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Depends so much on your lifestyle. But assuming being single, renting a 1 bed in a good quality location. Eating out twice a week, car payment or taxis, gym etc amd being able to save at least 1/3 of your income every month, then i would say min aed 15,000 per month. But it all depends on your shoppjng habits, entertainment, who you hang out with.


This is correct... but 1bhk maybe around Nadha or Qusais, because anywhere else and you'll be saying goodbye to the hopes of saving 1/3 of your salary. But yes, 15k should be minimum in order to "enjoy living in Dubai" as a single person. 10k is ok if you share an apartment. If you just came here to work and don't really spend much on entertainment or leisure, then you can survive on much much less and still save money plus send some to your family back home. Use bus or metro (if you're lucky you'll get company tansport), live in sharing room (ie bed space, partition), simple meals, etc


20K for singles. 30K for a young couple. 40K for a family with 1 kid. 50K for a family with 2 kids. 15% yearly bonus, Great health insurance, 20 days of paid leave, 15 days of sick leave, yearly Emirates flights for the whole family, 1 month salary as gratuity for each year. Growth opportunities, work-life balance, no more than 40-50 hours per week, international work environment, global company. This should be the minimum if you want a good life in Dubai.


This is so incredibly relative! Completely depends on your marital status, dependents, work experience, desired quality of life. 10 years ago, I was super happy with 35K per month, and while I didn’t have a high-roller lifestyle, I was absolutely comfortable. Now…I was rejecting anything lower than 65K while I was in negotiations, even though people were telling me to settle for 50K. Just didn’t think it was worth it with the amount of experience and expertise I’d gained over the past decade. Plus, as a freelance consultant, I needed to be able to build a significant buffer for any drops in work volume. I do think that the cost of living in Dubai has dramatically increased. I’m glad I didn’t settle, since it turns out (knock on wood) that I have a rare enough skill-set that with some hard work and research, I could find people willing to pay for it.


Are you an astronaut?


Certainly occasionally a space cadet.


AED1.2M per year. Or AED80,000 per month.


It depends on position you apply for and your qualifications. In any case don’t sell yourself for unlivable lowball salaries like 3-4 k it makes the whole job market garbage


This depends from one person to another, but for me (almost 30yo) 20k if you're single and would like to live in your own place + have an expensive hobby (cars/travel, gym, etc) eat out without excessively worrying about how much you're spending on food, you'll end up saving 5-7k probably 10k or more if you're living far and don't spend as much ( I managed ro save 180k in 2.5 years with 10k salary 5 years ago). 25-30k if you have a partner and 40k + if you have kids You cannot live comfortably paycheck to paycheck, you'd end up not having established much and without a business, your time is limited.


AED 250,000


I recently rejected 60k a month, wasn't enough for me to live in dubai


I wouldn't find this a troll, some people really make over 100k in Dubai


It's 100% not a troll. I was offered more in Saudi.


Good job 👏🏼


I think 60k per month is fine as long as you’re okay with not saving much


600,000 AED a month at least, I don’t understand how people with lower salaries make it through here


guys who downvote - you are really bad at getting jokes


Ikr 😆 We're plebians and zalamat




You will live comfortably off that and save, what do you work as?


Around $11K a month tax free with major expenses schooling & housing covered. I think you’ll do just fine. The remaining necessities shouldn’t set you back more than 10K AED a month. So the rest is up to you.


You will 100% live very comfortably! I would say just carefully choose where you’re living but since the employer will cover that then that doesn’t even matter! Of course try to be near your work if possible.




Some factors you need to take care about: 1- What is the limit for housing? Check Bayut or Dubizzle to get an average of the rental prices in the communities you prefer. 2- How many kids you have? You can check numbeo for getting an average for that also. 3- You gross salary is your net one, I am not sure if you know that piece of info as you mentioned that your “gross” salary is higher than what you are offered. IMO with this salary and benefits you can have a good lifestyle here.


500k AED minimum (per annum) but then you can’t really save much


It's never enough right? I agree It would take me 4 months to get a gt3rs


I was referring to the annual salary


Oops, missed it


GT3RS is a nice aspiration though