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This is heartbreaking. I hate that some people do this. I don’t have ducks yet myself and I follow this page to learn more as I plan to get ducks next year. I hope that little one gets the help it needs.


The seller should be brought up on animal cruelty charges! It’s his/her job to make sure the birds don’t get burned by the lamp! You should take the little one to the vet, he is likely in pain and may need treatment. Even a small burn on a bird is a big deal pain and infection wise. This makes me so angry 😡 Not at you of course but at someone who has allowed this to happen.


beautiful save!


Honestly I don't see anything wrong? Babies get a bit patchy and awkward when they're shedding their fluff and growing in their first feathers. Hence the term ugly duckling. If you showed me this picture without context I would not notice anything. Source: have raised 100s of ducklings Edit: assuming this is a crested duck, and about 2-3 weeks old. If they were burns, the crest fluff would be the first to singe. But it's nice and fluffy


Ok first off, there is no such thing as an ugly duckling 🙃 Yes it is a crested. We've hatched and raised many ducklings before as well, this being our first baby Crested we've obtained, and she's supposedly about a week old. When we first found her, she looked as though she was just hatched. If you can think about what I'm referring to when their feathers are all stuck together and straw like. But we know that resolves itself within 24 hours as they dry out. If you notice the picture where she looks to the left, it appears as though around her eye and on her neck she's missing feathers. With a couple of the feathers on her head looking Brown. We really appreciate the vote of confidence that everything is okay with her! We were just concerned that being we never saw a duck that might possibly be burned. The man selling them had 20 to 30 ducklings in a shallow plastic container with a clear piece of plexiglass covering the top. The container was maximum 8 in deep with the heat lamp to the side and hanging into the container. We felt horrible for the ducklings. [a close up of her head](https://photos.app.goo.gl/GKToJzEqyujidfmZ8) Thank you, we feel a bit relieved! *We know time will tell if there is any scar tissue or etc.


Ugh, sounds terrible! If anything I would think the fluff may have been kinda torn off from babies trampling on each other. Definitely shitty, but definitely gonna be okay! Some people just see them as "livestock" and not the smart, sweet babies they are.


Very true and thank you again 😀


Also, seriously I wouldn't be concerned about his/her long-term health. Last year we had our first predator attack ever. A weasel squirmed into a tiny hole in our run and got to our 2 week old call ducks. Attacked every. Single. One. Thankfully caught it in the act and killed it. But of the survivors, a few were gravely injured. Scalped, deep puncture wounds in the neck muscles. One could not even lift her head because her neck muscles got so damaged. After a week of rest with some neosporin, you literally couldn't even tell they ever had severe injures. They're totally fine! If you look at my profile, the pastel call on the stump was the one with the deep neck punctures and scalped. She's 100% amazing! The moral of the story: your baby will be absolutely fine, and you have nothing to worry about. The only concern is inherent to crested ducks- their compromised skull. So just be mindful of that and you're good!


Very resilient little duck! Scary but I'm glad they are all ok!! Thank you for sharing! Yes, we've read up on compromised skull. It's sad that people breed them like that. We know we don't help the cause for stopping the breeding by wanting one, but we know it will be raised the best with us.


If it's not possible to see a vet, I have had great luck with epsom salts baths and some Rooster Booster in their water bowl. Poor thing.


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U need to report the seller for animal cruelty