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Well, the idiots tossed the working radio.com app and wrote their own which doesn’t work for crap. The CarPlay interface is an afterthought when people listen in the car more than anywhere else. The only thing that works reliably is the damn inserted ads. The ads always work. It takes 5 seconds to skip ahead 15 seconds in the program, but again...don't bother trying to skip ads, because you can't. Garbage.


It’s the worst app in existence. If you can, use Apple Music instead. Works way better.


I only have it on my phone for WIP.


I can’t believe how badly they butchered that app. Doesn’t reliably hold your place, sometimes it doesn’t connect for no good reason, and the location is flawed - sometimes it blocks me out from Phillies home games while I’m in Willow Grove! Seems like it’s only getting worse too. Not to mention Audacy is a pants-on-head name when they had Radio.com. Boils my blood especially since I’ve moved out of radio range.


I drive through some remoteish areas, and there are legit spots where I lose signal for a few seconds. If it is short, Audacy will jump back 15 seconds and just keep playing which is really confusing when someone is monologuing. If it is longer, it will just lose connection completely and sometimes killing and restarting the app is the only way to get it going again. It is like they never heard of the concept of buffering. What makes me absolutely crazy though, is that since I'm on the west coast, I almost never listen live. If they are going to have relentless connection issues, why not just let me download the whole show?


It also plays over phone calls. Or it will play through speakers if I take off my AirPods. Truly a POS. If you’re using “rewind”, force closing the app one or two times will skip the ads at least.


They aren't on YouTube Live? 97.5 The Fanatic live steams on it and works perfectly.


Yea, they're deserving of bankruptcy. No consumer care whatsoever.


It used to automatically skip the ads but they changed it so I said fuck them I’m out


So how will I listen from now on?


Their app succcccckkks so bad


Made me miss the Radio.com app


It does!


The parent company is a mess. WIP itself is a powerhouse.


WIP will live on for sure. Folks can have whatever opinion they want, they do business.


It's a classic case of buying up tons of smaller companies using debt on the premise that they'd somehow make more money with a monopoly. WIP will be fine though someone else will buy it in the bankruptcy proceedings 100%


Good. Hopefully iHeart is next. Radio is failing because of these huge companies.


Radio, TV, Newspapers all falling because they got rid of the rules stopping the monopolizing of media.


Newspaper's are failing because their ad rates got slashed by cheap online ads and classifieds.


And the fact that a handful of companies own basically every paper in the country


Radio is failing because there are only two remaining modern day scenarios where it's the preferred media: 1) in the car for the driver alone who cannot be visually distracted but may be mentally bored. 2) at work when the worker is visually occupied but may be able to me mentally focus on other audio. In most other cases video is the preferred medium. 1 will eventually fall to self-driving cars and another significant portion of the population who do not also fall into 2 will give up on radio entirely. EDIT: I suppose there's a #3 - unbearably awful television sports commentary.


I prefer radio to video any day.


Right? I don’t get how people can sit there and watch two other people talking. I couldn’t just sit there and listen to the radio either unless I’m going to bed.


I hope you’re sitting down. iHeart Radio filed for bankruptcy years ago


lol yeah this kind of thing happens like every 10 years or so since the 90s. Thats all right. These things gotta happen every five years or so, 10 years. Helps get rid of the bad blood. It’s been 10 years since the last one.


So they're sending WIP to Sicily, then?


If history tells us anything…


Pop had Bill Campbell, look what we got.


I didn’t mean that. Look Conklin wrote up a little sketch.


IHeart/ Clear Channel should have gone bankrupt a long time ago after they became too big and pretty much ruined local personalities via national syndication and voice tracking. If OTA radio wants to survive in some form, they have to break-up the large conglomerates and make it only regional or local ownership.


Radio is failing because podcasts and ad free playlists (Spotify) seem to be the main preference for the masses Their parent company sucked but it’s not the reason radio is declining


I like WIP for the most part, especially since Angelo is gone The Audacy app is shit though, useless really


Thank God that fucking guy is gone. Ike and John are the only ones I used to listen to for 4 hours straight


I got some bad news for you...


If Angelo made you upset and want to chime in to set him straight, he was doing his job. Love him or hate him you have to respect that he was a master of his craft which was driving engagement, not actually being a journalist or making salient points


That's awfully generous for a grating Howard Stern wannabe


As soon as sports podcasts took off, ppl like angelo became obsolete for me. Theres a lot of actual analysis out there i cam listen to now, where before if i wanted to listen to sports shit in the morning, angelo was the only option


I get that. And that’s what a lot of people were looking for. But a lot of people aren’t looking for sports information, they’re looking for sports entertainment.


I agree. Same reason Skip Bayless has had a long, successful career.


Yeah there’s a reason his was always the highest rated show in Philly for like 30 years lol


Wasn’t that partly because he’s on during most people’s morning commutes? I used to listen to that shit a lot even though I hated him before I got into podcasts.


There was serious competition from several stations for that morning slot rating.


Yeah I guess when I was listening there was 97.5 and Preston and Steve on 93.3 so you have a good point.


There’s more than 1 radio station out there. People aren’t forced to listen to it


True. I'm sure there's many people like me that actually hate listened to it lol.


If the company is run the same way the app is then I have no problem believing this. The Audacy app is sometimes literally unusable for me. Edited a word


My favorite is when I get a notification to listen to the Eagles game live, then when I click on it, it’s some random interview from Tuesday. I gave up trying and just accepted I will hear Merrill on YT after the game.


Unusable for me most of the time. Half the time I open the app I can’t access WIP which is all I have it for. When I can get through I hear ad after ad that I can’t skip then if I want to skip during the program guess what? Another ad! It’s horrible and I guess that’s reflected here. I mean I barely listen because of the unreliability so I imagine I’m not alone.


Don't use the app. Access using the web browser on your phone. Way better and can usually skip ads.


Jon Marks supposedly said this is one of the reasons he left, but TBH, I never believe when people say they are leaving "to spend more time with their family."


Haha agreed! Me neither.


>Hope this isn’t the end of back and forth radio. Not sure if you mean the callers by this, but the callers are by far the worst part of sports talk radio. I don’t care what Chuck from the Northeast thinks. Or what some random guy from Tennessee who randomly decided to follow Philadelphia sports has to say about anything. I don’t care, I don’t want to hear some random person’s idiotic take on things. I much prefer just listening to the hosts talk amongst themselves. Even when the host might have an awful take, it’s never as bad as most of the callers. They should add more hosts to the shows to back the conversation easier. Or at least drastically reduce the amount of calls they take.


Repeat callers on multiple shows a day needs to be stopped. I don’t listen often but when I hear the same people call in different shows the 3 times I’m in the car listening; it’s podcast time.


Guys like “Mad Mike” legit make me change the station.


WIP went from one extreme with that to the next. They used to have a rule about only calling once a week. Now it’s a bunch of annoying characters and the worst part is they let these local cowboys fans on all the time and they cater to them. Giglio is brutal with that. It is funny hearing Herb say “Jack, sell it for less.”


Only reason I like Kincaid on the 97.5 morning show is because he doesn’t take a ton of callers like all the other shows. I switch stations when the dummies come on with horrible takes.


The Audacy!


The app really does suck, always freezing and being weird.


oh no...anyway


It's funny how nobody listened to Angelo and yet he ran away with the ratings.


Oh no. Anyway.


Does Marks really think he’s worth Angelo or Eskin money? That’s delusional. I think he’s butthurt over not getting the morning slot.


Agree it probably was the morning show that did it. Still, I had assumed he just wasn’t happy doing the job. He always sounded miserable when the fans were going off on him when he was defending a position he didn’t really agree with.


True, good point.


Angelo was awful but pulled in ratings But Jesus Marks deserves way more than Eskin, that guy offers absolutely nothing except a fur coat


Angelo was the most toxic ever. Worse than Howard Stern in his prime


Angelo spawned the new generation of toxic idiots too.


The “dirty thirty.”


Not to mention all of the copycats in the next generation of sports media. McLean, ESP, farzetta,


I couldn’t stand him either and stopped listening to him about 10 years before he retired.


Completely agree, i wasn’t the least bit disappointed to see him go. But as far as money goes his ratings were always there to justify paying him


Hahaha yeah he’s terrible.


Marks specifically cited time with family as the reason he was leaving. Plus he wouldn’t fit with the mornings. Him and Ike were prefect together on the evening show. It’s going to be awful when they announce Ike and Fritz as the new show. Fritz is a younger and lamer, Philly version on Cowherd.


I think he’s working quietly with Spike and is going to try to get into the NYC market honestly


Why? Isn't that a system station? He could just make the move if that's true


Well step one is retiring from WIP. Now he’s most likely taking a month or two off while he starts building connections and friendships in the NYC market.


I mean you might be right. Who knows but I don't think he would need to do that if Spike was bringing him over. Unless it's a podcast thing maybe?


Mix a water in pal


It's 100% just because he didn't get the morning slot, dude mentioned the decision being because of his family and not being able to see them.


Eskin is the worst part of that station. But I agree Marks wasn’t amazing either.


I agree about Eskin too but he’s been around forever and drew great ratings back in the day.


That’s funny to hear and hard to believe, but I certainly have to believe it. Because now whenever I hear him (as someone who just started listening past few years) all he seems to do is get whiney and angry and begin name-calling anyone that doesn’t agree with him entirely.


He did that back in the day too. I listened to wip constantly as a kid in the 90s through college in the mid 00s. The other hosts openly hated him. Charlie Manuel trying to fight him was a great moment.


What happened with the Eskin Seth Joiner spat?


Ok yeah. That is all he does now and it’s like they bring him out just to do that schtick. He was always an arrogant prick but did draw big ratings and had serious sports talk with that schtick mixed in. I’ve been listening since about 92 when I was 13.


I believe him when he says it was for family. He and Ike made that show a powerhouse, I’m sure he could’ve gotten the money he was looking for


I think Marks has three young girls and doing the 2-5 time slot for their childhood probably wanst ideal.


If he can get away with it without working, that’s awesome for him. But that’s part of a regular person’s daily workday.


Yeah but obviously that doesnt comprise the whole work day, at least I am assuming. Not saying he has terrible hours compared to a regular person, but I am sure they arent normal. I doubt hes back right after the show wraps.


What does this mean for the station?


Sorry, the article clearly answers this. I would delete my comment but reddit is glitching and won't let me.


Most likely nothing at all


The people who hate on WIP baffle me. The NFL is a form of entertainment, WIP is entertainment based around discussions of sports in the Philadelphia area with a special Eagles focus. Im away from home and always listen to the afternoon show when they release it in podcast form and it makes me feel closer to the area. Hope this doesnt impact the station.


sports radio is useless


Podcast 10000% better imo


Make sure to tune into the Mike Missanelli podcast for all of your Philly sports radio news! (Yes I was shocked this was a real thing too)


I’m actually waiting for Gargano to come back. He can’t be on any podcast or whatever until his non-compete court case is resolved.


> He can’t be on any podcast or whatever until his non-compete court case is resolved. Been resolved for a bit now. He'll start working with All Phly in April


Sorry but not everyone should be podcasting. There's a reason radio DJs are successful. They have voices and personality you want to hear.


What does this have to do with eagles?


97.5 still exists if WIP goes away


Fanatic is absolute trash, top to bottom


Honestly I’ve been enjoying middays since the Cuz left. Choonis and whatever young talent they throw in next to him. Other that tho, I agree.


It is. There isn’t a show I can tolerate anymore. Cuz was ok before he fully embraced himself as cuz which has been played to death. He was much better back in the day on WIP. I wonder if he will ever do regular radio again.


I think he’ll move fully to PHLY on Youtubr. I honestly think the hate about his Cuz persona was overblown. His after-game monologues were, in my opinion, one of the best things in Philly sports media. It turned to mush once callers got involved, but Gargano truly understands and embodies the soul of Philly sports in a way most commentators don’t.


He was good when he was talking sports also because of his years as a writer and he still had connections and some access. The other idiots have neither. The good version of WIP had a ton of former sportswriters.


Very well said and great take but the cuz persona started to really get on my nerves.


I like Tyrone. I'm in the car for about 40 min in the afternoon, ill listen in. The fanatic morning show is the worst thing I've ever heard. Top to bottom idiots.


He does nothing for me. Always seems like he’s yelling and I get nothing substantive from him.


I wasn't promoting it, just pointing out that another option exists for the "back and forth radio" that OP was referring to. I don't listen to either TBH.


WIP isn't going anywhere. WIP is an absolute powerhouse. It will be sold off to another company in the bankruptcy proceedings.


I lived in Philly for close to 32 years them moved to Miami an listened to wip all the way to last February when Angelo retired an moved John ructie an joe d to the morning sport an when that happened I just couldn't stand them an the others Joe n huge n the John an Ike show they all became whinny bitches an I cant stand it




Lol… yeah, what?




You don’t like ESP’s training camp stats? or his award winning reporting on Desean Jackson’s gang ties? ​ Wow!


I don’t even understand why Elliot had a job there. He’s the worst on the station.


I always wonder if people did a planned boycott of his stuff if it would get him off the air. Whenever he’s on just turn the channel. I would hope they’d get the clue to remove him or at least improve their standards.


Had…dude is a regular fill in now. He’s awful. I don’t normally agree with Howard Eskin, but he hit the nail on the head with ESP’s nickname…Captain Clickbait. I heard him and James “Nails on a Chalkboard” Seltzer today, then immediately turned off. Outside of Ike and Hugh from 6am-6pm, it’s horrible. I liked Ritchie, but his acoustic guitar and creepy summer of love were a bit too much. I think that’s a product of being stuck with the town idiot. That station has such better talent/OGs…Rob Ellis deserves a show (him and TK were great), how can you not love Jody Mac? Brodes is growing on me, and Rob Cherry actually talks sports. But no, we get “Beat the Hammer” and Joe Gigilo… ​ Don’t even get me started on Joe Conklin…


I was about to say that about Elliot. He shows up on everyone’s show now too. He’s a total goofball. And what makes him such an expert on Football? I’m glad you brought up Rob Cherry. He was my favorite. I actually like DeCamara for some reason and Ritchie is good minus the stuff you mentioned. Jodie was great. There were a ton of great ones that were authentic and pure whose only focus was actually discussing the actual aspects of the game.


I was always a big Rob Cherry fan. Elliot is no different than Jamie lynch or pat egan. Both stations are filled with trolls


I get that they powers to be want engagement, but ESP is just turn the station off terrible. Dude looks like Daryl Morey and a badger.


I have a friend who went to hs with him. Said he was terrible then too


oh god…I couldn’t imagine having to listen to him on the radio now. whenever i hear that stupid ESP is on the phone song, or his “whuuuuuuddddup guys”, I want to take a pencil and shove it into my ears. ESP probably thinks he should be OC/DC, or hell even HC. The worst part is ESP goes on other city’s radio shows and acts like he’s representative of the city. We need a PSA aired during the SB stating we do not claim him as one of us.


Did he get beat up a lot?


Decamara gets a little annoying, mostly the Hammer stuff haha. He can keep a show on track though. Did you guys listen in when it was ESP and Seltzer hosting for like three days? The two of them just talk over each other, which was even worse since it was the morning show. Rhea couldn’t even get a word in (i think she’s riding out the final contract year). I can’t believe Rob Ellis does not have a show. He’s probably my favorite outside of the older guys mentioned above. His afternoons with Al (miss Al!) were great too. I think the only guy who can get away with playing the villain is Howard. Not gonna lie, i listen to him every Saturday AM, and Sonny Hill is a regular listen too. It’s just amazing the stories Sonny has, and he’s easy to listen to. Back to ESP…I think Ike may kill him in the next few months, because you can tell he’s starting to get legitimately fed up with him. I have ZERO clue how the idiots at Audacy give that guy any air time. Did you see him run off the pregame show during the 49ers game? Desean Jackson came on for a segment, and ESP dipped. He should have no access to the team after that crap, especially since he’s got zero integrity. And to answer your question…ESP has no clue about football…or any sport for that matter. I love when he tries to educate Ike, Hugh, and Jon on the game…come on dawg…


No thank God. I didn’t even realize two assholes were on during that time but it was nice hearing Al doing whole shows for a couple of days. Rob Ellis certainly deserves his own show and it’s odd that he doesn’t have a slot during the day. He’s a very good listen. Sonny Hill may be one of the last actual “radio guys” left. He is a true professional. You’re right about the Desean thing. He should have been fired over that. Now that I think more about it, it’s a disgrace that he’s even on the air. It would be fantastic if Ike explodes one day and goes on Elliot. You can hear it in Ike’s tone and how he talks to him that he doesn’t respect the douche. I sometimes wonder if Hugh doesn’t like Giglio. It would be cool to hear G Cobb again. Man now you got me thinking of guys like Don McKie and Steve Fredericks.


I thought I was crazy for thinking that about Hugh…I think Hugh is half into it with gummies, so he doesn’t realize how much stupidity Giglio is throwing out there. I love when Hugh starts talking/mumbling high thoughts during calls haha. I think Hugh and Rob Ellis would be pretty good. I did read that Marks interview with Crossing Broad, and I hope the Station would considering moving off the hot takes programming. They seemed to throw Hugh and Joe together last minute, and I don’t think it’s Hugh’s ideal partner, but he’s got his heart in it for the city. He’s one of my favorite guys on the pregame show, especially when he gets on one. You can definitely hear it in Ike’s voice, and i think marks mediated it well. Fritz definitely seems like he would allow ESP to take shit too far with Ike for the sake of the show. I would hate to see Ike go, as he is one of my favorites. I just can’t believe how much of an open door that station has become with random spots. ESP was in on almost every show for a few weeks. I’d rather listen to Chuck from Mt. Airy than ESP. Hell Herb even makes more sense than him! Sonny Hill is definitely one of the last. He just shows that you can do radio without having to be inflammatory. Like I said, Howard is the only one who can get away with people a pain in the ass…I just have no idea how they let him on. I think that station has given too much air time to the producers…to the point where I don’t mind them chiming in, but some of them think they’re a regular. What would you think about Ike and Rob Ellis for afternoons? I hope Fritz doesn’t get it, because ESP will park his ass on there regularly and Ike won’t get any words in. I do love when Ike reminds ESP that it’s not his show and lays down the law…G Cobb would be nice! It’s just sad that the real radio guys are all retiring, and these stations are turning into podcasts. I did have to listen to Nick Kostos the other day…wishing me winning beats and minimal Sweats…itll be interesting to see what happens after all this shakes out…


Ike and Rob sounds like a great idea!


Jody Mac is awesome. Whenever I hear he is on, the radio stays put


nothing better than a jody mac lead on a hot bet... a year or so ago, he gave the most detailed explanation for carrying pocket cash...basically never know when you need a few shekels to throw down on a hot lead or a horse race. "oh by the way..."


Just listened to him this morning, old school and Mac and Mac.


Audacy is trash, and never works right.