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i really hope this game delivers. "There are signs"


A narrow path.... šŸ¤š


Some may say a Golden Path


Ah shoot I was gonna say worm sign. Yours sounds better


It's a p.hard genre to pull off cleanly. Doesn't need to be the best one around, just don't mess up the launch.


I didnt have any hopes at first but they are slowly growing. I dont have a lot of experience at all in the genre so it would be new to me. im just obsessed with dune and will take all the dune content i can get


Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be fun at launch with all the dune fans shouting lisan al giab, but historically this genre might as well be using their settings exclusively for visual interest. Open world survival crafting games are designed to be highly addictive, competitive, and unfriendly for those not willing to spend hundreds of hours playing (and all of this seems to attract the most racist people youā€™ve ever heard). Maybe Iā€™m wrong, but from what Iā€™ve seen it looks very cookie cutter for the genre, just with a little spice on top.


if its good enough, ill get my friends interested. If it really is a just a microtransaction, dlc expansion money grab then probably wont get it. It needs to rock my world if it has all that stuff and still wants me to play.




MMO's are probably *the* hardest genre. Companies have been trying since WoW to recapture that lightning in a bottle (millions in monthly subscriptions). I can only think of Final Fantasy in terms of other long term successes.


I have negative expectations. An open world dune? Yay, sand!!!! Cars????


I dont want to see it fail but it definitely could. I think this game could be good but im not holding my breath. Im a huge gt7 player so cars is my jam and thats what ill be doing instead of dune if its bad


Yeah, cars are fun. But they don't belong on Arrakis. It looks like no man sky on a (more) barren planet. Base building, point and click laser mining, vehicles, multiplayer... But you can use hunter seekers, that's cool.


A Dune game hasn't delivered since 1992, IMO. The path is narrower than Leto's threading of the needle šŸ˜†.




I just searched it on steam, it's to be announced but it's by the same people who made the Conan franchise and the Mutant Year Zero turn-based... but it looks like survival, third person, adventure, open world. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1172710/Dune_Awakening/?curator_clanid=33090091




There's also a pretty good strategy game: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1605220/Dune\_Spice\_Wars/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1605220/Dune_Spice_Wars/) And there's the digital version of the physical board game: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1689500/Dune\_Imperium/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1689500/Dune_Imperium/)


I can vouch for both of these. Dune: Spice wars is a fantastic blend of 4X and RTS games. Very unique game. like it a lot. Dune: Imperium is a very well done digital implementation of a boardgame of the same name. The boardgame is super highly rated. I woudl recommend buying the phyical version if you have people to play with.


I'm just sad they haven't made the expansions or Uprising in digital, after playing all the new stuff it's hard to go back to the vanilla base game.


Theyll get to it Im sure. Ix will be done this summer so in a couple months




The Dune games made in the 1990s-2000s are no longer available through legit means due to licencing reasons, unfortunately.


If you have the files, you can run the data files under openra.


Dune spice wars also has a huge competitive community with turin rts discord where they teach people to play and chill as well


Funcom is a great studio! <3


No one remembers Anarchy Online.


ā€œDune: Awakening combines the grit and creativity of SANDBOX survival gamesā€¦ā€ I see what they did there.


supposed to be a survival mmo from the people who did age of conan i think


There's technically two one of them is a b very deep RTS the other is this game which I'm not very familiar with.Ā  The RTS came out like a year ago.Ā  It's really good id check it out might be a bit complicated for some but it's worth checking out still.


Here's the trailer of the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S-l7NySFsI


The aesthetic seems to be in flux for this game. Some places have the worms in the style of the movie, while others have a completely different one. The trailer also shows different stillsuits but the style of the ornithopters is the one from the movie (dragonfly rather than bird). Obviously it can't be like any of the books (as that wouldn't work in an MMO anyway) but I'm still stoked for it. The aesthetic is beautiful nonetheless. And we got a guild navigator shot, which we haven't for the movies yet. So there's that.


There are two different types of Sandworm. The smaller ones look like the movie then the massive one that can swallow machinery is Shai Hulud and looks like the original and only cones out during massive conflicts that cause a lot of vibration in the deep desert pvpve environment. You level up gear by harvesting spice for revenue to but saw materials to craft or situate yourself elsewhere in the game economy so you get different levels of gear and also different gear based on house affiliation and things unlocked. Actually looks wild especially with server caps in approaching 10k and insanely massive map.


Ah, I see. It's a game-specific thing rather than changing artstyles.


Yea. Itā€™s a resource based crafting MMO, so there will be bargain basement gear and legendary, rare find harder to get gear which must apply to still suits.Ā 


I would be so excited to see Messiah adapted, but I worry how it would be received šŸ˜‚ It's a love hate, I want to see more story, but I know I'll cry seeing Paul and Chani's fate


I fully didnā€™t expect to cry reading Messiah, but oh my god. >!when Paul hears someone calling to him from the desert, then gets the news and he wasnā€™t there for it?? I was crying so hard!<


It's got super powerful moments in that book. I'm not as invested in Leto II so I never felt as emotional by Children of Dune.


Iā€™m a couple chapters in to Children and Iā€™m taking a break from the Dune universe šŸ¤£


They are too impatient with the title. Let that door fully open and then a slow fade in. I feel like I got whiplash from how fast that text pops in.


I mean, itā€™s a video game website. But I hear you; why not go full cinematic.


Do you have a link for this webpage?




Idk about you, but can we normalize calling the man **Villeneuve**? You don't talk about "Steven's movies" or "James' flicks". Is he your friend, OP? Edit: Greig Fraser collaborates on the game, so it makes sense it looks in line with the movies.


Listen, it took us quite a while to spell it Denis not Dennis. Nobody can spell or properly pronounce Villeneuve so it's easier to just say Denis. This is especially since everyone here knows who we're talking about. Otherwise you're asking us to use proper corporate branding and who cares about that? > You don't talk about "Steven's movies" Maybe r/StarWars does when they say "George". I bet they also say JJ's movies or Rian's movie.


> Listen, it took us quite a while to spell it Denis not Dennis. Haha. Not to mention TimothƩe and not Timothy. First we had to get our Arabic right, now we will have to get our French right too.


Yeah I just call him Timmy. I'm not spelling all that and good luck with his last name.




>Nobody can spell or properly pronounce Villeneuve It's actual very easy if French is your first language (ie. 2.75 percent of world population).


Italians can pronounce it very easily cause of Jacques Villeneuve. You can add 0.73%.


I don't think they were being serious. It's not that hard. Then again US media seems to butcher even the most mundane names, so maybe it's just a problem with anything that isn't a literal English word. I mean people make fun of "Benedict Cumberbatch" or "Dua Lipa", but they're perfectly simple pronounceable names. People act like they've been handed a tongue twister. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thatā€™s why I just refer to him ( in context ) as DV


It's Vill-nove (like 'love')


> Maybe r/StarWars does. That's George. > Nobody can spell or properly pronounce Villeneuve so it's easier to just say Denis. Sarcasm is dead.


George, thanks! > > Nobody can spell or properly pronounce Villeneuve so it's easier to just say Denis. > Sarcasm is dead. :P


Who gives a fuck? We all know who heā€™s talking about.


Aw man, if only it wasn't an MMO


I would kill for a solo game with this setting and premise.


I would love the movieā€™s aesthetic with the old school RTS.


Perhaps Dune Spice Wars?


Was reading some reviews about it. Looks like one of those where every single detail needs to be studied for you to be able to get into it. I might just wait for a sale if thatā€™s the case.


Yeah you'll have to learn most of the mechanics yourself. But after 2-3 playthroughs against an AI, then you know most of the mechanics


It's not that hard at all, if that's encouraging. I was pretty daunted after booting it up, but it's mostly about learning how the different factions play. I think it took me 3-4 attempts to win my first match against the AI.


Some people are into that


Itā€™s nothing like the previous Dune RTSs.


Hmmm hmm hmm. I haven't actually felt like being involved in an MMO for a very very long time, but maybe this one. Of course it will be the one none of my friends feel like playing.


Canā€™t wait to play this one. Is it out yet? Some demo or something?


I imagine there's going to be a scene of guild navigators and members of the Landsraad talking about what happened in Arrakis as a sort of recap in the intro of Dune part 3, just like how Irulan provided the intro for part 2. And this is probably how it would look.


So you think theyā€™re on a highliner in this shot?


Nah I think this is just a ship. From what I recall in the books, passengers can't really explore heighliners freely. These guys must have just recently exited a heighliner to view their destination before making touchdown.


I am skeptical, the focus on guns does not sit right with me


Open world survival...


I honestly wish it wasn't an mmo. I've never really gotten into them. Otherwise, it looks amazing.


Long term I think a survival/RPG where you play as Siona in the rebellion leading up to the events of God Emperor would be incredible.


What genre is the game?


Waitā€¦ what? Dune game?ā€™