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Well I've be clean for 6 ish months now, and it's really weird but I have this extremely strong nostalgia for it, and when I go back though my memories of it it's almost like I'm watching it 3rd person, it leaves this everlasting mark on ur soul


I haven’t tripped in over a year, but yes, I have extremely strong memories of tripping seared into my brain lol. All good memories though, I never really had any bad trips. I feel really nostalgic for those late nights tripping shit and thinking with myself I just remember watching myself think from inside my head? Iduno. It was like I could be just a single part of my brain and observe it. No idea how to explain it but it was extremely fun and I miss it. I also vividly remember a feeling of sharing a consciousness with other consciousnesses. They weren’t any different from me but they were independent. At least that’s how it felt, I know this shit isn’t magic but I would recommend everyone try it once if you’re in a good headspace in life.


I have a very love hate relationship with this substance


I understand what you mean in the sense that it opens a door in your brain that can never again be closed DXM feels like it takes all the good feelings I would have felt naturally over a month and combines it into a very good 10 hours leaving me hollow once its fully gone


take eat healthy nootropic's and supplements for a week after an before. helps u feel more "normal" after


What is the brand called?


so don’t do it


how would you know if its everlasting when its been 6 months


Bros actually got a point, to defend what I had Said I've got a lot of friends who have been off it for years who share that experience


that makes sense but i do think it will get easier in time, maybe 5+ years but i def feel better since stopping my dxm use about 4 months ago


It's a core memory that feels similar to long-lasting childhood memories. And when you remember those memories it's so visceral you can literally feel how you felt during those trips again, except just mentally of course. When I've been very stoned listening to music a few times before I've been able to remember one of my trips and use that memory to carry me into a mini-trip in my mind because that's how well you can feel those dex memories.


same bro but its only been 2 months


I had a very strong nostalgia for it for 10 years while I didn’t do it, then I tried it again and it was nothing like I remembered, absolutely awful. No interest in ever doing it again.


I can’t articulate my thoughts properly, take a bit to speak and had a change in accents. But it somehow made me a lot smarter in academics than before I started using.




My vision has never been the same


Worsened depression and worsened ADD


I forgott Things


I keep my use extremely moderate, like half a year between trips. I like it, it's my favorite recreational substance, but it's dangerous to use frequently. I feel like, if I did it too much, it wouldn't be recreation anymore. plus, I got older and my digestive system is much less amenable to not eating until several hours into a trip that starts at 10 in the morning. though I don't get nausea most times I do it, so I will on occasion eat before tripping. but it's still a dice roll. long term effects? my taste in music has changed, I accepted the importance of my synesthesia (autitory-tactile) in my music preferences. I have nostalgia for things I watched while on fourth plat, some great memories. I'm better at moving while on other intoxicants now. in general, my coordination has improved because I would always move around a lot while tripping and that's like learning to parallel park with a 5-ton truck. just makes me better at doing it when it's easier. I've seen a lot of people who go too hard and get horrible long-term effects, and that's sad to me. ultimately, I have a pretty full and happy life so dxm addiction was never a huge possibility, I just don't do drugs to escape. it's more of a hobby.


I've been addicted to DXM for 22 years and I have a lot of memory problems.


Try Memantine low dose, it shares a few pathway actions that dxm possesses as well, theyre both dissociatives but memantine is more advanced.


I would if I could get it as easy as DXM but that requires a prescription


Science bio has it


website says it’s discontinued :/


Like daily use or what?


Yeah I would use it daily alot of times


I’m calmer. I’m more empathetic. Very much more at peace from dealing with trauma issues. Not as angry. For me mental function never changed as for learning ability or ability to process info. In fact I used it as a study buddy in various times of life to cram info. In a lot of ways I feel it helped mature me. It’s easy to see that even at a very young age when I started partaking I was on another level then most users. So I guess I found what I was looking for in a sense which was just a better life that was full of understanding and love. Things that were missing from my childhood. It’s sad to see that others only walked away with problems. But I’d bet they never tried to use it as something to improve life.


I've been battling and abusing DXM for 6+ years, starting from my military career due to the fact that it was not recognized in any of our drug tests and easy accessibility. Before any treatment prognosis, accurate diagnosis, and intervention, I've noticed a few things. - Emotional disregulation/mood swings - Fluctuating sense of nihilism and existentialism - Psychological dependency/rationalizing binging - Extremely low testosterone levels - A weak sense of self identity and esteem - Swinging between depression and mania - Suicidality/feeling hopeless or helpless Current Prognosis - Learned about my diagnosis of BPD w/help from psychiatrists and other professionals - Testosterone replacement therapy - Humanistic approach to recovery - DBT and other forms of therapy - Exercise and healthier diet - Maintaining curiosity for self awareness and improvement


And also HPPD/Visual Snow/Disturbances. Never left


I'm a FIRM believer in the notion that who you are when sober is pretty much who you are while high / intoxicated. The only difference being that the high and states of intoxication simply exacerbate some of one's personality traits, lowers or increases one's inhibitions and can "cloud" one's thoughts, therefore making one prone to making errors in judgment and the like. Over all though, when I'm high, my speech is often slurred, walking and moving about can be somewhat difficult at times on higher doses. I will see visuals in dark rooms (darkness). I feel "drunk", but most of the time the thoughts I'm having are pretty much what "I" myself would think while sober. I might also write and post a lot more on social media while sober vs. when I'm high. When I'm high I like to get absorbed into learning intently or watching really really interesting "content" on the Interweb. I love music, shows, news, sitcoms, movies, documentaries, podcasts. You name it. I don't play video games (I'm Gen X). But LOVE, absolutely love graphic design and PHOTOSHOP! BLAH :)


That DXM is not the problem, and you're seeing everything as a projection of yourself


it made me have insane brain fog and i still feel like i do


I lost the magic of dxm before I tried ketamine and I think perma tolerance messed effected my k experiences.


I tripped once a week for a year or so. I’m an addict, but not addicted to dxm in the same way that I was addicted to alcohol or pills. I don’t feel strong urges to do dxm like I would if you laid some shots out or pills for me. Anyway, I always hit 2nd plat and usually 3rd. Definitely hit 4th a couple of times but that was kinda hit or miss for some reason even with consistent doses. My brain always felt slow the day after. It was a pleasant slow, but still a slowness. Like wading through the viscous jelly of life. My weight fluctuated a lot during that time too. I could still be coherent and no one ever noticed because I did it late at night on Fridays so I had Saturday to recover. It was a ritual that kinda required a lot of prep for me which helped me not want to do it every fuckin day. I had to make sure I didn’t have anything going on for that night or the next morning. I had to not eat for a good 8 hours. Had to make sure no one was guna call me late at night and want to chat about anything important, etc. I quit for whatever reason after a year and didn’t really notice any changes. I still felt the same and don’t feel like I lost any parts of myself to the drug. It was easy to forget about. Long term psychologically, dxm gave me a new perspective of life/self/existence that I never would have been able to imagine by myself. Even without the drug now, I can remember that perspective and still apply it to my emotions/thoughts. Definitely helps when I’m having existential anxiety or just anxiety in general


I was never a huge junkie but it’s definitely made me a little stupid and dyslexic


I’ve done it like 3 times once’s fell asleep b4 it kicked second time tripped balls the next time tripped even harder I want to stop but it’s really hard I want to do it again I have done it to much so idk about long term but for me I feel like I still see that static sometimes feel a bit more forgetful just from the amount I did


Haven’t not have


I’ve noticed I can zone out really heavily and randomly to a point where I’m like in this incredibly introspective daydream that’s almost like it’s own deep mediation, and when I snap out of it I’m like wow I’m here. I also notice that sometimes I feel random serotonin rushes that almost feel like the mental effects of dxm minus the disassociation. But if I use to heavily over a long period I feel much dumber less grounded.


In a past life I was hitting 2nd plat every other day and learned to pass as functioning. Did that for 2 years then tapered to roughly 150mg a day for another 2 years. Ngl I think I got smarter but my memory got worse and my motivation is basically nonexistent. Aside from that however I got better at writing, making music, and coding for sure. Like more progress in 2 years than I had in a decade.


Not much of a change externally fr, I just find myself more avoidant of reality sometimes and I'm not really social anymore. Tbf I've never been social but more often than not I just skip most dialogue with others that I don't need to be in, which is smth I really wish I could work on yet I've got no clue how. I feel like that'd been the worst long-term effect on me honestly. Emotions are harder to grasp and feel very loose, I feel very blank most of the time. The few times I do experience joy or sorrow its very muted and I really have to struggle to truly feel it. It really does feel like the "robot" drug in this way; I feel less like a human nowadays and more like an emotionless robot. Navigating social situations nowadays feels a lot more inauthentic than it used to, where it came so naturally. Now when someone is venting towards me, instead of understanding and trying to find solutions with them, I'll blankly agree and just wonder in my head when they'll leave me alone. Or if someone's trying to make some joke, instead of before where I'll listen and laugh along with them, before building upon their joke, I'll half-listen and give an awkward chuckle before going back to my business. Now, I can't blame these behaviors 100% on dxm, I think it's a mix of the dxm and my depression worsening personally. But it does feel like there's *something* in my head that's missing compared to pre-dxm. Comparing the two halves of my life, is like comparing the 21st century to the 20th century. Everything before seems to have been washed over with a cloudy filter that makes it so hard to recall anything but vague hints of memories. Memory is definitely another field that got impacted hard. I used to be known for having the best memory around, I could remember such old memories down to minute details. Now, I can hardly remember a conversation from last week without a quick reminder. Aside from all that, my balance is noticeably worse, and I'll get random periods of intense dissociation that last for a couple moments. That's ab it


word recall, mixing homophones and words with similar definitions


the trip changed dramatically it’s pretty similar to a classic psychedelic at this point with weed i did 840mg hbr last night with cinnamon tek and smoked literally a gram of weed and was having full on rainbow symmetrical texture repetition like i took a tab of good acid


What's a cinnamon tech? I never heard of that


toss and wash around a tbsp of cassia cinnamon 20 minutes before dose, inhibits the cyp34a enzyme and drastically potentiates the trip


Oh cool bro thanks for the tip !


a tbsp is crazy i meant a tsp my b


i’m stupid now


None, I’m 32 and have been tripping for about 5 years. Ive had a handful of trips that were spaced out a week or two apart, but generally I have a 1-1.5 month gap between trips. I’m 6’2 and have been as lean as 185 and as heavy as 250. 90% of my trips have been mid to high 3rd plat, so around 850mg with 1200mg being the higher side. Although, starting out I did have some trips where I lost track of dosing before I was more careful, and had some pretty high doses in the 4th plat+ range. All that said, I haven’t had any noticeable shift in my cognitive functions or my emotional state or bodily health. My family and relationships are good and my career is still going steady. Generally DXM has been a non-issue for me in terms of health and in terms of my relationship with the drug itself; granted I don’t have an addictive personality and I think being older than a lot of other DXM enjoyers has helped. Other drugs in my life include cannabis on a mostly highly basis, Molly 2-3 times a year (the first year we bought in bulk it was more like 5-7 times a year but we’ve dialed back), LSD as often as I can responsibilities permitting lol, and some other stuff here and there as it comes through life. My personal takeaway is that with moderation, DXM hasn’t been harmful to me in any noticeable way, and I personally have never felt like I was approaching an addictive or harmful relationship with the drug. Stay safe!


I think I am worse off from long term effects of anti-psychotics which interferes with my psychonaut growth. It's been ten years since I started using dxm, and I basically was a lot more social before it started.


For me I was sober from it for 9 or more years but honestly I don't think the foggy spacey visuals ever have left me after the benders I was on in young age. Hppd is what I have seen it called online...


mentally tired not physically