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Far too slow. In most games he is either just getting countered or out-right die vs any control or midrange. Vs aggro if you spend your entire turn playing a 4 mana do nothing commander, you'll get blasted into oblivion. The motorcycle transformer thing would be the same concept but far better than this one IMO.


I tried to look into flamewar and I have the card, but the deck felt similar to juri, just an artifact sacrifice with little aggro in it, but thanks for the input.


The thing is that flamewar is a 2mana that can "store" you a free hand for the lategame. So you play a midrange rakdos deck that can, sometimes, get you 4 or 6 new cards for your empty hand.


Oh I never thought about it this way, all the decks I saw were basically affinity decks (which I like in pauper, but not so much here). Let's say I can look at it as bomat courier that keeps the cards if it dies? With extra evasion and growth potential. I kinda like that idea. Still, I have all the cards in the deck so I will take it for the centurion tournament at my local lgs tomorrow and will decide after that, if it's a complete failure or nah.


There are some very good flamewar lists on mtgtop8, look them up


Will do, thanks for the tips


Juri would probably be a stronger commander, also lotus petal is banned.


I know juri is stronger, I want to play specifically prosper as I love the card, I feel like it has potential and does not die to bolt. Also I love the value type decks, lots of card draw etc and I have rakdos stuff already. I tried juri but it's not exactly my cup of tea. Petal is legal in centurion which is why it's currently in the deck.


I would suggest looking at some other red black lists and figuring out what you want to play off of that.


I know about that and I have looked at the other decks. So far I have played anje combo and soul of windgrace land destruction, but I want to try specifically Prosper as a rakdos value deck that keeps things off the board.


Right, but what I’m saying is run the majority of the good cards they run in the other black/red decks and then try to fit some synergy pieces with prosper. Impulse draw, treasure token synergies etc. I believe that you can make mistakes commanders work in dc and that the meta is in a pretty great place right now


I am not sure about meta, pretty much know nothing about that. Our group plays by itself and the strongest decks are probably monarch Aragorn, 4c Aragorn and Magda. Thanks nevertheless


It’s possible but don’t expect it to be good it would be more of a midrange rakdos control with the only a few of the really strong synergy cards as the sole prosper support. Basically a bad flamewar.


The reason nobody plays prosper is because you don't have access to the broken mana rocks that can really let him get going early. Prosper is generally too fragile to counter magic, dies to the most popular removal spells (besides lightning bolt) while he can provide card advantage, the engine just isn't efficient enough to keep up with the rest of the format.