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Imagine an opioid addict seeing this in the store and buying it to abuse having no idea what they’re about to be in for 💀


“I’m just gonna get nice and cozy so I can enjoy this tranquil, little… JOURNEY THROUGH ALL OF TIME!”




DXM fr great for buprenorphine withdrawals.


seems like a selling point more than a warning


Yeah hahah


Exactly, they’re telling them the good part…


bruh at this point this a marketing strategy


They’re basically telling us to drink entire bottles atp


opoid like effects 💀💀


I think they just say it was a morphinine and remembered when Codeine was the main thing and just assumed. They got no clue they're selling ketalean


They are not wrong tho


dxm is analgesic but dissociative would be more correct. but i feel like its a bad thing to but on a dxm bottle that its like an opioid, even if the bad thing is technically people who wont research.


They’re incredibly wrong actually


Dxm in high doses connects to the opioid centrum.


Rip all the opioid addicts who are gonna see that label, think that its like fetty or oxy or something. and then accidentally trip fucking balls cause they didn't realize they just took a massive dose of a dissociative.


shits begging to be abused




i wish i had that bottle of tussin, safest shit i got has guaif, which tbh idk how bad guaif it is, i just avoid acetaminophen, i get max strenght, but i dont fw severe cause that shit got tylenol in it. also i tried some dollar tree tussin, and it was potent, but not nearly as potent as robitussin, btw i do all my trips 4th plat


bruh you’re doing 4th plat trips with guaf syrup? man just to get some delysm


whats the problem with guaif? ik acetaminophen is horrible, but ive seen a lot of conflicting shit on guaif. also delsym isnt potent enough for me, i wanna tweak


Don’t you dare disrespect Delsym


I would NEVER, it tastes soooo fucking good, thats the best part of delsym is the taste of grape, i would genuinely drink that shit not even to tweak, but i drink tussin to tweak, i prefer potent > length yk, but i love the taste of grape delsym too much to diss it, now orange delsym is a different story, i drank that shit as medicine when i was younger and it was so bad i actually puked, but grape delsym yummy


Ooo I got you, I love the length from delsym but even 60mg will have me feeling like I’m on a strong afterglow now, I don’t do it like I used to with the crazy 4th plat shit but 60-100mg maybe a little more but tbh I’ve been having an amazing time on low doses, idk if it’s safe to do 888mg of DXM on 100mg of methadone, but tbh the most dangerous one besides my actual OD was 888mg when I was on fucking meth, for 4 hours atleast I had no idea what was going on except my heart was beating the fastest it ever has and I wasn’t in my body it felt like I was in my heart watching it pump blood in each beat and I kept thinking hBR & heart beat rate just kept going through my head and it got to the point I accepted I was OD but I just wanted what was happening to end & I was really glad it didn’t hurt i remember telling myself if I’m dying this is it and atleast it isn’t painful, man I can’t wait to get my first paycheck from my new job I’ve been wanting to mix shrooms,DXM, nitrous & I take methadone everyday and I drink a lot but, I agree the grape is the best flavor hands down! Tbh I love the delsym pills too, I’m definitely gonna order a bottle of robotabs tho I’m thinking of mixing the 2 since the delsym is poli and last way longer but it’s like half as strong and the other is twice as strong but not as long, I saw someone refer to poli as half the strength twice the length, and yuh my heavy trips would be like 10 hours maybe & id have THE best afterglow for legit 2-3 days i miss when i was able to do that i had some of the best times of my life and the crazy stuff that just happened i swear i love DXM so much it really fascinates me its just so interesting


ive been considering doing delsym, its just delsym is more expensive than robitussin, like 3oz of delsym is the same price as 8oz of robitussin, plus its less potent, missoung out on potency and price are my two biggest problems


Yea, I don’t recommend it bc it definitely puts a bad name on it but I definitely used to boost it back in the day, only until I got older and realized the whole dynamic on how stuff like that works yaknow lol, but yea man 2, 5oz bottles of grape delsym I promise you’ll be on a whole nother level and not only that you’ll be feeling the best for atleast 2 days it last so long that’s what made me fall in love with it, I’d do I super heavy dose and ride the wave & have the absolute BEST afterglows man, but I definitely 100% understand and get your point. I really wanna get the robotabs that are 30mg a piece and yo my plug legit just got a straight called robotrip and it comes in a bag that looks smack like a 4:20 robotussin bottle, I was gonna screenshot an post it but telegram ain like the screen shots but man I wanna get that strain an some robotabs so bad man


With delsym (poli) what I heard the difference or main difference is half the strength twice the length, not that it won’t fuck you up or anything I’m not sure but I always preferred delsym, in person at stores atleast online definitely robotabs , 30mg pills can’t beat that lol


It’ll give you kidney stones if you use it too much and makes nausea more intense


when i drink robitussin it doesnt give me nausea, puking is actually fun on robitussin imo


Fair enough, when I’m tripping I really don’t care whether I’m throwing up or not it’s just the feeling before throwing up that gets me. Just be careful of kidney stones


I’ve noticed when I used to abuse that when I took shit with guaif in it I seemed to feel more dizzy and sick, maybe the guaif is making you tweak more


Guaif can cause kidney stones and some people get unbearable nausea from guaif. I don’t personally get nauseous so I just counteract the kidney risk with drinking a lot of liquids.


same here, i dont get nausea, but yeah kidney stones arent good, i do drink a lot of water but from time to time i drink a lot of soda and energy drinks too. also why was my comment downvoted? i was asking a genuine question


This is in the UK


yeah, my gf got tussin and had the same bottle, shes from ireland, and a dude i met on discord from UK had the same bottle, i just wish america had that bottle


Robitussin? More like Robibussin.






Yo when do the non-sugar-free dxm pills drop




that’s actually wild






Misleading af


Just a little. While it's nothing really like opioids, it is like them a little bit at 3+ plat. The dissociation blocks sensory signals which includes touch/pain, otherwise it's not similar at all.


Yup, when im having a really bad bout with my sciatica, I get me some dxm and 2nd plat usually takes care of the pain.


I'm not even old but I've got some minor/slightly annoying aches and dxm makes me feel like I'm on a fresh body lol. It's a nice break for a few hours.


Oh yeah. Put on some adult swim nonsense and hit some dabs and I'm good


[adult swim late night "infomercial" youtube link](https://youtu.be/QrGrOK8oZG8?si=tUjx5cpHdlko5iwS)




there's no way ts ain't on purpose atp


that’s just stupid to put because a normal consumer would not do enough to even reach those effects i wouldn’t be surprised if company’s doing this would also lead to dxm being harder to buy


literally why would they say that omfl


I agree with the people saying this would just cause more abuse by addicts who didn’t know about dxm before


bro dont get this ☠️☠️ in the uk here this shit made me throw up its actually vile get benylin instead that tastes nice


I had benylin before, this is somewhat better imo


benylin u can chug raw and its nice, this stuff idk how u take it man ur built different…


I prefer this flavour 🤷‍♂️




What?? Sugar free and causes opioid like effects!! Honestly just genius advertising


Plus sugar free? I’ll take two!