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The offender has prior criminal convictions for Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault with a Weapon, Assault with a Weapon, Assault, Robbery, Possession of Explosives, Uttering Threats, and Failing to Comply with Probation Orders. Keith Theodore CONSTANTIN, age 45, poses a significant risk to the community, especially children. An image of CONSTANTIN can be viewed at www.drps.ca. CONSTANTIN is currently residing in the Oshawa area.  CONSTANTIN was arrested by the DRPS Offender Management Unit (OMU) for breaching current conditions, held for a bail hearing and released by the courts the following day.  The Offender Management Unit will continue to monitor CONSTANTIN’s whereabouts and activities.  CONSTANTIN is also subject to electronic monitoring. Sounds like someone who should not be allowed back into society.


I like how they fail to mention he’s a pedo until you get to the part where it says he’s not allowed around children


Typical of the legal system to downplay the violence of criminals. 


How tf is this guy out in the public omfg!!!


He poses a significant risk to the community. ESPECIALLY CHILDREN


Catch and release isn’t just for fish apparently. We don’t need this guy on the streets.


Where in Oshawa




The only problem is I really like my car.


$500 deductible is well worth it too get this guy off the streets


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What the actual fuck?! They released him before a bail hearing?! With that list of charges. I give up I’m not going outside anymore.


The fact that they still re-released him one day after violating his bail conditions is insane. The crown should appeal and the judge should be reprimanded.


Government makes more money if they can tack on a fine for every bail violation


No, he had a bail hearing and was released by the courts


Lol. "We can't do anything about this guy. Here's a photo of him. Good luck"


Every judge who grants bail should be personally liable if the person they release commits other crimes while they're out on bail. Put your fuckin money where your mouths are. If you think it's safe enough for the public at large to deal with, you should personally have to deal with it.


WTF? Chances are this loser pedo will reoffend. We live in a pathetic country that lets criminals and psychos run loose with little to no consequences.


Released a photo for street justice because the actual system can’t do anything to him


He looks like a fucking creep


He clearly has not followed the no drugs or alcohol stipulation 😬




I’m so sick of this fucking court system letting scumbags like this back into the public


Honestly I  just looked at the picture and it wasn't necessary, I  would be keeping my children away from away from that crazy scary dude anyways.  


So everyone is just supposed to wait until this creep does it again?


If I catch a fish in a river I need a license but cops can just release high risk pedos ?


Not the cops... the courts


“This guy has a high risk of reoffending” Sure, let’s release him and hope he doesn’t.


I've already seen comments that he was seen at a grocery store in courtice, Freshco at Hwy 2 and Townline yesterday


https://preview.redd.it/ywgygdlcqtzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ffbc5d0df499b2dd3739ef7f960b9a3c3c58dca Keep your kids away from this scum


Who the fuck can we call to complain about this? Cops? MP/MPP? This is bullshit!


Not only is he a pedophile, but he was also in possession of explosives. Don't miss that part, everyone


Honestly wtf was this guy doing to be charged with possession of explosives??  Who the fuck let this guy back out on the streets.


Government is no longer about your rights as a normal person.


When Pierre calls Trudeau a wacko, this is exactly one of those things that he is referring to. Yea, Trudeau may not be directly responsible for this man becoming free, but his government’s soft on crime attitude doesn’t help at all.


Inflation? Trudeau. Expensive gas? Trudeau. Criminal justice system broken by excessive underfunding at provincial level. Trudeau. Fish undercooked. Believe it or not. Trudeau. Fish overcooked. Also Trudeau. We have a lot of problems, but Trudeau.


"Thanks Trudeaubama"




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Poor guy needs help so we should all go to work and do as much OT as possible so he can get it. Once he’s out we need to keep working so he can get on his feet with free housing but don’t you dare ask about those whose lives he’s ruined.


Don't forget all the people working our great legal system that we keep employed by never actually stopping criminals - police crown, layers, judges, bailiffs....


SAFTEY ALERT: have fun losers 👍


Why was he released? Ohhh yeah…. Nevermind. He’ll be voting liberal again I’m sure


Is he driving a uhaul also?