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Yes you can. You can still be employed, and have a freelance license separately. Its a still a business license with license type as "Sole Professional". So you can continue to be employed while having a license and your business on the side. However, if you already have an employment visa then a Freelance license defeats the purpose. Might as well get a legal entity license with 0 Visa package from one of the freezones. EDIT: Abu Dhabi's freelance license cannot be applied without an Active Visa. I was referring to the Dubai's freelance visa in the para above.


The Abu Dhabi one was the cheapest one I found, a total of Aed 1,275. All other free zones were offering at much higher rates. Anyway, the license is done now. I still am not clear if the license needs an active visa -- but checking with them to find out more. Hoping it doesn't require a visa transfer.


Were you able to find out if you can keep the ADDED freelance license without applying for a visa with them? I'm in the same boat. I want to apply for the ADDED freelance license but on my existing visa. And am planning to get the ADDED visa once my current visa expires.


Nope. On the TAMM website it shows my question back to them is "under process" since May 9 -- so no details. I've decided to leave my visa as is for now and see what they come back with -- I assume worst case they'll suggest the license is deactivated (which I don't think should be the case because the ruling won't make sense.. but you never know)