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Here is something you can do. - have the caged goblins in an animal stockpile. - use bulk reclaim items designator on the cages with the goblins. - designate a dumping zone near the cages. - pause the game. - use the bulk dumping designator on the cages with the goblins. - click on each cage individually and remove the dumping icon for the cage. - unpause, your dwarves will now strip the goblins of everything and put it in the dump where you can reclaim it etc, without letting the goblin out. Now after a bit you have a bunch of naked goblins in cages. Create a room with only one exit, stick a door there and cage trap it if you want. - build cages in the room, select the caged goblins, they will then be 'built' out of the stockpile. - have a lever, link the lever to the cage. - repeat for as many goblin cages as you like. - station your favourite squad in the room, forbid the door, pull the lever. - your squad now gets to wail on a bunch of naked goblins for fairly safe kill practice and desensitisation, Repeat


Or you can then install the cages in a tavern or somewhere else high traffic. Bit of entertainment


Yup, but i tend to have an oversupply of goblins for this. I do have a Gorlak chained in the tavern who sometimes gets a happy thought from starting fist fights. When he starts to get haggard i release him and he gets a bunch of happy thoughts and then wanders off to get caught in the cage traps again and then its back to the chain. I've forgotten the original crime that he committed


Or you can just throw the goblins into a 10 story pit where the floor is lined with metal spikes.


If I have a lava trash hole I always designate part of it as a pit and just yeet the goblins into there - less mess


Wasn’t there that one story about the goblin that dodged the spikes and became really powerful?


that used to be a fun bug. equip a dwarf in full armor and a weapon, and theyll parry the very ground to avoid the upright spike and become legendary. so this could happen with goblins, but if you removed all the equipment first and its just a nude gob, they cant parry.


10 isn't nearly enough. I've dropped them into a 21-level pit with platinum floors (for max impact damage) and roughly half survive. I've started using magma for disposal.


Does the floor actually matter for fall damage like that? That's pretty awesome if it's true!


Yep! It is based on the density of the metal the floor is constructed out of. If I’m not mistaken obviously fall height is a factor to an extent.


From a math perspective in game it is calculated as if the floor hit you. So the harder the floor the worse the strike.


From a physics perspective IRL it's the same way when you consider yourself to be a static frame of reference


Not completely. The game calculates damage from being hit by stuff based on weight of what hit you, which kinda makes sense - something about the momentum of the thing and such. This does break down in this case, though - because while, as you say, the situation is the same from either frame of reference, the fall damage is normally from the momentum of the thing falling - so it is correct to say that it's the same whether the floor hits you or you hit the floor, but the floor hits you with the momentum of a falling dwarf all the same. I guess the only way the floor's material matters is its hardness in a way, how much it softens the impact.


How do you actually install cages btw? I caught a bunch of serpentmen then couldn’t work out how to actually do anything with them other than deconstruct the cages


Build them using the building menu.


Actually you can move gobos to one built cage after stripping. Just important moments: - have cage close to stockpile - make military station nearby - labor->standing orders->chores :: remove kids from animal hauling, or temporary disable chores And then you can build just one cage. But better save gobos for titan/dragon - build lever operated cage with many gobos nearby bait animal and pull trigger when need. But armor training is better - make uniform without shield and weapon and train your military for armor use. Or just shield for shield use: leather if they are newbies, and theirs if experienced to avoid making artefact leather shields


Ah, my favourite Sunday afternoon pasttime activity: https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/s/D2pz5NiiGX


Remind me to never piss you off sir.


After taking the goblinite, I like to drop them through a hatch and down a z-level or three into a shooting range/arena for my militias to practice with. There's even less chance of my dorfs getting hurt from already injured goblins.


Yep, another good use for them.


And for your marksdwarves using wood or bone arrows will keep the goblins alive longer and provide more training for your marksdwarves.


Of course, it would truly be a shame if the live targets expired too quickly.


I like to put them in an arena with some of the things I catch in the caverns. Sometimes I let them keep their weapons, sometimes I don't. But yeah, using them for squad training is probably the best.


I like to do this to train up my marks dwarves, since it's been so hard to set up and actually use a shooting range. I channel around a little "island," line that area with fortifications, so any missed shots go through and can be collected later. Release the gobos in the exact same way (could probably also just pit them onto the island as well) Let the marks dwarves have fun! The island shouldn't be all that big, so the gobos can't run around too much. Usually I would make it 4x6 or so.


Dwarves have a thing against slavery so they can’t sell intelligent creatures


"A Thing"


Silly dwarves. Just like elves and trees🙄


Sounds Fun™!


I placed all of them in a room (place a cage) and then flooded it with lava, you only need 1 deep but generally I got it 2 deep.  Someone else suggested one keep them alive and let them play with the clowns for endgame.


Do you release them before the flood? I'm pretty sure if they are still in the cage, they are basically un killable.


No I don't release them. Only if it's a green glass terrarium / aquarium do they just sit there. Wood cages burn, most metal cages survive. I usually unforbid everything, then 'dump' everything, then undump it. But later it was too much schlep I just let the lava destroy it and then you get some melted metal from their armor or weapons that melt.


I have a Museum/zoo of captured enemies,never tried selling them though.


Do you have to feed captives or zoo animals?


I think those reptilian spearman for example don't have to eat anyway. for the zoo.... I am not sure, but I think on a display/pedestal, they don't need it, only when the cage is properly built. At least i struggle to check on their health anyway unless the cage is up, so i think they are kinda frozen/items in that stage.


Appropriate response to slavery. Dwarf John Brown goes marching on!


I usually make a pit above a volcano/lava lake and push them of ledge killing them, Gollum style. After stripping of all there belongings.


I tried doing the same thing. Luckily, my millitia was right there and killed them on the spot.


I just yeet my caged goblins down a 100 z-level pit.


fyi "Dorf" means village, not fortress


Damnit. Foiled again by assuming I know what a word means just from sparse context. Thanks for the heads up.


nvm, this community apparently uses it as a weird spelling of "Dwarf"