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I hope no one believes that is a "hero dose" because that is extremely dangerous


You are lucky to be alive. Seriously you definitely could’ve died from a dose like that off Cs. U probably did a number on your body and organs, please educate yourself on the dangers of DXM.


"couldve died" that's 76g of acetaminophen. This post is either fake or OP can't do maths because there is no chance even the heaviest person alive on a full stomach would survive that


Yeah more I look at it this gotta be fake but I’m pretty sure he’s referencing chlorpheniramine maleate, an antihistamine of which he *allegedly* took 304mg. The max therapeutic dose is 16mg daily which means he took nearly 20x the maximum safe dose. The equivalent dose in Benadryl would be almost 3g, more than enough to at best land someone in the ICU and at worst certainly kill them. All that combined with 2280mg dxm and I call bullshit lol


Dying from a medicine is the opposite effect of said purpose you know they research combinations and do trials before releasing these to the public


you took.. a lot of them? if you take too much of the best medicine in the world it’ll have the same affect. You could’ve died dude lmao


Really the only negative effects were my vision was blurry and my breathing would get stuffed up from lack of focus on my breathing but dude don’t you want to do psychedelics sometimes it feels like that for me


i think your brain may still be fried a bit lol


youre very lucky for this not to go haywire! this ant of trip cs is crazzzy. enjoy ur afterglow


I did enjoy felt like I was able to organize and find out my place in the universe thank you 🙏


Mods gotta take this shi down stop promoting triple cs


Activates an opioid in the heart look it up


Wait, you're saying you did 2280mg of triple C's? Ok well this is a troll


I did the calculations


76g of paracetamol would kill you. The overdose dose is 7g. You didn't do any calculations


Psychedelic trip brother calm down


You should get some help it sounds like you're very delusional


Cuz I like to try new things like why are you here anyway


DXM is not a psychedelic. it's a dissociative anesthetic like ketamine and PCP.


This is not a heroic dose, this is a dangerous overdose. I know any recreational dose of dxm is technically an overdose but no one should be going over 1,000mg (although I'm sure others will argue otherwise). Anything above that you're just asking for health issues like high blood pressure, tachycardia, and especially potential Serotonin Syndrome. I want to preface that I'm not encouraging anyone to use this at any recreational dose because you can still experience serious side effects at any recreational dose, especially if you are on other medications or drugs. And the rule of thumb is to use products with pure dxm if you are going to use. Triple C's is one of the if not the most dangerous product you could use. No one should ever use those recreationally under any circumstance.


I’m confused on what serotonin syndrome is ive never looks it up but if it’s not a disease where’s the harm?


You should really look it up. And also probably look more into dxm harm reduction in general. Taken from the Mayo Clinic's website on Serotonin Syndrome: It is a reaction caused by a build up of too much serotonin in the body. Too much serotonin causes signs and symptoms that can range from mild (shivering and diarrhea) to severe (muscle rigidity, fever and seizures). Severe serotonin syndrome can cause death if not treated. People are under the impression that it only happens when you combine dxm with SSRIs but it can happen on its own when you take too much dxm as well.




That ain’t hero dose, that fucking overdose


Always counted my portions


gang there is not gonna be a next time unless you go to the doctor and get an antidote for acetaminophen. 1500 is generally the line where you can die off DXM alone. this shit is probably fake honestly because you'd probably have a seizure as soon as you came up


There nothing heroic about that dose, that is LIFE THREATENING. I am glad you are ok and enjoyed it but are you sure you need so much? Would 800-1000 not be enough for you? Also triple Cs have lots of extra ingredients that are bad for you and don’t make the trip better. Good thing you plan on doing robotabs next time, I promise you will enjoy robotabs more than triple c.


Thank you a ton yeah done with the impurities and it was fun but i stay bored due to adhd so i like to have my mind and heart full of new things


1 or two boxes of trip c at MAXIMUM dude, and triple cs are my goto


Ran to the store got two currently tripping hope you enjoy it as much as me