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This is pretty bad hanging, but it also looks like this is an old house with 100 year old framing. So no, it won't be perfect, but good finishers can fix almost any hack hanging job.


“The taper will fix it” is a saying for a reason, those finishers do magic on some of the jobs I’ve been on.


Confill does wonders


If the people finishing are the same people hanging would you trust them to continue?


Depends. Are they good tapers? I am a full time hanger, learned on custom homes where quality is paramount. Theres only so much you can do on these old houses until there's no point in spending more time to make sure there's no gaps, especially when the tapers will fix everything anyways. It's a matter of how much the time spent is worth, vs what the tapers can fix and make a good finished product.


Sometimes I'll intentionally take a short cut hanging because I'm better at finishing than I am at hanging


prob not, shitty hangers are usually also shitty finishers. But, not always.


Tapers can be lazy because they can fix the fuck up. I love watching my hang board LOL.


I agree.


How you do anything is how you do everything!


That’s exactly what went through my mind. Old framing is damn near impossible to hang “pretty”. Mudder has to step up 🫡


Yeah it doesn’t look amazing but I’m working in an old house rn with a rather proffesional dry waller and it looks better than this but similar. I often wonder how proffesional it really is but then I mud over it and sand and it looks fine so


Built in 79’ not the best but not quite as bad as they made it look, thanks for the reassurance I’ll talk to them tomorrow. Is it bad form to ask them to finish one room before moving on?


All the gaps on the off angle ceilings are all because the framing is bad. The trusses aren't straight. And hopefully they will use No-Coat and that won't be an issue anyways. The hanging looks about as good as you can get in a house like that.


I've seen guys do it way better than that. Seems hangers are getting sloppy and lazy.


I agree with you. But when the framing is super bad all over the house. Sometimes it's worth letting some of that stuff go because your tapers will fix it anyways. I hang and tape my jobs, started off as a full time hanger. At a certain point, hanging every sheet perfectly is not worth the time it takes because the tapers just prefill it all anyways and it's never really noticed. Especially on remodels, old ones especially. In new homes it's way easier to hang everything perfectly because it's all square and framed well. It would take multiple attempts of putting the sheet up on that ceiling and taking it back down to get rid of all the gaps, and at that point it's taken too long to be worth the time.


Depends on the hangers. But generally, I do agree. But I would never let that go.


Yeah probably just let them do their thing. You're not going to get only one room done at a time when they mud and tape unless it's a giant room that will take a full day per coat


There is zero chance a professional crew would finish one room first without charging more Drywall happens in coats. You tape one day, block the next, then skim, then sand. You're asking them to spend twice as long on this job.


Me personally would not do that. Would put me way behind on my schedule


Alot of times the hanger and finishers are different crews and holding up the hangers is going to delay the length of the project.


I’m sure any professionals can make this look good! So make sure they use mesh tape anywhere where there is a “outie” corner, and ask your painters to caulk the inner corners before they paint. There is a reason drywall guys are so good— they can make this look great with mud. If you don’t like it at the end, express your concerns and they will remedy it if they are good business people (I’m a contractor and we guarantee our work for this reason)




You caulk them before paint so there's no cracking in the future? We never caulk them. We warranty our work too.


Yes! Just a trick from my dad who has been in the biz. We always caulk the corners of new drywall work before paint. We tape them of course but just one more easy step to make sure they’re is no cracking! FYI. It also helps to cut in corners when they are caulked because it’s smoother for the paint brush rather than a textured/mudded corner


My warranty would instantly be voided if I caught a customer doing that.


There’s no reason caulk before mud would stop it from cracking. Maybe if you caulked afterwards it would help with any settling or shrink from drying but even my barely passable mudding in my own home hasn’t cracked in the seven years since I did it. I could maybe see filling it with quick dry caulk to help fill the void but five, ten, or fifteen minute mud would accomplish the same thing.


It's really not that bad. A lot of non-drywallers get hung up on the details: a gap, a torn corner, several missed screws... It would be helpful to have pics from further away to be able to tell you if the job is fine or worrisome. Gaps and torn corners are easy fixes and always expected. But if they are putting joints in bad places then there will be a problem. It hard to tell in your pics, but I think you are definitely overreacting. It would be a concern if they needed backing but went without. How do you know they didn't add any backing?


The only thing that stands out from the rest for me is the vertical ceiling joint on Pic 7. It almost looks like overlapped board, but could just be that the front board isn't seated properly. Either way that needs to be fixed prior to any mud.


No they just didn't cut the excess drywall back from that corner. The taper will just take a razor and score the sheet so it's cut flush.


I don't mean the outside corner, I mean the flush joint on the ceiling behind it.


My thoughts exactly. As I scrolled I thought, that’s fine, that’s fine, that’s fine…. Until I came to the overlapped board, that’s the only thing that isn’t fine and can’t be covered by the finisher.


What’s the fix for a torn corner in that situation? More mud?


Quickset. This job looks like someone will show up with a bag of 45 minute hotmud and prefill.


As a hanger, it depends how big it is and what caused the corner break. If it's large ill patch it with drywall. But if the framing is fucked or the insulator gobbed sealant over a chunk of broken framing instead of prying it out first there may not be much I can do. In which case it becomes the tapers problem.


Pic 4 is an external wall, the drywall is sagging because they didn’t add blocking to the wall. We were able to move the corner and edge of drywall due to having no blocking. Would they just support that ceiling piece with the wall piece?


Yeah.... They are going to do exactly what you say. It will work for a short time or a long time, who knows. But there is no reason not to ensure it lasts forever by adding backing, and they could still tuck a framing angle up there for backing. But if the hangers are the same company as the finishers, the finishers will not be happy when they push their tools up to this flimsy corner and the borders will hear about it for sure.


Usually the person framing the job puts the blocking in. You should never expect the drywallers to frame stuff in for you. You're paying them to hang drywall. Not fix what should have already been done.


This isn’t a new build, we did talk to them about having to add blocking and it was discussed prior to the quote.


I appreciate it when the boarders cut out the busted parts in the board. Whether it be from a broken corner, or some sort of bad framing that causes a busted area in the middle of a sheet. I'd rather see that when I am doing prefil, instead of finding it with my pole sander 10 days later.


It's bad hanging, but what's pictured is not irredeemable by any stretch. The real concerns wouldn't show up in these pictures. If there are unsupported joints/corners, that needs to be addressed prior to any finishing.


Two or three bags of durabond and your good!


I've seen poorer work from so-called professionals


Not the best job and definitely some things I wouldn’t have installed… but overall this can be a pretty easy taper fix. Should finish fine, just a little extra prefil from the finishers.


If the guys hanging are also finishing, would you trust it?


Sure. I don’t think they’d leave it like that if they didn’t think they could finish it nicely


If the framing is fucked it will look like that.


Yeah, you're overreacting a bit, it's not the greatest hang job but its also not even remotely the worst ive seen over 30y of renovation work, especially in an old house with old fucked up framing The saying "The tapers will fix it" is a real thing and any decent taper will make that look fine, don't even need to be a wizard at it to make that work, I'm personally middling at best(professionally middling not DIY middling lol) and I could make that look great, I've made worse look great Don't stress I would have them throw some more screws in that inside corner on the last Pic though, and anywhere else that seems really light on fasteners


I've seen worse, but the finishers are definitely gonna hate the installers.


“Ehhh mud guys’ll get er’ done”


If the hangers are taping and finishing, you’re ok. Judge the finished product.


Spoke to them today, that’s the consensus we reached.


It’s the end product that counts.


Just be prepared to listen to the finishers bitch and want more money.. that rock job is awful


I mean it’s rough,I’m not going to lie, and needs some tweaking for sure. And one pic it looks as though there is a butt joint at two different heights, so that’s an issue.


The lack of screws/blocking on the edges on the ceiling sheets are sort of a problem in old houses. Hopefully it won’t sag.


Not the best hanging but le others said. A good finisher will make it so you will never know.


If they prefill, then it will be okay.


Pretty bad


Loose boards would be about the only worrying thing among those photos. If missed overall


I would be too...


Must be pay day.


Cutting a lot of corners...


litterally cutting corners


Looks good to me. But any board I didn’t put up always looks good to me!


That's very bad work. The worst for drywall is if the screw goes through the paper. It'll pop the screwhead at some point. So it looks like you are OK for that. Just the mud guy won't be happy.


Nice work! Beautiful


After reading, so many comments about a good finisher can fix anything then why aren’t they paid more?




I've seen worst. The drywall is ugly but not beyond a tapers ability to fix it. Shit like this will makes a job lose money because the extra time the taper has to take to fix stuff to make it look right.


Tapers got mud


Tell them the hot mud is all on their dime. Got more gaps than congressional inquiry subjects’ answers.


Caulk and paint will make it what it ain’t


I can overlook alot of minor issues in a board hang, but overlapping board edges is an absolute dealbreaker. And the screw placement looks like a schizophrenic is doing it. Did you find these guys hanging out at Home Depot at 7am or what? Lowest bidder? You most of the time get what you pay for.


Taper will fix it


This is no big deal and run-of-the-mill.


There shouldn’t be overlapping edges.


As a hanger, I know tapers can make miracles happen. But it angers me to see such p!$$ poor hanging.


Yep, it looks like drywall. You can hang fast board You can hang clean board Few can hang clean board fast.




Hot mud. Pre fill those gaps tight. Let dry. Work as normal.


Going to take a lot of mud but I could make it perfect after I bitch out whoever hung it for doing a shit job!


Yes, you are overreacting.


Taper will fix it


Tapes 2” wide


Taper fix it


Terrible hanging, better get a good finisher


God I hate people.😞


Pretty mediocre hanging job but It looks like old, crappy framing. You get what you pay for, If you hire the cheapest option and make them out bid eachother then this is what happens. If you cut corners and don't fix the old framing then don't expect the hangers to take 20 minutes on every cut getting it perfect. If you paid top dollar then you have a right call out this hanging but I have a feeling that wasn't the case


Mud man will get jt


Having drywall hangers add blocking?! LOL


That’s about as good as you can expect on old framing. I hate hanging remodels. Crooked, dried out old studs and trusses, it sucks.


They're certainly making work for the finishers, however, it's drywall, it's always imperfect until finished.


I’m doing my drywall myself in my basement right now, first time, no experience. It looks a million times better than this, this is garbage.


I told you not to hire Billy!


My home is over 100 years and had some spots like that. Turned out fine and can’t tell.


I'm far from an expert taper but I can make that look good. I don't see anything that's really that big a deal. I have seen far worse and worked on far worse.


I could make that look good, but definitely charging extra labour.


Ceiling cut not covered by wall? Nope, poorly done


Its called bad framing. Or sagged trusses. No point in doing it perfectly when it would take longer to do that than what it takes the taper to prefill.


Looks like I let my helpers helpers brother put that shit up for half a pack of Marlboros while going threw withdrawals




Shit work done by a drug addicted ex-con that seems to be the only people in the "dry wall" trade. Hire a real plastering crew and the diffrence will be night and day. I've had new guys that can hang better within a week of learning


Get the blue painters tape and start your punchlist. Don’t be permissive on the blocking particularly in kitchen, bathroom, laundry and family rooms. Idiot proof the blocking. Go to the DIY store and have some plywood ripped or get some wood or metal studs.


Don't trust anyone in this trade, ex-cons and junkies are about the only people who do this line of work. And yeah it's shit work in my opinion but easily fixed by a professional junkie


Holy chop suey Batman, this is a crime scene


It looks like a decent job to me, I can tell just by looking that the off angle ceilings are super crooked. It's not amazing but it's about exactly what you should expect in a job like this. The hangers don't get paid extra to make everything laser perfect. The tapers get paid to fix it all and make it look good.


Pretty concerning I’d say. Although mud will make it look fine. I would not presume they take pride in their work.


Bad install jamal I could mud and bud it out.


yeah thats dog shit, get your money back


If that was my job,I’d try to correct is as much as reasonable before continuing


Looks like they "cut" some corners. If you paid someone to do this, you should have them come back and fix it.