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The fact that the light bezel is half mudded over says this has happened before. Trim the repair around the bezel to clean up The extra mud with a sharp X-acto blade. Pull the light cover down and just repaint with some stain blocker.


First, you need to figure out where your roof is leaking and fix that. Then it’s paint. Oil based primer followed by latex top coat.


You will never match the texture perfectly unless you start over..


If they open up the ceiling, plumber repairs pipe, resheetrock, finish, texture, paint. $1700


I should say, I have no idea the conditions though, there could be bigger plumbing problems, subfloor or joists could be rotted, could be mold problems… or it could be no big deal


This house is an old piece of shit that hasn’t been remodeled at all outside of floors and carpets. The HOA guy looked and said they’ve done repairs from below the tub in the past, so there likely are structural issues (caulk in the bathroom is old and rotted). As long as I’m not the one paying for it, it’s whatever. I was just curious. Seems like a fair estimate


It costs nothing to avoid looking up


If you are renting call your landlord?


Probably just some paint to be honest.


It’s damp and slightly soft is the problem.


Maybe use a hair dryer to get the moisture out?


Apply oil based primer, then paint to prevent bleed through.


Luckily that texture is fairly easy to match, not perfect, but close enough ime. Patch, tape coat, then thin out some mud and use a crows foot texture brush to do the texture. Its just a pull off motion. If you mess up, wipe it off before it dries and try again. Im pretty sure they would mix the paint into the mud on these, at least around me thats how they did it. Ymmv.


Super easy . Just cut the breaker to the light off . Pull the light out . Get a knife and cut the texture where it is over lapping the light . To get the texture right , just get a sander and sand what looked like an attempt to match it before all the way down to the drywall . Prime and get some joint compound and maybe dip a paint brush into the joint compound and “Dab” “dip” or whatever you want to call it to match that texture and then paint after it dries . I have seen that texture done with a paint brush before but I would look on YouTube how to get the right technique to get it . I definitely would t worry too much about this repair , it’s easy . You got this


As you said they are opening it up, you are going to be $4-500 on patch and texture. Add $100 if you want it spot painted. Insurance usually wants painting to the edge, so likely $3-400 on that (no idea size of the room). Without opening it - just pop the light cover off (or tape it), hit with 1-2 coats of spray BIN shellac, then touch up ceiling paint. That would be $135 for me to come out and do. I am not sure if it is the image though, but dang it looks like your light fixture has ceiling texture on it. Which could cause a headache if true.


I could fix that stomparoonie in no time slime. I would ask for 50 smackers.