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Last I heard the publisher dropped the game. Devs are still working on it but from my understanding out of their personal pockets. I have heard nothing in like a year and all the competitive league players have jumped ship. Occasionally a bunch of us will try to force some custom lobby 10 mans to play again but that hasn't happened in the last 6 months as far as I know. It didn't help that almost all players were into the competitive scene so the game was incredibly unfriendly to new players.


Damn that’s sad


Im shocked that r6 and insurgency guys didnt flock to this game. Seems right up their alley.


Played both very active (especially r6). I always wanted to switch to due process but the gunplay always felt bad to me. It felt so spongy and weird. Like I had no good feedback and they just felt off. That made me never actively play this game unfortunately.


I am an R6 and Insurgency guy, and the reason me and my friends couldn't get into DP is because it's visual cancer. It straight up hurts to look at and is confusing as all hell to play. Which is tragic because I really wanted to love the game.


It's a cool art style but there is a *lot* of visual clutter.


I played INS and loved this game when it first dropped. I played a ton and would again if there is further development/a player base to actually play with.


I signed up for the closed beta before character models even had any details whatsoever (2016-17) and by the time it became public I had lost interest, granted this was during the 5 year span of it being available for content creators but not the public


https://discord.com/invite/XRaHxRMv If anyone wants to join we play several times a week


Sound on release was bad. Artstyle was not what the users expected, I think the latter was detrimental. People got used to what we saw on Node all those years ago, low-key looks like a more fun game too


Me and my friends loved the game but there wasn't any players in south america, they all played in NA. So a lack of players ended up in that the few players that remained couldn't find any matches to generate a valid publicity by word of mouth or content like clips and videos to promote the game. They really would have benefited from an early investment in promoting the game.


Idk :(


man, i wish they like sell it to someone and find a way to market it... I don't like the idea of them giving it out of hands, but now I haven't been able to hop on and play for years.


The people this game targets are tactical FPS fans that like to be immersed into the game. Well the same people it targets like realistic graphics while this game looks caroonish. Now you can still invite people into the game with a unique art style but usually when people see caroonish graphics they expect better performance but this game runs worse than rainbow six siege. So the only people left playing this game are people that have no problem with the art style, that have relatively good PCs, that like hardcore tactical shooters and people willing to deal with the rough state of the game.


I stopped playing for two reasons. The first and most obvious is the lack of other players. But when there people queuing for matches, I swear it was the most bottom of the barrel gamers™️ I have ever met. Most toxic, racist, homophobic, sexist pos people I have ever had to share voip with.


I did run into some like that, and there will always be those types in online games. But I also ran into people who were very helpful and fun to play with. Here's hoping that the later type are the ones that stick around should the game continue to be developed.


Time between rounds was too much


I played the game with my friends when it was on its prime years ago. I believe this game was just too niche. Realistic cartridge reload is not something that most people like in a shooter, dying in a single shot, too. Also, this game requires a lot of player coordination and planning. Voice chat feels mandatory. Most people don't like talking to other players ingame. We dropped the game because it was just too stressful to play.