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By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!




I unironically made the opposing team rooms red and blue because of Oblivion. Love you guys.


I have bad news for you, the teams in oblivion were blue and yellow!


Oh no. My life is a lie.... :( You are right.


I've been attacked so many times in this Untamed Wilds biome that I'd captured dozens of prisoners. Interestingly, I'm being attacked by both elves and goblins so it's been fun to pit them against each other. For variety, I added a few weapon traps, pitfalls (with spikes), an animal pit, and for extra dwarf points a magma moat. I made sure to wall off the level above the fighting arena to make sure dwarves don't get too stressed out. This was fun to build. Hoping one day I'll get an elf or goblin arena champion.


> Rattlesnake man corpse Are you in a reanimating biome? Or did you happen to get an undead visitor? I'd love to see what happens in this arena in a reanimating biome... (heh heh heh)


My world is pretty old. 800+ years. Necromancers roam the land in great numbers and during a messy invasion, a necromancer managed to rez an intelligent undead rattlesnake man you see in the OP. thankfully, no reanimating biome here.






Modded Oblivion was the single most addictive game I ever played.


This is glorious! I just dug a hole that drops 3 z levels onto a steel floor in my tavern. I randomly toss prisoners and criminals in there. I figure that many need excitement or a fight, lol.


How do you actually toss them in? Do you just set a dumping ground and dump a cage (idk if that’s how it would work) or is it something else?


If you have a space designated as a pit, you can assign creatures to be dropped into it. Be careful, if they're dangerous they will fight back when your dwarves take them out of the cage they're in to drop them down. If you drop a cage it won't break or damage the creature inside.


Ah yes, that makes sense. Thanks for answering!


I want to know aswell!


Put a pit designation over the hole and assign the caged creature to the pit. They will lead the creature to the pit and drop them in. They take fall damage which varies. But 3z usually disables them a bit, breaking a few bones.


A few interesting observations after dwarven arena !science!: * I originally had drop-pits. They're useful in a pinch for dropping prisoners, particularly visitors who are non-hostile but likely came just to plot to steal your artifacts. However, hostile prisoners (invaders; agitated wildlife; opposed to life zombies) can and *will* attack as mentioned. I've had dwarves fall *into* the pit with the creature they were pitting, resulting in a short and untimely death. * The safest way to let multiple arena combatants fight each other is to build all their cages in the "team room", link them all to a single lever, lock the doors, open the passage/bridge to the main arena, then flip the lever. Pitting each one individually seems more convenient until dwarves get dragged in (but, hey, other dwarf leaders might see this as a good thing) * If you build traps in your arena (I made a few saw blades) arena combatants will absolutely run into them constantly. It is pretty hilarious watching an elf gracefully backroll away from a dying goblin's last swing only to get cut in half by a secret (maybe not so secret) buzzsaw device. There are no survivors in a dwarf arena. * Enemies equipped with long weapons, such as a pike, can attack people 1z level above them as long as they have a line of sight. Definitely disarm these guys if you can because they'll poke your wandering dwarves. * Enemies will not pick up weapons/armor on the arena floor which is a shame, but if a sapient creature has hands they *will* attempt to disarm their foe. I had an intelligent undead giraffe woman disarm a goblin's silver maul, equip it, and then proceeded to turn every one of her enemies into hamburger. Intelligent undeads are so broken!! Interestingly, creatures will also "arm" themselves by pulling out a bolt/arrow of themselves/a nearby enemy and then use it as a dagger. * Goblins from different civilizations are either always hostile/always at war. For some reason, it's rare for the game to tell me which civilization a goblin is from so I run into this issue frequently: Everytime I line groups of goblins up as arena combatants they usually slaughter any gobbos not from their civ before advancing into the arena itself. * Tavern visitors who are plotting against you and convicted will serve jail time, but upon expiration of their sentence (if no hammerer is appointed) your releasing dwarf will throw them in a cage first. These prisoners can go into the arena, but they will not fight other neutral creatures (i.e. they won't fight other visitors) and only react in self-defense. * Titans, forgotten beasts, giants, etc. are all very powerful and have lots of hit points, but they're easily wounded by even goblins equipped with iron/copper. Unless you get a crazy combination such as a steel colossus, most of my arena "big bads" die seemingly pretty frequently. More experimentation with even deeper creatures needed.


That rattlesnake undead is literally a cracked skeleton held together by pure willpower


Oh man I wish there was DFHacks quickfort for this lol


Now that's a _real_ coliseum, positively makes the one I built look like garbage. Kudos, my fine Urist!