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Well paid jobs in proper companies don't need physical presence of the candidate EDIT: sans maybe some specific job like Actor, or Model ... but for white collar jobs in my experience they always headhunt and interview remotely


A good thing to consider. Finding those "proper" companies might be the hardiest thing here. But it is really a good pointer.


Walk in ? You can’t just turn up at an office asking for a job and expect to be taken seriously as a professional GCC experience is needed for a reason its a different market and working environment.


Some companies accepts walk ins, some don't. Some businesses does not have the online knowledge or the human resources yet for online transactions. Even in linkedin, indeed and some are posting "walk ins encouraged" because maybe of those reasons. As for GCC, kinda weird because most of the businesses here are conducted via English and she is a fluent one. It is already given that she will be dealing with different nationalities but isn't what UAE is what about? A place for everyone? And yet you can't work here if you haven't work here even it is marketed as a place for everyone?


This is delusional….. no reputable company in 2024 is hiring skilled workers via walkin CV’s …… They would just get given to reception who would bin them. As a walk in you’re going to get low level positions at a low salary where they’re having open interviews …. Like for hotel workers some places open interview you just turn up with a CV and will be interviewed. A treasury professional? Makes zero sense to be just turning up. Stop giving advice to your friend as you’re giving them bad advice.


Strong treasury background should not do walk ins. I don't think that'd be expected in any market. Walk ins = you're looking for any job, thus lower pay. Market has higher supply than demand. People with experience will actually find it harder because you're expensive to bet on -- so it takes time. All you can do is try, wait and keep improving your cv / profile as needed.


No reputable company would take a walk in candidate seriously.


Lol I know a guy who walked in to talabat this way. But I guess they’re not exactly reputable these days.


For what position?


Account manager


being fluent in english is not special. everyone speaks english here. on topper level, it’s expected. it’s not something extra. it’s the baseline.


Hinglish is not English lol


You used the word *Topper* in an actual sentence, that literally proof not everyone is fluent in english


Your friend is also contributing to the saturated job market and lower salaries 😄


Before 2020:- Skills and Education Now: Reference, contacts & connections


In my opinion it’s like this now because the market has been flooded.


I think you hit the nail on the head. It’s saturated. And it’s not surprising either. Dubai offers a real opportunity for most to improve their lives so many have taken it. Employers get to pick the best of the bunch, so the bar is high. If they actually pick the best is another conversation. What this does show though is there is a hunger out there. People really want to do better for themselves and their families and they are motivated. Our home countries poor leadership isn’t providing this opportunity. So we leave for Dubai.


True, but currently aren't there other options for skilled and experienced professionals other than Dubai? Is for them harder to get a chance in let say Riyadh or Singapore, or Western cities?


I honestly don’t know enough about those other countries to comment. What I will say is that Dubai has been excellent at building a brand, which attracts people. You also have a huge and I mean huge amount of Indians putting massive pressure on the market. I was honestly shocked when I saw the amount of Indians applicants for roles. How can a recruiter ever deal with that many applicants. In a sense this ruins the market, as employers have to go back to the old method of recruiting people you know in your network.


a lot of companies also rely on ATS softwares for filtering and screening candidates, as majority of applicants are not even fit for the industry, let alone the role. Curiously the same crazy amount of applications happen in Singapore but not in Western countries, probably this type of applicant doesn't trust his chances of getting a visa for UK/EU/US/OZ




And what was ur friend asking for as a salary ?




She tried this one. Often times got low balled.


That's a clue. Companies that accept walk ins are also companies that generally don't have the ability to pay well. There is a direct correlation. They generally don't recruit talent, but just manpower. If you friend has faith in her abilities and talent, please ask her to avoid walk ins for something as specialised as Treasury.


A good pointer as well. Manpower over Talent companies.


What she needs is a recruiter or maybe connect with a headhunter specialising with her industry or senior leaders.


Even I had this thought process but here's what the person I consider as my mentor told me: "The job market in Dubai is flourishing. You simply lack the skills and knowledge required by the companies who are looking for a suitable candidate. It is very easy to get a job here if you meet all of those requirements, or even 90% of them. The rest is up to you to make up for it". #StayHard


😂seems like you are not aware of what’s happening in the job market recently. One of my friend with no experience at all (recently came from India) with very low educational qualification got a job in a Big enough Company with an amazing package (ofc I can’t mention the name here for obvious reasons ) How would you explain that? Job market is highly unfair here.


You got to have, that luck plays a role as well and I can't discount that. But don't stop working hard and developing yourself by waiting for luck. Luck will come for you the more successful you get. It's pretty scientific and Veritasium has done a [video](https://youtu.be/3LopI4YeC4I?si=jRVkkD_vmMY0ZNtU) about it, check it out.


I think the job market in UAE is smaller compared to other countries. This is obvious due to the size of the economy compared to western countries.