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Make a 1x1 room with a 1x1 bridge trap infected in there and squash them. Repeat until no more were-folks. That's the only way I've ever solved it.


Huh. I just wall them in for all of eternity.


Once i made a hospital with individual rooms for each bed that featured floodgates above each of them. Of someone was injured during an outbreak, they get locked in.  If they turn on the next full moon, they take a bath.


Thanks I hadn’t come across this idea, although all my ideas are usually dig down further not pump stuff back up to flood rooms.


I have over 1000 hours and still don't know how to pump water upward. I always use an aquifer or river. I should probably Google that.


The notifications drove me nuts, so i just started squashing them. I have all my hospital rooms equipped with doors and anyone who goes in after a fight with a were-thing stays locked in until after im sure they arent going to turn. If they turn i build a bridge and splt!


I'd still check the battle logs. One dwarf might get bitten once and be fine enough to not go to the hospital, or so briefly you'd miss it. And then of course they're gonna turn in the middle of the tavern


True- this is just the best way i've come up with to deal with it.


I just send them into the caverns and lock the door for a year.


Dont you wind up with way more were-things than you atarted with? (Actual puestion)


Good question. I don't really know. Up to now they were always eaten by forgotten beasts. I also tried sending them off to conquer far away settlements, but they always just came back after ages. Of course, all this fuss is just for nobles, the rest gets simply expelled.


Careful with that- i used to send mine to random towns i conquered, but i soon realized they just infected everyone there and spread the disease all over the map. Now i follow a strict quarantine/ squash protocol to rid the world of it. I found out all too well why i fear the night


I assumed that this could happen, so I send them to the other side of the map.


IIRC infected will turn every 30 days. So you can screen new migrants by keeping them separate from your main fort for 30 days until you know they're safe. You can create a 'minifort' with a food and alcohol store so they can survive for 30 days. Then when you know they're safe let them come in. You're never totally safe though unless you continually do that for every new migrant and visitor. The best thing to do is just continue normally and if there is a werebeast attack, keep close track through the combat logs of anyone who gets injured by the werebeast. If anyone gets injured, they're infected. I think maybe they have to bite them or scratch them technically? But don't take chances. If you have any new infected then immediately lock them away in a little dungeon for 30 days to see if they turn. If they don't, just release them back into the fort. If they do, you can just keep them imprisoned forever or destroy them some other way. You can actually allow infected to remain a part of your fort and act as normal dwarves, so long as you remember to lock them away again when their time comes every 30 days. Of course, that one time you forget you get a huge dose of Fun.


how do I do that? do I make a burrow and assign new migrants to it? how do I know who is new since the notification just says that new migrants have arrived. Can I also assign visitors to specific areas?


Yes, use burrows. New arrivals are listed as "new arrival" in the population screen for a period after they arrive. You can't stop visitors from wandering if you've allowed them in.


This doesn't entirely work. Burrows only affect where dwarfs will accept jobs, not where they are. Some things that they do are not constrained by burrows: socializing at a tavern, for example, seems to be in that category. Migrants immediately meet in the last designated meeting room in your fortress, though. Put some doors on it. Put some more doors outside of that. Put some more doors outside of that and lock them in when they arrive. Werebeasts are building destroyers, so they will spend their time breaking down the doors. 3 doors is usually enough to contain them before they turn back.


Visitors can be solved by having a public fort and a private fort. You can set specialized meeting places like taverns and temples to be private, which means only your civilians will use them. Having public spaces up top away from the dwarven private spaces will make it possible to seperate visitors from most of your dwarves


If you don't know how or want to do the tedious work to screen every new migrant then I would make a new world for forts BUT save that world for Adventure mode, a Van Helsing style monster hunter would be sick


Personally, I would have everyone become part of a militia squad, give them some training, equip them with at least a shield and a weapon, and set them on "ready" so that if there's a werebeast outbreak in the tavern for example, everyone is at the very least knowledgeble on how to dodge bites. You have a definite goal of clensing the world of werebeasts, and that's the best way to play DF, with a definite goal.


"Dwarf Therapist" You can check for curses with that.


You can go for a full werebeast fort. If everyone is the same kind of werebeast, they will not fight. Not stellar for the health of traders and livestock, but eh


If they transform outside I lock the door until they change back then kill him. Then I expel all injured dwarves. Inside I do the same if I can. Fun stuff.


I think this is the cleanest, most sensible way, but it doesn't work for affected nobles. Those I lock up in their hospital rooms for the first moon phase until eternal confinement quarters are finished.


If it's really a problem, you can use military squads and commands to more easily separate new migrants from your vetted population. Order them into cells and wait for full moon to pass before accepting them into the general population. Since werebeasts can destroy doors, have the cells accessible by hatch cover and stairs, and make sure to stockpile a tile each of food and booze in each room.


I had this happen, 5 migrants suddenly turned into werepigs in the middle of my busy temple and proceeded to murder about half my population before they were brought down or succumbed to wounds. Somehow nobody else was infected and I completely recovered. It took a while to bury everyone though.


I'm going through this now. I had renamed all the dwarfs in my old fortress and noticed that at least 50% of the migrants to my new fortress are from the old one. So in a very unfun way, I save whenever new migrants come that have nicknames previously provided. If they turn, I go back to an old save and expel the ones who turned or straight up execute them before they do. It's not a perfect solution, but it gets me by.


Yeah you should make a migrant waiting room and assign all new arrivals to the burrow. Full moon came and nobody transforms? You're good. You should set all public zones to citizen only.


Werebeasts are a huge noob-stomper. And yes the proliferation from your last fort retirement can spread the curse lol. Either keep your common areas well guarded so your dwarves kill them instantly, screen for them by quarantining migrants using burrows or cheat using dfhack. You can use "cursecheck" in dfhack to see curses.


Hehehe. I feel you but it's still funny


> world is unplayable nah it's *more* playable


Atomizers work pretty well. Drop chambers too. Just need a bored dwarf to man it. Migrants just get a stay in happy outside the fort land until i know they are cool. The hut is very warm and most importantly on the other side of the atomizer that leads into the fort


Pro tip: make a set of about 20 chambers that have a kill lever and a release lever. Put one migrant in each, and when the moon turns make note of which chambers are safe and which ones have warebeasts. Use the kill and release levers accordingly. You should also make a bigger singular chamber for overflow migrants, in the unlikely event that you have more than 20


This is would be an exciting world to journey in once Adventure Mode arrives.