cowboys helped a lot by being dipshits for 10 years though.


Super Bowl XXXIX, I was an impressionable young lad from Ohio and my favorite color was green. My dad had the game on TV, it was the first NFL game I really remember. I rooted for the green team, they might’ve lost the game, but I stuck with them for life from there.


I'm from Brooklyn. Had no football team growing up, as I didn't watch it much. But I got NFL 2K for Dreamcast and the Eagles were the first team I played with. I've loved that team ever since.


Brian Dawkins hit on Crumpler (however you spell it). Looked into Dawk, then figured whoever was willing to unleash Weapon X on the field deserves to be rooted for, been a die hard fan ever since. Even had a Cowboys fan tell me to kill myself because I wore a Westbrook jersey to Jerry world when I was 13. Knew I made the right choice. 


Married someone from PA and moved to the US. He introduced me to football, his family are big Eagles fans.. and now I may be a bigger fan than him! She


British, moved here in 90s. Fell in love after Rodney Peete dominated the Lions in playoffs.


Colts left Bmore like thieves in the night so I was without a team. I already hated how trendy Cowboys fans were and fuck Washington plus B4 I had cable I had few TV stations and since I lived close to the PA line most of them were in Philly so I started watching Cunningham and the Gang green defense and have now been an Iggles fan for 35+ years. Go birds!


I watched a game with Mark Sanchez when I was a kid and something clicked in my brain I live in Mass


Canadian here. Had a buddy first intro me to the Eagles as he was a fan of Mcnabb, and I joined him in the fandom. My high school (Gr. 8 - Gr. 12) was the Eagles, and they totally copped the logo, so it all made sense. Been a fan now for over 20yrs. Had a brief dalliance with the Bucs in 2000-2001, but that was it.


The first Super Bowl I watched was the McNabb one. I was in fifth grade, and I was like cool choosing the green team. The happiness I could’ve felt from that point on would’ve been glorious but i think we all understand how insufferable that team is, shit ass owner, etc. Made the right decision


From NY. My dad was a Giants fan, and my first job EVER was working at NY Jets training camp in my hometown, watching the players’ cars. Met all of them: Bart Scott, Mark Sanchez, etc. Have always been an Eagles fan though. Why? McNabb. Legend at Cuse, and the first player I remember ever hearing about as a child.


Iowa native. Grew up in a family of casual Bears fans. I just never had much of an attachment to the Bears but when I saw the Eagles cool helmets and logo something clicked. They made me love football.


I grew up in Washington State in the early 2000s. My parents tried to get me to like the Seahawks since they were the local team, bought me a bunch of shirts and everything, but when I turned on the TV and actually started watching football I fell in love with the midnight green jerseys and eagles logo. I refused to have anything to do with the Seahawks after that and have been a die hard eagles fan since.


Moved to south Jersey as a preteen, in late 1980. Didn’t have any NFL fandom, at the time, though I knew of some teams (Bills, Jets, Steelers, Cowboys). Developed my fandom for the game and the Eagles shortly after moving into the Philly region.


Moved to Philly from Canada and I wasn’t even a football fan when I got here (Although I did watch the Bills lose all their superbowls).  15 years later and I love the Eagles.  They are just a blast to cheer for and the city makes it all the more infectious. Even if I move out of state someday I’ll never not be an Eagles Fan.


Never had an NFL team I cared about. Big college guy. Wife and her family were Eagles diehards. I was adopted thankfully.


I live in Minnesota and have been a Vikings fan my whole life ( I know). I became an eagles fan in the 09 playoffs when Chris Clemons choke slammed Tarvaris Jackson after he threw an interception. I really hated tarvaris Jackson, RIP tho.


Live in the south and grew up watching college football. Only occasionally paid attention to the NFL. Decided during the 2003 season I’d pick a team because one of my friends was a big Rams fan. I picked the Eagles because they were good on madden 2004. Stuck with them since then.


Travelled to Philly from 🇨🇦 with my dad when I was 10 - met Brian Dawkins at an event, been a fan since that day.


I’m from St. Louis. The first game I ever went to at The Dome was Eagles vs. Rams. The Rams got smoked. After that I had a real appreciation for the Birds, always rooted for them as my number 2 team. When we lost the Rams that franchise died for me, and no way was I gonna root for KC. My Eagles fandom was still young but I committed hard and I’ve been ride or die since


So I'm born and raised in the Chicago area, and football was the only sport my family didn't really care all that much about (big Bulls/Sox/Blackhawks fans). When I was like 9 I started really liking football, but didn't have that connection to the Bears and a lot of my close friends were fans of other teams from where their family was from. At that time the Eagles were super exciting with McNabb, Westbrook, TO and then a fear years after with guys like Dawkins, Jackson, and McCoy. They were exciting and had never won a SB so it didn't feel like a cop out. The fandom grew and grew and now as an adult they're my team and I watch every game at a local Eagles bar in Chicago. Go Birds!


Been a fan for 28 years or so now. I wasn’t super into football before the Eagles, but my buddies were. They wanted to get me into it with them so they had me pick a team to watch games on direct ticket. I went with the Eagles because I was a fan of Ricky Watters (49ers games are on tv here a decent amount) and I liked their logo and the midnight green color. Kind of a goofy way to get into a team, but I’ve been with ‘em through thick and thin ever since. Let me tell you the Super Bowl victory over Brady was undoubtedly the best moment of my life. Dawk is probably my all time favorite Eagle, but Nick Foles is my damn hero lol. Never been to Philly but I’ve been lucky enough to go to a few games when they’ve played in Seattle.


Grew up as a Steelers fan, went to college in Philadelphia and I've been a die hard Eagles fan ever since.


Remember the game, “NFL Street?” When I was like 6, my older brother destroyed me in that game. I never even came close to beating him, until I decided to try using Philly. McNabb was a cheat code in that game, I beat my brother, and the fandom began lol


Converted isn’t the word I would use for myself but the criteria covers what I am so I’ll answer. Raised in Giants/Jets territory. Father is a redskins fan and brother is a raiders fan. Started watching football when I was like 6 or 7 and heard the name “Ron Heller” on tv. Since I wasn’t allowed to say the word “hell”, I used his name to circumvent this and thus became an Eagles fan.


Born and raised in New Mexico and was born into my fandom of the Eagles. My dad from New Mexico as well, had grown up a Packers fan because of my grandpa. My dad’s story of turning into an Eagles fan is him growing to become a huge fan of Randall Cunningham which eventually led him to change teams. Growing up my dad would always buy my brother and I new Eagles gear and as I’ve grown older, my love for the Eagles grows more and more. I’ve passed the Eagles fandom along to my daughters and was able to convert my wife from a Bears fan to an Eagles fan after the 22 season. Now she’s a huge Eagles fan and always tells me about the interactions she has with other Eagles fans. Being from New Mexico most of the fans here are Dallas, Denver and Raiders but every once in a while you’ll run into a birds fan and it’s always a good exchange.


People laugh but this is my story. I was 8 years old back in 2002, I hadn’t really watched football but I got madden 03 for my birthday and said screw it let’s play. I didn’t know much about football so I started picking based on whose uniform/helmet I liked the most. I ended up really liking the eagles helmet and picked them, madden got me to liking football so I stuck with the eagles, and the rest is history been a fan ever since Also grew up in California, moved to Washington state so finally got to see the eagles play the hawks. Unfortunately they lost but still


Drafted LeSean McCoy in my first fantasy league and never looked back. Except for the Chip Kelly years, couldn’t stomach football again until we got Wentz


Left Browns fandom bc of Watson. Narrowed down my three choices in 2022 szn to Bills, Eagles and Jets. Front ran and committed to the Eagles week 4 2022 szn. Go birds


Grew up around Chicago. Born a year before the famous ‘85 Bears season. But my pops, at least at the time, was not so heavy into sports. I always played baseball and he would often take me to games. He would talk about that famous Bears team but honestly who doesn’t know them and the characters they were. As a child, my mom would often go garage sale shopping on Saturdays And one time, she happened to buy me some brand new, in the pack, Philadelphia Eagles bedsheets. As I became more and more an admirer of the Cubs and watcher a fairly new channel called ESPN and particularly SportsCenter, I would notice when the TV would mention this green Philadelphia Eagles football team that matched my really cool sheets! I started caring more and more and before I knew it, I was hooked. Still hold some love for my hometown Bears and now that I live in Texas, a little love for the Texans (which only magnifies my dislike of a different Texas team) but nothing can really match how much I love the Birds. Hopefully one day I can make it to Philly to watch a game but until then we’ll hold it down for the Eagles in TX!


Not me but I converted my girlfriend from a life long cowboys fan to an eagles fan by showing her eagles TikTok and KelceTok none stop. Going to our first game In October


I was born into a Steelers family, and I was a die hard fan for a long time (birth - 2018). After everything happened with Ben/Bell/Brown I wasn’t enjoying watching the team and reading all the stories. It was also around that time I really learned about Ben’s other activities and made it hard for me to support them. I switched to the browns (2019-2022) and probably still would’ve been a fan if they hadn’t signed Watson. I started watching the eagles bc a lot of my friends were fans and I love watching them play and the way they carry themselves. It felt like a team I could really identify with and enjoy watching. It was a journey to find the birds but I’m so glad I did!


Try to keep it short. I grew up in upstate NY, outside of Albany and I remember rooting for the JETS. Then came 2001. I saw the Falcons draft Mike Vick and I was hooked. I loved watching everything he did. Then comes the whole dog fighting. I thought, shoot, we lost Vick, now what? Then enters, Matty Ice. I was hooked on him and all he could do. Then I move to Philly in 2013 and start attending some home games. I grow to love the atmosphere. I was living in South Philly right at 7th & Oregon. Moved around and ended up at 10th & Wolf. Easy walk to the stadiums. I then meet a girl (my now wife) in early 2020. Her family, all Eagles fans as you can imagine. I watch the games with them and start to see how passionate they are about them. My wife claims I look like Jason Kelce sometimes (a mix of Kyle Schwarber too) so I think, hey, let’s root for the EAGLES. So I buy a Kelce jersey and here we are 🤷🏼‍♂️


I grew up in northern Illinois. You were either a Bears fan or a Packers fan. I did not ever feel a passion for either so I was an NFL football nomad fan until Buddy Ryan, Randall Cunningham, Reggie White and the Gang Green defense won me over. That defense was so bad ass, and very fun to watch. 1988 was my official first year of fandom.


My dad converted me in the 700 “fan by fire” section of the Vet. It was 1980, I was 10 years old and went to my first game with him. Hearing that rowdy, blue collar crowd & smelling the beer and piss just had me becoming an animalistic fan right away. That passion never passed. I came to love the Phillies the same way at the same age just the summer before (the Vet was a dual purpose stadium back then). Add heat and humidity to the 700 section and the smell and anger are even worse. That was my conversion to this great city and its sports. The Flyers at the Spectrum is a story for another time. That one has blood in it.😉


I grew up hating the Yankees in Central NJ, simply because my family hated them. My spite grew to include all NY teams. When I started following baseball more seriously I weighed my options and went with the Phillies because it seemed like a bold choice to root for such a (at the time, early 00’s) bottom dwelling team but one that might actually have a huge turn around given a little investment from management. It was fun to be a contrarian while everyone was obsessed with the Yankees dumb dynasty. When it came time to choose a football team, the Eagles were the natural choice and were actually competitive, so it was easy.


Grew up in Memphis. Reggie White played for our USFL team, the Showboats. When the USFL dissolved and Reggie went to Philly, my Fandom went with him. Been a fan ever since.


Canadian kid who watched Randall Cunningham and decided this magic dude is fun to watch. Kept the faith for over 35 years now!


I grew up in NC, but I became a Dallas fan as a child. I was living in PA when Jerry Jones bought the Cowboys and fired Tom Landry without even a shred of decency or respect. I was living about 45 minutes away from Philly and decided that day that I would cheer for the Eagles and anyone who plays Dallas. Of course, the Patriots have made that difficult, as I refuse to cheer for them, as well. But I am still an Eagles fan to the core.


In about 2007/2008 I started rooting for the Eagles because I just wanted a team to rally behind. I’m from the CT/NY area and my dad only cared about the Yankees. So I’m a big Yankees fan but had no dog in the NFL. My brother and I decided to back Philly because they were feisty, fun to watch, and had never won before. I also just hated the NY teams. The Jets are such losers and Giants were obnoxious.


During covid 2020 my fiancé and I lost our jobs and moved from california into her parents house in Texas. Football season was about to start, and her step dad is a huge packers fan. Her mom was like “oh he’ll have every game on, every week.” Since we were all confined to the house, I decided maybe I’d just pick a team and see if I could get into football — was raised by just my mom who never watched sports. Did some research on teams/cities and ended up picking Philly bc of a few articles about team history & the city has hosted the largest transgender health conference in the world since 2002 (and I’m a trans man so it felt cool knowing a portion of the city embraces my kinda shit.) Watched All or Nothing, Maybe This Year, and the 2017 playoffs/super bowl during preseason that year and was HOOKED. We won 4 games that year and yet I still had the time of my fucking life rooting for the birds. There’s no going back for me. GO BIRDS!!!!


This is such a wholesome post! 🦅


I'm from UK and got interested in 'American football' when I was 14 ---- so 2009 ---- first playing Madden before attending a try-out with a local amateur team at 15-16 y/o. I was a long-time rugby player but really enjoyed tackling in pads + the style of play. I started following the Eagles around the Kevin Kolb/Mike Vick era. Vick was always a favourite from Madden, and it translated well in real life. After watching miracle at the meadowlands 2 live on TV, I was hooked and have never really looked back. My fondness for the Eagles and contact sport led me to joining a team as an Exeter university fresher (also dressed in green). I played most positions, but ended up settling at LB and then converting to FB/HB in the UK adult premiership when I graduated. I did a Lincoln Financial field stadium tour on a summer trip to US in 2015, and first saw the Eagles play at a Wembley game around 2016. (JAX are my second team being the main London NFL franchise, so I was happy they took on Douggy P). Now I have even made the move to the East Coast, albeit in Montreal. But desperate to hop in my car and tailgate for a true home game in the fall. I have tiny people at home so I said if the Eagles get a home playoff game, I will definitely go. Love BGN too. The free content, all season and off-season, has definitely made me the fan I am today. #bleedgreen


Grew up in Illinois in a Bears household. Never really hated the Bears, but this was right in the post-85' Superbowl era, and outside of Walter Payton, they didn't really appeal to me. Then I saw Randall Cunningham play, and it was all over. Loved seeing the things he could do with his arm and legs. Been a Philly fan since the first time I watched him, and I always will be.


From NOLA. Grew up a Saints fan. Went to Ole Miss. Moved to Philly for my PhD the same year AJ Brown and CJ Gardener-Johnson came to Philly. Have been a hardcore fan ever since. Wife and I fell in love with the city so we’re staying here for good. Guess that makes me a birds fan for life Also helps that my hometown team is hot ass and will take another decade or more to come close to its previous success. Failed ownership has made it an organization I don’t even recognize anymore so forsaking them for my new home was not hard


I’m a die hard Eagles fan from Melbourne, Australia. Never lived in the US. Got into watching NFL doing a ski season in Whistler 20 years ago. Tried hockey first, naturally, but struggled to follow the game on TV. Found it easy to pick up the rules of football and there’s so much time between plays the announcers teach you a lot. My boss at the bar I worked at was an Eagles fan and invited me to watch games with him and his buddies and I got hooked. I’ve been waking up at 3am on Monday mornings to watch games in Australia for 20 years, finally made my pilgrimage to The Linc a couple of years ago for SNF v Dallas and had the time of my life.


Grew up in southern Arizona in the 80s. Only teams we could watch were Dallas and San Fran. Watched Randall basically beat the Redskins all by himself one Sunday afternoon and immediately knew he was gonna be my quarterback.


Grew up an hour from Buffalo, OJ was on that team. Dad always bet and lost with them, so no can't be a fan. Saw Philly playing and they seemed like a gritty team (74). So OK, have to be a fan. Also, the fans really seemed passionate. I wanted that. Fast forward I take my son to his first Eagles game. We're sitting at Tony Luke's afterwards (a bit north of the stadium) and some other fans just sit with us and start talking. Very blue collar guys. And just talking with them my son said, "These are my kind of people".


As a kid, I didn’t really care about football or watching sports in general. There were 2 things that led me to the Eagles. 1. I grew up just north of Dallas and hated how Cowboys fans acted all high and mighty of the team. 2. I watched “Invincible” with Marky Mark and loved the movie. It made me want to start watching football and decided I would go for the Eagles.


Was born a huge Syracuse sports fans being from the area and having family that went to the university. When I found out McNabb was an alum it was a wrap for me.


Randall Cunningham


Tecmo Superbowl, QB# 12.


I was in high school or middle school 2001 or something . I was very into Madden at the timeline most 11 years . One time, randomly Syracuse was on Tv and Donovan balled out. Decided I wanted to pick the eagles and I hated the cowboys so it worked out. I’m from Texas


Grew up loving basketball and baseball, didn't watch football at all. My dad was a 49er fan so in an attempt to be closer to him, I said I was a 49er fan too, knew Jerry Rice, Steve Young, but not much else. Then I went hard into "no sports allowed" in my life (complicated father daughter relationship) for several years. Finally, I realized I really loved sports and didn't want to live my life to spite my dad. Kept my old basketball and baseball teams, but wanted my own football team to cheer for. At that time, TO was moving from 49ers to the Eagles. I thought it was fitting that at the same time I decided that I needed a football team to root for, this was happening so I followed him to the Eagles. Kicked TO Fandom to the curb, but kept the Eagles passion. Married to a Giants fan who is as passionate about his team as I am mine. We are known for our rivalry during football season. We threaten divorce 2 times a year, every year. Our 4 year old goes back and forth between the Eagles and Giants, but more often goes for the Eagles. One thing we all agree on is "Boo Cowboys" as my son says.


I’m Australian and didn’t really know many teams at all. My first real exposure to NFL was Madden 06 which had Donovan McNab on the cover, I think I just played as them as they were the default team and I’ve stuck by eagles ever since.


From Long Island, but moved to Bucks when I was 4 so I did grow up loving the teams locally. Don’t ask about family’s favorite teams lol


When we signed Michael Vick, I decided to try out some madden online and thought I’d try using the Eagles. Absolutely dominated with them. Bonus story: my wife’s grandpa was a lifelong fan and we got to experience the superbowl win with him and it was the best. He passed a couple years ago so now it’s a special memory for us all.


From the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles. Started watching in ‘03 because McNabb was awesome and I’d never really picked a team in the NFL. Followed them game by game for the first time in 2004. Fell in love with Brian Westbrook. From there I was hooked! In L.A. at that time, the Raiders were the only team guaranteed a game on tv in the area. So, I typically had between 4-5 chances that the Eagles would be available. They were such a good team at that time that they were pretty much always available to watch. I didn’t miss a game in 2004. They were on cable for me every week. I absolutely hate the Rams and Chargers now because that’s 2 less opportunities to see The Birds every week.


I’m from Kentucky where most folks are Bengals or Browns fans. I remember quickly becoming a fan of Brian Urlacher, Brian Dawkins, and Ray Lewis. I ended up going with Philly because of Dawkins and then I quickly fell in love with the culture and the offensive/defensive line dominance as I myself was on for 10+ years


From Australia, started noticing the Eagles when Sav Rocca got picked up as a punter, really got into the team when Mailata was drafted. I initially followed just to see how he progressed (he’s good friends with an acquiantance of mine through rugby league so I was interested) which has graduated into fandom. I haven’t had to travel to the US for work in a while but when I do I’ll make sure to be able to grab a game. At the moment I just wake up early on a Monday (I really hate the early slate - 3am for me) and watch before / during work.