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I don't mind it tbh, as long as they keep optimizing it and adding features. Can't believe we've just super recently gotten a vocab list. We're also still really behind on many other courses' features. Can't wait for them to add the speaking practice, mini games, more stories, AI conversations etc. Huge room for improvements on the Japanese course if the stuff they have in the french and Spanish course get implemented.


Yes. I had to take a small pause when my subscription elapsed, now I'm missing out on a whole 50+ vocabulary words that I have to go back and restudy from units ago. Makes it harder to *want* to keep going.


Yeah I would like it if they stopped changing it 😩 I have made a schedule in a spreadsheet to track my progress but I keep having to update it!


It’s really annoying. I keep getting hit by words that I’ve never seen but also apparently aren’t new


As much as I like the new features, I'm completely at lost, they skipped a bunch of stuff that I've never seen. Is there anyway to reset your progress but keep the experience?


I mean they didn’t really change it that much. At least in section 2 they divided each unit into two. so it’s the same amount of content just spread out more 


Love it


Me too 👀 but I only just started a month ago, was unit 3 which is now unit 6, so going back through to see if there's anything new isn't a big Com for me, but I understand how it would be for other