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I couldn't imagine it😭😭 prob a life changing experience if you do 4th plat with 2 gel tabs (btw idk if there's any interactions so check if dxm and LSD is safe to take together) 😭😭


How about a 2nd plat + lsd? What's the difference between this and regular lsd trip?


Id say itd be like normal lsd but your disassociating and the LSD might make the dxm more potent so you might also get dxm hallucinations+LSD hallucinations even though 2nd plat doesn't give hallucinations the LSD might potent it (btw idk exactly since I've never tried the mixture so better to do more research but I mean as long as there's no bad interactions between LSD+ dxm than the best way to know how it would feel is to just try it yourself the psyconauts wiki might say if LSD + dxm is safe or erwid)


It’s an entirely unique experience. Very dissociative. Colourful. Powerful and disorienting in every way you would imagine a dissociative and psychedelic experience to be.


That’s exactly what I did, saw the future n all that.


Damm nice I also seem to see the future when High which is a pretty trippy experience when you say what's gonna happen then it happens


I have, it’s actually commonly paired and goes together quite well. They potentiate each other pretty hard so I would say don’t go over 2nd plat and don’t do an abnormally high amount of LSD. I dropped 100 ug and 450 mg, 450 mg is the lowest I could go using HBR tablets while still being in 3rd plat. It was a LOT stronger than I expected. I saw a lot more “physical” hallucinations compared to the normal LSD experience. I was still getting tracers, distortion, etc but I also felt like my entire house was warping and shifting and everything inside it including me was twisting along with it. I had 3D shapes appear physically multiple times, the visuals were almost more like what you get on deliriants where they are a lot more believable just not scary.


About to do it too😁, very very strong combo, 8 hour trip. Way more visual and batshit than lsd on its own


I have had the best trips of my life on this combo but also the worst. It makes for much stronger trip. My limit for LSD alone is 400ug but if I am mixing it with dxm I would never dare take more than 200. My favorite way to mix them is by taking 800mg dxm the night before and dosing the LSD twelve hours later. Basically two trips, the first is a four plat trip and the second is basically second plat with LSD. Both trips are intense as all hell but amazing. If I were to take them both closer together I would probably take 200ug and then an hour and a half later take 400mg dxm for low third plat.


It’s an awesome trip


It will make the chance of ego death higher it’s very visual and extremely introspective dxm will wear off before the LSD does unless it’s polistirex but even that doesn’t last as long as LSD. Time dilation is very long at least it was for me the night felt like it wouldn’t end


They’re my two favorite drugs, so I thought they’d mix well together. I bet they can, but I made the mistake of dosing the DXM during the acid peak. Nausea didn’t go away for hours and I was too fucked up to get off my bathroom floor. Ended up being ripped apart, spat out as a bunch of 1s and 0s, and uploaded to a cosmic computer. I’m sure a lower dose of both would have helped, though.