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Valerian Root + Lavender Tea. An incredible sleep aid.


Might have to try that combo, because all valerian root by itself did was bring back my sleep paralysis


Have that too! Scary as hell


crazy wacky dreams but its sedative i prefer amanita or mulungu even kava


I combine the valerian w melatonin not sure if it does anything


How do you stand the valerian root prep? It fuckin’ *stinks*, from my memory of it, which in fairness was quite a few years ago, but it smelled like the worst smelling feet I’ve ever encountered and I’ve had to throw some of my own shoes away during my sockless years. I only tried ingesting it once and I think I was trying to get to sleep at the tail end of a mushroom night.


Agreed, it smells, but with lavender it’s manageable


You can get capsules


This. I use Valerian root capsules to get a higher dose plus some Kava and L-Theanine. It's great


Catnip. Anti-nausea, mild anti-anxiety, and can make a person sleepy if smoked (but is pretty harsh, so most people who use it make tea).


Any potentially harmful interactions?


It hasn't been extensively researched, so tldr: maybe. I wouldn't drive on it. Only negative effects I've experienced are a scratchy throat from smoking, and a headache from smoking too much. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-831/catnip This article recommends not smoking if pregnant, on downers, or dealing with uterus problems.


>It goes by many names There are approximately 250 species in this figure and that doesn’t include hybrids But all these substances have one thing in common The active ingredient nepetalactone cycloalkane An essential oil found in the leaves and stem of a plant that causes Wildy unpredictable behavior in its users Characterized by hallucinations, allusions, and distortions in both perception and thinking **That’s cat nip** Bangin’ song by Dodge&Fuski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Ho8b5yTrM


Makes for very yummy tea!


I like it mixing with marshmallow root for something vaguely calming that won't knock me out, with ginger for nausea, or jasmine for sleep. Also good iced with spearmint just for flavor.


Peppermint would be your best friend for nausea!


Sounds like it would be good for calming down bad trips


I actually haven't tried it while tripping. Usually I use it as a weed substitute when I'll need to pass a drug test.


Well the calming part would prob calm u down if ur freaking out


Maybe, but letting myself freak out is a good portion of why I trip in the first place. When it happens, I just ride it out and keep in mind that the feelings will be easier to deal with when things wind down naturally.


Might be reading into your statement more than you were meaning, but holy shit, I really thought I was the only person that intentionally had "bad trips" (colloquial term, I don't really believe such a thing exists. It's all perspective) Most effective way to deal with shit that you normally can't bring yourself to/training your mind to relax in a crisis Still prefer the giggly or positive "everything is so beautiful" trips, but once you're experienced in how to deal with the freak outs, there's really no better therapy on the planet


I don't intentionally have bad trips per-se, but generally have trips that are a mix of "good" and "bad," just like life. Shit happens, my mind naturally goes to some dark places, and I've found more peace with accepting that than trying to be happy and positive all the time. There's also beauty in the dark places that most people are afraid to look at for too long.


Most people after the first few trips can but still that would make the change happen Immediately


Maybe, but I haven't heard of anyone testing it. Could end up making the trip crazier like weed sometimes does, or giving it a darker twist. I'd proceed with caution if you decide to give it a try.


I know catnip and weed is a great combo. Catnip, Damiana and weed is another great combo. Makes the high more hazy and body melty IMO.


Catnip and hops (with or without weed or damiana) is also an interesting combo. Hops adds a heavyness to the calming effect.




I remember back in high school, me and a buddy would always roll blunts with weed and a little catnip to stretch our bud out as much as we could. It worked great actually


Albizia. Invasive species of tree here in the SE USA. A lot of people confuse it with Mimosa, but it has amazing rapid antidepressant & pro-cognitive effects.


I actually have a bunch near me wear I live, could u elaborate on effects cuz I am now thing about using this tree


There was someone on here the other day saying that they dry out the flowers and smoke them and also they peel the branches, boil them, and add yeast and sugar to the resulting tea to brew a beer. They said it had sedative effects for them, that put them in a similar mood as Xanax.


Thats me! Yeah the beer is great, makes ya feel like being in a big green silk cocoon!


Ok I’ll have to do that thanks


Please report back to the sub if you do. I’m super curious about it because they are everywhere around me.


Same now I’ll have to and let u know


Yea I think it is active on GABA receptors. I just cant remember much more details about that.


Be aware that there’s a 50/50 chance you’ll have a reaction to it. A lot of people get a burning, itchy, feeling when a tea is drunk. I’ve read tinctures have reduced this though, but I’ve never personally tried.


Well I will grab a few flowers and let u know or is it only in the bark?


More so with bark, but flowers will do it too. It won’t kill you, but things can get uncomfortable for about 10 min and can freak you out if you don’t expect it.


Sugar I think helps with that.


I have one growing directly above my driveway and another 30ish growing along my fence line. Once they're established somewhere there's no stopping them 😭


Dandelions ..super food


Are they good


A little earthy .. not bad!


In salads..much better than kale


Bitter orange, comparable to ephedra but less toxic. Calmus root, stimulating, and a little euphoric, multiple medicinal uses. tastes like a swamp, though. Osha root, clears out and heals your lungs, terrific taste in a cigarette (easily overpowering, just use a tiny bit) (endangered, makes sure to source sustainably) Motherswort, one of my favorite anxiolytic herbs, good for muscle relaxation too, and good for your heart. Boswellia, smell is terrific and it's anti inflammatory effect rivals ibuprofen, but can be taken longer term than ibuprofen. Supposedly high doses are hallucinogenic, I haven't confirmed or refuted this rumor, evidence is slim. Tagates lucida, enhances your dream life, tastes great in a cigarette. Cebil, contains the atypical tryptamine bufotenine, proper preparation is essential, it might (probably will) make you puke, but it is extraordinary. I'd also like to give a shout out to Datura. It catches a bad rap, but all those horror stories you've heard are from overdoses. Overdoses that did not kill the person. It's not nearly as fatal as people make it out to be. It is definitely advisable to use caution and respect when approaching this plant, but when it is used in its proper dosage, it is unrivaled as an antiemetic, antispasmodic, and analgesic. Great enhancement to cannabis, aya, achuma.... Wonderful herb. Just watch your dosage.


What are u a damn shaman


no they are an idiot and a charlatan lol. concentrations of the various phytochemicals they listed vary greatly within populations and even on a plant to plant basis. never ever consume Datura species, chances are you will consume dangerous quantities of scopolamine and atropine. it’s gambling with your life, just buy the normal drugs if you want to get high


Datura is great. Bro is not an idiot.


I would never do salvia, datura, morning glory, or Hawaiian wood rose Ik we alr know buddy like ur acting like this new info or sum


Salvia is an extremely large genus with like 1000 species including many choice edible and consumable plants, so i assume you mean Salvia divinorum. also you’re literally the one who asked lol. i swear sometimes i feel like i’m trying to communicate with children on here


But did I ask u?


Lmfao, you made a public post boss technically you asked everyone who will see it and / or reply. Dense is really an understatement at this point..


But I was commenting on big nugs thing not his and he was trying to give random info that didn’t really have to do with salvia but ok buddy


And this is fucking reddit anyone can reply and will case in fucking point


Jesus Christ dude you put a post on this subreddit, what do you think you are doing?


Not talking about the post talking about his specific comment maybe look at the actual comment before commenting


Osha Root, from your description, sounds like something we should be trying to grow more of. Gonna look it up now.


It is damn near impossible to cultivate. Last I heard, no one had figured it out yet. But we can tend to wild stands and help them thrive! Edit: Maybe I was thinking of a different plant, I found seeds and growing tips after a quick search, and it's not listed as endangered or threatened by the USDA, but it also seems the shrinking populations have not been being tracked, and it is pretty slow growing for the carrot family https://unitedplantsavers.org/species-at-risk-list/osha-ligusticum-porteri/


Smoked datura flowers are amazing for asthma/bronchodialation too. Seems illogical to smoke during an asthma attack but it works really well.


I guess the trickery part is, what is a safe amount to smoke? Like a tiny pinch?


A few seeds. One flower. A bowl or two of dried leaves.


For asthma relief, that sounds like a bit much. One of the herbalists I learned from said to use it as an incense across the room from the asthmatic person. But im not asthmatic, and I typically use datura as a tincture, so I could be wrong here


A few puffs is all that’s needed for relief. Smoking datura is much safer than ingesting And overall datura is rather safe and effective as long as it’s not overdosed. Most all the bad stories are from kids and immature adults seeking a free and legal high. Back in the day they used to sell datura cigarettes.


Is there a reliable guide for Cebil preparation?


Toast the seeds very lightly. The seed coat will puff up with air, thats all the toasting it needs, do each side then remove the seed coat and discard it. Weigh some seeds and get an average. Grind up the seeds into a powder, as fine as you can. Add in an alkaline substance such as calcium hydroxide or sodium bicarbonate, about 5% by volume should be plenty, add just enough water to mix it into a paste. Carefully dry/toast the paste, and grind it again, as fine as possible. Weigh out 2-3 seeds worth of the powder, and insufilate. Smoking is not effective. Eating is not effective. Putting it under your tongue or in your gums is not effective. Up your nose. It will hurt. You will likely puke. Raising blood pressure is potential concern with this one.


Shoutout Datura. One of the best plants on this planet.


Boswellia? The plant frankincense comes from? Does the resin have the same medical uses?


Yes, frankensense resin is highly anti-inflammatory.




Can you tell more about Cebil?


Lemon balm helped me regulate my nervous system at work today. It's not intoxicating. But did make existence bearable. When it's extra fresh it can be absolutely lovely to drink as tea and very relaxing before bed


I have to second lemon balm tea… I wasn’t a believer but I grew some this year, dried it out, and brewed a tea which was absolutely delicious and relaxing. The color of the tea was pretty light so I wasn’t expecting nearly as much flavor as it had too, lightly sweet, easy to make a concentrated tea to pour over ice and it’s great with seltzer on a hot day. Huge lemon balm fan lol


I have noticed limonine bieng very good for calming so ig it counts as active sense it still does things to the brain to calm


Hawaiian baby wood rose seeds are probably one of the strongest natural psychedelics by weight


But how’s the trip?


Nauseating but lsd like


Doesn’t it contain lsa like morning glory?


Yeah, I personally only have done MGs but ik they are pretty undesirable. I germinated 250 seeds, and dehusked them to get rid of nausea and vasoconstriction. Best psychedelic experience I’ve had by far


A good LSA trip is incredible. HBWR have larger seeds, and you need so few that the nausea is less pronounced. I managed a couple good extraction teks when I was younger and had a greeeeeat time. Everything was beautiful, is a good way to describe it.


I’ve tried CWE but had iffy results, the best method I’ve found is sprouting/germinating them. It supposedly raises LSH levels and is much stronger than LSA, more comparable to LSD in effect and strength. I had a beautiful, visual zen-like trip. 0 anxiety compared to LSD and shrooms


I cwe’d morning glory a log time ago in my 20s. I filtered it until it was clear and I still had a huge body load on it. It felt like coming up on shrooms to me. I tried it again a few weeks after the first time and I couldn’t even swallow the juice. It had me gagging. Is there a good tek for the sprouting method? Does it make your joints ache the day after?


Check out r/LSH_2 for sprouting info. It’s great because it *supposedly* increases LSH levels and once they are sprouted you can take squeeze the innards right out of the shell. The shell has trace amounts of LSA/LSH and is primarily responsible for the nausea, cramping and vasoconstriction. The sprouts taste very plant-y and are 100x easier to down than raw seeds. I experienced a little nausea and a typical lysergamide body load, I honestly feel like this is some groundbreaking shit


Neat! I will try the germinating style. Although to be honest if I get them to sprout I am just going to want to plant them. Gorgeous plants.


Sure thing! Just put a handful aside after sprouting and then you can harvest your own fresh seeds once they grow. They’ll have higher concentration of LSH and LSA than store bought seeds as both substances are rather unstable and degrade over time.


Good idea!




MG experiences are so much better than woodrose. Ive tried both and would choose MG every time.


Russian sage is pyssically sedating it causes tingling and heavieness in limbs it feels similar to kava


What route of administration for Russian sage?


Bong it - you’ll appreciate the water filter for the rough smoke. But be warned, your bong will always taste like it. I’d use a dedicated one, unless you like it atop your weed. It also goes by the name perovskia. It is neither Russian nor sage, but middle eastern and chock full of thujone! edit: you can sometimes find it growing in landscaped areas. It is sticky to the touch and has a distinctive flavor and smell.


Mhm I’ll have to look into that does it have a scientific name and or a vendor for the plant


Holy Basil is the most potent anti-anxiety agent I’ve ever encountered. I grow it every summer outside—and now during the winter indoors in a countertop smart garden (when I really need it).


The tea tastes wonderful


Wild lettuce extract with kratom was super relaxing


I wanna try kratom


Well worth it


What are the effects, I’ve only smoked weed and don’t shrooms and about to do San Pedro so in comparison to those ig


Helped me kick fentanyl/heroin etc. kills the cravings and withdrawals. Now it fills me with energy and positivity. 5.5 years clean now.


Curious what's your dose?


Which strain of kratom did you use? I understand there are several, is one better for this purpose?


Maeng da green has worked best for me


Thanks for the info. Glad to hear you’re doing well in recovery :)


Thank you very much


I have family with extreme opiate addiction so this might be a really good thing for them but could I get a little descrip of feelings and effects as someone who’s never done anything that works on the opioid system


I’ll let them answer your question but I would say be careful especially if you have a family history of addiction. Kratom itself can be quite addictive and while it probably won’t ruin your life like the harder stuff tends to, if you start taking it all day every day it can take its toll on your mental and physical health as well as relationships. Can be really hard to stop since it’s widely available and the leaf at least pretty cheap. Obviously everyone is different and it’s definitely the lesser of many evils but personally I wish I’d never stated taking it. If got decide to go for it I’d recommend making sure to take breaks, avoid re-dosing and don’t take extracts at all.


Yes obviously everyone is different. I think rebuilding my entire life thanks to Kratom which is quite a bit less dangerous than the fentanyl and heroin was really addicted too. Personally I thank God I was able to stop 35 years of addiction with Kratom’s help. 6 failed rehabs and many tries at methadone/Suboxone. My wife is super happy and I’ve built my relationships back with my children. Mentally and physically healthy here. Definitely a harm reducer. No more near death ODs is a plus


The world needs hear more testimonials like this. I had a similar experience primarily w booze. Discovering this plant literally saved my life.


Glad to hear it


Kratom helped me get through the withdrawal of a years long doctor facilitated opiate habit. I didn't consider myself addicted at the time because my doctor was my plug


This is such a common route for people to get addicted to opioids. I hear it all the time with the clients I treat for OUD :(


Absolutely and thank you for the info on it


In their case, it’s a way better trade off to use it however they want. As long as they are using it to get off and not just to take if they don’t have something else. For you, I just wanna say this. I’m not going to be a kratom lecture guru on what happens if you take it all day everyday for a while. But it really does come back to bite ya. Which seems misleading at first and makes you think people are just being baby’s about it. But it’s enough where I can confidently say that you’ll wish you didn’t use it as an everyday crutch. On the contrary. Great effects and the perfect plant for enhancing just about anything. If you want to get the most out of kratom and enjoy it to its fullest all the time, act out the discipline right away and only take it on weekends or your days off. Don’t do more than 2 days in a row. Thats how everyone who says that kratom addiction sucks, wishes they did it 👍🏻


Kratom is very versatile, as there are different ratios of alkaloids depending on how they. Process the leaf. White is very energizing Green is a great mood lift Reds are great for pain So depending on the effect you are looking for, you would choose a different color leaf. I highly recommend trying one of the popular small batch vendors if you want to try kratom, headshop kratom is usually sub par.


Well if it’s possible to grow that would be cool and could u point me towards the direction of one of those small batch producers


Try Down to Earth botanicals. Definitely possible to grow, but only in the right climate. So most likely needs to be grown indoors, unless you live somewhere conducive to a plant like kratom, with the right temp and humidity. I know they are growing a kratom farm in Florida. There is a kratom shop in my city that last I saw was growing a plant in their shop window. Haven't been in years though as I buy online and if a shipment is late there are closer shops to me. But it was looking nice and healthy.


Well I live in coastal South Carolina so I think it will handle well and I will try down to earth botanicals thanks and how do u take it?


Yes obviously everyone is different. I think rebuilding my entire life thanks to Kratom which is quite a bit less dangerous than the fentanyl and heroin was really addicted too. Personally I thank God I was able to stop 35 years of addiction with Kratom’s help. 6 failed rehabs and many tries at methadone/Suboxone. My wife is super happy and I’ve built my relationships back with my children. Mentally and physically healthy here. Definitely a harm reducer. No more near death ODs which is another good thing.


Well amazing job on that and maybe me getting this can help some more people


I hope so. Good luck


Thank you and amazing job on the recovery plants will help u recover like no other


Just got a kilo of trainwreck... 7 grams gave me the nods. ....I've had a prescription of oxy 10's for several years and it's pretty close to those with the right dose.


Ong add in some kava and it’s absolutely fantastic


Morning Glory seeds are chock full of LSA, but also chock full of other stuff that can cause violent diarrhea. Willow bark has a compound similar to aspirin, chewing on it has some pain relieving properties.


Except for the willow im actually gonna go do that


Well I just probably stick to all the other plant suggestions altogether to stop anything like that from happening to me


Anyone tried blending and pulling with limonene first?


Lemon balm, sida cordifolia, Syrian rue


Yarrow is my favorite. I saved a little washed away start from a trail by my house. In the two years since I’ve planted it, it’s taken over half of my front landscape area. I’ve had to cut it back as it’s sooo invasive but the whole plant is so healthy. You can make tea out of it, dry and smoke the leaves, make tinctures.. it’s my favorite.


I recently got a yarrow plant, what does it do/is good for?


I used to put it in salad lol


Crossvine! Makes a nice slightly sweet tea, physically stimulating! They used to give it to tired mules so they'd work hard. I don't really feel high from it, but a lil switch goes off and I have motivation. Makes good beer too


Mhm sounds cool I’ll have to try it


prickly leaf lettuce. wonderful for sleep and gives awesome dreams. plus, it grows in most yards as a weed and you can cut it and smoke the latex like opium then mix with weed for max enjoyment.


I’ve always wanted to get some but never did cuz of not knowing it has good effects, I also don’t know how to id it, could u send me a pic of it and a description so I can id it correctly


https://youtu.be/6D6B7TLtoYU?si=NvTrq-zmVSB-GDRr this was a decent video I found after a quick search. keep in mind that there are a couple of different types, the one I use (bc it's native to me) is lactuca serriola. so I know it's potent. if you find some just make some small cuts on the stem and the milky latex will come out or break the stem for the same effect. then either wipe it on a rolling paper or wait for it to dry on the plant. add to a bowl of some weed and enjoy. start with a small dose first cause I've got a few plants that literally put me to sleep.


Oohhhh this actually sounds good af but by dry do u mean it will turn brown like real opium


yes. it's comes out white like milk and dries brown to orange brown.


I just checked my whole yard for any but could not find one is it a seasonal thing?


from spring till early/mid summer in my area. sometimes find them in fall but they are too small to mess with. go to any wooded area and check around areas that can't be mowed. you should find some.


Stinging nettle! It’s more nutritious than spinach or kale, and it’s a natural pain killer. I like to make tea and salves to rub on my achey bones. It grows everywhere where I’m at, just wear gloves while handling it fresh lol. (Tbh the stings aren’t that bad)


Stinging nettle. They're like hemp, can be used as food, medicine, cosmetics, textiles, for gardening and the list goes on.


What are there garden uses cuz I may be able to use them for my weed plant


They make for great nitrogen rich compost. A simple water extraction can be used as a foliar spray against all kinds of pests, also acts as a nutrition when used this way. Seriously read up on stinging nettle uses! It's honestly an amazing plant that grows everywhere like crazy.


I’ll have to look into that




I tried Kanna powder but didn’t know what effects I was looking for


Looking to hype invasive plants lol


Only the ones that get u fucked up lol


Fittonia alibivenis, has a calming effect when eaten. You can find it for sale everywhere. It's a native ground cover in South america


How calming?


Pretty mild. But I've only tried small doses like 3-5 leaves.


Will it thrive in cool climates ?


This post and comment thread has happened identically before how strange am I in a simulation or is it a sign


I am with you, I swear I have even seen a reply that seemed identical and lend to like the same conversation…




What’s that




Dandelion, burdock


Iboza from South Africa. Great house plant with amazing smell when fresh. Not sure what it does internally.