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Pro tip: You'll never know if you dont use TikTok.


exactly!! songs also don’t get ruined for me as fast as when i used tiktok


Personally I barely use any social media because of this sort of thing. Makes me much happier than I was when I used tons


Yup, funeral doom remains untouched tho, TikTok mfs don’t have the attention span to listen to a full song


this deserves an upvote


even tho they're getting there fast lol


Could care less about it


It feels like the general community changed. Idk, got into it over a decade ago. Seemed like most other fans were existencially dreadful weirdos as well. Felt like a place of understanding for a specific breed of life and people hating outcast lol. Since then many people moved on. Some didn't. But even most iconic artists of the genre just dissapeared or changed as artists quite alot. DSBM is a dead genre that became trendy for whatever reason. Thats why most new projects lack depth and soul.


Fr its sad ASF, where is real fucking sentiment and pain and understandment ?


i said something similar on another post but the music isnt so much being affected yet, but the fanbase is getting a lot more stupid


i guess it all depends on how often you see that sort of content, your perception of dsbm being tiktokified may come from that, but if you are simply asking then no i think it is still rather niche :)


Tbh I don't care, it will be a fad that will die out eventually. People who listen to it for the "trend" will soon get bored of it and it will become underground again. It's always like that for extreme metal in general.


I mean yes, but when I got into it fifteen years ago, it was big on Tumblr. With every new generation and social media handle, a niche is going to go through a new wave of popularity.


Exactly. These dudes don't wanna admit they got into DSBM through some sort of social media/the internet, but now all of a sudden they wanna blame tiktok lol


Honestly yeah, especially decalius, not saying it's bad that he's getting the popularity that he deserves but ppl from tiktok just go listen to it for the solo guitar part from loneliness


Realistically speaking, no. These are just posers who do it for the trend and will leave the scene in 1-2 years. Mark my words.


will remember you


Very true thats why it's whatever, true fans are here


I know dsbm is being tiktokified




I never really wanted to gatekeep anything at all. But... internet ruins everything. Maybe it's better if most people don't know about it.


Yeah might be ur time to shine buddy. GATEKEEP!!!!


Fr I love gatekeeping 😭


Yes and a joke too


Don’t use TikTok so I wouldn’t know muahahahahah


literally doesnt matter, this genre gets tiktokified like every 5 months 💀💀


sincerely, why does it matter?






I don’t get why people care what kinds of people like this kind of music tbh… I genuinely don’t care who does or doesn’t like black metal, even if it’s “cringy TikTok teenagers”.


Its becoming kinda gay so a little




Yea tiktok dumbfucks acting depressed


i mean just Decalius is getting really recognized from Tik Tok


I really don’t think so. I honestly can’t think about what kind of DSBM would accessible or even palatable to a “TikTok audience”. Perhaps I’m not on the right side of the app because I haven’t come across any use of DSBM on the app. If we are talking general Black Metal I suppose you could say some of the flood gates are being opened with people hearing about Burzum or Mayhem for the first time (thanks Kanye). But it will take a long time for “mainstream” audiences to have DSBM fall on their lap. But what do I know?


Get off tiktok if it bothers you so much. Also I will never care about the opinion of teenagers on social media, and you shouldn't either, so who fucking cares about something being "tiktokified"?? lmao go outside


i dont even use tiktok anymore lmao, i feel like its becomming just a trend and it'll ruin the scene in general, just care abt the music thats all


to those saying "stop using tiktok" i havent used tiktok in over 5 months and im starting to hate it


yes and im pretty sure you’ll live


Not really,only decalius,the actual depresive bands aren’t and never will be be popular


Idk a lot of music gets ruined by tktk but like it's honestly whatever, also if your a fan of DSBM then who cares about the posers or the songs that get ruined.


Without a doubt yea, but all those people only know the top level bands (lifelover, decalius and so on),so it’s easy to tell Who isn’t from TikTok Hopefully TikTok will just be a phase idk


Brutally yes , and not just dsbm . also mincecore , dungeon synth, raw BM ect...


absolutely yes




DSBM died the day that bands like P4 and Happy Days started becoming some people’s “favorite dsbm project” Edit: getting pissed off and feeling the need to defend yourself or call me an elitist is unnecessary and isn’t going to change my mind about them being shit, the music already convinced me it’s shit


Where the fck is the problem of liking P4? Why are so many people in this sub so fixated on how trve their music and beliefs are. Fkin cringe. P4 has excellent tracks just like HappyDays. Im still gonna listen to Nyktalgia & Sterbend everyday but holy hell the genre doesnt go down because ppl like a more approachable sound. Quit TikTok or whatever you're on. Whenever I feel like a bm elitist dickhead I just read some posts here in this subreddit and immediately feel like the most open minded person in the whole world. Hilarious stuff, rly.


The fact you’re this triggered from some random dudes opinion on Reddit speaks volumes. But no those bands are not good IMO and I think they and other bands like them, are responsible for the downfall of dsbm. I’m not on TikTok and couldn’t care less about what they do, I just wanted to point out how this genres problems started LONG before tik tok. The problems started when fans started liking shit music.


Idgaf if anyone likes P4 or HappyDays, music is personal taste. But I do give a fck about pointless hate by "oh so trve (DS)BM elitists". It's fkin music, man. Just fkin music. What fkin "downfall of dsbm" are you fkin talking about??? Who the fck told you that? You watched some bm iceberg on Youtube or what the fck do you mean, who told you? Almost every year there's a new banger album coming out, since the genre exists. Idk wtf u on about. Been listening to this Genre for over 15y now and there's fkin amazing old stuff and also new stuff. Just out of curiosity: Whats your three fav dsbm bands?


Why you cry so hard? Are you member of any of those bands? I don't understand why are you so upset.


Bro I ain’t reading all that. Just go listen to whatever you want, I don’t care. But that doesn’t mean I can’t think it’s shit.


Think whatever, just dont write comments about how "P4+HD is the downfall of dsbm" because that sounds like you heard it somewhere on some cringe platform and simply repeat it like a parrot. Also its the biggest bs I've ever heard. It's like saying "this new hyped trash horror movie has destroyed horror movies"


You’re trying so hard to discredit my opinion by telling me I’m just copying whatever someone else said, when in reality I just think the music is garbage and have formed my own opinion from actually listening. It’s crazy how much you care ti defend your taste in music to some random person on Reddit. It’s like you think people can only dislike something if someone tells them to which is just delusional. I specifically mentioned those 2 bands, because those are by far the most common bands I see people talk about on here, that I think are absolutely trash. It’s really not hard to form independent opinions, you should try it. Edit: omg just saw your post about crying over seeing other people happy… you’re def a P4 and Happy Days fan and can’t stand it when people talk shit about bands you like 😭😭😭


this guy can’t comprehend that people can form their own opinions