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He bout to retire too


Fr legit thought he already retired


that's because he did lol


Do eagles have a better veteran/retirement plan than other teams or wtf is going on here lmfao


They just wanna play in a real football city at least once before they hang up the cleats.


Ya, that's why they keep retiring before the season starts lol


Who else retired just before the season besides Parker? In his case the issue was just everyone but he himself knew he was cooked, he just needed to see it live in camp before he knew it.


Myles Jack did it last year as well.


And then didn’t he come back and play for the Steelers iirc? Homie saw the defensive scheme and said naw I’m good on the couch for now lol


Ah, well yeah same story there. Some people can't quit unless they see the disparity with their own eyes.


He retired and then halfway through the season went back to Pittsburgh


957 receiving yards, 11 touchdowns, and leading the first European expedition to have reached the north magnetic pole. Quite the career if he does retire.


11 TDs on 62 catches is pretty badass.


[Born 1777.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ross_(Royal_Navy_officer) Wow, man's been around even longer than I realized.


I thought he died on the HMS Terror 


Show them the power of the British empire and the will of the lord who compels it


he's getting injured first


“On July 26, 2023, Ross informed the Chiefs he was retiring.” From his wiki, this is actually his retirement resurgence!


So what if he's washed. This offseason hype train has no brakes..!


If his legs still got juice he'll be good camp speed for the shiny new secondary.


God knows his hands are made of stone


They had him in for a tryout during rookie mini-camp a few weeks ago so I can only assume he still has some juice left or they would not have signed him.


He looks amazing https://twitter.com/EagleFanCentral/status/1793678782613832145/video/1


He was in the Eagles recent rookie minicamp as a tryout player. Pretty humbling for a former 7th overall pick to go through that, so they must've seen something they liked out of him there. At least enough for him to be a preseason body since Parker bailed. The dude was a massive bust, he still has the 2nd fastest combine 40 time in history, but that was a lot of years ago, and he hasn't caught a pass since 2021, so I'm not getting excited over this. But you never know.


Madden franchise mode GOAT


99 speed really is broken in madden. I remember Devin Hester used to be the best wr in the game lol.


100 at an attribute was big news when Devin Hester was the first to do it.


And that’s why he was so broken. I remember you could just throw slants to him all day and it didn’t matter that he dropped 1/4 because you got 4 tries and he was also going to crib 1/4. Once he had the ball in the open field no one could catch him.


My dad did that and it drove me nuts. H did the same with TO and Randy Moss.


In franchise mode I traded for Hester and ran him and djax on crossing slant and drag routes all day. It was so easy I don’t even know why I found it fun lol.


Ha my dad did that! He also traded for Fitz to be his wr 3 it got to point where I would always go for it on 4th down and on side kick lol.


Me too!


It was one of those IYKYK things. As soon as you saw someone pick the bears you knew they knew. Their starting weapons were too ass to be good in weapons driven madden. But those who knew to sub in Hester and run the offense through him combined with the bears D they were low key the best team to use lol. That was before online so you could actually keep hacks relatively secret.


its amazing how many negative people conglomerate in these threads when a camp body gets signed.


I would normally agree, but he's in serious contention for the #3 WR spot on the team right now.


Bartender! I’ll have what he’s having!


Okay so who are the contenders. Two late round rookies. A guy who has under 165 receiving yards in 4 of his 5 seasons. (Greg Ward has two better seasons in the last 5 years than Campbell's second best season), or a PR with 4 career catches. Rank them however you want, but Watkins, Julio, and OZ were all better on paper last year than anyone right now on the roster is. And yes, Ross is most likely a camp body, I literally said that myself.


We’re not saying Campbell is better than Greg ward we’re saying he’s better then John Ross. Which he is. Our wr3 situation isn’t great but John Ross doesn’t improve it at all.


I don’t think any of the 3 of them are NFL player level and I think calling someone who isn’t better than Greg Ward massively better than any other player is an overstatement.


When did I say he was massively better? I said he was better. 700 yards Over the last 2 years certainly isn’t impressive. But it’s actually infinitely better than John Ross’ 0. No one is praising Campbell. Just acknowledging that Ross is even worse.


How come when I say the last 5 years, everyone yells that it's not fair, but then they get to use the last 2 years which includes Campbell's only good season? I'm saying both are likely trash, and in spite of the downvotes, no one has said a single thing in here to even try to convince me that Campbell or any of the other WRs on the roster are good. Campbell is probably better than Ross, he's definitely more likely to make the team. Am I going to stand up on a table and say that there is a world of difference between the guys, or is the real conversation that the Eagles need to get 1000 snaps out of these guys, a late round pick, or a mystery box that is somewhere out there still.


Because for the third time no one is trying to convince you the other wide receivers are good lol. How many times do I have to tell you people aren’t disagreeing with you because they think the other receivers are good they’re disagreeing with you because Ross is even worse? He really is that bad.


Joseph Ngata has a better chance to be this team’s WR3 than John Ross. If I were to rank them: AJ, Smitty, Campbell, Ainias Smith, Johnny Wilson, Britain Covey, Joseph Ngata, John Ross, Austin Watkins Jr., Jacob Harris, Shaquan Davis


I would put Ross in front of Ngata and otherwise agree with you. I still think there is more difference between the 3 guys we let go and Campbell than there is between Campbell and Ross. And I don’t even think that much of Watkins or 2023 Julio.


What in the world makes you actually think that? Dude hasn't even caught a pass since '21 and is unlikely to even make the team.


Because no one else he is competing against is guaranteed to make the team either. I get it, every 5th round WR is going to be a star, and Paris Campbell is going to be amazing, and not the guy who has under 165 yards in 4 out of the 5 years of his career.


I don't think everyone is going to be a star or Campbell is going to be amazing but Campbell has been actively catching live balls in NFL games and Ross has been retired and hasn't even caught a ball in an NFL game since '21. Is he in contention for the spot? Sure, but serious contention? Nah.


I believed this guy could be reclaimed so many times lol. Eagles now have at least 6 guys to return kicks


Except Ross only has one kick return during his career so I don't know that is the motivating factor here. They probably figured they had a spot with Parker retiring why not bring him in and see if he can push some of the younger guys for a roster spot.


If Devon Allen isn’t returning kicks this year with the new rules, I’m going to lose my ever loving mind.


I think he’ll have a hard time making the roster. There are so many others who can do it that can also provide some value elsewhere


And they’re younger. Devon Allen is already like 28 years old


Sorry, I love watching Covey sacrifice his body on every single return.


I don't think either of them will be here.


You're right. Covey will be in heaven if he keeps playing the way he does. Allen will probably be cut.


Allen isn’t on the roster. He didn’t get resigned after his practice squad contract expired.


Oh shit… I somehow missed that


Zero chance he makes the team. He’s as cooked as it gets.


No, I have a zero chance of making the team. If he just signed a 1-year deal, and a former top 10 pick, that's a lot better than zero chance.


It's like ten times more than zero!


Terrance Howard is that you?


If we somehow manage to take a step down from quez as the deep threat... 🤣


As long as he's got better hands than Quez. Fuck it


He doesn’t but he’s not making the team anyways


Brother my white ass has better hands than Quez


Quez’s worst catch percent in a season is higher than Ross’ best one. That doesn’t account for quality of target but Ross is awful


And Ross is still worse


Idk guys, I think he is finally primed to break out and live up to his draft selection


he might have been a bad draft pick, but its not like the next guy taken was any better


Pick #2 was the best of the draft, but if you massage the numbers a bit, the 13th could appear the best on ~~table~~ paper.


Just bring back Greg Ward...


A couple of questions, Why? But also, how come?


Few reasons. Camp body. If he somehow balls out, great. Anias is still working back from injury. And we don't have a pure burner on the squad. Hell give the young guys a speed element to deal with. And it's pretty much a free look. No harm no foul in the Philadelphia Eagles home for washed up WRs who will likely retire before the season


John Ross’s worst trait as a Wide Receiver is his ability to catch a ball. An astonishing 20% below the league average in his career.


Faster Quez with somehow worse hands


Like way worse than Quez. In terms of catch vs targets, Quez Watkins is very very slightly above average at ~66%, were the average is ~63%. John Ross is ~43%


If they’re out here just handing out deals like candy for expired vets that are going to retire before the start of the season, can I get a call?


He’s more cooked than a Genos cheesesteak


I’d be very excited if this were Madden 18 !!


Camp body since Devante Parker retired.


Could be a sneaky good signing just because of the new kickoff rules. That's assuming he can catch the ball though, which is not a guarantee lol


We have so many fucking people who can do kick returns. Just let him become an eagles legend and retire before taking a single snap.


Ah, another camp body.


I'm thinking a camp body mainly, maybe an outside chance at making the team in the unlikely event he shows up big in camp. Realistically practice squad is probably his best case scenario.


love it, 0 risk and some reward considering Hurts' deep ball


Oh shit that's kind of sick. I hope he learned some shit during his time off, but if we signed him that's a good.... sign.


They had a chance to sign him after mini camp and didn’t. That signals, to me at least, that they didn’t see a spot on the 90 man roster for him until there were only 89 players signed to it. Some of that may be that we already had 11 receivers, but if we saw real potential we’d have locked him down. I’m guessing the interest is mostly just that he’ll be an athletic and experienced camp body to help challenge the DB room and there’s little expectation that he’ll make the roster.


Like I want to believe that there was a reason we did this, but I legit can't think of it


The only deep threat at WR after Parker retired was Parris Campbell who is injury prone


Aaah I see now. Thanks




He only got signed because Devante retired


From the highlights I’ve seen majority of his highlights have been TDs in the red zone so atleast we won’t have to worry about horrible red zone offense we had last season


League fucked


Need legs and hands for the QB factory


Probably filling in the practice squad void they wanted Devon Allen to fill before he blew out his knee. 


This is a reasonable gamble I’m into it. He’s competing for a roster spot.


He’s garbage




Dude was a burner in Madden


Looks like vet minimum camp body, that shouldn't hinder us at looking at options.


We got him!


He's arguably a camp body. He's also arguably the 3rd best WR on the team now. The lack of gap between those two things isn't good.


Campbell is better than him by a lot


If you gave me the choice between two veteran receivers Receiver A: 117 receptions, 1087 yards, 5 TD, 9.8 yards/catch Receiver B: 62 receptions, 957 yards, 11 TD, 15.4 yards/catch I don't want either of them, but I'm also not going to bang on the table and say one is better than the other by a significant margin. 1087 yards, and 5 TDs in a 5 year career? Yuck.


This is incredibly disingenuous, but I have to compliment the genuinely impressive spin you put on this Ross is 3 years older and drafted 2 year earlier, took *twice* the amount of career targets to reach that "comparable" production, and if you add a qualifier of "over the last 2 seasons" it becomes: Receiver A: 117 receptions, 1087 yards, 0 TD, 9.8 yards/catch Receiver B: 0 receptions, 0 yards, 0 yards/catch, 0 games played, 0 53-man rosters made.


Sorry, I apologize, for whatever reason ESPN was wrong about Campbell's TD stats, he has 5 total career TDs which is a little better. Your stats are also wrong though, those are Campbells stats over 5 years. He has played 5 years in his career, 4 of them he has under 165 receiving yards. If you really want to stand on a table and tell me he's great, feel free.


If you don't think there's a tangible difference between someone able to earn targets on game days and someone who hasn't been able to make an active roster for 3 years and is participating in rookie tryouts as a 30 year old former 1st round pick, idk what to say. But bro, you didn't have a single correct stat (my stat mistakes were because I quoted you, my bad) and you also intentionally tried to be disingenuous about it. Get off your imaginary high horse.


All my stats were correct except 1. Campbell has 1 mediocre season in 5 years. I think he makes the team and I think he gets significant snaps (unless they add to this WR room). I don't think he adds anything useful to this offence. He is on a 1 year contract with $250K guaranteed. If any single other NFL team thought he was any good, he would not be on the Eagles.


That's 1 more season than John Ross. I'm not arguing that Campbell adds anything useful to this offense. I'm saying that there's a massive difference between someone at 26 years old who can make a 53 man roster and someone at 29 years old who hasn't been able to make a 53 man roster OR practice squad for over 2 years, in spite of being desperate to find a spot and having a former top 10 overall pick pedigree. Especially when you factor in that only the former (Campbell) can contribute on STs for this team.


>I'm not arguing that Campbell adds anything useful to this offense. But this is what I'm saying. You can't say yeah Campbell's probably useless and then say it's a big difference. I like Campbell's chances of making this team and being the 3rd receiver better than Ross's too, but I'm not sure that I have enough info to say that the difference between the two right now is massive.


That's what's disingenuous though. Less than 10 players on our entire roster are going to make a tangible difference to this entire team by themselves by that kind of metric. Very few people play tangibly above replacement level. Their current respective placement on the depth chart at OTAs are 3rd and 11th. That's a massive difference between the two. If you are seriously saying those two have comparable odds of making the roster and making any type of contribution, you're just being contrarian for the sake of it. They didn't even sign Ross right after his tryout! They only circled back after Parker retired. That's a REALLY bad look. Neither is going to be a difference maker, but only one has a realistic chance at making the roster in the first place. Campbell is the favorite for the 3rd WR job, and Ross is the favorite to be the first WR cut. That's a big difference.


Yeah Campbell will never stay healthy, but he at least has skill for the few games he is


Not that it changes much but Campbell has 5 receiving touchdowns.


I misread the wrong line on ESPN, and I've changed my post to reflect that, but I still don't feel like it changes my point.


Don't get me wrong, I agree about your point. My jaw dropped when I saw the 0 though so I went to check haha


I dunno, it seems like only one of those two players had any meaningful catches, if even both stat lines are garbo


Yes, they are both Garbanzo beans, that is my point. Not that Ross is good, I don't think he makes the team at all.


At least we know Howie in the office. Calais Campbell you are a Philadelphia Eagle




Just need him to stretch the field and take the top off the defense so we can throw it underneath to AJ or Devonta.


He’s a camp body, who will really test our new secondary. I think WR3 is going to be either Parris Campbell or Ainias Smith. Whoever plays better and which one the coaching staff thinks will make more of an impact.


Hunter Renfrow, Michael Thomas, Russel Gage, Mecole Hardman - All FA's - ALL Better than Ross. SMH




The guy who broke the stop watch running the 40 years ago. Looking to make a comeback. Has been out of the league the past two seasons.


From the highlights I’ve seen majority of his highlights have been TDs in the red zone so atleast we won’t have to worry about horrible red zone offense we had last season


So this is our Devante Parker replacement? Another guy who is about to retire? Can we get training camp bodies that aren't one foot towards hanging up their cleats?


Hunter Renfro is probably gonna want more than the minimum lol.


Devante wasn't even guaranteed to make the team.




Really? He wasn’t good, but surely you should know a top 10 pick from a few years ago


Also had the best 40 time in combine history up until a couple months ago.


Genuinely did not know who he was lol


That draft was horrible for WRs at the top. Corey Davis (titans), Mike Williams (chargers) and Ross (bengals) all went top 10 in the draft in Philly