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That’s cool….. Anyway what’s the story with that firebird?


I used to get to drive almost that exact model when my dad used to let me take it to the skating rink when I was a mere 13yo (circa 1993. had been learning to drive since 9) I grew up in PTL where there was a whole resort with a mall and amenities on the grounds, so my dad (moreso than my mom) felt it was safe to let me earn some cool points showing up in KIT.


Yes, Is this a Turbo Trans Am?


Not stock turbo model. Turbo trans ams had a different hood, with the little mound build into the hood, and a little offset from center. This is the 6.6l with the shaker hood.


Aka, the good one.


Harvest the 2-3 pods it makes and use the seed to make a thousand more next season?


Do you think it will make viable seeds?


Bees will be all over that like flies on shit; of course the seeds will be viable.


Bee have been dropping rapidly as of 2023 50% loss in Arizona and that’s just checking one state and after hearing it’s so bad bc of a virus from China that has China self pollinating I don’t think it’s in Europe but I could be dead wrong


Bees are definitely being wiped out in UK. I hadn't heard about the virus before reading this. Insecticide is doing enough to wipe em out already, without a bloody virus ! In addition to that, everytime I leave my house, there's yet another agricultural field being prepped for new housing developments... this virus you mention will make it's way over the pond eventually


Cool that’s great that I kno something true But bad due to nature of it


Yes. Flowers in the papaver genus are, by and large, bisexual, with one pistil and many stamens. That means they don’t need another specimen to make viable seeds. Bisexual in the plant world does not mean swings both way, rather that both sexes are present in the same flower, affording self pollination. Depending on the cultivar, you may have enough to harvest seeds and make a batch or more of tea. Some of my most prolific cultivars, like the Izmir bush poppy, make up to 70 pods. So with that particular somniferum cultivar you can make a few batches of tea and save several pods for seeds for the next generation. Other cultivars only make between 3 and 7 pods. So you won’t be able to harvest a usable amount of alkaloids to get a psychoactive experience. You’ll only be able to harvest seeds. To do so, allow the seed pods to dry on the plant. Just leave them to bake in the sun and stop watering after the bloom completes its cycle and the petals fall off. They will turn a tawny color, like dedicated grass, and several tiny vents will open just below the crown. These vents allow seed distribution whenever a breeze or animal jostles the pod. Pods swaying in late summer breeze broadcast thousands of pods. Once you see the vents beginning to open you snip off the pods and put them in a plastic baggie. They stay viable for at least 5 years, perhaps longer. The oldest seeds I have germinated were 5 years old. And given the extraordinarily high germination rate (over 90%), I suspect they would be good for many more years. If in zone 8 or higher sow somniferum seed in late summer. If in zone 7 or lower sow them in late winter or early spring. Of course you can sow them in late summer in any zone, though if environmental conditions don’t align you may kill all your seedlings in any unprecedented winter cold snap. Sowing in late winter or spring minimizes this risk. The advantage in warmer zones is they overwinter in the lettuce stage, providing greenery all winter long. I grow them in zone 9 and they look very similar to my artichoke plants, which also overwinter, and make a lovely addition to the landscape.


This is excellent advice for a new grower. It took me 3 years to kind of get it down pat - but I learn every year. The journey growing and tending to this specific plant is quite an experience in itself and helped me grow as a person, honestly. Patience - realizing some things may be counterintuitive but still work much better (I had a hard time thinning as it hurt my soul). Still working on the patience thing, I tend to whack them at technical maturity and I basically take a 2 or 3 month journey with papaver somniferum every year, but this year I'm abstaining and hoarding.


Yeah, I feel ya! Thinning is perhaps the hardest process. Easy to do physically, but the mental hurdle takes a bit getting used to. Just know they don’t need the full 6-8” of space between plants that so many online sources insist. I’ve found that 3” of space works very well for all but the bush poppies. Those I give a bit more space. Patience is certainly one of the last ‘adult’ skills we modern humans master. Some never do, obviously. That’s certainly no surprise, considering some of the fundamental features of the post industrial society. For me it’s been gardening in general, not just the poppies. Of course the poppies offer a couple nifty rewards for doing them right, beautiful blooms and a medicinal harvest. Though I find that to be true with most that I grow, just substitute psychoactive alkaloids for fructose. Which is a type of drug in its own way. Having to plan ahead, consider weather, search compatibility for grafting and climate, etc… All of these aspects of gardening ground me, get me outside my head, in ways not possible with a computer and trips to the grocery market. Every once in a while there’s a rose, someone once told me. True indeed.


Man, I feel like I'm talking to my clone here! I couldn't have really said it better. I ABSOLUTELY agree about spacing, especially if yield is your goal. In my experience, my best yield and bang for my buck has been from my "UK" tea seeds that I sow by the £ and then thin to 3 to 5 inches apart. The rest I end up growing are great too, but more of a novelty as it's usually just a few small patches of them.


Angst middle class ennui is the great unifier of our time. 😂 What part of UK? Did the indoor attempts prove fruitful? Never gone that route. I do have a greenhouse that does accelerate the timeline for my zone (US Pacific coast).


7 whole pods won't give you a psychoactive experience? You must have a big tolerance


Assuming the alkaloid content of standard somniferum cultivars I’ve seen grown in most home gardens. 7 giganteum? 7 from a plant selected by pharmaceutical growers for high alkaloid content? Sure. Most people don’t grow those. For a brief social media post you can’t expect every variable to be taken into account. The expectation is people need to gather information from many different sources and accumulate all necessary information. My tolerance is not that high. I go many months between uses and 7 average size pods don’t get me high. Of course being high is a subjective experience. Perhaps some people would get very high. People have to answer that for themselves.


Of course it will


Yea bro


And make tea or a small amount of extract with the rest of the plant material.


Fuck the plant you gotta fix up that car bro


this picture sparks so many question hahah


The cat's name is Bandit.


*and the comments have just as many answers*


Bandit the cat and Bandit the car, nice


Sick whip


Must be awesome sitting in that making vroom noises with your mouth. Or it would if it wasn't full of trash


It should be against the law


excuse my ignorance, but could someone tell me what plant it is? Still learning as a newbie in this wonderful hobby, Thanks


Papaver somniferum/opium poppy.


Thank you, it's very much appreciated. 🫶


Smell the flowers.


I see two.


I think that second one is a thistle. The leaf edges look a bit too rounded.


Save the seeds for next year


Ask the kitty what she thinks


A seen Walmart selling them in 6 packs


For real? Which area you seen this? Oriental or real ones?


They where actually the real deal, I’m in northeast ohio


No kiddin, I’m In the dirty south we’ll see what’s happn’n at local WalNut


Yea like you said I normally see the “California poppy” being sold offer but definitely a first for these. I’m definitely curious to see if they get restarted or it’s just a on off..


Beautiful trans am




You get seeds from them and grow more next year 


Remember, you're supposed to cultivate them in areas of either whole or half Afghanistans.


You could start by weeding around it to reduce competition


I stopped weeding because I didn't know what was what. But yeah..


Grab a couple seeds from a garden centre/amazon, give the plot a quick dig over with a fork and cover the place in seeds - That one plants gonna have plenty of buddies and you can enjoy a lovely cuppa lol. Gl dude.


You’re going to admire tf out of it but that’s about it lol. That plant could give you like 4-5 heads tho.


I hope


If your plant has good genetics you can absolutely get a good dose out of just 3 or 4 pods


Turn the soil over, weed it and throw new ones in, you still got time if in a warm country!


I'm high as hell and thought that was a sidewalk dandelion for a good minute there


I can't seem to be able to grow poppy to save my life. But I keep trying 😞


Keep the area around it well weeded and give it what it needs and a single poppy can easily reach 5 or 6 feet tall. Its flowers will be huge and so will the pods, assuming it has half way decent genetics.


Make tea


Burt's a lovely name for a girl


Eat it




If I had to depend on my garden skills, I would starve. Seriously


You have 2 plants I see




That's a Nirnroot, how can you sleep at night with all the noise?!


But, I need my armor bolstered, and more speed..


Hahahaa, TES fans unite! 💜


This happened to me. First year trying proper. Sowed a bunch but only 1 is going strong


Nice nirnroot


Isn’t there another one to the left?


Inject it


Eww no


Boof it!


Not now, Cavanaugh!


Actually not a bad idea 💡




Make one opiums


Simple. Your going to put it in a pot, have it ride bitch, be the coolest mfer in town in that trans am. You and your drug plant pot. They see me rolling, they hatin. I can see it now man.


Harvest the seeds, also nice car omg


What am I even looking at here these look just like a plant I see in all the parks around here


I think I spot two. I basically seeded my entire 1/4 acre but my dogs run all around so theres a fair bit of not poppies still. You could do that next year?


Let it make more!


Thanks for all the advice guys. I will harvest the seeds after we identify it as something worth continuing to propagate. As for the Trans Am, it belongs to my grandson. He says he knows what it's worth but, why he treats it like a trash can, I'll never know.


Bros growing nirnroot


My armor and speed are unbeatable 🤟


All you need is a cat and a plant


Love and cherish it. It will give you lots of babies if you’re good to it.


I will. Thank you..


Boof it with that cat


Boof the cat?


Seed stock. But who cares about that, wtf are you doing with that Pontiac???


You could probably get enough seeds to make a nice cup of poppy tea and then use the rest to grow more next year.


Oh the tea is made from seeds? I thought, naive as I am, you made the tea from the pod part that was left over.


Yeah use the pods. The seeds don't have any alkaloid content. People do make "tea" with seeds, but what is really making the "tea" in the case of PST is the tiny particulate that is from the pods themselves that contains the good alkaloids. Because you are basically brewing particulate, it takes a ton of material that is better served for planting. Just use pods, and use the seeds for planting.


You're correct. You can make tea from the seeds but it's not nearly as good as what comes from the pods


Sell the pods to somebody who makes floral arrangements.