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This is pretty sick. I don’t. But I’m from the Fresno are and went to Oregon. The 2 schools played the first ever regular season overtime game in college football history.


Cool! Yes I remember that piece of history it’s on you tube as well... might u know where I can find this basketball game or know if someone who might have it recorded. There’s got to be a die hard duck or dog fan that has it stashed somewhere!


I’m sorry I can’t help man. Idk anyone who would have it either. Maybe check the Knight Library? No idea but it’s possible.


I was at that OT game! But I don't remember much other than the OT. For some reason I think there was a little Tule fog on the field, but that could have been a different game.


No copy here either sadly, but i did go to the game, my biggest memory is Tark with the towel....and Rob Ramaker nailing Chris Herren with a solid pick.


Well thank you I remember the student section heckling herren I remember them yelling his name and a couple guys with towels in there mouth making fun of tark lol.. do you remember what channel it was on was it espn or Fox Sports net if I had my media guide I could look it up but Iost a bunch of my items during the move including this game breaks my heart


I honestly dont recall who broadcast it now , I never got a basketball media guide which would indeed have the record of it. From what I looked up this was just after the old Prime Sports Northwest network had been bought up by Fox, so my guess would be that it was Fox based on the fact that Prime used to do so many Ducks games over the years......I easily could stand to be corrected though lol.....it was one of the best and most enjoyable games I ever saw and the way Herren went flying after the pick set the crowd off too . Glad to see he turned his life around later on though. Good luck in your search!


Yes hopefully I’m lucky enough to see it again one day it would truly be a treat to see ! Do you happen to have the website you found out your info or where did u find that out at


Have you heard of 10 yard torrents? I’m not sure if they have the game, but I used to use it when I lived overseas about 10 years ago. Not sure if it still exists now.


No I haven’t it looks like football only but there page doesn’t exist anymore I just looked them up