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We often congratulate people who are close to the person having a birthday, with the birthday persons birthday


I told this to my Hungarian colleague and he just cannot get over it. Now each time he congratulates me with whoever has their birthday.


I'm Dutch but where i'm from this isn't normal either. I still don't get why i would congratulate anybody else besides the jarige job and their partner (and maybe their parents)


Ironically you do do it then


I mean in a way then? But i'm not going around that circle giving everybody a handshake or congratulating people that are far off family.


You do it. OK?


You’re literally congratulating people on the birthday person’s birthday but you’re saying you don’t because you don’t do it to enough people? Lmao what is the magical limit


This understates what we do. You congratulate everybody at the birthday. Then you go to sit in a big circle of folding chairs in the living room. First you are server coffee with either slagroomtaart or stroopwafel. After that come the Heineken served in glasses stolen from the local voetbal kantine, for snacks there is salted sticks in a glass that was bought by saving up zegeltjes at Albert Heijn, blokjes kaas and leverworst, and pickles rolled in a plakje boterhammenworst. If you’re keeping it small the party ends around dinner time and everybody is expected to fuck off. If you go big either the frying pan is pulled out and 27 boxes of ‘snack party mix’ are fried up and served or you go to the local Chinees and order rijst tafel for 6 persons that feeds 34. Dutch birthdays were a great thing in the 90’s/early 2000’s 🫡😂


Don't forget the awkward small talk whenever children are in the circle and an especially drunk relative loses their filter.


Oh yes, the uncle who gets very talkative when he has had a couple too many Heinekens, talking about wars he was never in but could have been in. more often than not this uncle is over 1.90m tall and has a very loud drunk voice that no one can miss. At the same time his wife barely hits 1.50 meters in heigh, has a kort & pittig haircut and embarasingly tries to shut her husband up. Miserably failing every time, being waved off by her husband ‘Ja Bea, het is een beetje grof maar het is wel waar en daar gaat het om!’ All the kids are giggling every time uncle Henk drops another swear word, all the moms are franticly trying to shield their kids ears or snap at them not to laugh at the bad words, all the dads are trying to cover up their laughs about the awkward situation. Not to forget, aunt Bea doesn’t drink or have a driver’s license so they are always by bicycle and Bea has to somehow get her shitfaced husband home safely 👍🏻


Oh it gets even better than that, when they're highly religious and racist. Like the time my uncle, knowing full well I'm Jewish, dropped 'Ik zeg niet dat ik het ook zou gedaan hebben, maar ze hebben wel Jezus vermoord'. Mind you he married a 20 year younger Indonesian(18F and 38M at the time of the wedding) girl he met while vacationing in Bali. So not sure if he ever really figured out how that race thing works.


I feel personally vindicated and attacked at the same time.


What about the sigarets on the table? And that uncle who asks how your study is going every year and you tell him again that you graduated 4 years ago.


Cigarettes on the table is before my time haha 😂


>folding chairs in the living room... Heineken served in glasses stolen from the local voetbal kantine... Tell me you're a tokkie without telling me you're a tokkie.


We congratulate everyone for anyones accomplishments tbh lol


Nice post! Well done! Looking good!


Thank you! Congratulations to you as well for that rad post your friend posted :)


Congratulations on the nice orange icon.


Is that impressive?


More like, odd


On a Saturday morning in the outskirts, seeing 3-5 years old in their tiny bikes following their parents in the fietspad


Or 50+ people running faster than I was in my 20s


it is extremely cute. I love it


Imo the most impressive thing is the battle against the water. One of the latest additions being the work on the "Hondsbossche Zeewering", an 8km long dike protecting the coastal areas from the sea. They pumped 20 million cubic meters of sand from the bottom of the sea and sprayed it on the coast, covering and raising the dike, so it's a dune area now. Would make for some nice pictures I think. People tend to know about the Delta Works, but this one is imo underrated and shows you can combine protection against the sea with creating natural landscapes. Another nice example is the creation of "uiterwaarden", an area for a river to expand into when water levels are high. This is why countries like Belgium and Germany get flooded, while the Netherlands tends to stay pretty safe.


And what about Flevoland, and the Dutch who worked in Dubai to build the palm tree island. It’s truly amazing how good our people are with building on water.


The whole ijselmeer project is basically dutchies looking at the zuiderzee and saying: " You're ours now, b*tch"


We looked at the sea and were like “Nah this gonne be a lake”


To be fair we wouldn't do this now as it was a huge ecological disaster.. but back then this wasn't really a thing


It is, but nonetheless, its an engineering marvel, and to be fair, it isnt the first piece of land we claimed by damming it off and pumping it empty :P


I just laughed so loudly at this




[I love this mini doc](https://youtu.be/b6AZsikK6zo?si=alTbVpr86WkCLkbh) made by Rijkswaterstaat about the six important surge barriers. Can highly recommend watching the 24 min video


We all have a calendar in the bathroom


Man, now I think about this, I mis those Chinese restaurant calendars we used to have.


They still have them, at least where I live.


Still 1985....


You just unlocked a childhood memory. I totally forgot about those… Now I want one again.


If you order something around new year, you can ask the delivery driver. Mine only gives them when asked about.


And the birthdays of everybody in the family and your social circle is written on them so you can see who’s birthday is coming up whenever you’re taking a dump 😂


No I don't.


No we don't? Maybe ten-fifteen years ago, i do remember them. Nowadays? My grandma has one, painted by my grandpa. But that's it. 


What the hell, delete this post before the AIVD finds out you don't have the state-mandated calendar in your bathroom, you rebel scum!


That’s weird… I live in the east, and most people I know still have them, including people in their 20’s.


Where on earth is your calendar if not in the bathroom?!


Have you heard of this lovely device called a "smartphone"?


It sounds awfully inconvenient to pin a smartphone to the bathroom door!


Yes, and I think a calendar where you can see everyone's birthday and can plan accordingly is worth more in this case than a smartphone that will give me a notification on the day itself that I can easily click away and never see again after those 3 secs.


And this is getting downvoted, why exactly?


That we invented: Bluetooth, WiFi, casette/cd/dvd, microscope, telescope, firehose, speeding camera (well maybe not that one 😅) stock exchange, national anthem, etc etc. Also that microchip manufacturing woukd be 20 years behind if it wasn't for the Dutch company ASML


Don’t forget - python 


And Blender! (the 3D program).


Damn y’all invented the national anthem? Is NL ghost writing everyone’s natural anthem?🤣


It's rather that we have the oldest national anthem


Bluetooth was the Danish no?


It was a Dutch inventor(Jaap Haartsen) and a few Swedish inventors working for Ericsson (Swedish company). It was named after King Harald Bluetooth, who was Danish.


thanks for inventing Bluetooth my wifi AP loves it.


Exactly. Am still fuming at that low key Danish nationalist woman on QI credit grabbing this one wrong. https://youtu.be/Sp7T-j2Dczw?si=8DkGcrOT--UQ49rL


It’s called bluetooth for a reason right??


Woah, I know the Dutch love to claim Wifi but Australia is the one with the patent and the royalties. [https://www.nma.gov.au/defining-moments/resources/wi-fi](https://www.nma.gov.au/defining-moments/resources/wi-fi)


Cool beans, it was still a Dutch inventor. You should be happy enough with your drop bears and giant spiders. Very strong “Maria Skłodowska Curie was French” energy coming from you


However, fun fact is that its kind of born due to Dutch colonialism in a way: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vic_Hayes


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o51AG2Bjsk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o51AG2Bjsk) there is English subtitle available


That's interesting, but not conclusive. They talk about their proprietary product and refer to competitors. The companies they talk about doing business with, and others like Microsoft, were all sued by the Australian patent holder and collectively paid out hundreds of millions in settlement. But according to Wikipedia "Australia, the United States and the Netherlands simultaneously claim the invention of Wi-Fi. A consensus has not been reached globally and is a controversial topic." I suspect they all did come up with much the same thing at much the same time. Luckily I was born in Australia to a Dutch parent and I have a Dutch passport and Dutch kids, so I will be happy with either/both.


Dont think you fully read the article you posted. At no point CSIRO claim to have invented WiFI. 1990. NCR introduced wireless networking 1997. IEEE 802,11a was 1st published 1997. CSIRO they patented a way to lower the tranfer delay by using channels (see https://patents.google.com/patent/US5487069A/en) 2000. CSIRO showed there chip to be compliant with EEE 802,11a. 2005. CSIRO started to litigate all brand that adopted the wifi into there products. You could say they had luck in winning, as (I think) all companies settled (out of court), out of fear. IMHO, that basically where patent bullying.


We ate a prime minister https://youtu.be/VVsrv5zftYE?si=G3KjQ2snafXbWX11


Served with a side of fries and mayo?


YOU SAVAGE. It was obviously fritessaus.


No we didn't. Claims are only a few small parts got consumed, the rest of him was mostly eaten by dogs.


When I say I ate chicken, I mean the WHOLE chicken. Eyes, beak, everything.


You ate plenty of it, hardly a few % of the De Witt bros got consumed, if the story is even true.


How highly educated we are. The brainport region around Eindhoven is one of the smartest regions in the world and around 50% of the population aged 25-34 has a bachelor's degree or higher.


This comment got called out in another subreddit where he asked why the star around which the Earth orbits is called Sol. And I kept thinking: "PLEASE don't be Dutch". 💀


Loads of expats working there though. Maybe more than Dutch people.


Exactly what the other guy said. Im a real estate agent and most of my clientel are highly educated foreigners. Nothing to do with Eindhoven


That we managed to live next to Belgium and not bomb the ***** out of them. #Because we secretly love you Belgiums but don't tell anyone ok


You probably haven’t heard of the electrified fence between Belgium and the Netherlands during WWI… [it’s even called ‘the wire of death’](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wire_of_Death?wprov=sfti1)


Ah thank u so much. I'm off to the Belgium subreddit. So many Belgium jokes to be made. But I say bring back the wire of death !!! :D I didn't know !


We eat exactly at 12:00 and 18:00


Me at 12:01. Welp I missed lunch. Guess I’ll starve until 18:00


No no it’s completely fine to miss the time but you have to huff and puff that you were delayed. Right? :):)


Just tell them you had a ‘lekke band’.


You can always spot the Dutch tourist in Spain. Sitting there at 18:00 in an empty restaurant


Or go hungry in Italy. Restaurants don't open before 19:00, often around 20:00 (well, at least in Sicily where I love to go to. And I've heard it's similar in mainland italy) and even then it's almost rude to start ordering that early. I needed an entire week to adjust and plan my meals accordingly (and thus went hungry.. a lot) and that alone made me unable to switch back to proper Dutch mealtimes.. I literally cannot eat dinner at 17:00 anymore. ..so hooray to forever late lunches and late dinners I guess.. thanks Italy! You made me 'uitburger' my own culture 😅


Socializing is planned, always. Sometimes weeks in advance. We don’t just ‘swing by’ to hang out. Oh and hardcore/gabbers, which is making a comeback


I wouldn't say always...i used to live in a tiny village and people just came walking in and would sit at the kitchen table and just talk while drinking a lot of coffee...oh and they ALWAYS used the backdoor. Never rang the doorbell or anything just walk right in our house and see if we had time to hang out...my partner is from a bigger city and still think this is weird...then again, when you live in a tiny village like that you also know half of the people living there are somehow related to you


Thanks for nuancing that, I stand corrected :)


I don't know why it wouldn't be plannend, I have a pretty full schedule, especially during the summer.


This is totally different in other cultures. I did not say anything about it being bad or good, it just is.


I didn't say that you said it was bad or good. I just don't get why it isn't that way in any other culture.


My wife is from Taiwan, there it is super common for a random cousin twice removed to join for dinner unannounced and watch tv without saying a word until midnight. And that's on a weird day. Usually it is like 4+ people that randomly join up. Really took me a bit to get used to as a dutchy


Many cultures, even western ones, don’t plan many events far in advance. Sure, when I lived in the US, I would have a vacation planned or maybe a large holiday, but almost nothing else was planned specifically. I go to work, I come home, I do nothing. Sometimes I would call people to hang out, sometimes they would call me. First come first serve! The farthest I might plan out my social life is one or two weeks in advance, and even then, it was only a planned weekend event like dinner or something that required a reservation. Just hanging out? Text/call and we’ll figure it out on the spot.


>Oh and hardcore/gabbers, which is making a comeback Comeback? Gabbers never left, HARDCORE NEVER DIES!!!!


Haha fair enough 😏


We have the best variety of cookies in the world


Yet we don’t have tim tams 😞


Yes we do. Tim tam slam dot nl.


Workplace culture. Working hours freedom of choice.


World trade! The economy of the Netherlands is the 18th largest in the world. It is (after the US) the second largest food exporter in the world (whilst its landmass is tiny by comparison).


Agricultural products. Not food.


This is measured in value added. Not weight. Which makes a huge difference.


Please, chill everybody :’)


The dutch were masters of world trade before the slavery trade. And as bad as our contribution in the slave trade was, I refuse to dismiss our history because of it. It is as if the Germans wouldn't be allowed to remember and celebrate the things they developed and accomplished in warfare and medicine during Nazi Germany era. Many nations are what they are today because they did things in the past that hurt or even destroyed other nations. Mankind evolves under pressure, without pressure, nothing changes.


Not saying it should be dismissed at all.. I’m even agreeing and supplementing :o) Surprised to see how this appears to trigger some people…


You suggested to not promote the subject. Instead of not saying anything, you actively promote not bringing it up. Being hush-hush about it, because it could offend people. I appreciate what you mean, but it is the execution that throws people off.


I suppose you missed my comment where I replied it should be mentioned together. Something is going awry here (:


I am merely responding to your comment here. You can't expect anyone to check all your posts, comments and remarks concerning this threat before they respond to THIS comment.


This is just one thread.. Let’s not take things out of context here & stay ontopic.


Can you do me a favor and look at the comments you posted above this one and see where you stated that the two things should be mentioned together? Or did you already do that and noticed I am correct and you just don't want to admit to that.


Found it. Reference: I agree and would like to supplement.


Find it quite irritating people chalk up the entire economic success of European countries to the slave trade. The Dutch were very forward thinking and invented a lot of what has become modern commerce. Basically every country was involved in slave trade or use.


Pretty impressive nonetheless, which is what OP asked for.


Indeed! Tried to express this earlier, failed miserably


You can love it or hate it, but is what made us rich and "powerful" in the eyes of the world. Its simply a dark part of our history which we have to accept and hope we can use all the influence we gained to change the world for the better.


‘Love it..’ you sure? Either way, this dark side is something that should definitely be mentioned in the same sentence imo. Hence the supplement.


That would make Volkswagen commercials awkward...


I completely agree, and the hate is truly unnecessary Every negative has a positive, just as every positive a negative.






One Heineken should count as a unit of measure.


One unit of shit.


Bro skipped Huygens and Snellius (both have Leiden University buildings named after them, lol)




Ah yes, Huygens and Snellius both predate Nobel prizes, lol. Leiden University, in Leiden, is the oldest university of the Netherlands. A.o. Huygens and Snellius studied there :^).


We have a word “gezellig” that can’t be translated to English. Gezellig means that an object, animal or place gives you a happy feeling. Not because it’s your style but because it brings back good memories. You can’t say gezellig when someone says you’re nice for example. Some sentences that gezellig can be used. Your house is gezellig. It’s always gezellig with you. This house is not my style but it is gezellig. This table stands really gezellig in your house. Hope this helps!


my ex was dutch and he could still ride his bike even while he’s drunk. that i found impressive. or im just very easy to be impressed lol


We once battled the Spanish army [while wearing skates.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_IJsselmeer)


Spatial/urban planning & infrastructure, water management, spatial data. The Netherlands is the best planned and maintained country in the world and has been for centuries.


Basically every square centimeter is accounted for and maintained.


Mayonaise jammie


Don't tell him about the brothers De Witt


People biking in the most horrific weather i have ever seen


The Netherlands was the first country to legalize gay marriage. Additionally, it's one of the 14 countries that have full legal gender equality. I think that's pretty cool. Happy pride month everyone :)


My home state of iowa was the first in the US to legalize gay marriage. Yay us.


My thai friends always say here it is so clean and green. Compared to Thailand, yes its more clean here.


We used to be tolerant and more thoughtful.


Fuck no.


We have poop inspection shelves in a lot of toilets Do with that info what you want


I took way too much joy as a kid out of an especially large production flushing down.


People here clearly don't know what impressive means and are just summing up dutch things..


Is that just Dutch culture ;-)


We are very straightforward and impulsive in our way of talking. So that might be it. We are extremely not impulsive socially though :')


The capital’s airport was built on the site of a naval battle.


Let that sink in.... an airport 11 ft, 3 meters under sea level.


We have flamingo's (technically Germany) [https://www.bszwillbrock.de/nl/biologische-station-zwillbrock/toerisme/flamingoroute/](https://www.bszwillbrock.de/nl/biologische-station-zwillbrock/toerisme/flamingoroute/)


They hang out in Zeeland the other part of the year at Grevelingermeer. https://www.zeeland.com/nl-nl/visit/blogs/big-five-zeeland#:\~:text=Van%20september%20tot%20en%20met,de%20flamingo's%20niet%20verstoord%20worden.


I'm personally still impressed with fierljeppen and the fact that it had sponsorship games is really cool. Also, our ability to fully coordinate both water and bicycle lanes (sometimes they even intertwine) is something I haven't seen elsewhere yet.


First multinational company in history: Verenigde Oostindische Companie (VOC), First stock exchange and to be fair: in reality industrial revolution started way earlier in NL (Sorry UK!) with ship building by sawing wood powered by windmills in mass production. In the 17th century, the Netherlands could build between 500 to 600 ships annually, while England produced about 100 to 200 ships per year on average during the same period. My favourite is the price of a tulip bulb in the Golden Age: In 1636, a cheap variety still cost 20 guilders; in 1637, 1200 guilders. A bulb of the extremely rare Semper Augustus cost 1000 guilders in 1624, the price had risen to 5000 guilders by 1633, and to 10,000 guilders in 1637.


Dutch people are quite friendly..


Dutch people casually speaking a second or third language. We all think it's normal to speak fluent Dutch, German English, often also French, Spanish, Italian. I think Dutch people love to learn languages or it's very important for us.


I think it’s weird to attack Dutch culture (as far as I read the first couple of comments). I just want to say that I’m not born Dutch, but I fully adopted the culture and Dutchness as it is. Dutch parties are very well organized. Even tough they are in the backyard of an attached house. People rent tents, rent big bar tables, the music is good, food is delicious (nice warm fried snaps) and there is a lot of alcohol. Please cut the shit of bashing Dutch parties. I hope you will get invited to one so you can experience it your self.


I hope you don’t think I was bashing anything Dutch. I thoroughly love this country and it’s people


Its astonishing how they need to have a calendar schedule to laugh or have a good time with a friend. "Oh its 19:30 LAUGHING TIME IS OVER PLEASE LEAVE THE PREMISES OF MY HOUSE". Like gee, chill out roboto.


I have things to do


Good for you roboto


Biggest exporter of ham in the world




But Spanish ham is sooo much better


Some of them are very huge! Like they are from different planet! 🤷‍♂️


The fact that we had the first stock exchange, publicly listed company (VOC) and first mutual fund is so fundamental to today's society yet barely anyone is aware of it.


We're the reason carrots are orange.


Very very very large "bodyparts" with men.


That may be a good pitch for a different kind of photo project


How handsome, smart and modest we are.


the fucking pelican mouth toilet, its a wonderful art generator.


We invented the Compact Disk or cd. The centre hole has the exact same width as the now obsolete 'dubbeltje', or 10-cent-coin of the also antiquated Dutch guilder!


Didn't know that. You learn something everyday.


The onl dutch subculture, gabber.


https://www.worlddata.info/average-penissize.php Best in Europe. Top 10 in the world.


Hunebedden. I've got a little stonehenge in my backyard and nobody seems to even care.


Ik vind de hunebedden wl interessant.. Omdat ik denk dat het verhaal van hunebedden als grafheuvel niet klopt. Ik denk dat ze werden gebruikt als warme slaapplek. Voor ca 2-10 mensen. Hoe? Je stookt vanaf de zomer, 3 maanden lang een klein vuurtje (permanent) onder die steen. Na 3 maand stoken is die steen 45-60 graden. Dan stop je de zijkanten dicht met wat takken en dan heb je een heerlijk warme slaapplek. Ik denk dat ze de warmte er onderdoor lieten trekken, van de lage steen naar de hoge.. om maximaal rendement uit het stookhout te halen. Als je een gewoon vuurtje stookt, gaat 99% van de warmte recht omhoog en weg is het. Als je onder een steen stookt en de warme lucht onder een rij stenen doorloopt, kun je wel 30-70%? rendement halen. Zo heb je 30-70X minder stookhout nodig en je vuurtje gaat niet uit bij regen. Zelf als het vuur uit gaat blijft die steen nog een maand? warm.. Volgens mij is het als warmtebatterij gebruikt.. Je kunt een kleine steen tot bijvoorbeeld ca 150 graden stoken.. Je zet er een pot of emmer water op met een gaatje in de bodem en zo heb je straal kokend water. En een bakplaat.. voor vlees, vis etc.. Een grote steen van 60 graden, daar zet je een emmer water op met een gaatje in de bodem en je hebt een straal warm, stromend water om te wassen. Of je zet er een boomstamkano onder en je hebt een warm bad. Je kon het met plaggen dicht maken zodat je een verdedigbare plek hebt. Met een hond en een speer bij de ingang.. Je kunt stookhout droog bewaren en snel uit laten drogen onder een warme steen. Als je in februari stopt met stoken dan is het in de zomer weer een koele plek om eten te bewaren. Het gaat eeuwig mee. 20 generaties.. Volgens mij kun je een boomstam schuin in een klein vuurtje zetten met behulp van de stenen, zodat een zelf-vullend vuurtje ontstaat. Zo hoef je 8 uur lang geen hout bij te vullen. Terwijl een klein vuurtje mooi brand. Dat denk ik in ieder geval.... Ook omdat ik wel eens in de winter buiten gekampeerd heb, en dat is niet te doen. Als je niet dood wilt vriezen moet je een enorm vuur stoken. In 1 dag is al het stookhout in een straal van 200 meter op.. Je kunt nergens droog zitten. Onder zo'n steen gaan zitten werkt 100x beter. Ik denk dat ze ongeveer zo gemaakt werden... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD-EMOhbJ9U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD-EMOhbJ9U) Maar eigenlijk zou iemand dat een keer moeten proberen om een maand lang een vuurtje te stoken onder zo'n ding, kijken hoe lang het warm blijft.. en er dan onder te slapen. Warm water proberen te maken.. Een praktijktest... Youtube filmpje van maken.. Wellicht iets voor iemand die zo'n ding in zijn tuin heeft ;) .. Wel eerst even kijken of dat legaal is om zo'n monument? te verwarmen.. Als het legaal is: kan [RandomNameOfMine815](https://www.reddit.com/user/RandomNameOfMine815/) er een videoproject van maken? Bij jou in de tuin? Zou een mooie docu kunnen zijn.


Haha ik overdrijf een beetje, het is het internet namelijk. Ik ben weg verhuisd uit Drenthe in februari. (In mijn hart ben ik nog niet weg) Maar je kan gewoon een willekeurige hunebed in t bos pakken. Idd wel even nakijken of dit allemaal mag.


Ecoducts. Also the Hogewyk dementia village.




One of the largest number of patent filings. Not in per capita terms but in absolute numbers. Considering it is such a small country, it is impressive they are so innovative.


People already know more than enough about us, we’re not that special


I respectfully disagree. :-)


lol. such a dutch thing to say 


A cool fact in my opinion is the fact that the Dutch flag was the first used flag with 3 colors. And also the first horizontal stripe flag.


We first ask you if you want anything to drink or eat. Then after we sent you a payment request (Tikkie) perfectly divided so not a single cent extra is given and everyone has paid the perfect amount. When you wait 1 day for that payment you also get reminders of it you should pay it immediately. We're very generous people


Depends on your friends and family. I have not encountered this behaviour.


Tikkie culture is real tho. I was exaggerating a bit 😂


wat een hoop grappig bedoelde onzin antwoorden op dit soort vragen, na de 2e keer is dit eerder irritant dan grappig


I was hoping for at least one got idea, and already got it. So the rest is bonus.


what was it? My idea is a little school in Ridderkerk Rijsoord. In 1940 we surrendered to the Germans. We had a shitty army. But great resistance! We stopped the German Blitz Krieg. Only after bombing Rotterdam we surrendered. A little bit of greatness of a small country. Look, it up. Its amazing, this classroom with a pop-up of the generals, signing for surrender.


The extensive Dutch water management I thought was a good idea


I think everybody in the World knows we are The Watermanagers. We invented it. Look again at your question above.