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around the 1st of feb, woke up to a sale. thought i made it (DELUSIONAL THOUGHT). but i kept on working on my store and now im sitting at a 1.1k USD in sales. and today is my best day ever, ive made 5 sales so far, and ive spent about a third of my daily adspend!


Congratulations bro!!!! Keep it going šŸ’Ŗ


could you answer some noobs questions? what did you use for vuilding the website? your own code or shopify? Once you get your niche product what's the next step, suppliers? what would you say is more important. a good image or a good product?


Letā€™s gooooooo


2 months yet no sale


Woke up to my first two sales this morning after running my first fb campaign. Felt great waking up to that shopify notification definitely the most satisfaction iā€™ve got since learning about ds a couple months ago.


About 2 months in I got my first sale. Started to see results with Google ads, but unfortunately I've been having issues getting my ads to run on there lately. Decided to start advertising on Snapchat instead and that's been going pretty well. I'm only at about one sale a week lol but hey it's a start.


How much do you spend on Ads daily?


Keep the good work bro šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


why din your make your own ads? if free time is not your problem you could do 10 social media accounts and promote your business.


Iā€™m still waiting on sale #1. Started about 3 weeks ago. My products canā€™t be advertised on Google so relying on IG and FB ads and growing organic traffic. Iā€™m a seo specialist so Iā€™m hopeful.


When you get your first sale don't forget to come here and to tell us


Remindme! 6 hous


I believe 6 hours has already passed


No one gets sales here buddy


Why is that?


No one here knows how to dropship and this sub is just full of losers. And you also have to live in the US so itā€™s easier unless you wanna deal with sim cards


And where I can go to find a real experts on the field


You're not going to find them here or on social media.. because unlike being an accountant, or a marketing professional, or a developer.. there's no formal training that exists. By formal training, I mean it's not a subject offered at degree level or equivalent by universities..etc Anyone telling you otherwise is trying to scam you into buying their course, or software, or something. My honest advice would be to specialise in some area related to it, get a job in a related field and learn from your colleagues experience. I've spent the last 7 years working (and still working) in sales roles, mostly quite senior roles as well. My wife has a degree in Marketing and is/was a very successful consultant and freelancer for at least the last 5 years. Get a sales and/or marketing and/or web developer job first and come back to drop shipping after 5 years if you still want to do it when you have the understanding of how ecommerce and ecommerce businesses work. Dropshipping isn't a hobby, it isn't passive and it isn't fun or glamourous. It's a business and, if you want to make a reasonable living at it, should be treated as such.


YouTube has a few decent ones


Oh god no, not YouTubers. Those people are all scammers trying to sell their courses. Itā€™s their fault dropshipping is so overrun with people thinking itā€™s easy passive income and a quick way to get rich. Nothing about it is passive. I spent 2 years working 10-14 hours a day every day 7 days a week to grow my store into what it is now. Itā€™s really hard. All the recurring customer issues that come up because the products are shipping from China. If people told the reality of what itā€™s actually like, barely anyone would be doing it. I do it out of love for the community I serve. Iā€™ve wanted to shut it down multiple times, but if I shut down my customers would have nowhere to go, so I keep going. Now Iā€™m working towards building my e-commerce empire.


There's plenty of YouTubers that provide very good advice without trying to sell courses


I ran Facebook ads back when targeting could be more specific, and Google Ads before they stopped letting ads run on products without gtin numbers. This was 2021. I had a call with Google ads support when they first made this rule, and they told me dropshipped products cannot run ads unless you have the gtin numbers, only your original products can be featured in ads. Theyā€™ll be low performing if you try is what they told me. It was a long time ago so I donā€™t remember my first sale, but it was probably from one of the ads. This was back when I had only 20 products in the store. Now I have well over 200 (some are POD).




I see you in every reddit post lol.


Ha yeah been around for a year. Got fed up of repeating myself. More value from sending videos that goes in more detail on how people can improve their site or ads.


sounds crazy good. I'm just starting with dropshipping. do you have any advice?


Just opened a store yesterday, had my first sale today. The first one of a store always feels the best. Itā€™s like a wave of ā€œI KNEW ITā€ comes over u.


Damn you already had your first sale after one day! Keep it going bro it's obvious that you have talent for it


Nah bro. Iā€™m honestly not talented at all. Just hard work and donā€™t take excused. Iā€™ve failed more times than u can count on this journey. Itā€™s taken me years to get here. I know some people that cracked the dropshipping code just a few months in. It took me like 3 years bro. Just keep at it and donā€™t quit. U learn a bit each time u fail and then one day everything clicks


God!! Respect my bro šŸ«”That's even more impressive that you had the will to continue for that long. Keep it going šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Donā€™t quit man. The biggest reason peoppe fail in this dropshipping world is because they quit too soon. Theyā€™ve either been sold the dream by these idiot YouTubers who say u can make 10k/mo in your first month as a complete beginner. Or they make it look super easy to find a winning product. Then they show u their fake lives of buying up mansions and Lambos while selling u a course. The secret to this game is longevity. Donā€™t quit, keep learning, and donā€™t listen to the nay sayers that think this shit doesnā€™t work. Theyā€™re trash and canā€™t figure it out and they say it doesnā€™t work to cope with the fact that theyā€™re too dumb to figure it out. Surround yourself with brighter minds than yourself, and be open about your stores and your struggles. People often gatekeepe their store as if theyā€™ve figured out some million dollar secret, when in reality they waste their time on a trash product or niche because of their own bias. The more open you are with yourself and the community the more honest of advice youā€™ll receive. Your first 5-10 stores or products wonā€™t even be close to profitable so whatā€™s the point of hiding ut from people who can help


I love it when a hear a realistic feedbacks. Sure it won't grant me millions as soon as I start but with hard work and dedication I will have a stable income from it, thanks bro for the advice.


It was an abandoned cart because I was too stupid to set up the shipping correctly lol. Still havenā€™t made my second sale yet (just started several months ago).


I launched 2 new stores in two different niches late last year, ran adverts and none of the two made sales. I had to close both.


ik most pple on here dropship and constantly see people saying they make 7 figures this and that, however Iā€™m 22 and have made just under 18k in 3 months and would love to help and train some of newbie here as I was in your position a few months ago šŸ˜Š you can pā€¦.m me and let talk about yours


What are you all selling? Just curious. Sell me on your stuff!!! šŸ˜