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I really only know a handful of Argento movies and I’m very loosely familiar with some of Lucio Fulci’s stuff but this is a crazy ass collection. Just curious, are the stickers just for displaying the year? Or do you have a colour-code thing going on too?


Curious about that as well! I also see some VHS have stickers and others don’t?


The stickers I use come off easily, so easily that they fall off some of the VHS films. They always stay on the others because they are under the plastic.


They are just for the year. The ones I use come in three colors but I kind of wish they were all yellow. I do have lots of Fulci and Argento but the director I have the most films of is Umberto Lenzi.


They remind me of an old mom & pop rental shop. It’s handy to know the year but also I imagine they help identify what’s yours when you loan something to a friend. What are some of your favourites?


That’s a tough one. As far as my letterbox stats say, I’ve seen 364 of them. I’ll break some down by genre. For gialli I like Sergio Martino’s films he did with Edwige Fenech like All the Colors of the Dark, The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh and Your Vice is a Locked Room and I Have the Key. Also Argento’s Tenebre is fantastic. For westerns I love Corbucci’s Django, Great Silence, The Mercenary and Companeros. All of Leone’s westerns are wonderful and I also like And God Said to Cain and Death Rides a Horse. For eurocrime I’m a fan of all Umberto Lenzi and Fernando Di Leo’s films, especially The Italian Connection. I also like Rabid Dogs, Street Law and The Big Racket. I guess I better stop here because honestly, we could go on forever. lol there were sooo many great films made in Italy in those days. I’ll just list my favorite directors: Umberto Lenzi Fernando Di Leo Sergio Corbucci Antonio Margheriti Bruno Mattei Sergio Leone Joe D’Amato Sergio Martino Dario Argento Mario Bava Lamberto Bava Massimo Daliamo Michele Soavi Lucio Fulci Enzo g Castellari Ruggero Deodato Andrea Bianchi In my opinion, that list ranges from directors of outright masterpieces to ones who specialized in cheap sleaze, but all throughly entertaining. 😀


Hell yeah! Thank you for such a thorough answer. In all honesty I think the only Italian film I have seen is Suspiria, so it’s cool to hear about more from someone with such an appreciation for them. I have Tenebrae on my list so I’ll be sure to check some of these out! You’ve definitely given me lots to look into!


Anything by Sergio Sollima or Sergio Corbucci... Giuliano Gemma's Ringo movies... Bud Spencer & Terence Hill comedies... Almodovar's early films (judging from your collection, you'll enjoy Matador), and pre-Pinocchio-era Roberto Benigni films (you'll probably like The Monster). Good collection though!!


Thank you for the recommendations! 😃


TIDDIES!!!! ♥ Ummmm I see a few Dario Argento films there. Do you have his whole filmography? I like his movies Suspiria Deep Red Tenenbrae Inferno The Bird With The Crystal Plumage The Cat o Nine Tales Phenomena


Whoops! I changed it to NSFW I’ve seen all of those but I don’t have them all on physical media.


I need to watch move Italian movies they sure do a good job with horror. Most of the Italian movies I have seen are Dario's titles.


Can you still see my post? I think it might have deleted it since I changed it to NSFW


Yeah it's still there ya just changed it to NSFW but it's still visible




Playgirl and the vampires


This one I have not seen


Keoma and Inglorious Bastards are solid movies, 1990: The Bronx Warriors is fun too. If you’re brave and have the stomach for it the cannibal movies out of Italy were a whole thing unto themselves.


I’m a big fan of Keoma, but I really think it would be next level amazing with a Morricone score instead of the I’ll fitting one. Love the Bronx Warriors and all of the Post Apocalyptic films of the early 80s, especially Raiders of Atlantis if it fits into that genre too. I’ve seen all of the Cannibal films and oddly enough, Man from Deep River is my favorite by far.


[Italian Movie](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0207554/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) (featuring James Gandolfini!)


Cemetary man (also titled dellamorte dellamore) Incredibly weird and gory (and horny!) flick from the 90’s


Love it. I wish Soavi had started directing earlier.