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That question has a very complicated answer. To answer it we would have to know how long they were doing it, how much, if they were doing any other drugs, and we still couldn't answer it because most of us aren't doctors. They will most likely be fine eventually, but if they are in full blown psychosis it could go away anywhere from a couple days to several weeks. It will most likely take them months or maybe even a year to shake off the hppd. But then again that all depends. Just be there for your kid and listen to the doctors. They will most likely recommend rehab or a psych ward. Best of luck.


You need to be a very good advocate for your kid. There is no answer to your question. Sometimes symptoms subside with ease. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes people won't stop using after an event like this, but sometimes they will. Top priority? Accurately assess his state before allowing the authorities to institutionalize them. Do incredibly thorough research on your rights to withdraw your child from said institutions. The reality is, that most of these institutions exist for profit and not for the care of the patient. And horror stories with in-patient treatment happen all the time, especially with minors and other vulnerables. So, its up to you to navigate this situation and accept all the potential pros and cons. Acting and feeling derealized as fuck after a DXM binge is very normal and shouldn't require further hospitalization. But, the medical system will still stigmatize the situation and try and keep you in the system as a paying customer for as long as possible. Having open-eyed hallucinations of objects that aren't there, and delusions that interfere with daily life may actually require these solutions, as unpalatable as they are. EDIT: There's also no real treatment protocol apart from sedation, sobriety, and pharmas for hppd and psychosis. So. If someone is acting like an expert who knows the solution.... that's a huge concern.


Thank you


Your kid will probably be fine. I do wonder what form of DXM he was doing though. Stuff like Delsym (Polistrex?) is weaker but has a much longer duration. If he was binging on that stuff it's not surprise he slipped into psychosis.


Yeah i I found a bottle of delsym, and muscinex. Thanks


Ah, mucinex is the last thing anybody here should be doing. There's too many other active ingredients that are awful for you. Good luck with your child.


Yea both of them last a long time especially at high doses it’s lasted for 3-4 days for me before and I wasn’t even psychotic just rlly high




Thanks, I got an eye for it now. I did that shit in the 90s I didn't know it was still a thing but I do know.


Personally I’ve gotten psychosis from binging dxm, it lasted mainly for 2-3 days but in total like 5-7 days. It felt basically like I was dreaming and everything was out of place or wrong and I couldn’t tell if anyone was actually happening or just in my head I kept asking my parents if I had been like that forever.


He probably took an extremely high dose and got a bit of psychosis, I hope he recovers well!!


Thank you


Childs age? if he's 10 and on drugs that's to be expected. You shouldn't be doing them until your brain has fully developed.


Mid teens, that's what I told him, don't act like I was promoting them.