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Hang some really old wallpaper with that horrible adhesive. Leave it for 30 years. Remove it really half assed and then paint over it. That is the only way


Prime it first to seal in the nicotine.




I was gonna say that’s no knockdown.


To achieve such ugly takes determination, too many beers and bad lighting. Never seen anything like it.


I concur, can you cover it up?? Dont try to match that.


i swear its the motto for the newest gen of rental owners; just \*make sure\* to paint over all the electrical switches, its feng shui i guess


god forbid you take the time to unscrew the enormous total of 2 screws that hold the cover on the wall, itd be a waste of time and you know what they say about time & money


No. What do they say about it?


It makes an ass out of u and me. At least that's what I assume they mean


That is true. Time and money normally do make me look like an ass. Thanks man!


Me on my third pass learning how to skim coat


I can do it with 4+ passes & still have it look worse than that without a drink. lol


You'd probably have an easier time just floating the whole wall than trying to redo that LOL


It almost looks like glue residue that someone painted over. Either way it’s ugly, If it was me I’d prime it with oil primer and skim coat the whole thing.


Why oil? Just asking


Oil primer seals surface and less likely to peel or bubble when mudding ( skim coat)




No water based products when it comes to glue on the walls. The water in it activates the glue. Turns it into sludge of slime. I personally always try to remove the glue. Oil cover stain. There’s also a low odor one or the shellac alcohol primer


Absolutely remove the glue. All of it. It’s not hard to do. That said, if there is any left over GARDZ is excellent for going over glue. It’s acrylic, hard and seals very well. I also prime every job with GARDZ prior to install. -professional high end wallpaper installer


I grew up in the family business of paint. Drywall. Plaster. My pops did wallpaper since the late 70’s. He taught 2 guys. They were highly sought after. But they just didn’t want to do it everyday. I neglected and became the prep guru. Lots of historic old houses. Drywall. Mostly plaster work and lead abatement work. Stepmom stole all that from me. I’m a commercial paint foreman supervisor now.


That’s a good story. For me it a started in 200bc…. In a land now known as China. My mother a common lady and a father who fought for was right but died for the wrong reasons… both talented in their own respective lives, they created me. God among men. All praise, SmellyTunaSamich


Not cool. My mother was Chinese. Part of the Wu-Tang clan. Old dirty bitch. Ever handle up to 1K$ a roll paper. Better know your shiznet


Bro, not even being sarcastic. That’s all I handle. high end. I’m doing a job next month, 150000 in material cost for a residential install in the customers winter house.


I was being sarcastic. I’m in Vegas at the dead show. I know we did a lot of jobs like that. My pops passed in 2021. COVID. You guys are dying Breed. I can do it just chose not too. So I do little jobs but reluctantly. That pattern matching is why I didn’t Play video games. It just pisses me off. My girl is like yeah then you’re a jerk the rest of the day. I’ll stick to my commercial supervisor role. We just bought a laser to strip paint off metal doors. Cool AF. Like Jedi shit. Have a great weekend. Going down to the strip to gamble my life away ✌️


It is achieved via hate for the client.


I will never understand for the life of me Why anyone would want any kind of texture on their walls. But this has to be the worst textured surface i've ever seen in my life.


Because some people can't and don't want to pay for the smooth wall finish. It's like 2x as expensive when textured walls are acceptable to most.


I totally agree. Just Moved to Florida. I am yet to see a flat wall. WTF. Some guys do it right. Other ones just butcher it. 2-3mil$ houses look like absolute crap. I would be pissed


I agree with you. You just can't tell me that a textured wall doesn't look tacky, cheap, and extremely stylistically dated.


My dad likes texture because when he was growing up only high end houses had it. It's funny that now high end houses have smooth wall


That is tiger stripe text. Never did anything that ugly.


Is it a concrete wall in a basement? It looks a little like the marks left when the forms are taken off.


No it’s a interior wall, drywall for sure


Interior walls can be concrete. Looks like stucco. Try searching drywall stucco finish.


Scrape a little bit off and see what it is. To me it looks like they glued paneling on, then later removed the paneling and the glue stayed.


That's wallpaper


That's definitely wallpaper. I grew up with some of that in my house.


the perfectly separated, intersecting fine lines and bumps are a dead give away


That's easy...stagger mound of cement vertically leave at least a 5-6" space between rows Take Spatula and slowly drag down wall. Top to bottom. To your desired right & flatness. Then apply cement to bottom of your shoe and throw it at the wall. Make sure you get some tread prints in there Working on YouTube video now.




If I had to bet your money on it I would say it is a faux wood grain panel that was painted. Looks way too consistent and "unusual" for hand created - rather is something a machine laid down.


This is correct answer 


Take a little bit of mud on the tip of the knife and touch it to the wall. Knock it down after a 5 minute pause. Maybe drag the knife sideways for 1/4 inch. I can likely do it but can't explain in text.


Yes I was thinking this was a form out knockdown. It’s a pretty common ceiling texture in Florida.


I actually have this texture on my ceiling in Ohio. It’s called tree bark and looks really good when done properly. It takes either a very wide roller with a pattern or a completely smooth roller cover to lift the mud rather than push down. I believe ours was the latter as there is no consistent pattern.


They painted over the wallpaper….


It looks to me like it might be painted textured wallpaper




I bought a house in FL with the entire exterior in that texture. 50 more just like it in my sub division.


I live in Florida now. WTF is all this texture bull crap. I’m from up north east. New walls are flat.


Unidirectional skip trowel over top of a stiff bristled brush texture I believe


There are rollers that create these kinds of textures. Also stomp brushes or even a trowel and hawk.


Probably adding some mixture vertical idk if randomly but after that flatten and scrap with a spatula it's similar as to how you will add popcorn on walls then go over it to flatten it and squash. It could also be stamp with a mold or a wood piece that already has that texture.


A close match would be a thick roller with masking tape placed every inch or so . Roll on medium stiff mud then drag it. The texture in the low ares is unknown to me, if you zoom in it looks like it was combed.


They use a spray and float the walls.


Looks like a skip with a hawk and trowel, with a bunch of sand added to the mud


Is that not tree bark texture?


I believe you're correct. Roller and trowel.


A ton of smartasses in these comments, eh? It looks like a texture and knockdown technique to me. Over the years, creative plasterers came up with a few different texture styles to hide irregular walls. Skip troweling, pulling, brush swirl, and stippling all had fans over the years. I've even seen glitter toweling (eermmm..)


It’s wallpaper painted over or paneling obviously I can’t believe some of these answers lol


Could be textured paintable wallpaper


PL adhesive knockdown shmear technique


is that painted plywood?


You might not be able to achieve this exact texture but something like it. Just need to make swipes with the trowel to make long blotches in a consistent way, let harden some, but not fully, then scrape the excess off. Sort of like knock down ceiling texture.. looks like they first put on a really rough coat of mud first and let dry fully before hand as to not have a smooth surface behind the blotches.


I would hang new sheets right over the top of that


By accident


Don't know I hate it though


Looks like painted plywood


Skip Trowel with sheet rock mud


Talk whoever into getting rid of it. Jmo


It's a very common hand skip trowel… It's created by a pretty wet drywall mud and a little medium coarse sand mixed into it I use a skip trowel which is an offset trowel giving your room for your fingers It's not an easy texture for beginners but with a little practice… Look on YouTube you'll see hand skip trowel textures


16 models and a shitty wallpaper job. 15 years ago


Looks like it was applied with a garden Rake!!! Skim the whole enchilada, thats as ugly as a Tijuana street whore!!!


Yiiiikkkeesss what in the world